| VISUAL BOOK INDEX | ACTIVE BACKLIST  20 Years 010 Edited by Hans Oldewarris, Peter de Winter. Published for 010 Publisher’s twentieth anniversary in 2003, this volume celebrates the publishing vision of Hans Oldewarris and Peter de Winter, 010’s founders. Besides hundreds of monographs by and about Dutch architects, 010 has published >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789064505003 978-90-6450-500-3 US $35.00 CAN $47.50 FLAT40 Hbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 296 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 04/30/2013 Out of stock
|  2086: Together How? Text by Eman Abdelhad, M.E. O’Brien, Alice Bucknell, Federico Campagna, Serang Chung, Yunjeong Han, Soik Jung, Hyewon Lee, Kyong Park, et al. This reader is published alongside the Korean Pavilion project at the Venice Architecture Biennale, which presents visions of eco-conscious urban and rural landscapes, as developed among South Korean architects and community activists. The book comprises >>more Mousse Publishing ISBN 9788867495832 978-88-6749-583-2 US $30.00 CAN $44.00 TRADE Pbk, 4.75 x 6.75 in. / 432 pgs / 38 color / 8 duotone / 13 b&w. Pub Date: 01/16/2024 In stock
|  This volume collects the photographs taken by Swedish architect Sigurd Lewerentz (1885–1975) during his travels around his native country. Focusing on popular architecture, traditional construction, church interiors, landscapes and cemeteries, this series is key to >>more Walther König, Köln ISBN 9783753301921 978-3-7533-0192-1 US $39.95 CAN $55.95 FLAT40 Flexi, 5.75 x 8.25 in. / 136 pgs / 128 b&w. Pub Date: 01/10/2023 Out of stock
|  Using enigmatic negatives found in Sigurd Lewerentz’s archive at the Museum of Architecture in Stockholm, A Trip to Italy further explores the Swedish architect’s legacy through his personal travel photos. >>more Walther König, Köln ISBN 9783960988328 978-3-96098-832-8 US $39.95 CAN $47.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 5.5 x 8.25 in. / 144 pgs / 128 b&w. Pub Date: 07/06/2021 Out of stock
|  49 Cities By Dan Wood, Amale Andraos. Contributions by Michael Webb, Chip Lord, Sam Jacobs. Throughout history architects and planners have dreamed of “better” and different cities—more controllable, more defensible, more efficient, more monumental, more organic, taller, denser, sparser or greener. With every plan, radical visions were proposed, ones that >>more Inventory Press ISBN 9781941753057 978-1-941753-05-7 US $36.00 CAN $47.50 TRADE Flexi, 8.5 x 10 in. / 272 pgs. Pub Date: 04/14/2016 Out of stock
|  A Country of Cities By Vishaan Chakrabarti. Foreword by Norman Foster. Illustrations by SHoP Architects. In A Country of Cities, author Vishaan Chakrabarti argues that well-designed cities are the key to solving America's great national challenges: environmental degradation, unsustainable consumption, economic stagnation, rising public health costs and decreased social mobility. >>more Metropolis Books ISBN 9781935202172 978-1-935202-17-2 US $29.95 CAN $39.95 TRADE Hbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 252 pgs / 150 color. Pub Date: 05/30/2013 In stock
|  A Genealogy of Modern Architecture is a reference work on modern architecture by Kenneth Frampton, one of today’s leading architectural theorists. Conceived as a genealogy of 20th-century architecture from 1924 to 2000, it compiles some >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037783696 978-3-03778-369-6 US $40.00 CAN $54.00 TRADE Hbk Pub Date: 11/25/2015 Out of stock
|  A New Nature is a book about architecture as the organization of material. It unfolds an idea of working witharchitecture and urbanity as conditions rather than form. By experiencing cities and cultural landscapes asstates of >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037784822 978-3-03778-482-2 US $65.00 CAN $97.50 TRADE Pbk, 9 x 11 in. / 600 pgs / 574 images. Pub Date: 11/25/2015 In stock
|  A Place in the Shade By Charles Correa. Charles Correa’s A Place in the Shade explores architectural and urban issues in India, from the house as a machine for dealing with the country’s often hostile climate to the metaphysical role of architecture as >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775734011 978-3-7757-3401-1 US $55.00 CAN $72.50 TRADE Pbk, 7 x 9.5 in. / 246 pgs / 1 color / 200 b&w. Pub Date: 09/30/2012 Out of stock
|  A Section of Now Edited by Giovanna Borasi. Text by Helen Hester, Joanne McNeil, Ann Neumann, Nina Power, Jen Schradie. Featuring essays by Helen Hester, Joanne McNeil, Ann Neumann, Nina Power and Jen Schradi, A Section of Now offers a meditation on new behaviors, rituals and values and their spatial implications, seeking to catalyze urban >>more Spector Books ISBN 9783959055079 978-3-95905-507-9 US $45.00 CAN $63.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 350 pgs / 90 color / 4 b&w. Pub Date: 12/13/2022 In stock
|  A State Beyond the State By Ting Chen. Introduction by Kees Christiaanse. Drawing on primary data, A State Beyond the State points out the threats posed by typical projects of single SOEs (state-owned enterprises), and explores alternative development potential. The Special Economic Zone Shenzhen serves as the >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462083493 978-94-6208-349-3 US $60.00 CAN $79.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 320 pgs / 250 color. Pub Date: 10/24/2017 Out of stock
|  Absolute Leisure Text by Winy Maas, Alexander Sverdlov, Felix Madrazo, The Why Factory. Flexible working hours, cheap flights to every far-flung corner of the planet, millions of downloadable films, television programs and songs at our disposal: we have become a society of leisure devotees and connoisseurs of pleasure. >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056627669 978-90-5662-766-9 US $35.00 CAN $47.50 TRADE Pbk, 6 x 8.25 in. / 352 pgs / 300 color. Pub Date: 11/22/2016 In stock
|  Architectural historian and leading voice on Adolf Loos, Christopher Long returns with another commentary on the Austrian pioneer of modern architecture. Adolf Loos (1870–1933), an opponent of ornamentation on buildings, designed buildings in Vienna that >>more KANT ISBN 9788074373954 978-80-7437-395-4 US $25.00 CAN $37.50 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9 in. / 144 pgs / 39 b&w. Pub Date: 11/05/2024 In stock
|  African Water Cities Edited by Kunlé Adeyemi, Suzanne Lettieri. This volume presents essays, stories, research and photographs showing how African cities by waterfronts deal with two of the most significant trends of our time: urbanization and a changing climate. On the African continent, the >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462087767 978-94-6208-776-7 US $50.00 CAN $72.50 TRADE Pbk, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 272 pgs / 200 color. Pub Date: 10/03/2023 Out of stock
|  After Belonging Edited by Lluis Alexandre Casanovas Blanco. After Belonging examines the objects, spaces, and territories of our transforming condition of belonging. The global circulation of people, information, and goods has destabilized what we understand by residence, questioning spatial permanence, property, and identity—a >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037785201 978-3-03778-520-1 US $35.00 CAN $52.50 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 400 pgs / 517 images. Pub Date: 11/21/2016 In stock
|  Amphibious Housing in the Netherlands Text by Anne Loes Nillesen, Jeroen Singelenberg. With its polders, dikes and waterways, the Netherlands boasts a unique tradition of architecture on/in proximity to water. Climate change and urban expansion have intensified the relevance of amphibious architecture for our times. This volume >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056627805 978-90-5662-780-5 US $45.00 CAN $60.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 9 x 11 in. / 160 pgs / 130 color. Pub Date: 09/30/2011 Out of stock
|  And Now Ensemble! Edited with text by Miroslav Sik. Text by Adam Caruso, Hans Kolhoff, Vittotio Magnago, Lampugnani, Quintus Miller. And Now the Ensemble! is intended as a challenge to architects, their clients, and commissioning authorities to understand and create urban development as a dynamic and collective work of art; in short, to make dialogue >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037783115 978-3-03778-311-5 US $20.00 CAN $30.00 TRADE Hbk, 9.5 x 6.5 in. / 96 pgs / 3 images. Pub Date: 10/25/2012 Out of stock
|  In 1987, Berlin celebrated its 750th anniversary on both sides of the wall that partitioned the city. In their efforts to recognize this milestone despite the literal division of their country, architects in East and >>more Kerber ISBN 9783735607003 978-3-7356-0700-3 US $69.95 CAN $97.95 TRADE Hbk, 11 x 9.75 in. / 224 pgs / 174 color / 16 b&w. Pub Date: 06/01/2021 In stock
|  Architectural Papers V concentrates on the new conditions for architectural practice and the epistemologies that may inform it now that the financial bubble has collapsed and living and working conditions have significantly changed. Essays, studies, >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037782309 978-3-03778-230-9 US $35.00 CAN $52.50 TRADE Pbk, 9.5 x 6.5 in. / 160 pgs / 175 images. Pub Date: 03/01/2011 Out of stock
|  Architecture After Speculation Spain’s speculative landscapes may be perceived as a test zone for a model of global urbanization that was introduced with neo-liberalization in the 1990s. The huge vacancy rate and the consumption of the landscape in >>more Spector Books ISBN 9783959050173 978-3-95905-017-3 US $15.00 CAN $21.50 TRADE Pbk, 8 x 5.75 in. / 260 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 09/06/2016 In stock
|  This book brings together a diverse range of exemplary architectural projects from across the globe. Carefully selected and examined by a team of experts, these projects demonstrate innovative approaches that respond to the challenges and >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037785232 978-3-03778-523-2 US $40.00 CAN $60.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.25 x 9.5 in. / 344 pgs / 215 images. Pub Date: 12/29/2016 In stock
|  Architecture and Structuralism By Herman Hertzberger. The Dutch Architect and writer Herman Hertzberger (born 1932) is internationally recognized for both his built work and his written work. His buildings (such as Centraal Beheer in Apeldoorn, built in 1972) and his publications >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462081536 978-94-6208-153-6 US $45.00 CAN $60.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 288 pgs / 300 color. Pub Date: 01/26/2016 Out of stock
|  Architecture in the Netherlands Edited by Samir Bantal, JaapJan Berg, Kees van der Hoeven, Anne Luijten. For nearly 25 years, Architecture in the Netherlands has provided an essential annual overview of the best in Dutch architecture. This year the editorial team selected 30 projects from over 400 submissions, including work by >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056628062 978-90-5662-806-2 US $60.00 CAN $79.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 9.5 x 12.5 in. / 184 pgs / 400 color. Pub Date: 08/31/2011 Out of stock
|  Architecture of Consequence Text by Ole Bouman, Anneke Abhelakh, Martine Zoeteman, Mieke Dings. Architecture of Consequence began life as the Dutch presentation at the São Paolo Architecture Biennale in 2009. “Shape our country!” was the call that the Netherlands Architecture Institute (NAi) made to its public over a >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056627263 978-90-5662-726-3 US $35.00 CAN $47.50 TRADE Pbk, 8 x 10 in. / 168 pgs / 128 color. Pub Date: 03/31/2010 Out of stock
|  Architecture on Common Ground: The Question of Land Edited by Florian Hertweck. Text by Dirk Löhr, Sylvia Claus, Giovanni la Varra, Franziska Eichstädt-Bohlig, Tanja Herdt, Laura Weissmüller, et al. How we deal with land has far-reaching implications for architecture and urban development. The last decade has seen a dramatic rise in the privatization of urban land and in speculation. Many European cities that today >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037786031 978-3-03778-603-1 US $35.00 CAN $52.50 TRADE Pbk, 5.5 x 7.75 in. / 392 pgs / 40 color. Pub Date: 04/13/2021 In stock
|  How have spatial changes affected the welfare experiences of citizens? What happens when long-standing institutions are restructured, dismantled or displaced elsewhere? How do emerging types of welfare space inform—or become informed by—shifting conceptions of the >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037786918 978-3-03778-691-8 US $50.00 CAN $75.00 TRADE Hbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 464 pgs / 598 color. Pub Date: 09/20/2022 In stock
|  Around Amsterdam's Waterfront Edited by Sabine Lebesque. Text by Maarten Kloos, Pito Dingemanse, Ronald Hooft, Harkolien Meinsma. The banks of the IJ river in Amsterdam are undergoing a spectacular transformation, and new buildings, construction sites and even works of art are everywhere to be seen. This volume tracks more than 200 projects. >>more Valiz ISBN 9789078088486 978-90-78088-48-6 US $24.95 CAN $33.95 TRADE Pbk, 5 x 8.25 in. / 192 pgs / 220 color. Pub Date: 06/30/2011 Out of stock
|  Beyond Dikes By Marinke Steenhuis, Paul Meurs. This publication illustrates and explains the ways in which the Dutch respond to increasing water threats along rivers and coastlines in the Netherlands, concentrating on 30 of the most recent interventions prompted by the effects >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462083844 978-94-6208-384-4 US $75.00 CAN $99.00 FLAT40 Hbk, 9.5 x 12 in. / 256 pgs / 300 color. Pub Date: 02/27/2018 In stock
|  Binational Urbanism By Bernd Upmeyer. In an era of unprecedented mobility, people can now live and work not only in different places, but even in different countries. Binational Urbanism examines the lifestyle of these people who start a second life >>more Valiz/Trancity ISBN 9789492095060 978-94-92095-06-0 US $26.50 CAN $36.50 TRADE Pbk, 6.25 x 8 in. / 224 pgs / 32 color. Pub Date: 12/29/2015 Out of stock
|  Bold Visions: The Architecture of the Royal Ontario Museum Text by Kelvin Browne. "If architecture fails, if it is pedestrian and lacks imagination and power, it tells only one story, that of its own making: how it was built, detailed, financed. But a great building, like great literature >>more Royal Ontario Museum ISBN 9780888544575 978-0-88854-457-5 US $65.00 CAN $87.00 TRADE Hbk, 10.75 x 11 in. / 200 pgs / 100 color / 75 b&w. Pub Date: 02/01/2009 In stock
|  Border Environments Edited with text by Riccardo Badano, Tomas Percival, Susan Schuppli. Over the past 15 years, the Centre for Research Architecture at Goldsmiths, University of London, has brought together established and emergent scholars to create a space of critical encounter for developing expanded spatial practices and >>more Spector Books ISBN 9783959056861 978-3-95905-686-1 US $35.00 CAN $50.50 TRADE Pbk, 6.25 x 9 in. / 170 pgs / 100 color / 20 b&w. Pub Date: 09/26/2023 In stock
|  Building Critique Edited with text by Gabu Heindl, Michael Klein, Christina Linortner. Text by Iva Cukic, Liza Fior, Eyal Weizman, Ana Jeinic, Johannes Pointl, Nina Kolowratnik, Jane Rendell, Ruth Sonderegger, Pelin Tan, Matteo Trentini. For much of the 20th century, critique played an important part in what was considered “modern” architecture; the canon of modern architecture considered itself dedicated to both formal progress and social critique. But as the >>more Spector Books ISBN 9783959052375 978-3-95905-237-5 US $25.00 CAN $34.95 TRADE Pbk, 6 x 8.5 in. / 200 pgs / 50 b&w. Pub Date: 09/01/2020 In stock
|  Building Urban Nature Edited by Piet Vollaard, Jacques Vink, Niels de Zwarte. The follow-up to Making Urban Nature, Building Urban Nature is a plea for nature-inclusive, bioreceptive architecture that inspires designers to give nature a place in their work. Linking ecological theory with building practice, it helps >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462088115 978-94-6208-811-5 US $49.95 CAN $71.95 FLAT40 Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 240 pgs / 300 color. Pub Date: 03/26/2024 In stock
|  Seeking common ground between designing urban spaces and making pictures, Candide 12 offers cross-disciplinary dialogue on visual research methods from practitioners of urbanism and photography. >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775748537 978-3-7757-4853-7 US $22.00 CAN $30.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 140 pgs / 50 color. Pub Date: 03/23/2021 Out of stock
|  Carrousel Confessions Confusion 1 Text by Gideon Boie, Maarten Delbeke, Peter Swinnen, Jan De Vylder. In this series of books curated by Zürich-based Studio Jan De Vylder, renowned international architects reflect on important buildings, gardens, books and moments in their lives and careers. The first set in this series includes >>more Walther König, Köln ISBN 9783960985020 978-3-96098-502-0 US $40.00 CAN $56.00 FLAT40 Slip, pbk, 3 vols, 7 x 9 in. / 204 pgs / 170 color / 16 b&w. Pub Date: 01/21/2020 Out of stock
|  Charas: The Improbable Dome Builders Introduction by Buckminster Fuller. Text by Syeus Mottel. Interview by Ben Estes. In 1970 a meeting took place in an empty loft on the Lower East Side of Manhattan between R. Buckminster Fuller, the revolutionary architect and inventor of the geodesic dome, and six ex-gang members who >>more Pioneer Works Press/The Song Cave ISBN 9781945711053 978-1-945711-05-3 US $27.00 CAN $37.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 240 pgs / 150 b&w. Pub Date: 02/27/2018 In stock
|  Check In Check Out Text by Christian van t Hof, Floortje Daemen, Rinie van Est. In the public domain, ever-greater varieties of digital equipment surround us. Surveillance cameras ensure our safety, antennae and sensors track the speed of our cars, while electronic gates decide who is to be granted access >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056628086 978-90-5662-808-6 US $40.00 CAN $54.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 160 pgs / 35 color. Pub Date: 05/31/2011 Out of stock
|  Cinematic Rotterdam: The Times and Tides of a Modern City Contributions by Floris Paalman. Cinematic Rotterdam explores the role that cinema played in Rotterdam’s urban development between 1920 and 1980. Exploring the city’s backdrop in a variety of feature films and avant-garde classics, it also describes how the city >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789064507663 978-90-6450-766-3 US $59.95 CAN $79.00 TRADE Hbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 688 pgs / 800 color. Pub Date: 04/30/2013 Out of stock
|  Urban planner Els Leclercq and architect Mo Smit analyze the material structure of neighborhood initiatives. >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462087415 978-94-6208-741-5 US $50.00 CAN $70.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 160 pgs / 400 color. Pub Date: 05/23/2023 Out of stock
|  Cities in Transition Edited by Wowo Ding, Arie Graafland, Andong Lu. Text by Saskia Sassen, Fulong Wu, M. Christine Boyer, Vittorio Lampugnani, Eric Swyngedouw, Marc Angélil, Joan Busquets, David Grahame Shane, George Baird. Half of the world’s population currently lives in cities, and within two decades, this figure will increase to 60 per cent. For many, cities offer the opportunity for work and income, education and better living >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462082434 978-94-6208-243-4 US $59.95 CAN $79.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 432 pgs / 150 color. Pub Date: 01/26/2016 In stock
|  City Riffs traces the changing perspectives of urban design within an ever-changing global context. Moving between sixteen cities, the book also considers trans-disciplinary aspects of urbanism; formal and informal growth in Kumasi and Caracas, post-colonial >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037785003 978-3-03778-500-3 US $35.00 CAN $52.50 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 160 pgs / 30 images. Pub Date: 05/22/2017 In stock
|  City Shock Text by Winy Maas, Felix Madrazo. In a world of seemingly ever-increasing instability, many urban planning decisions seem to be governed not by vision, but by fear--fear of disaster, of change, of the unknown. What can we learn from this state >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462080072 978-94-6208-007-2 US $35.00 CAN $47.50 TRADE Pbk, 6 x 8.25 in. / 318 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 04/30/2013 In stock
|  Rotterdam is a city known for its high-rises, dating back as far as 1898 with Het Witte Huis, which, at 43m, was considered Europe’s tallest office building at the time. This volume reviews the past >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462087996 978-94-6208-799-6 US $40.00 CAN $58.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 192 pgs / 120 color. Pub Date: 10/03/2023 In stock
|  City of Comings and Goings Edited by Michelle Wouter, Massimo Bressan, Signe Sophie Boeggild, Stephan lanz, Christoph Reinprecht, Justinien Tribillon, Annuska Pronkhorst, Lena Knappers. City of Comings and Goings explores how architectural design and planning play crucial roles in Western European cities marked by migration—such as London, Berlin or Vienna. The book collects essays by local scholars in these >>more Nai010 Publishers ISBN 9789462084933 978-94-6208-493-3 US $50.00 CAN $69.95 FLAT40 Pbk, 8.25 x 6.75 in. / 320 pgs / 300 color. Pub Date: 10/29/2019 Out of stock
|  Climates Edited by James Graham. This book is a collection of essays at the intersection of architecture and climate change. Neither a collective lament nor an inventory of architectural responses, the essays consider cultural values ascribed to climate and ask >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037784945 978-3-03778-494-5 US $46.00 CAN $62.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 384 pgs / 246 images. Pub Date: 07/25/2016 In stock
|  Co-Machines: Mobile Disruptive Architecture Text by Dan Dorocic, Mimi Zeiger, Kim Dovey, Alan Smart, Nick Green, Fiona Shipwright, Michael Maginness, et al. This handsomely designed volume maps out a new architectural movement motivated by practices of place-making, occupying and squatting. All the interventions are mobile and nearly all of them are installed without permission from city planners.
Presenting >>more Onomatopee Projects ISBN 9789493148222 978-94-93148-22-2 US $24.00 CAN $34.00 TRADE Pbk, 6 x 8.25 in. / 232 pgs / 25 color / 72 duotone / 26 b&w. Pub Date: 05/25/2021 In stock
|  World's Fairs and International Exhibitions have always had a political as well as a commercial and cultural context. This was particularly true during the Cold War between America and the Soviet Union. Jack Masey served >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037781234 978-3-03778-123-4 US $28.00 CAN $42.00 TRADE Hbk, 9.5 x 6.5 in. / 424 pgs / 200 images. Pub Date: 01/31/2008 In stock
|  As community becomes a more dominant paradigm in how architecture is produced, more people become involved in its creation. This implies a change in the role of the architect from being an individual author to >>more Arquine ISBN 9786078880157 978-607-8880-15-7 US $35.00 CAN $50.50 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9.25 in. / 432 pgs / 200 color / 8 duotone / 182 b&w. Pub Date: 11/07/2023 In stock
|  Collective for a Socialist Architecture Edited by Jesko Fezer, Nikolaus Hirsch, Wilfried Kuehn, Hila Peleg. Text by Philipp Oswalt. The Proletarian Building Exhibition took place in Berlin in 1931 and was developed by the Collective for a Socialist Architecture, who intended it to stand in opposition to the German Building Exhibition. Wohnungsfrage has revisited >>more Spector Books/Haus der Kulturen der Welt ISBN 9783959050470 978-3-95905-047-0 US $29.00 CAN $39.50 TRADE Pbk, 11.75 x 11 in. / 100 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 03/01/2016 In stock
|  Comeback Cities Text by Nienke van Boom, Hans Mommaas. For centuries, certain cities in Europe were dominated by the textile industry—until the industry relocated to lower-wage countries, leaving these formerly prosperous cities languishing, their abandoned factories sitting unpurposed and untenanted. Comeback Cities presents the >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056627072 978-90-5662-707-2 US $55.00 CAN $72.50 FLAT40 Flexi, 6.75 x 9.75 in. / 256 pgs / 150 color. Pub Date: 03/31/2010 In stock
|  Compendium for the Civic Economy “A civic economy is emerging,” this book declares, “one which is fundamentally both open and social.” In the aftermath of the financial crisis, and in an era of profound environmental and social change, a collective >>more Valiz/Trancity ISBN 9789078088004 978-90-78088-00-4 US $29.95 CAN $39.95 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9 in. / 196 pgs / 50 color / 200 b&w. Pub Date: 04/30/2013 Out of stock
|  Complexity and Contradiction at Fifty: Robert Venturi's "Gentle Manifesto" Edited by Martino Stierli, David Brownlee. Text by Jean-Louis Cohen, Lee Ann Custer, Peter Fröhlicher, Diane Harris, Andrew Leach, Mary McLeod, Stanislaus von Moos, Joan Ockman, Emmanuel Petit, Martino Stierli. Contributions by Sam Jacob, Stephen Kieran and James Timberlake, Michael Meredith, Pier Paolo Tamburelli, Deborah Berke. Interviews with Rem Koolhaas, Stanley Tigerman. First published in 1966, Robert Venturi’s Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture, widely considered the foundational text of postmodernism, has become an essential document in architectural theory and criticism. This new two-volume boxed set presents a facsimile >>more The Museum of Modern Art, New York ISBN 9781633450622 978-1-63345-062-2 US $45.00 CAN $62.00 TRADE Slip, hbk, 2 vols, 6 x 8 in. / 296 pgs / 450 b&w. Pub Date: 07/23/2019 In stock
|  This publication provides a comprehensive overview of the first female architects in the Netherlands. Margaret Staal-Kropholler, Grada Wolffensperger and 20 other women who received architecture degrees before 1945 provide the basis for this indispensable reference >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462088153 978-94-6208-815-3 US $49.95 CAN $71.95 FLAT40 Hbk, 6.75 x 8.5 in. / 384 pgs / 200 color. Pub Date: 03/26/2024 In stock
|  Constellation.s Contributions by Michel Lussault, Francine Fort, Michel Jacques, Fabienne Brugère, Guillaume Le Blanc. Constellation.s, published to accompany and extend an exhibition at Bordeaux’s Arc en Rêve, brings together perspectives from the social sciences, philosophy, architecture and economics to examine how cities are being reorganized to prepare for the >>more Arc en Rêve / Actes Sud ISBN 9782330089276 978-2-330-08927-6 US $55.00 CAN $72.50 FLAT40 Hbk, 7 x 9.5 in. / 780 pgs. Pub Date: 02/27/2018 In stock
|  Consumer Culture Landscapes in Socialist Yugoslavia Edited with text by Nataša Bodrožic, Lidija Butkovic Micin, Saša Šimpraga. Text by Tvrtko Jakovina, Igor Duda, Ana Grgic Sanja, Matijevic Barcot, Branislav Dimitrijevic, Dragan Markovina, Darovan Tušek, et al. As MoMA’s recent exhibition Toward a Concrete Utopia showed, the Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia launched a unique experiment with progressive social policies, matched by unique urban and spatial development. The period from the end of >>more Onomatopee ISBN 9789493148000 978-94-93148-00-0 US $35.00 CAN $39.95 TRADE Hbk, 5.5 x 8.5 in. / 488 pgs / 9 color / 176 b&w. Pub Date: 06/18/2019 In stock
|  Contemporary Feminist Spatial Practices Edited by Melissa Makele, Anh-Linh Ngo, Torsten Lange, Charlotte Malterre-Barthes, Daniela Ortiz dos Santos, et al. This publication interrogates how forms of social injustice are entwined in the built environment, positing that the fight for gender equality in architecture must be linked to antiracism, anticolonialism, antitransphobia and antihomophobia. >>more ARCH+/Spector Books ISBN 9783959057011 978-3-95905-701-1 US $35.00 CAN $50.50 TRADE Pbk, 9.25 x 11.75 in. / 232 pgs / 180 color / 70 b&w. Pub Date: 09/26/2023 In stock
|  Cultural Emergency in Conflict and Disaster Edited by Georg Frerks, Berma Klein Goldewijk, Els van der Plas. “All that we're wrecking is stones” was Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar's dismissal of the Taliban's destruction of the Buddhas of Bamyan, the largest standing statues of Buddha in the world. The intention of the >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056628178 978-90-5662-817-8 US $60.00 CAN $79.00 SDNR30 Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 400 pgs / 57 color / 84 b&w. Pub Date: 12/31/2011 Out of stock
|  Cycle Infrastructure Text by Stefan Bendiks, Aglaée Degros. As cycling continues to enjoy a worldwide revival, experiments in new cycling facilities are underway everywhere. Cycle Infrastructure includes international examples, interviews with the makers of prominent cycling routes and a glimpse at future innovations. >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462080515 978-94-6208-051-5 US $55.00 CAN $72.50 TRADE Pbk, 8 x 10 in. / 192 pgs / 150 color. Pub Date: 09/30/2013 In stock
|  Cycle Space By Steven Fleming. Cycle Space is the first book to view the city through the lens--or rearview mirror--of the bicycle. It features portraits of eight major cities and their respective cycling cultures: New York, Chicago, Portland, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462080041 978-94-6208-004-1 US $30.00 CAN $40.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 176 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 04/30/2013 In stock
|  Datapolis Edited with text by Paul Cournet, Negar Sanaan Bensi. Data is the glue that holds our digital society together: self-driving vehicles, satellites, global internet cable networks, data centers and humanoid robots provide tangible evidence of the complex and connected world we inhabit. Yet a >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462087194 978-94-6208-719-4 US $55.00 CAN $77.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 256 pgs / 200 color. Pub Date: 10/10/2023 In stock
|  Designing Change collects in-depth interviews with 12 leading urban planners, architects and designers concerning the rapid increase in urbanization in the 21st century. By way of extensively illustrated case studies (with over 400 images in >>more Nai010 Publishers ISBN 9789462084810 978-94-6208-481-0 US $65.00 CAN $90.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 512 pgs / 200 color / 200 b&w. Pub Date: 06/25/2019 In stock
|  This book is a call to build lighter. As a result of the rush to ever bigger cars, condos and airplanes, Dutch writers Adriaan Beukers and Ed van Hinte were forced to confront the combination >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462085466 978-94-6208-546-6 US $60.00 CAN $84.00 TRADE Hbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 320 pgs / 200 color. Pub Date: 05/26/2020 In stock
|  Displayed Spaces Text by Giovanna Borasi, Emanuela De Cecco, Tina di Carlo, Anne Holtrop, Wilfried Kühn, Andres Lepik, Carmelo Marabello, Julian Schubert, Ilka & Andreas Ruby. The curators of architecture exhibitions are often concerned with the problem of how to present objects that ultimately cannot be brought into the exhibition space. Such shows are often difficult for lay audiences to interpret; >>more Spector Books ISBN 9783944669694 978-3-944669-69-4 US $30.00 CAN $40.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9 in. / 176 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 07/01/2015 In stock
|  Don't Be Afraid to Participate! Text by Natalie Schaller. Illustrations by Sabine Hirsig. The development of housing in the major European cities is facing a number of challenges in these days of rampant urbanization. This trend is coupled with a growing interest in home ownership and increasingly diverse >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775741781 978-3-7757-4178-1 US $15.00 CAN $21.50 TRADE Pbk, 5 x 7.5 in. / 96 pgs / 20 color. Pub Date: 08/23/2016 Out of stock
|  Doors of Learning: Microcosms of a Future South Africa Text by Regina Bittner, Igor Bloch, Joyce Lam, Essi K Lamberg, Esther Mbibo, Nokubekezela Mchunu, Michalina Musielak, Lucas Rehnman, Jordan Rowe. A 1988 UN Habitat seminar considered issues of housing construction in “developing countries.” Included in the presentation was a prefabricated building system designed by East German architects, which was used in an education and development >>more Spector Books ISBN 9783959057462 978-3-95905-746-2 US $15.00 CAN $21.00 TRADE Pbk, 4.25 x 5.75 in. / 200 pgs / 10 color / 30 b&w. Pub Date: 03/05/2024 In stock
|  Double Dutch By Bernard Hulsman. In Double Dutch: Dutch Architecture since 1985, architecture critic and journalist Bernard Hulsman describes the unprecedented boom experienced by Dutch architecture in the past quarter-century, discussing over 100 buildings that characterize the fascinating and turbulent >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462081604 978-94-6208-160-4 US $40.00 CAN $54.00 TRADE Pbk, 8.5 x 11 in. / 192 pgs / 113 color. Pub Date: 03/24/2015 In stock
|  Dutch New Worlds Text by Christian Salewski. In the late 1980s, the Dutch planning and design elite went to unprecedented lengths to convince the public of their ideas. But the quest to reshape the Netherlands as a whole failed dismally. Their attempt, >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789064507793 978-90-6450-779-3 US $55.00 CAN $72.50 FLAT40 Hbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 352 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 04/30/2013 Out of stock
|  Entropic Empire By Lieven De Cauter. What with global warming, the war on terror, extreme political polarization, an unstoppable demographic explosion and migration, anarchy and chaos are becoming parts of our world system in hitherto unprecedented ways. What to call the >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462080287 978-94-6208-028-7 US $32.50 CAN $42.50 TRADE Pbk, 5.75 x 9 in. / 224 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 02/28/2013 Out of stock
|  In this collection of essays, noted architectural historian and University of Texas professor Christopher Long (author of Adolf Loos on Trial) examines some of the many influences that shaped the work of the great architect >>more KANT ISBN 9788074372773 978-80-7437-277-3 US $25.00 CAN $35.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9 in. / 168 pgs / 48 b&w. Pub Date: 04/28/2020 In stock
|  Essays on Jane Jacobs Edited with preface and text by Jesper Meijling, Tigran Haas. Text by Peter L. Laurence, Ebba Högström, Catharina Thörn, Per Svensson, Jill L. Grant, Saskia Sassen, Ola Andersson, Peter Elmlund, Vania Ceccato, Michael W. Mehaffy, Eva Minoura, Blake Harris. Author of the hugely influential Death and Life of Great American Cities, the urbanist writer and activist Jane Jacobs (1916-2006) never received a college degree nor any formal training in urban planning, but her eight >>more Bokförlaget Stolpe ISBN 9789198523690 978-91-985236-9-0 US $30.00 CAN $42.00 TRADE Hbk, 6.5 x 9 in. / 300 pgs / 60 color. Pub Date: 09/15/2020 In stock
|  Is democracy spatial? How are the physical aspects of our cities, houses, streets, and public spaces—the borders, the neighborhoods, the monuments—bearers of our values? In a world of intensifying geo-economic integration, extreme financial and geopolitical >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037783818 978-3-03778-381-8 US $35.00 CAN $47.50 TRADE Pbk Pub Date: 04/05/2017 In stock
|  Europe City: Lessons from the European Prize for Urban Public Space presents a multifaceted and diverseplatform of ideas about European public space and its social, cultural and economic significance. Based onseven themes—or lessons to be >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037784747 978-3-03778-474-7 US $35.00 CAN $52.50 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 200 pgs / 101 images. Pub Date: 11/25/2015 Out of stock
|  Expanding Architecture: Design as Activism Edited by Bryan Bell, Katie Wakeford. Foreword by Thomas Fisher. Text by Steve Badanes, Roberta M. Feldman, Sergio Palleroni, John Peterson, Katie Swenson, et al. Expanding Architecture presents a new generation of creative design carried out in the service of the greater public and the greater good. Questioning how design can improve daily lives, editors Bryan Bell and Katie Wakeford >>more Metropolis Books ISBN 9781933045788 978-1-933045-78-8 US $34.95 CAN $45.95 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9 in. / 288 pgs / 120 color / 30 b&w. Pub Date: 10/01/2008 In stock
|  Old things, historic things, smelly dirty things, all the things that were considered the very opposite of 'contemporary,' have suddenly irrupted forcefully into architecture and art, blurring their boundaries. This book takes stock of the >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037784921 978-3-03778-492-1 US $35.00 CAN $47.50 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 192 pgs / 130 images. Pub Date: 10/25/2016 In stock
|  Eyes of the City Edited with text by Valeria Federighi, Monica Naso, Daniele Belleri. Text by Michele Bonino, Edoardo Bruno, et al. The Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture offers new explorations of urban space. This catalog, published for the 2019 iteration, questions the effects digitization may have on architecture. >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775748803 978-3-7757-4880-3 US $35.00 CAN $49.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 6 x 8.25 in. / 304 pgs / 80 color. Pub Date: 11/30/2021 Out of stock
|  The second issue in the exciting and experimental cross-disciplinary series Findings on... by Astrid van Baalen and Hester Aardse from the Pars Foundation is centred on ELASTICITY in the broadest sense of the word. What happens >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037781487 978-3-03778-148-7 US $35.00 CAN $47.50 TRADE Pbk, 8 x 10.5 in. / 208 pgs / 70 images. Pub Date: 04/01/2010 In stock
|  Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream Edited and with text by Barry Bergdoll, Reinhold Martin. Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream is an exploration of new architectural possibilities for American cities and suburbs in the aftermath of the recent foreclosure crisis in the United States. During the summer of 2011, five >>more The Museum of Modern Art, New York ISBN 9780870708275 978-0-87070-827-5 US $35.00 CAN $47.50 TRADE Pbk, 8 x 10 in. / 188 pgs / 170 color. Pub Date: 06/30/2012 In stock
|  Form Defining Strategies Edited by Asterios Agkathidis, Markus Hudert, Gabi Schillig. Form Defining Strategies examines experimental design methodologies in architecture and their discussion in academic settings. Theoretical considerations are provided by a wide range of writers and theoreticians alongside numerous examples of conceptual designs. Edited by >>more Wasmuth ISBN 9783803007469 978-3-8030-0746-9 US $25.00 CAN $34.50 FLAT40 Pbk, 5.5 x 7.5 in. / 126 pgs / 30 color / 250 b&w. Pub Date: 11/30/2012 In stock
|  Formless Edited by Garrett Ricciardi. Struggles to escape form as a manifestation of various norms and constraints are as old as architecture itself. But the formless is also increasingly in the air today, explicitly as in discussions of the “formless” >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037783467 978-3-03778-346-7 US $20.00 CAN $27.95 TRADE Pbk, 7.5 x 5 in. / 184 pgs / 107 images. Pub Date: 11/22/2013 In stock
|  Across the African continent, but especially in the sub-Saharan regions, the light has a particularly stark quality, which becomes most apparent in relation to older buildings. Before electricity, architecture was required to make use of >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037786864 978-3-03778-686-4 US $85.00 CAN $117.00 TRADE Pbk, 9.5 x 12.5 in. / 180 pgs / 108 color. Pub Date: 11/16/2021 In stock
|  This third and final volume in the Indicia book series presents the results of the Future Cities Laboratory research program in the form of actions for sustainable city-making. It complements the first and second volumes >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037786598 978-3-03778-659-8 US $35.00 CAN $52.50 FLAT40 Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 368 pgs / 226 color. Pub Date: 04/12/2022 In stock
|  This second volume in the Future Cities Laboratory Indicia series focuses on the tools, methods and approaches needed for urban research. In short, following Marshall McLuhan’s famous provocation, the editors focus less on the message >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037785997 978-3-03778-599-7 US $35.00 CAN $52.50 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 258 pgs / 237 color. Pub Date: 04/23/2019 In stock
|  Homosexuality is still a taboo subject in architectural history. When historical architectural personalities have lived outside the heterosexual norm, their private lives are readily shrouded in obscurity. As long as penal laws endured, social existence >>more Wasmuth & Zohlen ISBN 9783803023780 978-3-8030-2378-0 US $45.00 CAN $63.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 6 x 9 in. / 304 pgs / 99 color / 64 b&w. Pub Date: 03/14/2023 Out of stock
|  Global Game: Sport, Culture, Development and Foreign Policy Edited by William Billows, Sebastian Körber. Can sport be a strategic instrument in foreign cultural policy? Can global sport still be a role model for civil society and achieve wider development goals? All these questions and more are addressed in this >>more Steidl/Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations/EUNIC ISBN 9783958291980 978-3-95829-198-0 US $20.00 CAN $27.95 FLAT40 Pbk, 7 x 9.5 in. / 224 pgs / 140 color & b&w. Pub Date: 06/24/2025 In stock
|  Religious communities inscribe themselves into the cityscape not only socially and politically, but also acoustically and architecturally. Global Prayers examines the mutual influence of religion and urbanism, looking at how various forms of faith manifest >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037783733 978-3-03778-373-3 US $40.00 CAN $60.00 TRADE Hbk, 9.5 x 6.5 in. / 656 pgs / 410 images. Pub Date: 12/13/2013 Out of stock
|  Green Dream Text by Winy Maas, Pirjo Haikola, Ulf Hackauf, John Thackara. Green Dream investigates what "green" means in practical terms for design, architecture and urbanism. Led by The Why Factory, the urbanist thinktank headed by Winy Maas, experts in the field debate what is currently considered >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056628628 978-90-5662-862-8 US $35.00 CAN $47.50 TRADE Pbk, 6 x 8 in. / 406 pgs / 300 color. Pub Date: 08/31/2014 In stock
|  Greenhouse Stories Edited with text by d-o-t-s. Text by Natalya Ayers, Luis Berríos-Negrón, Adriana Craciun, Charlène Flores, Monica Gagliano, Prudence Gibson, Fiona Inglis, Téa Laurent, et al. Shifting away from the celebration of greenhouses, Greenhouse Stories is an invitation to critically look at the buildings as controversial production tools. Reexamining them from a social, historical and environmental perspective, the essays and interviews >>more Onomatopee ISBN 9789083362106 978-90-833621-0-6 US $26.00 CAN $38.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.25 x 8.75 in. / 224 pgs / 36 color. Pub Date: 03/26/2024 In stock
|  Heritage as an Asset for Inner City Development Text by Jean-Paul Corten, Ellen Geurts, Paul Meurs, Donovan Rypkema, Ronald Wall, et al. Drawing on the experience of urban management teachers and students, this book evaluates the role of cultural heritage in the development of contemporary cities, and examines how a city’s existing resources might benefit its future. >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462081161 978-94-6208-116-1 US $45.00 CAN $60.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 8 x 10 in. / 184 pgs / 125 color / 16 b&w. Pub Date: 09/30/2014 Out of stock
|  Hideouts: Architecture of Survival Edited by Mirjam Wenzel, Kuba Szreder, Natalia Romik, Aleksandra Janus, Katja Janitschek. Text by Tim Cole, Gabriel Heim, Jonathan Hill, Alistair Hudson, Alexandra Janus, Luiza Nader, Taras Nazaruk, Natalia Romik, Kuba Szreder, Agnieszka Holland, Barbara Kirschenblatt, Stanislaw Ruksza. During the Holocaust, approximately 50,000 Jews survived in occupied Poland and Ukraine by seeking shelter in unlikely hiding spots. Driven by necessity, they were forced to take refuge in unexpected and inhospitable spaces such as >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775755962 978-3-7757-5596-2 US $45.00 CAN $65.00 TRADE Hbk, 9.25 x 11.5 in. / 148 pgs / 115 color. Pub Date: 05/14/2024 Out of stock
|  Home Delivery Edited by Barry Bergdoll, Peter Christensen. Texts by Barry Bergdoll, Peter Christensen, Ken Tadashi Oshima, Rasmus Wærn. As the world’s population swells and the need for sustainable ways of living grows ever more urgent and obvious, prefabricated architecture has taken center stage. Even before our current predicaments, the mass-produced, factory-made home had >>more The Museum of Modern Art, New York ISBN 9780870707339 978-0-87070-733-9 US $45.00 CAN $60.00 TRADE Hardback, 9.75 x 11.25 in. / 248 pgs / 175 color / 75 b&w. Pub Date: 08/01/2008 In stock
|  Housing After the Neoliberal Turn Edited by Christian Hiller, Jesko Fezer, Nikolaus Hirsch, Wilfried Kuehn, Hila Peleg. The housing question is a universal question. Everywhere, it speaks differently but directly to the challenges that define our times: social inequality, ecological crisis, displacement, asylum, migration, and privatisation. The volume International Case Studies brings >>more Spector Books/Haus der Kulturen der Welt ISBN 9783959050487 978-3-95905-048-7 US $19.00 CAN $26.50 TRADE Pbk, 8.5 x 11 in. / 120 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 03/01/2016 In stock
|  This reader takes the following assumption as its basis: the ceaseless expansion of the urban periphery has been detrimental to not only urban populations but also the planet at large, corroding its most valuable and >>more Arquine ISBN 9786078880232 978-607-8880-23-2 US $20.00 CAN $30.00 TRADE Pbk, 4.5 x 6.5 in. / 192 pgs / 118 color / 8 duotone / 56 b&w. Pub Date: 06/04/2024 In stock
|  Hydroelectric Sublime Edited by Beatrice Gorelli, Keiichi Kitayama. Text by Nicolas Nova, Takako Ito. Photographs by Beatrice Gorelli, Keiichi Kitayama. The Emosson region in the Swiss canton of Valais boasts a breathtaking Alpine landscape punctuated by a series of monumental feats in hydroelectric engineering, which include three dams and a power plant hidden in a >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037787380 978-3-03778-738-0 US $55.00 CAN $79.00 TRADE Hbk, 9.5 x 11.75 in. / 176 pgs / 162 color. Pub Date: 09/10/2024 In stock
|  I Have a Weakness for a Touch of Red is a selection of essays on the art and architecture of Portugal by Yehuda Safran, who has been a professor at the Graduate School of Architecture, >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037786000 978-3-03778-600-0 US $35.00 CAN $52.50 TRADE Pbk, 5.5 x 8.75 in. / 276 pgs / 35 color / 35 b&w. Pub Date: 10/29/2019 In stock
|  I Prefer Not To.... Edited with text by Peter Swinnen. Text by Luc Tuymans, Christian Kerez, Anne Lacaton, Jan De Vylder, Philip Ursprung, Tom Emerson, Laurent Stalder, François Charbonnet, Anri Sala, Maarten Delbeke, Finn Williams, Arno Brandlhuber, Sophia Holst, Beatriz Van Houtte. This book is a free-associative recount of the 12-part lecture series staged by Belgian architect Peter Swinnen (born 1972) at the ETH Department of Architecture (Zurich). I Prefer Not To ... can be understood as >>more Walther König, Köln ISBN 9783753301358 978-3-7533-0135-8 US $25.00 CAN $35.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 4.25 x 7 in. / 208 pgs / 102 b&w. Pub Date: 07/02/2024 In stock
|  In Ideas and Integrities Buckminster Fuller describes the revolutionary designs and concepts he has pioneered – among them the geodesic dome, the Dymaxion world map, the Dymaxion 4-D house, the Dymaxion 4-D automobile, and the >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037781982 978-3-03778-198-2 US $40.00 CAN $60.00 TRADE Pbk, 4.75 x 7 in. / 416 pgs / 50 images. Pub Date: 10/29/2009 In stock
|  Images of the Body in Architecture Edited by Kirsten Wagner, Jasper Cepl. Text by Claire Barbillon, Tobias Cheung, Günter Feuerstein, Tanja Jankowiak, Eckhard Leuschner, et al. The human body has a fundamental impact on the organization and interpretation of the world, and the built environment has accordingly been conceptualized in terms of the human body since ancient times, in theory and >>more Wasmuth ISBN 9783803007315 978-3-8030-0731-5 US $59.95 CAN $79.00 FLAT40 Hbk, 6.25 x 9.5 in. / 404 pgs / 190 b&w. Pub Date: 08/25/2015 In stock
|  Imagine Moscow Edited with introduction by Eszter Steierhoffer. Text by Richard Anderson, Jean-Louis Cohen, Deyan Sudjic. After the October Revolution of 1917, Lenin moved the Russian capital from the imperial, westward-looking city of St. Petersburg back to Moscow, the traditional heart of Russia. Moscow was to be the ideal Soviet city, >>more The Design Museum ISBN 9781872005348 978-1-872005-34-8 US $24.95 CAN $34.95 TRADE Hbk, 5 x 7 in. / 160 pgs / 75 color / 40 b&w. Pub Date: 10/29/2019 In stock
|  This volume addresses the complex relations between urban artifacts and urban life. The contributions show how architects, planners, and urban designers describe and give shape to the city, while novelists, humanists, and other scholars examine >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037783023 978-3-03778-302-3 US $35.00 CAN $47.50 TRADE Hbk, 9.5 x 6.5 in. / 376 pgs / 286 images. Pub Date: 10/25/2012 In stock
|  Intervening in the argument between tradition and modernity in architecture, In the Mood for Architecture proposes that traditional planning models may serve as the ideal context for architectural innovation. >>more Wasmuth ISBN 9783803008329 978-3-8030-0832-9 US $60.00 CAN $79.00 FLAT40 Hbk, 9.75 x 12 in. / 280 pgs / 220 color. Pub Date: 08/28/2018 Out of stock
|  In/Formal Marketplaces Edited with text by Peter Mörtenböck, Helge Mooshammer. Text by Allan Cain, Paul Chu, Vineet Diwadkar, Samar Halloum, Carmen Hines, Lovro Koncar-Gamulin, et al. Informality is on the rise like never before: its transformative power can be seen in the new ways we produce, consume and live. Commerce plays a crucial role in these changes, impacting everything from nomadic >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462088092 978-94-6208-809-2 US $55.00 CAN $79.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 432 pgs / 360 color. Pub Date: 03/26/2024 In stock
|  Informal Market Worlds: Atlas Edited by Peter Mörtenböeck, Helge Mooshammer. Informal markets are a central feature of the 21st century's first tumultuous years. Both part of and response to the homogenizing forces of globalization, they constitute a volatile shadow system of heterogeneous micro-locations. Informal Market >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462081949 978-94-6208-194-9 US $60.00 CAN $79.00 TRADE Pbk, 6 x 9 in. / 512 pgs / 450 color. Pub Date: 08/25/2015 In stock
|  Informal Market Worlds: Reader Edited by Peter Mörtenböeck, Helge Mooshammer, Teddy Cruz, Fonna Forman. Bringing together imaginative architectural approaches with texts by key contemporary thinkers, the two-part Informal Market Worlds explores new ways to interrupt the dominant logics of neoliberal governance. The Reader includes expert essays on urban informality, >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462081956 978-94-6208-195-6 US $45.00 CAN $60.00 TRADE Pbk, 6 x 9 in. / 272 pgs / 100 b&w. Pub Date: 08/25/2015 In stock
|  Instigations Edited by Mohsen Mostafavi. Anniversaries offer the opportunity to consider the past as an active interlocutor with the present and the future. For the Harvard University Graduate School of Design, this means highlighting people, events, objects, and ideas in >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037783078 978-3-03778-307-8 US $55.00 CAN $82.50 TRADE Pbk, 9.5 x 6.5 in. / 560 pgs / 559 images. Pub Date: 10/25/2012 In stock
|  Interrogating PoP in Architecture Edited by Daniela Konrad. Preface by Jürgen Mayer H. As architects devise ever more radical gestures with which to wow an increasingly architecture-literate public, the discipline itself has had to engage conceptions of "popular culture." This volume traces the discussions of a group of >>more Wasmuth ISBN 9783803006943 978-3-8030-0694-3 US $32.00 CAN $42.50 FLAT40 Pbk, 6.75 x 7.75 in. / 170 pgs / 150 color / 15 b&w. Pub Date: 08/31/2009 In stock
|  Illustrations, personal notebook pages and watercolors complement this collection of the thoughts and writings of urban designer and architect Kees Christiaanse (born 1953). Responsible for such projects as Hamburg's HafenCity and London's Olympic Legacy Plan, >>more Nai010 Publishers ISBN 9789462084421 978-94-6208-442-1 US $29.95 CAN $45.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 4.25 x 7 in. / 256 pgs / 120 color. Pub Date: 03/19/2019 In stock
|  L'Architecture Sauvage: Asger Jorn's Critique and Concept of Architecture Text by Ruth Baumeister. Danish artist Asger Jorn (1914–1973) is internationally renowned for his activities within the CoBrA and the International Situationist groups. Quite apart from his paintings, prints, ceramics and sculptures, Jorn produced a remarkable amount of theoretical >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789064507427 978-90-6450-742-7 US $52.50 CAN $70.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 160 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 08/31/2014 Out of stock
| ![L.A. [Ten]: Interviews on Los Angeles Architecture, 1970s-1990s](https://s.turbifycdn.com/aah/artbook/l-a-ten-interviews-on-los-angeles-architecture-1970s-1990s-69.jpg) Catapulted to fame by the international media in and around the 1980s, a loosely affiliated cadre of architects—the so-called L.A. Ten—emerged to define the future of Los Angeles architecture. In this book, architects Neil Denari, >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037784099 978-3-03778-409-9 US $35.00 CAN $47.50 TRADE Hbk, 6 x 9 in. / 256 pgs / 194 images. Pub Date: 11/25/2013 In stock
|  Living Under The Crescent Moon Edited by Alexander von Vegesack, Mateo Kries. Foreword by Alexander von Vegesack, Mateo Kries, Wim Pijbes, Kosme de Baranano. Text by Sebastien Boulay, Krin Pütt/Katrin Adolph, Annegret Nippa, Stefano Bianca, Eugen Wirth, Mateo Kries. Living under the Crescent Moon demonstrates the diversity of domestic lifestyles to be found from Morocco to Syria and the Arab Peninsula: from the nomadic tents of the Tuareg or Bedouins to Moroccan casbahs; from >>more Vitra Design Museum ISBN 9783931936419 978-3-931936-41-9 US $75.00 CAN $99.00 TRADE Pbk, 9.75 x 13 in. / 320 pgs / 430 color. Pub Date: 07/31/2013 In stock
|  Living in Motion Edited by Mathias Schwartz-Clauss, Alexander von Vegesack. Text by Robert Kronenburg, Mathias Schwartz-Clauss, Stephanie Bunn, Annemarie Seiler-Baldinger, Stephan Rammler, Antje Flade, Peter Dobers, Lars Strannegard. Flexibility, mobility and versatility: these three qualities have driven technological and formal innovations in design and architecture at least since modernism. Living in Motion is the first interdisciplinary account of flexible living, presenting works by >>more Vitra Design Museum ISBN 9783931936358 978-3-931936-35-8 US $59.95 CAN $79.00 TRADE Pbk, 9.5 x 11.25 in. / 288 pgs / 500 color. Pub Date: 09/30/2013 In stock
|  Living the City Text by Lukas Feireiss, Tatjana Schneider, TheGreenEyl. Cities are full of stories—running in parallel, contradictory, overlapping and inseparably linked. Such stories are told in Living the City, referencing various projects from architecture, art and urban planning.
The book aims to show processes and >>more Spector Books ISBN 9783959054171 978-3-95905-417-1 US $35.00 CAN $49.00 TRADE Pbk, 8 x 11 in. / 340 pgs / 540 color. Pub Date: 02/23/2021 In stock
|  London Estates Edited by Damon Murray, Stephen Sorrell. Text and photographs by Thaddeus Zupancic. The UK’s landmark Housing Act of 1919 catalyzed the rapid development of state-owned public housing in planned council estates. Construction of these estates has largely ceased since the Thatcherist austerity policies of the ’80s. Fast-forward >>more FUEL ISBN 9781739887841 978-1-7398878-4-1 US $34.95 CAN $49.95 TRADE Hbk, 8 x 6.5 in. / 304 pgs / 340 color. Pub Date: 03/05/2024 In stock
|  Long Live Southbank Edited by Ellen Parnavelas. Text by Steffan Blayney. Long Live Southbank documents the history and culture of this iconic London landmark, which was threatened by a £120 million redevelopment, announced in March 2013. The Southbank Centre proposed designs to transform the Southbank Undercroft >>more Heni Publishing ISBN 9780992926809 978-0-9929268-0-9 US $49.95 CAN $67.50 TRADE Hbk, 10 x 11.5 in. / 408 pgs / 600 color. Pub Date: 12/15/2015 In stock
|  Machines à Penser Edited with contributions by Dieter Roelstraete, Chiara Costa. Foreword by Miuccia Prada, Patrizio Bertelli. Text by Shumon Basar, Alec Finlay, Mark Riley. Contributions by Leonor Antunes, Alexander Kluge, Niccolò Gravina, Goshka Macuga, Mario Mainetti, Theodor Adorno, Martin Heidegger, Ludwig Wittgenstein, San Gerolamo. At the heart of Machines à penser lies an artistic encounter with three titans of 20th-century philosophy, each of whom experienced a place of retreat or exile as decisive for their work: Ludwig Wittgenstein, who >>more Fondazione Prada ISBN 9788887029727 978-88-87029-72-7 US $60.00 CAN $85.00 SDNR30 Pbk, 5.25 x 6.75 in. / 546 pgs / 125 color / 130 b&w. Pub Date: 09/25/2018 In stock
|  Main Entrance Foreword by Pierre Daix. Interview by Philippe Ungar. The Olympic Stadium in Montreal, the Parc des Princes stadium in Paris and the Officers Club in Abu Dhabi are just a few of Roger Taillibert's most iconic buildings. Here, Taillibert reminisces about his experiences, >>more Editions Dilecta ISBN 9782916275789 978-2-916275-78-9 US $16.00 CAN $23.00 TRADE Hbk, 5 x 6.75 in. / 80 pgs / 16 color. Pub Date: 03/31/2011 In stock
|  Making Heimat: Germany, Arrival Country Edited by Peter Cachola Schmal, Oliver Elser, Anna Scheuermann. Text by Ursula Baus, Wilfried Dechau, Oliver Elser, et al. Germany’s refugee situation in the autumn of 2015 was the starting point for the controversial exhibition Making Heimat: Germany, Arrival Country, curated for the German Pavilion at the 15th Venice Biennale of Architecture. This Atlas >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775742825 978-3-7757-4282-5 US $15.00 CAN $21.50 TRADE Pbk, 5.25 x 8.25 in. / 192 pgs / 140 color. Pub Date: 05/23/2017 In stock
|  Making The Plus Edited by Vestre. Photographs by Einar Aslaksen. Factories are virtually synonymous with pollution. In 2021, the Norwegian furniture manufacturer Vestre decided to demonstrate that alternative models are possible. With the acclaimed Danish architecture firm Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG), they devised plans for >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775754231 978-3-7757-5423-1 US $62.00 CAN $89.00 TRADE Pbk, 9 x 11.75 in. / 208 pgs / 200 color. Pub Date: 11/12/2024 In stock
|  Megacities: Exploring a Sustainable Future Edited by Steef Buijs, Wendy Tan, Devisari Tunas. Text by Peter Hall, Saskia Sassen, Edward Soja, Jeroen Kramer et al. Urbanization has evolved dramatically from monocentric settlements to polycentric networks and megacities of previously inconceivable size and population. This escalation of quantities and scales has ignited a fascination with the phenomenon of megacities. The book >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789064507410 978-90-6450-741-0 US $45.00 CAN $60.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 380 pgs / 50 color. Pub Date: 04/30/2013 Out of stock
|  Memories of Baku Edited by Nicolas V. Iljine. Text by Fuad Akhundov, Farid Alakbarli, Farah Aliyeva, Jahangir Selimkhanov, Tadeusz Swietochowski. Memories of Baku is the visual retelling of the rich history of the capital of Azerbaijan and the country's rise to power as one of the largest oil producing nations in the world. This publication >>more Marquand Books ISBN 9780988227514 978-0-9882275-1-4 US $30.00 CAN $40.00 TRADE Clth, 9 x 9.5 in. / 152 pgs / 143 color. Pub Date: 09/30/2013 In stock
|  Migropolis Edited with text by Wolfgang Scheppe. Text by Giorgio Agamben, Valeria Burgio. Since its publication in 2010, Migropolis—the four-year study on the globalized city conducted by the philosopher Wolfgang Scheppe at the Università Iuav de Venizia—has achieved the status of a standard reference text. Now available in >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775741118 978-3-7757-4111-8 US $85.00 CAN $112.50 TRADE Pbk, 2 vols., 7.25 x 10 in. / 1,344 pgs / 2,078 color. Pub Date: 06/28/2016 In stock
|  Militant Media Edited by Riccardo Badano, Tomas Percival, Susan Schuppli. Since its founding in 2005, the Centre for Research Architecture (CRA) at Goldsmiths, University of London, has brought together a diverse group of architects, artists, urbanists, geographers, lawyers, scientists, journalists and activists to develop research >>more Spector Books ISBN 9783959056878 978-3-95905-687-8 US $30.00 CAN $43.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.25 x 9 in. / 170 pgs / 100 color. Pub Date: 12/24/2024 In stock
|  Mobility | Society Edited with text by Lowie Vermeersch, Matthijs van Dijk, Costanza Milano, Wouter Haspeslagh, Elmer van Grondelle. Foreword by Caspar Chorus. Text by Kader Abdolah, Peter Adey, Adrian Bejan, Rawad Choubassi, et al. Mobility shapes society in countless ways. Looking at society from the perspective of mobility reveals that its key moments of development coincide with the removal of obstacles to human flow—in the physical movement of people, >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037787366 978-3-03778-736-6 US $46.00 CAN $62.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 312 pgs / 99 color. Pub Date: 03/05/2024 In stock
|  Moholy's Edit By Chris Blencowe, Judith Levine. The Greek island sequence montaged by László Moholy-Nagy into his legendary documentary Architects' Congress can be interpreted, like his provocative Photoplastiks, as a "message in a bottle" thrown into the sea that "might take decades >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037785669 978-3-03778-566-9 US $46.00 CAN $62.00 TRADE Pbk, 6 x 9.5 in. / 200 pgs / 50 color / 50 b&w. Pub Date: 11/20/2018 In stock
|  Documenting a strain of remarkable architectural and urban visions in the 20th century, Narrative Architecture applies the critiques implicit in these visions to present-day problems in urbanism. The titular “Kynical Manifesto” alludes to the Cynic >>more nai010 Publishers ISBN 9789462085244 978-94-6208-524-4 US $49.95 CAN $69.95 TRADE Pbk, 9.5 x 12.25 in. / 132 pgs / 50 color. Pub Date: 05/26/2020 Out of stock
|  Neighbourhoods for the Future Text by Maarten Hajer, Peter Pelzer, Martijn van den Hurk, Chris ten Dam, Edwin Buitelaar. The pressure is on: people move to cities in ever-growing numbers. So we build new neighborhoods, we transform old industrial areas and renew the existing city. Right now, the focus lies on energy-neutral neighborhoods. But >>more Valiz ISBN 9789492095787 978-94-92095-78-7 US $32.50 CAN $45.50 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 320 pgs / 150 color. Pub Date: 02/02/2021 In stock
|  Neri Oxman: Material Ecology Edited with text by Paola Antonelli. Text by Anna Burckhardt, Hadas A. Steiner. Throughout her 20-year career, Neri Oxman has invented not only new ideas for materials, buildings and construction processes, but also new frameworks for interdisciplinary—and interspecies—collaborations. She coined the term “material ecology” to describe her process >>more The Museum of Modern Art, New York ISBN 9781633451056 978-1-63345-105-6 US $50.00 CAN $69.95 TRADE Pbk, 9.5 x 12 in. / 192 pgs / 220 color. Pub Date: 04/21/2020 In stock
|  Neuroarchitecture Text by Frank Suurenbroek, Gideon Spanjar. This critical publication introduces the burgeoning field of neuroarchitecture by examining streetscapes in Western cities such as Amsterdam, Toronto, Manchester and Oslo. Through analysis of each location, it questions design guidelines and gives practical tools >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462087880 978-94-6208-788-0 US $45.00 CAN $65.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 224 pgs / 120 color. Pub Date: 03/26/2024 In stock
|  New Commons For Europe Edited by Flavien Menu. Contributions by Pooja Agrawal, Joachim Declerck, Melanie Dodd, Kathryn Firth, Harriet Harris, Peter Swinnen, Jeremy Till, Oliver Wainwright. On 9 December 2016 the Architectural Association in London hosted The Bedford Tapes, an event that brought together architects and experts from all over Europe. New Commons for Europe captures the vitality and the doubts >>more Spector Books ISBN 9783959052061 978-3-95905-206-1 US $25.00 CAN $34.50 FLAT40 Pbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 192 pgs / 37 b&w. Pub Date: 11/20/2018 In stock
|  New Urbanism Edited by Robert Fishman. Essays by, Peter Calthorpe and Lars Lerup. Foreword by George Baird. Introduction by Doug Kelbaugh. In this volume Peter Calthorpe, renowned West Coast town planner and author, presents the case for New Urbanism, a movement that has enjoyed meteoric success since he co-founded it in the early 1990s. More utopian >>more University of Michigan, Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning ISBN 9781891197352 US $17.95 CAN $20.00 TRADE Paperback, 6.5 x 9 in. / 80 pgs / 70 color. Pub Date: 02/15/2005
|  Notes on Local Architecture in Israel Text by Gilead Duvshani. What is local architecture? What are its characteristics in general, and in a country like Israel--with its relatively recent statehood, mixed cultures and long-standing conflicts--in particular? Architect Gilead Duvhsani lays out a crystallized worldview and >>more Wasmuth ISBN 9783803006899 978-3-8030-0689-9 US $50.00 CAN $67.50 FLAT40 Hbk, 9.5 x 11 in. / 268 pgs / 200 color / 50 b&w. Pub Date: 03/01/2009 In stock
|  OASE 104 Text by D. Peleman, B. Notteboom, M. Dehaene. This issue of OASE explores the notion of metabolism—converting one form of matter into another—in urban design and architecture. Focusing on “metabolic” locations—public restrooms, communal kitchens, urban slaughterhouses—OASE 104 analyzes how architecture and urban design >>more nai010 Publishers ISBN 9789462085176 978-94-6208-517-6 US $34.95 CAN $48.95 FLAT40 Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 128 pgs / 50 b&w. Pub Date: 02/18/2020 In stock
|  On Architecture and Greenwashing Edited by Charlotte Malterre-Barthes. Text by Meriem Chabani, Marc Angélil, Cary Siress, Jennifer Newsom, Tom Carruthers. With its reliance on extracted materials and an intense use of resources, the process of construction begs the question whether real sustainability in architecture and planning is possible. For some, a short-term solution is "greenwashing": >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775756747 978-3-7757-5674-7 US $24.00 CAN $35.00 TRADE Pbk, 4.25 x 7 in. / 120 pgs / 20 color. Pub Date: 06/18/2024 Out of stock
|  Appraising the “tropical architecture” of Latin America, On Specific Ambiguity, authored by Colombian architect Camilo Retrespo (born 1973), is a manifesto-cum-monograph on the notion of tropical space. Retrespo argues for a form of architecture that >>more Arquine ISBN 9786079489922 978-607-9489-92-2 US $40.00 CAN $56.00 TRADE Clth, 7 x 9.5 in. / 288 pgs / 100 color / 45 b&w. Pub Date: 07/18/2023 In stock
|  There is a layer of the public architecture that has become so familiar that we barely notice it. Street furniture has the capacity to define a city, to locate it and to anchor us within >>more HENI Publishing ISBN 9781912122530 978-1-912122-53-0 US $45.00 CAN $63.00 TRADE Hbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 288 pgs / 284 color. Pub Date: 05/16/2023 In stock
|  Open House Edited by Alexander von Vegesack, Jochen Eisenbrand. Introduction by Jochen Eisenbrand, Gloria Gerace, Susanne Jaschko. Foreword by Alexander von Vegesack, Jochen Eisenbrand; Richard Koshalek, Gerhard Seltmann. Text by Jochen Eisenbrand, Susanne Jaschko, Christiane Sauer, Dana Hutt, Bruce Sterling, Hartmut Häussermann, Beatriz Colomina, Linda Taalman. The miniaturization and networking of computer processors as well as the digitalization and wireless transmission of data are opening up new possibilities for domestic environments. But what consequences will this have on residential architecture? Emerging >>more Vitra Design Museum ISBN 9783931936662 978-3-931936-66-2 US $75.00 CAN $99.00 TRADE Pbk, 9 x 11.5 in. / 268 pgs / 300 color. Pub Date: 07/31/2013 In stock
|  Oswald Mathias Ungers: Morphologie First published in 1982, German architect Oswald Mathias Ungers' City Metaphors juxtaposes more than 100 various city maps throughout history with images of flora and fauna and other images from science and nature. Ungers assigns >>more Walther König, Köln ISBN 9783865609465 978-3-86560-946-5 US $29.95 CAN $39.95 TRADE Pbk, 5.75 x 8.25 in. / 116 pgs / 115 b&w. Pub Date: 06/30/2011 Out of stock
|  This book presents three architectural responses to the idea of journeys through outer space in a future based on technology. After the 1969 moonwalk, Alessandro Poli with Superstudio considered it critical to imagine our environment >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037781937 978-3-03778-193-7 US $28.00 CAN $42.00 TRADE Pbk, 6 x 8.5 in. / 160 pgs / 113 images. Pub Date: 05/01/2010 In stock
|  Parallel Cities Edited with text by Andrew Blauvelt. Text by Jennifer Yoos, Vincent James. Parallel Cities examines the history of the multilevel city with a focus on elevated pedestrian systems as a recurrent concept in urban planning and design. The book chronicles the evolution and migration of this concept >>more Walker Art Center ISBN 9781935963127 978-1-935963-12-7 US $45.00 CAN $60.00 TRADE Pbk, 7 x 9.5 in. / 208 pgs / 125 color / 100 b&w. Pub Date: 07/26/2016 In stock
|  Participate! Text by Menno van der Veen, Jan Willem Duyvendak. Offering an introduction to the complex world of urban development, identity and participation, this book is organized around portraits of six European cities: Berlin, Hamburg, Paris, Lyon, Amsterdam and Groningen. >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462086319 978-94-6208-631-9 US $45.00 CAN $61.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 176 pgs / 40 color / 40 b&w. Pub Date: 08/31/2021 In stock
|  Patchwork IBA Parkstad Edited by Maurice Hermans. Photographs by Philip Driessen, Perry Schrijvers. The Internationale Bauausstellung (IBA), an urban planning initiative started in 1901, has been transforming the former mining region of Parkstad in the Netherlands since 2013 by stimulating the local economy and regional planning initiatives through >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462086920 978-94-6208-692-0 US $55.00 CAN $76.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 9 x 11 in. / 240 pgs / 350 color / 50 b&w. Pub Date: 01/17/2023 In stock
|  Pavilion Propositions Text by John Macarthur, Susan Holden, Ashley Paine, Wouter Davidts. This book addresses the contemporary pavilion phenomenon and those often temporary and functionless architectural structures commissioned and exhibited by art institutions around the world (including the annual Serpentine Pavilion in London, Young Architects Program at >>more Valiz/vis-à-vis ISBN 9789492095503 978-94-92095-50-3 US $22.95 CAN $32.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9 in. / 95 pgs. Pub Date: 06/26/2018 Out of stock
|  From the suburbs of Paris to the housing projects of St Louis, Missouri, German photographer Peggy Buth (born 1971) turns her camera to urban settings across Europe and the US, highlighting the overlaps of social >>more Spector Books ISBN 9783959051774 978-3-95905-177-4 US $50.00 CAN $70.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 9 x 13.5 in. / 314 pgs / 100 color / 80 b&w. Pub Date: 05/30/2023 In stock
|  Piecing Together Los Angeles: An Esther McCoy Reader By Esther McCoy. Edited and with text by Susan Morgan. Esther McCoy (1904–1989) is one of the twentieth century’s foremost architecture historians, and one of the greatest chroniclers of the architecture of midcentury southern California. Her 1960 book Five California Architects has long been acknowledged >>more East of Borneo Books ISBN 9780615528236 978-0-615-52823-6 US $34.95 CAN $45.95 TRADE Pbk, 6 x 8.25 in. / 392 pgs / 6 b&w. Pub Date: 05/30/2012 Out of stock
|  Seemingly immobile and durable, architecture remains a challenge in the modern world of collecting and exhibiting. From the late eighteenth century onward, divergent conventions of display have been conflated with urgent discussions of how material >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037784167 978-3-03778-416-7 US $50.00 CAN $67.50 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 248 pgs / 82 images. Pub Date: 07/25/2014 In stock
|  Plan Selva Preface by Paulo Dam. Introduction by Jaime Saavedra, Elizabeth Añaños. Text by Camilo Restrepo, Atxu Amann y Alcocer, Sebastián Cilloniz, Jose Luis Villanueva, Santiago del Hierro, et al. Plan Selva is an initiative of the Ministry of Education of Peru that aims to ensure essential habitability conditions in schools in the Amazon. Illustrated with maps, schemes, drawings, plans and photos, this book explains >>more Arquine ISBN 9786078880287 978-607-8880-28-7 US $40.00 CAN $58.00 TRADE Pbk, 7 x 9.5 in. / 208 pgs. Pub Date: 03/04/2025 In stock
|  This collection of essays explores the ongoing transformation of urban spaces brought about by platform technologies. Digital platforms such as Facebook, Uber, Airbnb and Amazon are not only new kinds of business enterprise but also >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462086159 978-94-6208-615-9 US $45.00 CAN $61.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 472 pgs. Pub Date: 08/31/2021 In stock
|  Porocity Text by Winy Maas, Adrien Ravon, Javier Arpa. An exciting new manifesto from the Why Factory, Porocity: Opening Up Solidity makes a case for the intervention of the public realm into the private sphere of the city. The Why Factory raises a critique >>more Nai010 Publishers ISBN 9789462084599 978-94-6208-459-9 US $45.00 CAN $62.00 TRADE Pbk, 6 x 8.25 in. / 300 pgs / 300 color. Pub Date: 03/19/2019 In stock
|  Positions on Emancipation Edited by Florian Hertweck. Text by Anne-Julchen Bernhardt, Arno Brandlhuber, Paola Viganò et al. This book relays the passionate debate between some of architecture and urbanism's most outstanding theoreticians and protagonists on the production of space in the era of rampant capitalism. >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037785515 978-3-03778-551-5 US $35.00 CAN $52.50 TRADE Pbk, 5.5 x 8.25 in. / 250 pgs / 50 b&w. Pub Date: 03/27/2018 In stock
|  Post-War Reconstruction in the Netherlands 1945–1965 Edited by Anita Blom, Simone Vermaat, Ben de Vries. In the wake of the destruction of World War Two, the Netherlands' bombed cities and villages reemerged from the rubble, and new buildings and infrastructure appeared thanks to central management. This book documents and celebrates >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462082793 978-94-6208-279-3 US $55.00 CAN $72.50 TRADE Pbk, 9 x 11 in. / 240 pgs / 300 color. Pub Date: 04/25/2017 Out of stock
|  Power / Architecture Edited with text by Jorge Carvalho, Ricardo Carvalho, Pedro Bandeira. Contributions by José Manuel Dias da Fonseca, Bruno Figueiredo, Nuno Grande, Ivo Poças Martins, Joaquim Moreno, Moisés Puente, João Belo Rodeia, Andreas Ruby, Ilka Ruby, Nuno Sampaio, Yuma Shinohara, André Tavares, Alexandra Vougia, Guilherme Wisnik. Power and architecture are fundamental to the question of how contemporary society and architecture work together. Since power lacks a comprehensive logic, coherence and instrumentalization capability, the question refers both to the autonomous powers of >>more Lars Müller Publishers/Casa da Arquitectura ISBN 9783037785461 978-3-03778-546-1 US $40.00 CAN $54.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 320 pgs / 200 color. Pub Date: 03/27/2018 In stock
|  As urban development shifts from quantity-driven to quality-driven, the volume explores whether this Chinese metamorphosis can serve as a blueprint for cities worldwide. >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462083509 978-94-6208-350-9 US $50.00 CAN $67.50 FLAT40 Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 292 pgs / 150 color. Pub Date: 10/24/2017 Out of stock
|  Proto-Habitat Edited by Flavien Menu. Text by Virgil Abloh, Frédérique Barchelard, Isabel Concheiro, Irina Davidovici, Dieter Dietz, Monique Eleb, Dominique Gauzin-Mu?ller, Marc Koehler. The Proto-Habitat is both a theoretical and practical (built) experiment to explore ways of dwelling that are closer to contemporary lifestyles, and to broaden collective representation to include environmentally responsible modes of existence and habitability. >>more Spector Books ISBN 9783959057905 978-3-95905-790-5 US $35.00 CAN $52.00 TRADE Flexi, 6.25 x 9.25 in. / 192 pgs / 178 color. Pub Date: 07/16/2024 Out of stock
|  Provocations on Media Architecture Edited with introduction and conclusion by Ian Callender, Annie Dell'Aria. Text by Sofian Audry, Sarah Barns, Susan Blight, Stefano Bloch, Brian Brush, John Cayley, et al. How does media architecture distribute suspicion and trust? What is a collage of media architecture? How is media architecture vectored? How can media architecture address privilege? These questions and conceptual provocations aim to challenge the >>more Set Margins' publications ISBN 9789083318868 978-90-833188-6-8 US $23.00 CAN $33.00 TRADE Pbk, 4.5 x 6.5 in. / 92 pgs / 31 color. Pub Date: 12/05/2023 In stock
|  Radical Games Text by Lara Schrijver. Through three radical critiques of Modernist architecture, illustrated by the iconic--and very different--works of the Situationist International, Venturi Scott Brown and Archigram, Radical Games offers new perspectives on the architecture of the 1960s. It illuminates >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056626785 978-90-5662-678-5 US $40.00 CAN $54.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 248 pgs / 60 color / 40 b&w. Pub Date: 06/30/2010 In stock
|  Radically Modern Edited by Thomas Köhler, Ursula Müller. Preface by Thomas Köhler. Text by Adrian von Buttlar, Bruno Flierl, Hartmut Frank, Anna Maria Heckmann, Irma Leinauer, Stanislaus von Moos, et al. This publication examines Berlin’s emerging architecture during the 1960s, including such famous developments as Stalinallee, Alexanderplatz, Breitscheidplatz and the Märkisches Viertel. Historical documents illustrate political, social and technical visions for a divided city recovering from >>more Wasmuth ISBN 9783803007933 978-3-8030-0793-3 US $55.00 CAN $72.50 FLAT40 Pbk, 9 x 10.5 in. / 208 pgs / 200 color / 45 b&w. Pub Date: 02/23/2016 In stock
|  Re-Public Edited by Véronique Patteeuw. The up-and-coming Dutch firm ZUS (Zones Urbaines Sensibles), founded in 2001 by Elma van Boxel and Kristian Koreman, is a think tank of two--tackling the landscape architect’s role in the contemporary city. Based in Rotterdam, >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056626259 978-90-5662-625-9 US $39.95 CAN $53.95 FLAT40 Paperback, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 160 pgs. Pub Date: 03/01/2008 Out of stock
|  Reactivate! Text by Indira van 't Klooster. As Europe’s economic stasis persists, the construction of new buildings in Holland continues to follow suit--but the number of new architects entering the profession is increasing. Finding themselves in a radically different landscape to that >>more Valiz/Trancity ISBN 9789078088806 978-90-78088-80-6 US $37.50 CAN $50.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 240 pgs / 130 color / 40 b&w. Pub Date: 08/31/2013 Out of stock
|  This monograph presents 39 complex structures by the Princeton University professor and structural engineer Guy Nordenson. The body of work, developed with architects and artists including Raimund Abraham, Henry N. Cobb, Steven Holl, Michael Maltzan, >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037784723 978-3-03778-472-3 US $60.00 CAN $79.00 TRADE Hbk, 11.75 x 9.5 in. / 376 pgs / 840 images. Pub Date: 01/25/2016 Out of stock
|  Real Projects for Real People Text by Anne Nigten, Kristina Andersen, Matthew Fuller, Sam Nemeth, et al. The Patching Zone is a multidisciplinary design laboratory where students and professionals from various backgrounds discuss creative applications of technology to daily life. In Real Projects for Real People, lab initiator Anne Nigten takes stock >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056627973 978-90-5662-797-3 US $25.00 CAN $34.50 FLAT40 Pbk, 6 x 8.25 in. / 209 pgs / 50 color. Pub Date: 08/31/2011 Out of stock
|  Reconstructions: Architecture and Blackness in America Edited with text by Sean Anderson and Mabel O. Wilson. Preface by Robin D. G. Kelley. Text by Emanuel Admassu, Germane Barnes, Adrienne Brown, Sekou Cooke, Milton S. F. Curry, J. Yolande Daniels, Charles L. Davis II, Felecia Davis, Arièle Dionne-Krosnick, Aruna D’Souza, Ifeoma Ebo, Tonya M. Foster, Mario Gooden, Dianne Harris, Walter J. Hood, Olalekan Jeyifous, V. Mitch McEwen, Justin Garrett Moore, David Naguib Pellow, Jennifer Newsom, Audrey Petty, Christina Sharpe, Carla Shedd, Roberta Washington, Michelle Joan Wilkinson, Amanda Williams. Photographic portfolio by David Hartt. A New York Times critics' pick | Best Art Books 2021
Reconstructions: Architecture and Blackness in America is an urgent call for architects to accept the challenge of reconceiving and reconstructing our built environment rather than >>more The Museum of Modern Art, New York ISBN 9781633451148 978-1-63345-114-8 US $45.00 CAN $63.00 TRADE Pbk, 8 x 10 in. / 176 pgs / 185 color. Pub Date: 03/02/2021 Out of stock
|  Reduce Reuse Recycle: Rethink Architecture Edited by Muck Petzet. The creative conversion and repurposing of existing structures is a defining feature of contemporary German architecture. Published for Germany’s pavilion at the 2012 Venice Biennale’s Architecture Exhibition, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle looks at this trend through >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775734257 978-3-7757-3425-7 US $60.00 CAN $79.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 272 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 11/30/2012 Out of stock
|  Repository Edited with text by Klaske Havik, Dalia Milian Bernal, Carlos Machado e Moura, Esteban Restrepo Restrepo, Lorin Niculae. Conceived as a sequel to Vademecum: 77 Minor Terms for Writing Urban Places, this volume offers a set of methods and assignments intended to stimulate creative, often embodied, approaches to architecture, urban studies and other >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462087798 978-94-6208-779-8 US $40.00 CAN $58.00 TRADE Pbk, 5 x 8.25 in. / 216 pgs / 35 color. Pub Date: 10/03/2023 Out of stock
|  Reuse, Redevelop and Design, Updated Edition Text by Paul Meurs, Marinke Steenhuis, Jean-Paul Corten, Sander Gelinck, Frank Strolenberg, Lara Voerman. Presenting the design schemes behind 20 redevelopment projects in the Netherlands, this book addresses success stories of urban reuse through essays on heritage policy, public-private partnerships and financing. >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462085718 978-94-6208-571-8 US $45.00 CAN $63.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 128 pgs / 123 color. Pub Date: 02/16/2021 In stock
|  Revisions Of Space: An Architectural Manual Essays by Dick van Gameren and Hans Ibelings. More felt than seen, space is a key quality of architecture that has eluded definition for centuries. People speak of how they feel in certain spaces, or how they move through them, yet those spaces >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056624217 978-90-5662-421-7 US $45.00 CAN $60.00 TRADE Hardcover, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 168 pgs / 120 color / 164 b&w. Pub Date: 08/15/2005 In stock
|  Rewriting Architecture Edited with text by Floris Alkemade, Michiel van Iersel, Jarrik Ouburg, Mark Minkjan. Text by Atelier Bow-Wow, René Boer, Amy Chester, Amie Dicke, et al. This volume considers existing urban contexts as an opportunity to use the potential of place, and the creativity of inhabitants and users, the power of the social and urban fabric to respond to needs and >>more Valiz ISBN 9789492095701 978-94-92095-70-1 US $39.50 CAN $55.50 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9 in. / 440 pgs / 500 color / 300 b&w. Pub Date: 02/02/2021 In stock
|  Robert Hutchison Architecture: Memory Houses Introduction by Robert Hutchison. Text by Víctor Alcérreca, Pia Sarpaneva, Taiji Miyasaka, Mary Ann Peters, Javier Sánchez. Seattle-based architect Robert Hutchison’s Memory Houses is a project that investigates mortality and memory through the lens of architecture.
Speculatively situated along the banks of the Wye River on the Eastern Shore of Maryland where the >>more Arquine ISBN 9786079489526 978-607-9489-52-6 US $32.00 CAN $45.00 TRADE Hbk, 7 x 9.5 in. / 152 pgs / 38 color / 52 b&w. Pub Date: 03/17/2020 Out of stock
|  Robert Venturi: Complexity And Contradiction In Architecture Foreword by Arthur Drexler. Introduction by Vincent Scully. First published in 1966, and since translated into 16 languages, this remarkable book has become an essential document of architectural literature. A "gentle manifesto for a nonstraightforward architecture," Venturi’s Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture expresses >>more The Museum of Modern Art, New York ISBN 9780870702822 978-0-87070-282-2 US $35.00 CAN $52.50 TRADE Paperback, 11 x 8.5 in. / 136 pgs / 35 reproductions. Pub Date: 07/02/2002 In stock
|  Rotterdam Architecture City Text by Paul Groenendijk, Piet Vollaard. This compact guide to Rotterdam’s architecture catalogues the latest high-profile buildings, such as the new Central Station and De Rotterdam, along with established icons like the Kunsthal and the Van Nelle Factory. In true guidebook >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462082304 978-94-6208-230-4 US $29.95 CAN $39.95 TRADE Pbk, 5 x 9 in. / 128 pgs / 135 color. Pub Date: 01/26/2016 In stock
|  SQM Edited by Joseph Grima, Andrea Bagnato, Tamar Shafrir. The way we live is rapidly changing under pressure from multiple forces—financial, environmental, technological, geopolitical. What we used to call home may not even exist anymore, having transmuted into a financial commodity of which the >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037784532 978-3-03778-453-2 US $38.00 CAN $55.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 304 pgs / 140 images. Pub Date: 02/10/2015 In stock
|  This volume examines architecture and urban design games that have been conceived and created by architects, urban designers, artists and game developers since the end of the 20th century, from doll’s houses to construction games >>more nai010 Publishers ISBN 9789462086890 978-94-6208-689-0 US $55.00 CAN $76.00 TRADE Hbk, 8.5 x 11.75 in. / 224 pgs / 125 color. Pub Date: 01/24/2023 In stock
|  Shenzhen Edited by Linda Vlassenrood. In 1980, Shenzhen, then a small fishing village, was awarded the status of “Special Economic Zone” by the Chinese government, bringing about rapid economic and urban reform. This publication provides an overview of Shenzhen’s current >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462082373 978-94-6208-237-3 US $24.95 CAN $33.95 TRADE Pbk, 5.5 x 9.5 in. / 240 pgs / 148 color. Pub Date: 11/22/2016 Out of stock
|  Small Scale, Big Change Introduction by Barry Bergdoll. Text by Andres Lepik. The role of the global architect in society is changing. Instead of waiting for commissions to come their way, architects are initiating and developing practical solutions in response to dramatically changing living conditions in many >>more The Museum of Modern Art, New York ISBN 9780870707841 978-0-87070-784-1 US $37.50 CAN $50.00 TRADE Pbk, 8 x 10 in. / 140 pgs / 170 color. Pub Date: 10/31/2010 In stock
|  Smooth City By René Boer. Illustrations by Kees de Klein. In cities across the world, a new urban condition is spreading rapidly: an ever-increasing push toward efficiency, sanitization, surveillance and the active eradication of any aberration, friction or alternative. From Dubai, Hong Kong and London >>more Valiz ISBN 9789493246201 978-94-93246-20-1 US $25.00 CAN $36.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 272 pgs / 30 color. Pub Date: 10/03/2023 In stock
|  Social Design Edited with text by Angeli Sachs. Text by Claudia Banz, Michael Krohn. Architects and designers have always played a vital role in shaping society. Social Design presents a long-overdue survey of current international activity in this realm, from new infrastructures and the reclaiming of cities by their >>more Lars Müller Publishers/Museum für Gestaltung Zürich ISBN 9783037785706 978-3-03778-570-6 US $30.00 CAN $40.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 192 pgs / 150 color. Pub Date: 11/20/2018 Out of stock
|  Space Is the Place Edited by Lukas Feireiss. Text by Franz Xaver Baier, Julius von Bismarck, Nuotama Bodomo, et al. This book looks at art that relates playfully to architecture, with contributions from artists, architects, designers and scholars including Franz Xaver Baier, Beatriz Colomina, Olafur Eliasson, Andrea Fraser, Bruce Nauman, Tom Sachs and more. >>more Spector Books ISBN 9783959053884 978-3-95905-388-4 US $30.00 CAN $40.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 192 pgs / 90 color / 17 b&w. Pub Date: 02/23/2021 Out of stock
|  Spacematrix Text by Meta Berghauser Pont, Per Haupt. This revised edition of Meta Berghauser Pont and Per Haupt’s 2010 volume attempts to analyze the connections between density, urban form and performance—a prerequisite for understanding and successfully predicting the effects of specific designs and >>more nai010 Publishers ISBN 9789462085381 978-94-6208-538-1 US $60.00 CAN $85.00 TRADE Hbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 280 pgs / 105 color / 70 b&w. Pub Date: 06/15/2021 In stock
|  How are changing conditions in society likely to affect Germany’s built environment? What are the catalysts for transformation in its cities and regions? Speculations Transformations is devoted to the social and spatial transformationsthat Germany will >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037784785 978-3-03778-478-5 US $45.00 CAN $60.00 TRADE Hbk, 8.25 x 11.75 in. / 272 pgs / 198 images. Pub Date: 06/30/2016 In stock
|  Sun Seekers By Lyra Kilston. Edited by Ananda Pellerin. Since the mid-19th century, the idea of California has lured many waves of migrants. Here, writer and editor Lyra Kilston explores a less examined attraction: the region’s promise of better health. From ailing families seeking >>more Atelier Éditions ISBN 9780997593587 978-0-9975935-8-7 US $29.95 CAN $45.00 TRADE Pbk, 7 x 9.25 in. / 192 pgs / 60 b&w. Pub Date: 04/23/2019 In stock
|  Sweet & Salt Edited by Tracy Metz, Maartje van den Heuvel. Water management runs in the blood of the Dutch: draining the Netherlands and keeping it dry is a process they started centuries ago and continue to this day. In Sweet & Salt: Water and the >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056628482 978-90-5662-848-2 US $44.95 CAN $60.00 TRADE Pbk, 9 x 11 in. / 296 pgs / 280 color. Pub Date: 08/31/2012 In stock
|  Tabula Plena Edited by Bryony Roberts. In contrast to tabula rasa urbanism, this book considers strategies for tabula plena—urban sites that are full of existing buildings of multiple time periods. Such dense sites prompt designers to work between the fields of >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037784914 978-3-03778-491-4 US $46.00 CAN $62.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9 in. / 256 pgs / 149 images. Pub Date: 07/25/2016 In stock
|  Tales from a Technocratic City Edited with foreword, preface and afterword by Josh Plough. Text by Lotte Houwing, Bas Grutjes, Sjamme van de Voort, Helen Milne, Wendy Owusu. This publication is the culmination of a year-long participatory research project into the presence of technology in public space. Focusing on the city of Eindhoven, it combines citizen journalism, design research and critical essays to >>more Onomatopee Projects ISBN 9789493148086 978-94-93148-08-6 US $15.00 CAN $21.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 4.25 x 6 in. / 228 pgs / 54 color. Pub Date: 11/15/2022 In stock
|  Ten Cities Edited with text by Johannes Hossfeld Etyang, Joyce Nyairo, Florian Sievers. Text by Rui Miguel Abreu, Vitor Belanciano, Tony Benjamin, Danilo Capasso, Vincenzo Cavallo, Iain Chambers, Kateryna Dysa, Maha ElNabawi, Michelle Henning, Rehan Hyder, Rangoato Hlasane, Ângela Mingas, Ali Abdel Mohsen, Marissa J. Moorman, Billi Odidi, Sean O’Toole, Tobias Rapp, Mudi Yahaya, Vitalij Bard Bardezkij. The image of the DJ dragging his record case through international “non-places” and deejaying in clubs around the globe is a contemporary cliché. But these club scenes have rich, geographically differentiated local histories and cultures. >>more Spector Books ISBN 9783944669793 978-3-944669-79-3 US $50.00 CAN $69.95 TRADE Pbk, 10.75 x 15.75 in. / 560 pgs / 100 color / 250 b&w. Pub Date: 02/23/2021 In stock
|  Thanks for the View, Mr. Mies Edited with text by by Danielle Aubert, Lana Cavar, Natasha Chandani. Lafayette Park, a middle-class residential area in downtown Detroit, is home to the largest collection of buildings designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe in the world. Throughout the 1990s and 2000s, it remained one >>more Metropolis Books ISBN 9781942884408 978-1-942884-40-8 US $29.95 CAN $45.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 304 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 05/21/2019 Out of stock
|  The Air from Other Planets introduces an architecture built and controlled by amplifying and designing the energy within our electromagnetic, thermodynamic, acoustic, and chemical environment. This approach to design exchanges the walls and shells we >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037783931 978-3-03778-393-1 US $28.00 CAN $42.00 TRADE Hbk, 6.75 x 4.5 in. / 248 pgs / 90 images. Pub Date: 12/13/2013 In stock
|  Their diverse work positioned the firm at the forefront of a social turn in architecture in the late 1990s, with concrete urban interventions encouraging social cohesion in the megacities of the Global South and Europe’s >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775742863 978-3-7757-4286-3 US $75.00 CAN $103.00 FLAT40 Hbk, 6.75 x 9.75 in. / 672 pgs / 911 color. Pub Date: 02/01/2022 In stock
|  What do outer space capsules, submarines and office buildings have in common? Each was conceived as a closed system—a self-sustaining physical environment demarcated from its surroundings by a boundary prohibiting the transfer of matter or >>more Lars Müller Publishers/Storefront for Art and Architecture ISBN 9783037785805 978-3-03778-580-5 US $46.00 CAN $62.00 TRADE Pbk, 7.75 x 10.75 in. / 352 pgs / 340 color. Pub Date: 11/20/2018 In stock
|  This volume responds to current thinking on the built environment, foregrounding the ways in which architecture fosters relations between people and to nature, and asking: what forms of social life does architecture cause, after it's >>more KANT ISBN 9788074373190 978-80-7437-319-0 US $45.00 CAN $63.00 FLAT40 Clth, 6.25 x 9 in. / 168 pgs / 131 color. Pub Date: 05/04/2021 Out of stock
|  For nearly fifty years “the building” has primarily been viewed as a means rather than an end within architectural history and theory. This volume presents an alternative to that trend by reconceiving it as a >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037784983 978-3-03778-498-3 US $55.00 CAN $82.50 TRADE Hbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 416 pgs / 244 images. Pub Date: 12/14/2016 In stock
|  In this groundbreaking book, Charles Landry—inventor of the Creative City concept—helps us navigate the evolving urban landscape and its potential, finding a pathway through the major dilemmas and potentials of our time: inequality, environmental distress >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462083882 978-94-6208-388-2 US $45.00 CAN $60.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 288 pgs / 150 color. Pub Date: 02/27/2018 Out of stock
|  Rapid technological change is altering how we interact with space, place and time. Vast flows make the new norm nomadic, yet there is a yearning for belonging, distinctiveness and identity. Under these pressures, old systems >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462083721 978-94-6208-372-1 US $65.00 CAN $87.00 TRADE Hbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 288 pgs / 150 color. Pub Date: 02/27/2018 Out of stock
|  The Delos Symposia and Doxiadis Edited with text by Mantha Zarmakoupi, Simon Richards. Text by Tilemachos Andrianopolous, Harrison Blackman, Filippo De Dominicis, Thomas Doxiadis, Farhan Karim, Ahmed Khan, Dimitris Philippidis, Panayiota Pyla, Ellen Shoshkes, Ioanna Theocharopoulou, Lefteris Theodosis, Kostas Tsiambaos, Yannis Zavoleas. Afterword by Panayotis Tournikiotis. Spearheaded by members of the digital humanities Delos Project, The Delos Symposia offers a contemporary critical reassessment of the extravagant conferences choreographed around Greek architect Constantinos Doxiadis and his “science of human settlements” known as >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037787625 978-3-03778-762-5 US $50.00 CAN $75.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 504 pgs / 216 color. Pub Date: 02/04/2025 In stock
|  The Feeling of Things By Adam Caruso A principal of the London-based architecture firm Caruso St. John, "Gritty Brit" Adam Caruso has been writing intensively since the mid-1990s. His essays, published in The Architect's Journal, OASE, Blueprint and Tate, focus on architectural >>more Ediciones Polígrafa ISBN 9788434311862 978-84-343-1186-2 US $25.00 CAN $34.50 TRADE Hardback, 6.25 x 8.75 in. / 96 pgs / 12 b&w. Pub Date: 03/04/2009 In stock
|  The Flexible City Text by Tom Bergevoet, Maarten van Tuijl. In Europe, the period of great economic and demographic growth is largely over. Unlike in Latin America, Asia or Africa, the boundaries of European cities are no longer expanding, but have essentially come to a >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462082878 978-94-6208-287-8 US $45.00 CAN $60.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 216 pgs / 150 color. Pub Date: 08/23/2016 Out of stock
|  The Flexible City Text by Tom Bergevoet, Maarten van Tuijl. All over Europe, cities struggle with an accumulation of environmental crises, including global warming, the depletion of natural resources and pollution. This book presents a toolbox by which circularity and climate adaptation can be implemented >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462088320 978-94-6208-832-0 US $49.95 CAN $71.95 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 224 pgs / 110 color / 40 b&w. Pub Date: 03/26/2024 In stock
|  Despite the historical significance of form in architecture, the subject is frequently undervalued in debate. This book relates a variety of ideas regarding form, not only through aesthetic and technological approaches, but also from social >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037785041 978-3-03778-504-1 US $46.00 CAN $62.00 TRADE Pbk, 8.5 x 10.25 in. / 208 pgs / 230 images. Pub Date: 01/25/2017 In stock
|  First published in 2006 (and now rare), and originally written as a dissertation in 1963, The Formal Basis of Modern Architecture is the acclaimed American architect Peter Eisenman's masterly formal analysis of architecture. "I wanted >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037785737 978-3-03778-573-7 US $40.00 CAN $60.00 TRADE Hbk, 9 x 9.5 in. / 384 pgs / 600 b&w. Pub Date: 06/26/2018 In stock
|  The Functional City: CIAM and the Legacy of Van Eesteren Text by Kees Somer. Dutch architect and planner Cornelis van Eesteren served as president of CIAM, the Congrès International d'Architecture Moderne, from 1930 to 1947. His tenure there was steady and influential, but has been little studied, as the >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056625764 978-90-5662-576-4 US $75.00 CAN $99.00 FLAT40 Hardcover, 9.75 x 12 in. / 304 pgs / 100 color/ 100 b&w. Pub Date: 07/01/2007 In stock
|  The Future of Transportation Edited by Henry Grabar. Text by Atossa Araxia Abrahamian, Darren Andersen, Laura Bliss, Alison Griswold, Nick Van Mead, Christopher Schaberg. Illustrations by Olalekan Jeyifous. With the promise of delivery drones, personal helicopters, and groceries delivered right to your refrigerator, one might think we are living in the best of transportation times. Most city commuters would be quick to tell >>more Metropolis Books ISBN 9781942884453 978-1-942884-45-3 US $17.95 CAN $24.95 TRADE Pbk, 4.25 x 7 in. / 124 pgs / 7 color. Pub Date: 11/19/2019 In stock
|  The Ideal Communist City By Andrei Baburov, Georgi Djumenton, Alexei Gutnov, Zoya Kharitonova, Ilya Lezava, Stanislav Zadovskij. Edited with text by Ute Meta Bauer, Karin Oen, Pelin Tan. Foreword by Mary Otis Stevens. Afterword by Ana Miljacki. In 1968, lauded American architect Mary Otis Stevens (born 1928) and her partner, fellow architect Thomas McNulty (1919–84), initiated i Press, the influential imprint that focuses on the social context of architecture. Over the next >>more Weiss Publications ISBN 9783948318161 978-3-948318-16-1 US $25.00 CAN $35.00 TRADE Pbk, 6 x 8.25 in. / 192 pgs / 40 b&w. Pub Date: 11/22/2022 Out of stock
|  The Industrious City Edited by Hiromi Hosoya, Markus Schaefer. Text by Markus Schaefer, Anna Schindler, Barbara Zeleny, Gesa Ziemer, Philipp Aerni, Daniel Wiener, Alex Krieger, Nina Rappaport, Kim Stanley Robinson, Philipp Aerni. Photography by Iwan Baan, Jos Schmid, Joel Tettamanti, Géraldine Recker. Cities have always been places where commerce and production, working and living, are physically and functionally integrated. Only with the rise of industry have zoning regulations been introduced to separate these functions. But what role >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037786147 978-3-03778-614-7 US $46.00 CAN $62.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 412 pgs / 100 color. Pub Date: 04/13/2021 In stock
|  The Landscape of Contemporary Infrastructure Text by Marcel Smets, Kelly Shannon. Since its initial publication in 2010, The Landscape of Contemporary Infrastructure has become a standard reference for designers; this new edition brings the indispensable volume back into print.
The design of infrastructural networks--the systems that enable >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462082397 978-94-6208-239-7 US $80.00 CAN $107.50 TRADE Pbk, 9.25 x 11 in. / 272 pgs / 475 color. Pub Date: 08/23/2016 In stock
|  The Metropolitan Laboratory Magazine, Vol. 1 Edited by Kristin Feireiss, Lukas Feireiss. ANCB The Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory (Berlin) was launched in 2009 as a physical and intellectual space focused on the inseparable interplay between urban form and social life. Now in its eighth year, ANCB decided to >>more Spector Books ISBN 9783944083032 978-3-944083-03-2 US $22.00 CAN $30.50 TRADE Pbk, 7.25 x 10.5 in. / 202 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 09/01/2016 In stock
|  Based on the author’s artistic research on migration, contemporary urban experience, and sonic alienation, The Nomadic Listener is composed of a series of texts stemming from psychogeographic explorations of contemporary cities, including Copenhagen, Berlin, Kolkata, >>more Errant Bodies Press ISBN 9780997874464 978-0-9978744-6-4 US $18.00 CAN $25.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 6 x 9 in. / 112 pgs / 50 b&w. Pub Date: 09/29/2020 In stock
|  Contrary to popular belief, the architecture and spatial politics of the State of Israel were not born haphazardly out of emergency or speculation. The Israeli built environment is the deliberate response to a unique objective—how >>more Spector Books ISBN 9783959051330 978-3-95905-133-0 US $70.00 CAN $92.50 TRADE Hbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 1,000 pgs / 1,200 b&w. Pub Date: 02/19/2019 In stock
|  In 1903, Adolf Loos edited the journal Das Andere, in which he expressed his thoughts on, and theories of, contemporary architecture, fashion, and design. The publication was born out of Loos’ aversion to a superficial >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037784815 978-3-03778-481-5 US $38.00 CAN $50.00 TRADE Pbk, 8.25 x 9.5 in. / 80 pgs / 28 images. Pub Date: 08/25/2016 In stock
|  The Port of Rotterdam Text by Adriaan Geuze, Frank de Kruif, Peter de Langen, Isabelle Vries, et al. The Port of Rotterdam analyzes the history of Rotterdam as a port city from economic, geographic and logistic perspectives. With rich illustrations, interviews and narratives, the book highlights impressive engineering feats and compares the port >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462082359 978-94-6208-235-9 US $80.00 CAN $107.50 TRADE Hbk, 9.5 x 11.75 in. / 272 pgs / 310 color. Pub Date: 04/26/2016 Out of stock
|  The Search for Europe The eighth volume in the annual series sponsored by BBVA as part of its OpenMind initiative devoted to disseminating knowledge on key issues of our time, The Search for Europe analyses the present and future >>more La Fábrica ISBN 9788416248421 978-84-16248-42-1 US $25.00 CAN $34.50 TRADE Pbk, 7 x 9.5 in. / 448 pgs / 50 color. Pub Date: 05/24/2016 In stock
|  The Social Dimension of Social Housing Edited by Simon Güntner, Juma Hauser, Judith M. Lehner, Christoph Reinprecht. Contributions by Amita Bhide, Silvia Federici, Astrid Ley, Iván Tosics, et al. Twenty short essays, based on case studies from around the world, describe and illustrate the social elements of social housing developments. This volume embarks on an ambitious journey across continents and contexts, offering up a >>more Spector Books ISBN 9783959056533 978-3-95905-653-3 US $40.00 CAN $56.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 6.75 x 9 in. / 368 pgs. Pub Date: 10/03/2023 In stock
|  The Turn of the Century Edited by Matthias Sauerbruch, Louisa Hutton. Text by Thomas Auer, Barry Bergdoll, Marco Biscione, Jean-Louis Cohen, Peter Cook, Kristin Feireiss, Albert Ferré, Kurt Forster, Adrian Forty, Kieran Long, Ijoma Mangold, Gerhard Matzig, Luca Molinari, Mohsen Mostafavi, Lars Müller, Anh-Linh Ngo, Eric Parry, Kester Rattenbury, Raymund Ryan, Karin Sander, Veronica Simpson, Philip Ursprung, Dirk van den Heuvel, Georg Vrachliotis. German designer Matthias Sauerbruch (born 1955) and British designer Louisa Hutton (born 1957) have asked a diverse group of authors to reflect on the various conditions that have shaped the conception, production and circulation of >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037786741 978-3-03778-674-1 US $25.00 CAN $47.00 TRADE Hbk, 9.5 x 11.75 in. / 164 pgs / 14 color. Pub Date: 11/16/2021 In stock
|  The Universitas Project Conceived and Directed by Emilio Ambasz. Essays by Jean Baudrillard, Manuel Castells, Gillo Dorfles, Ronald Dworkin, Umberto Eco, Erich Jantsch, Suzanne Keller, Gyorgy Kepes, Richard L. Meier, Martin Pawley, Octavio Paz, et al. Foreword by Terrance Riley. In January of 1972, The Museum of Modern Art hosted "The Universitas Project," a two-day conference sponsored by the Museum's International Council and the Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies. The distinguished participants, from a >>more The Museum of Modern Art, New York ISBN 9780870700705 978-0-87070-070-5 US $34.95 CAN $45.95 TRADE Paperback, 6.5 x 9.75 in. / 440 pgs. Pub Date: 09/15/2006 In stock
|  The Wasted City Edited by Francesca Miazzo. Text by Francesca Miazzo, Mehdi Comeau, Alex Thibadoux, et al. Case studies include Plant Chicago, The Empowerment Plan, Closed Loop Partners, United States Business Council for Sustainable Development and Toronto Tool Library. >>more Valiz/Trancity ISBN 9789492095312 978-94-92095-31-2 US $26.00 CAN $36.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9 in. / 164 pgs / 100 color / 20 b&w. Pub Date: 08/22/2017 In stock
|  The Western Town Edited by Alex Lehnerer. Foreword by Robert E. Somol. Text by Jayne Kelley, Alex Lehnerer, Jared Macken, Lorenzo Stieger. The Western town of roughly 1860–90 exists in an ephemeral moment in American history. Always being realized but never really there, these towns vanished entirely from the prairie by the end of the nineteenth century. >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775736596 978-3-7757-3659-6 US $45.00 CAN $60.00 TRADE Hbk, 9.5 x 12.5 in. / 176 pgs / 160 color. Pub Date: 02/28/2014 Out of stock
|  The Wrong House: The Architecture of Alfred Hitchcock By Steven Jacobs. In this imaginative and scholarly book, Steven Jacobs explores the architectural elements of Alfred Hitchcock’s films and the vital role they played in providing atmosphere and facilitating plot development. Hitchcock famously left nothing to chance, >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462080966 978-94-6208-096-6 US $55.00 CAN $72.50 TRADE Pbk, 6 x 9.5 in. / 344 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 04/30/2014 Out of stock
|  Thinking in Thin Air Edited with text by Finn Canonica, Cristina Bechtler. Text by Julian Charrière, Hans Danuser, Zvi Hecker, Ravit Helled, Thomas Hirschhorn, Bethan Huws, Joanna Lesnierowska, Gianni Pettena, Tobias Rehberger, Hans Jörg Ruch, Rolf Sachs, Michael Schindhelm, Juergen Teller, Tomás Saraceno, Oscar Tuazon, Adrián Villar Rojas. In the Engadine mountain village of Zuoz, high in the Swiss Alps, artists, architects and scientists gather every winter to talk about their ideas and projects and to exchange ideas beyond the boundaries of their >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037786246 978-3-03778-624-6 US $35.00 CAN $52.50 TRADE Pbk, 6 x 8.5 in. / 312 pgs / 80 color. Pub Date: 03/24/2020 In stock
|  To Build a City in Africa Edited with text by Rachel Keeton, Michelle Provoost. Text by Edgar Pieterse, Peter Gotsch, David Sims, Israel Marques, Preston Mendenhall, Antoneh Tona, Wajiha Ibrahim, Antoni Folkers, Coen Beeker, Femke van Noorloos, Ellen Geurts, Alonso Ayala Aleman, Henk Ovink, Anne Erdl. Africa’s population and economic growth make it the world’s fastest urbanizing continent. While some might still associate Africa with rural development, the future of Africa is, in fact, very urban. This urbanization poses a huge >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462083929 978-94-6208-392-9 US $50.00 CAN $67.50 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 456 pgs / 150 color. Pub Date: 08/20/2019 In stock
|  Amid an unprecedented housing crisis, people are increasingly turning toward collective self-organization for housing that is community-oriented, affordable and environmentally sustainable. Together presents essays, interviews and case studies addressing the revival of collaborative living in >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462087859 978-94-6208-785-9 US $40.00 CAN $58.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 160 pgs / 40 color / 60 b&w. Pub Date: 03/26/2024 In stock
|  Touch Wood Edited with text by Carla Ferrer, Thomas Hildebrand, Celina Martinez-Cañavate. Text by Hubertus Adam, Edyta Augustynowicz, Andrea Frangi, Grafton, Herzog & de Meuron, Kengo Kuma, Wataru Kumano, Stephen Pyne, Helene Romakin, Philip Ursprung, Albena Yaneva, Edwin Zea Escamilla, et al. Wood is the building material of the 21st century. Understanding this material and its potential requires us to recognize its ecological, technological and cultural-historical contexts. Touch Wood explores this potential, with inspiring examples—both practical and >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037786987 978-3-03778-698-7 US $46.00 CAN $62.00 TRADE Pbk, 7.75 x 10.5 in. / 288 pgs / 140 color / 10 b&w. Pub Date: 03/21/2023 In stock
|  Towards Home: Inuit & Sámi Placemaking Edited by Joar Nango, Taqralik Partridge, Jocelyn Piirainen, Rafico Ruiz. Text by Robyn Adams, Ella den Elzen, Liisa-Rávná Finbog, Napatsi Folger, Carola Grahn, Jenni Hakovirta, Elin Kristine Haugdal, Geronimo Inutiq, Ellen Marie Jensen, et al. An Indigenous-led publication, Towards Home explores how Inuit, Sámi and other communities across the Arctic are creating self-determined spaces. This research project, led by Indigenous and settler coeditors, is titled after the phrases angirramut in >>more Valiz/Canadian Centre for Architecture/Mondo Books ISBN 9789493246256 978-94-93246-25-6 US $32.50 CAN $46.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 352 pgs / 50 color / 100 b&w. Pub Date: 08/20/2024 In stock
|  Towards a New Kind of Building By Kas Oosterhuis. Today's buildings are designed with digital tools and produced by digitally controlled methods. This construction technology now requires us to reevaluate our conception of the realization and the look of architecture, since these means enable >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056627638 978-90-5662-763-8 US $37.50 CAN $50.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 240 pgs / 200 color / 100 b&w. Pub Date: 05/31/2011 Out of stock
|  Town Planning in the Netherlands By Cor Wagenaar. This reprinted publication presents anew an acclaimed overview of town planning in the Netherlands from the late 18th century onward. The book sheds light on developments such as the emergence of a national railway network, >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462082410 978-94-6208-241-0 US $95.00 CAN $127.50 TRADE Flexi, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 640 pgs / 500 color. Pub Date: 01/26/2016 In stock
|  Trading between Architecture and Art Edited with text by Wouter Davidts, Susan Holden, Ashley Paine. Text by Angelique Campens, Guy Châtel, Mark Dorrian, Maarten Liefooghe, Mark Linder, John Macarthur, Léa-Catherine Szacka, Annalise Varghese, Stefaan Vervoort, Stephen Walker, Rosemary Willink. The recurring question of whether architecture is an art does not allow for a simple answer. The question itself, however, exposes the ways in which the concept of architecture has changed and is changing. The >>more Valiz ISBN 9789492095671 978-94-92095-67-1 US $30.00 CAN $45.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.25 x 9 in. / 240 pgs / 200 b&w. Pub Date: 09/17/2019 In stock
|  Two Sides of the Border Edited by Tatiana Bilbao, Ayesha S. Ghosh, Nile Greenberg. Contributions by Miguel Fernández De Castro, Natalia Mendoza, Carla Fernandez, Pedro Reyes, Stephen Haff, Carlos Hagerman, Andrei Harwell, Minjae Kim, Ersela Kripa, Sarah Lynn Lopez, Monica Lozano, Alejandro Morales Luperca, Stephen Mueller, Diego del Valle Ríos, Thomas Paturet, Carlos Zedillo. At a moment when migration has returned as a hot-button political issue and NAFTA is being renegotiated as the USMC, political discourse has exaggerated differences on either side of the shared US/Mexico border. But what >>more Lars Müller Publishers/Yale School of Architecture ISBN 9783037786086 978-3-03778-608-6 US $46.00 CAN $62.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 488 pgs / 350 color. Pub Date: 12/29/2020 In stock
|  Uninhabitable Architectures Edited by Chiara Sbarigia with Dario Dalla Lana. Text by Stefania Auci, Edoardo Albinati, Marco Belpoliti, Gianni Biondillo, Andrea Canobbio, Andrea Di Consoli, Francesca Melandri, Tiziano Scarpa, Filippo Timi. Photographs by Gabriele Basilico, Gianni Berengo Gardin, Silvia Camporesi, Guido Guidi, Francesco Jodice, Steve McCurry, Ferdinando Scianna. “Uninhabitable architecture[s]” are projects that do not provide for human presence, and thus function as pure art. Using archival and commissioned photographs, this study of the relationship between living and building includes Gio Ponti’s Branca >>more Marsilio Arte ISBN 9791254631867 979-12-5463-186-7 US $40.00 CAN $58.00 TRADE Hbk, 8.5 x 10.5 in. / 248 pgs / 163 color. Pub Date: 10/15/2024 Out of stock
|  Urban Challenges, Resilient Solutions Text by Sandra van Assen, Tijs van den Boomen, Marco Broekman, Guido van Eyck, et al. Urban Challenges, Resilient Solutions offers designers, their commissioners and local governments new models for thinking about sustainability, resiliency, and the social and physical health of contemporary cities, with more than 50 case studies. >>more Valiz/Trancity ISBN 9789492095336 978-94-92095-33-6 US $30.00 CAN $40.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 320 pgs / 120 color / 25 b&w. Pub Date: 11/21/2017 In stock
|  Urban Literacy By Klaske Havik. Literature provides essential insights into how people experience, use and imagine places. In an accessible but scientifically aware manner, architect and author Klaske Havik (born 1975) argues that literary authors most effectively portray the concept >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462081215 978-94-6208-121-5 US $49.95 CAN $67.50 FLAT40 Pbk, 6.75 x 8.75 in. / 256 pgs / 80 b&w. Pub Date: 02/24/2015 Out of stock
|  Urban Politics Now Text by Slavoj Zizek, Edward Soja, Juliet Flower MacCannell, Neil Smith, Dieter Lesage. In Urban Politics Now, the Rotterdam-based “architect philosophers” Gideon Boie and Matthias Pauwels--otherwise known as The BAVO Bureau for Architectural Theory--issue a challenge to sociologists, social geographers, philosophers, urban planners and architects, asking, "What ails >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056626167 978-90-5662-616-7 US $37.50 CAN $50.00 TRADE Paperback, 5.75 x 9 in. / 240 pgs. Pub Date: 03/01/2008 Out of stock
|  Urban Space Text by Klaus Theo Brenner. Photographs by René Wildgrube. Klaus Theo Brenner’s architectural study of the development of modernism in European architecture includes archival photographs published as postcards in the early twentieth century, as well as contemporary portraits of Milan’s architecture from the 1920s >>more Wasmuth ISBN 9783803007681 978-3-8030-0768-1 US $50.00 CAN $67.50 FLAT40 Hbk, 7.75 x 11.5 in. / 140 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 05/31/2014 In stock
|  The North Sea is one of the world’s most industrialized seas, in which the Netherlands plays a central role. Through perspectives from academia, art, literature and design, this volume emphasizes fresh approaches for designing the >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462085930 978-94-6208-593-0 US $60.00 CAN $84.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 296 pgs / 40 color / 40 b&w. Pub Date: 06/29/2021 In stock
|  Vacancy Studies Edited by Ronald Rietveld, et al. Vacancy Studies offers an optimistic perspective on the temporary reuse of vacant spaces such as bunkers, churches, castles, hospitals, prisons, palaces and airports. An indispensable reference, this book investigates the design approach of "strategic interventions," >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462081468 978-94-6208-146-8 US $40.00 CAN $54.00 TRADE Hbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 192 pgs / 215 color. Pub Date: 03/24/2015 In stock
|  Vademecum Edited by Svava Riesto, Henriette Steiner, et al. This book offers new approaches to professionals, researchers, students and communities for planning, architecture, urban design, policy and other practices of spatial development in cities, promoting interdisciplinary engagement. >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462085763 978-94-6208-576-3 US $40.00 CAN $56.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 4.25 x 7 in. / 224 pgs / 200 b&w. Pub Date: 08/31/2021 In stock
|  Valuing Architecture Edited with text by Ashley Paine, Susan Holden, John Macarthur. Architecture has always been found in the space between its economic and cultural values. Unlike the visual and performing arts, literature and music, architecture's values are often seen to be compromised by, or contingent upon, >>more Valiz ISBN 9789492095930 978-94-92095-93-0 US $30.00 CAN $40.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.25 x 9 in. / 288 pgs / 113 b&w. Pub Date: 02/02/2021 In stock
|  Vegetation under Power: Heat, Breath, Growth Text by Lili Carr, Maya Errázuriz, Shaiwanti Gupta, Elizabeth Hong, Pierre Klein, Elisabetta Rattalino, et al. This publication interweaves stories about the energy-defined landscape of the German town of Bitterfeld with the modern legacy of the Bauhaus. Using archival documents, physical interventions and field studies, it proposes a new reading of >>more Spector Books ISBN 9783959055871 978-3-95905-587-1 US $15.00 CAN $21.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 4.25 x 5.75 in. / 144 pgs / 20 b&w. Pub Date: 12/13/2022 Out of stock
|  Velotopia By Steven Fleming. Photographs by Mikael Colville-Andersen. Could cycling actually become a key organizing principle for future urban growth and the design of new buildings? What would cities designed for cycling look like and feel like? What is needed to make the >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462083523 978-94-6208-352-3 US $35.00 CAN $47.50 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 244 pgs / 200 color. Pub Date: 10/24/2017 In stock
|  Vienna: The End of Housing (As a Typology) Edited by Anh-Linh Ngo, Michael Obrist, Christina Lenart, Bernadette Krejs. Text by Gabu Heindl, Andrej Holm, Elke Krasny, Christoph Laimer, Werner Neuwirth, Irene Nierhaus, Ludger Schwarte. Vienna has never lost sight of two things: the need to build and maintain residential housing stock and the continued policy of land banking. This publication focuses on the city as a means to examine >>more Spector Books/ARCH+ ISBN 9783959057028 978-3-95905-702-8 US $35.00 CAN $50.00 TRADE Pbk, 9.25 x 11.75 in. / 216 pgs / 130 color / 40 b&w. Pub Date: 07/09/2024 Out of stock
|  Visible Upon Breakdown Edited by Justinien Tribillon, Isabel Seiffert, Christoph Miler. Text by Eline Benjaminsen, Sim Chi Yin, Armelle Choplin, Matthieu Gafsou, Gabriella Garcia, Étienne Malapert, et al. From the war in Ukraine disrupting wheat exports to Covid and wood shortages affecting construction sites worldwide, this volume questions the cultural, political and spatial nature of infrastructure, investigating its tangible components alongside the faults >>more Spector Books ISBN 9783959057554 978-3-95905-755-4 US $40.00 CAN $58.00 TRADE Flexi, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 220 pgs / 136 color / 6 b&w. Pub Date: 12/24/2024 In stock
|  Wanderspace Text by Tine Hens, Roel De Ridder, Leo Van Broeck, Jee Kast. Even as unbuilt spaces become more and more scarce, many societies continue to overlook the possibilities of what has already been constructed. This publication provides a critical view of the architect’s role in spatial planning, >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462085893 978-94-6208-589-3 US $50.00 CAN $70.00 FLAT40 Hbk, 4 x 8.25 in. / 384 pgs / 46 color. Pub Date: 02/16/2021 Out of stock
|  We Own the City Edited by Tris Kee, Francesca Miazzo. We Own the City examines the ways in which urban dwellers--who used to be merely "clients" of development--are taking ownership of their neighborhoods. Bottom-up initiatives are cropping up around the world, but institutions, government offices >>more Valiz/Trancity ISBN 9789078088912 978-90-78088-91-2 US $37.50 CAN $50.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.25 in. / 296 pgs / 170 color . Pub Date: 09/30/2014 Out of stock
|  Weather in the City Text by Sanda Lenzholer. There is plenty of urban architecture whose design fails to take the urban climate properly into account: a beautifully laid-out square where you are nearly blown off your feet, or a modern city apartment that >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462081987 978-94-6208-198-7 US $45.00 CAN $60.00 TRADE Pbk, 6 x 9 in. / 216 pgs / 150 color. Pub Date: 08/25/2015 Out of stock
|  World of Variation By Mary Otis Stevens, Thomas McNulty. Edited with text by Ute Meta Bauer, Karin Oen, Pelin Tan. Foreword by Mary Otis Stevens. Afterword by Beatriz Colomina. In World of Variation (1970), American architects Mary Otis Stevens (born 1928) and Thomas McNulty (1919–84) outlined a radical reenvisioning of socio-spatial relationships, informed by their background in philosophy and commitment to decentralizing hierarchies. Writing >>more Weiss Publications ISBN 9783948318178 978-3-948318-17-8 US $25.00 CAN $35.00 TRADE Pbk, 6 x 8.25 in. / 208 pgs / 40 b&w. Pub Date: 11/22/2022 In stock
|  Writingplace Journal for Architecture and Literature 3 Edited by Klaske Havik, Marko Jobst. Text by Catharina Gabrielsson, Helene Frichot, Anne Kockelkorn, Kim Gurney, Robin Wilson, Naomi Stead. Since 2016, Writingplace has served as a platform for discussing the relationship between literature and architecture. The third issue focuses on reading and reviewing works in progress. >>more nai010 Publishers ISBN 9789462085312 978-94-6208-531-2 US $39.95 CAN $55.95 FLAT40 Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 144 pgs / 60 b&w. Pub Date: 06/29/2021 Out of stock
|  The fourth edition of Writingplace—the open-access journal of architecture and literature—surveys the use of methods and approaches to spatial imagination across disciplines. >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462085749 978-94-6208-574-9 US $40.00 CAN $56.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 144 pgs / 60 b&w. Pub Date: 06/15/2021 Out of stock
|  Developed in context of the European scientific network EU COST Action, Writingplace 5 approaches a range of narrative methods for analysis and design that deal with socially inclusive urban places. >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462085756 978-94-6208-575-6 US $40.00 CAN $56.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 144 pgs / 60 b&w. Pub Date: 02/22/2022 In stock
|  Writingplace: Investigations in Architecture and Literature Edited by Klaske Havik, Susana Oliveira, Mark Proosten, Jorge Mejía Hernández, Mike Schäfer. Writingplace marks an emerging discussion on the relationship of literature and architecture. The book, which grows out of an online platform of the same name, offers reflections on the role played by written language as >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462082816 978-94-6208-281-6 US $45.00 CAN $60.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 288 pgs / 60 color. Pub Date: 02/28/2017 In stock
|  This is the latest installment in a series documenting the fellowship program at the Design Academy Saaleck. In accordance with 2023’s theme, the book delves into the complex history of monuments and their entwinement with >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775756556 978-3-7757-5655-6 US $34.95 CAN $49.95 TRADE Pbk, 7 x 9.25 in. / 176 pgs / 80 color. Pub Date: 11/12/2024 In stock
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| VISUAL BOOK INDEX | OUT OF PRINT |  After-Sprawl: Research On The Contemporary City Edited by Xaveer de Geyter. Essays by Geert Bekaert, Ivan Nio, Emanuel Christ, Maria Chiara Tosi, Stefano Munarin and Alex Wall. Increasing urban sprawl throughout Western Europe is giving rise to more and more areas characterized by a diffuse urbanization or urban network. In After Sprawl, the Brussels-based firm of Xaveer de Geyter Architects examines this >>more nai010 publishers/Rotterdam & deSingel International Arts Centre, Antwerp ISBN 9789056622657 US $35.00 CAN $40.00 TRADE Paperback, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 240 pgs / 236 color 27 b&w. Pub Date: 07/02/2002 Not available
|  Americanism: Dutch Architecture and the Transatlantic Model Edited by Hans Ibelings. Directly and indirectly, since the Second World War, a large part of the Dutch environment has been influenced by American architecture. This history of transatlantic influences on Dutch architecture, which includes the work of Richard >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056620424 US $35.00 CAN $47.50 FLAT40 Paperback, 9 x 11 in. / 128 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 10/02/1997 Not available
|  Amsterdam Ton Schaap Taking Amsterdam as a case study, this publication considers the question of authorship in town planning. Ton Schaap began to practise town planning in the mid-1980s, at a time when the discipline was in crisis. >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789064506734 US $39.95 CAN $53.95 FLAT40 Pbk, 8.75 x 10.25 in. / 80 pgs / 100 color. Pub Date: 04/30/2013 Not available
|  An Atlas of Radical Cartography Edited by Lize Mogel, Alexis Bhagat. An Atlas of Radical Cartography makes an important contribution to a growing cultural movement that traverses the boundaries between art, cartography, geography and activism. It pairs writers with artists, architects, designers and collectives to address >>more Journal of Aesthetics and Protest Press ISBN 9780979137723 US $35.00 CAN $40.00 TRADE Boxed, 4.25 x 7.5 in. / 160 pgs / 10 maps / 15 b&w. Pub Date: 03/01/2008 Not available
|  Animal Spirits: A Bestiary of the Commons Text by Matteo Pasquinelli. During a time when pop stars become famous thanks to sex tapes that have been leaked online, it is clear that the Internet is not immune to the draw of the media. Yet art, academia >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056626631 US $32.00 CAN $40.00 TRADE Pbk, 5.5 x 8.25 in. / 240 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 03/01/2009 Not available
|  Archisculpture Essays by Gottfried Böhm, Christoph Brockhaus, Markus Brüderlin, Philip Ursprung, et al. ArchiSCULPTURE examines modern sculpture's proximity to and interplay with architecture, a phenomenon long neglected in the history of sculpture--but especially pronounced in the 20th century. More than any other medium, it is sculpture that crosses >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775714914 US $55.00 CAN $65.00 TRADE Hardcover, 9.5 x 12 in. / 240 pgs / 115 color / 141 b&w Pub Date: 01/02/2005 Not available
| |  Architecture Bulletin 02: Essays on the Designed Environment Edited by Olof van der Wal. Text by Timo de Rijk, Aaron Betsky, Hans Ibelings, Winy Maas. This second issue of NAi's biannual Architecture Bulletin comes in the form of a tribute to that institution's most recent director, Aaron Betsky, who left what the Architect's Newspaper calls "the world's largest museum devoted >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056625566 US $20.00 CAN $27.95 FLAT40 Paperback, 6 x 8 in. / 80 pgs / 28 color / 54 b&w. Pub Date: 07/01/2007 Not available
|  Architecture Bulletin 03: Essays on the Designed Environment Edited by Olof van der Wal. This edition of the Dutch architecture journal presents essays in word and image on the designed environments of today, yesterday and tomorrow. Its subjective arguments and personal reflections on the field's practice and discourse consider >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056625917 US $22.50 CAN $31.00 FLAT40 Paperback, 6 x 8 in. / 80 pgs / 28 color / 54 b&w. Pub Date: 03/01/2008 Not available
|  Architecture Bulletin 04 Edited by Anneke Abhelakh, Oene Dijk. Text by Ole Bouman. Published twice a year, the Netherlands Architecture Institute's house journal Architecture Bulletin presents essays (in word and image) on the built environment of today, yesterday and tomorrow-subjective arguments complemented by personal reflection, but always emphasizing >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056626433 US $25.00 CAN $34.50 FLAT40 Paperback, 6 x 8.25 in. / 80 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 07/01/2008 Not available
|  Postmodern architecture was characterized by four dominant beliefs: that architecture was distinct from the materiality of things; that history had an operative role to play in the present; that the emergence of a culture dominated >>more Spector Books ISBN 9783959052283 US $40.00 CAN $56.00 TRADE Pbk, 9.5 x 12.25 in. / 320 pgs / 213 color / 44 b&w. Pub Date: 09/01/2020 Not available
|  Architecture for a Hybrid Landscape Edited with Introduction by Kathrine Rinne. Text by Jennifer Cambra, Erik Bloom, Charles Goodnight. The California Delta is the hub of the complicated water infrastructure that serves much of the state. The landscape is rife with tension--both historically and geologically--in the interplay between water and land, now heavily altered >>more California College of the Arts ISBN 9780975350799 US $25.00 CAN $30.00 TRADE Hbk, 5.25 x 7 in. / 112 pgs / 36 color / 10 b&w / 4 duotone. Pub Date: 03/31/2012 Not available
|  Architecture in the Netherlands: Yearbook 2006/07 Edited by Daan Bakker, Allard Jolles, Michelle Provoost, Cor Wagenaa. Home to established firms like Rem Koolhaas' Office for Metropolitan Architecture, MVRDV and West 8, as well as countless other up-and-coming architecture and design studios, Holland is known around the world for fostering the freshest >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056625818 US $60.00 CAN $79.00 FLAT40 Paperback, 9.5 x 12.75 in. / 176 pgs / 200 color / 150 b&w. Pub Date: 07/01/2007 Not available
| |  Arctic Perspective Cahier No. 1 Edited by Andreas Müller. This multinational collaboration focuses on the cultural and ecological significance of the polar regions, which have recently proved controversial as nations compete for use of the terrain. This volume recruits media artists to propose communications >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775726795 US $30.00 CAN $40.00 SDNR30 Pbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 148 pgs / 16 color / 76 b&w. Pub Date: 01/31/2011 Not available
|  Arctic Perspective Cahier No. 2 Edited by Michael Bravo, Nicola Triscott. The Arctic Perspective Initiative (API) is a non-profit, international group of individuals and organizations focused on the global, cultural and ecological significance of the polar regions. In service of their mission to empower the people >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775726818 US $30.00 CAN $40.00 SDNR30 Hbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 116 pgs / 60 color. Pub Date: 05/31/2011 Not available
|  Asger Jorn's Writings on Art and Architecture, 1938-1958: Fraternit Avant Tout Edited by Ruth Baumeister. The Danish artist Asger Jorn (1914–1973) was active in the Høst, CoBrA and the Situationist International groups. The numerous leaflets, exhibition catalogues, interviews, articles and books he wrote throughout his career attest to his urge to >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789064507601 US $55.00 CAN $72.50 FLAT40 Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 304 pgs / 130 color. Pub Date: 04/30/2013 Not available
|  Atlas of Shrinking Cities Essays by Elke Beyer, Anke Hagemann, Philipp Oswalt and Tim Rieniets. Between 1990 and 2000, every fourth city in the world was shrinking, and this tendency is on the rise. Which urban areas are people leaving? How is it happening? And why now? The Atlas of >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775717144 US $60.00 CAN $70.00 TRADE Hardcover, 9.75 x 12.5 in. / 160 pgs / 100 color / 20 b&w. Pub Date: 06/01/2006 Not available
|  Atlas of the Conflict: Israel-Palestine By Malkit Shoshan. The formation of the state of Israel in 1948 and its subsequent conflicts with Palestine notoriously present an extremely complex narrative. Atlas of the Conflict maps the processes and mechanisms behind the shaping of Israel >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789064506888 US $52.50 CAN $70.00 TRADE Hbk, 4.5 x 7.75 in. / 480 pgs / 400 color. Pub Date: 04/30/2013 Not available
|  Back to the City Edited by Steffen Lehmann. Text by Angela Philip, Stephen Garrett, Michael J. Ostwald. When empty city lots and abandoned buildings are reclaimed for creative architectural or artistic interventions, interesting things happen. These days, as the postindustrial city continues to morph, and often to atrophy, public space has become >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775723299 US $55.00 CAN $65.00 TRADE Hbk, 7.75 x 11.75 in. / 260 pgs / 350 col. Pub Date: 04/01/2009 Not available
|  Bauhaus Weimar Artwork by Michael Siebenbrodt. In April 1919 Walter Gropius founded the Bauhaus in Weimar, Germany. Until 1925, the year it moved to Dessau, this was the meeting-place for the wide spectrum of often contradicory ideas, utopias and experiments that >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775790314 US $40.00 CAN $50.00 TRADE Paperback, 8.5 x 11 in. / 286 pgs / 380 color / 40 b&w. Pub Date: 01/02/2001 Not available
|  Beyond Form Edited by Omar Calderón, Christine Calderón, and Peter Dorsey. Essays by Neil Leach, Jeffrey Kipnis, Omer Fast, Andrew Benjamin, Donald Kunze, et al. Introduction by Saul Ostrow. Thanks to digital technology and post-structuralist thought, architects and artists are facing a brave new world of bodies without organs, buildings that circumscribe their function, and art that forms a prosthetic hard drive for our >>more Lusitania Press ISBN 9781882791095 US $30.00 CAN $35.00 TRADE Paperback, 7 x 9.5 in. / 192 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 08/02/2004 Not available
|  Blank >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056620929 US $40.00 CAN $50.00 TRADE Paperback, 6.5 x 9 in. / 504 pgs / 60 color / 50 b&w Pub Date: 03/02/1999 Not available
|  Bricks & Balloons Text by Melanie van der Hoorn. Jean Nouvel, Rem Koolhaas, Bjarke Ingels, Norman Foster: all of these cutting-edge architects have at some time used comic strips to present their projects, or to reflect on the sociopolitical context that shaped them. Bricks >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789064507960 US $59.95 CAN $79.00 TRADE Hbk, 9.5 x 11.75 in. / 224 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 04/30/2013 Not available
|  Brussels: A Manifesto Towards the Capital of Europe Edited by Joachim Deklerck, Martino Tattara, Veronique Patteeuw. Text by Pier Vittorio Aureli, Mario Tronti, et al. The fiftieth anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome is the fiftieth birthday of the "European project." Here an international team of 16 architects and urban planners associated with the important Dutch architecture >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056625528 US $45.00 CAN $55.00 TRADE Paperback, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 240 pgs / 200 color / 100 b&w. Pub Date: 07/01/2007 Not available
|  Building Enschede: A City Re-Creates Itself Text by Ton Schaap. Photographs by Theo Baart. On May 13, 2000, a large swath of Enschede, an industrial city in the eastern Netherlands, was reduced to rubble by the explosion of a fireworks factory. More than 2000 homes were destroyed. What had >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056625894 US $32.50 CAN $42.50 FLAT40 Hardcover, 12 x 9.75 in. / 128 pgs / 60 color. Pub Date: 08/01/2007 Not available
|  Building the Economic Backbone of the Belgian Welfare State Text by Michael Ryckewaert. The introduction of a welfare state economy after 1945 profoundly changed the Belgian landscape, and government support for private home ownership resulted in widespread suburban sprawl. This book investigates the new infrastructural and financial backbone >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789064507519 US $45.00 CAN $60.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 6.75 x 9.25 in. / 368 pgs / 200 color. Pub Date: 04/30/2013 Not available
|  Building the Revolution: Soviet Art and Architecture 1915-1935 By Maria Ametov. This fascinating book charts the dazzling trajectory of Russian avant-garde architecture during the brief but intense period of design and construction that took place from c. 1922 to 1935. Fired by the radical new language >>more Royal Academy Publications ISBN 9781905711918 US $60.00 CAN $79.00 TRADE Cloth, 10 x 12.25 / 270 pgs / Illustrated throughout Pub Date: 03/01/2011 Not available
|  Building upon Building Edited by Jantje Engels, Marius Grootveld. Text by Christophe Van Gerrewey, Arjan Hebly, et al. In Building Upon Building, 45 contemporary European architects, including Stephen Bates, Happel Cornelisse Verhoeven, Monadnock, Dierendonckblancke and Humblé Martens, present their designs for a fictional expansion on an existing building, taking into account the design >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462082847 US $30.00 CAN $40.00 TRADE Pbk, 5.75 x 8.25 in. / 192 pgs / 200 color. Pub Date: 08/23/2016 Not available
|  Buildings That Last Essays by Huub Croes, Marcel Dewever, Michiel de Haas and Joost van Kasteren. Buildings that Last provides the layperson with a basis for participating in the discussion about sustainable housing. This book is not about bricks and adobe, nor about cladding with aluminum or glass, nor about the >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056622084 US $24.95 CAN $27.50 TRADE Hardcover, 6.5 x 8.75 in. / 176 pgs / 30 color / 25 b&w. Pub Date: 02/02/2004 Not available
|  Cape Town Edited by Michelle Provoost. Twenty years after the end of Apartheid and the inauguration of an inclusive democracy in South Africa, Cape Town is still working through Apartheid's urban legacy. The aftershocks of Apartheid spatial policy, combined with a >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462082274 US $24.95 CAN $33.95 TRADE Pbk, 5.5 x 9.5 in. / 160 pgs / 200 color. Pub Date: 02/23/2016 Not available
|  Cities Full of Space: Qualities of Density Edited by Ed Melet, Jeroen Mensink. While cities throughout the world are becoming increasingly inefficient in their management of space, personal land use is also increasing dramatically; in the Netherlands for instance, it is now roughly twelve times what it was >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789064506741 US $45.00 CAN $60.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 8.25 x 10.5 in. / 120 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 04/30/2013 Not available
|  City Branding: Image Building & Building Images Edited by Urban Affiars. Essays by Koen van Synghel, Michael Speaks, Florian Berci and Hans Mommaas. Ever since the Guggenheim Museum put Bilbao in the international spotlight, cities everywhere have been seeking to etch themselves into the world map with a sophisticated campaign and a carefully selected image. This book takes >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056622626 US $24.95 CAN $27.50 TRADE Paperback, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 160 pgs / 168 color Pub Date: 07/02/2002 Not available
|  Civil Art:Urban Space As Architectural Task This publication marks the commencement of the construction of the building known as "The Resident," architect Rob Krier's most recent design for the city of The Hague. >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056620134 US $55.00 CAN $65.00 TRADE Hardcover, 8.5 x 11 in. / 176 pgs / 60 color / 140 b&w. Pub Date: 11/02/1996 Not available
| Connected Cities Edited by Christoph Brockhaus, Soke Dinkla, >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775708494 US $45.00 CAN $55.00 TRADE Clth, 9 x 12 in. / 409 pgs / 200 color. Pub Date: 04/02/2000 Not available
|  Copy Paste Text by Winy Maas, Felix Madrazo, Bernard Hulsman. The tension between tradition and innovation is fundamental to the discipline of architecture, as architects borrow readily and heavily from past designs and yet scramble in a competition for originality. In Copy Paste, architects and >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462081642 US $35.00 CAN $47.50 TRADE Pbk, 6 x 8.5 in. / 320 pgs / 300 color. Pub Date: 02/27/2018 Not available
|  Cornelius Van Eesteren: The Idea Of The Functional City By Cornelius van Eesteren. Contributions by Vincent van Rossem. Dutch architect Cornelis van Eesteren's dream of the functional city was never realized, but his masterpiece of architectural prospecting is presented here in its entirety. >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056620561 US $27.50 CAN $32.50 TRADE Hardcover, 8.7 x 9.4 in. / 160 pgs / 100 b&w. Pub Date: 04/02/1998 Not available
|  Creativity and the City: How the Creative Economy is Changing the City Edited by Simon Franke and Evert Verhagen. Essays by Richard Florida, Charles Landry, Jeroen Saris, Arnold Reijndrop, Robert Kloosterman and John Tackera. Richard Florida, the economist whose The Rise of the Creative Class brought into common usage the terms "creative class" and "creative city," may be American, but as a contributor to Creativity and the City he >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056624613 US $37.50 CAN $45.00 TRADE Hardcover, 8.5 x 5.5 in. / 208 pgs / 40 b&w. Pub Date: 03/01/2006 Not available
|  This publication is the result of a year-long dialogue between British architect David Chipperfield (born 1953) and Swiss architect Simon Kretz (born 1982). The two began working together through the Rolex Mentor and Protégé Arts >>more Koenig Books ISBN 9783960983002 US $45.00 CAN $60.00 FLAT40 Hbk, 9.5 x 12.75 in. / 172 pgs / 140 color / 20 b&w. Pub Date: 06/19/2018 Not available
|  De Urbanisten and the Wondrous Water Square Edited by Florian Boer, Jens Jorritsma, Dirk van Peijpe. Worldwide, the frequency and severity of rainfall is increasing. This poses a problem for many cities, especially delta cities such as Rotterdam, which lies on the River Maas and also below sea level. Currently, Rotterdam >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789064507373 US $19.95 CAN $27.95 TRADE Hbk, 8.25 x 11.5 in. / 50 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 04/30/2013 Not available
|  Rooms You May Have Missed: Umberto Riva, Bijoy Jain is an unexpected story of architectural attitudes that starts unfolding from the interior. The book pairs two architects operating in distinctive contexts, Mumbai and Milan, in >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037784594 US $28.00 CAN $42.00 TRADE Pbk, 8.25 x 6 in. / 240 pgs / 258 images. Pub Date: 11/25/2015 Not available
|  Design Like You Give A Damn: Architectural Responses To Humanitarian Crises Edited by Cameron Sinclair and Kate Stohr. The greatest humanitarian challenge we face today is that of providing shelter. Currently, one in seven people lives in a slum or refugee camp, and more than 3,000,000,000 people--nearly half the world's population--do not have >>more Metropolis Books ISBN 9781933045252 US $35.00 CAN $40.00 TRADE Paperback, 8 x 8 in. / 336 pgs / 350 color. Pub Date: 01/15/2006 Not available
|  Design's Delight Text by Jan van Toorn. This book presents a number of experimental projects in communication design as a symbolic and public practice. It proceeds from a critical position vis-à-vis the customary mediation of information—a position more necessary than ever, now >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789064505225 US $29.95 CAN $35.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 230 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 04/30/2013 Not available
|  Robots build! At their Program in Architecture and Digital Production at the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich), the architects Gramazio & Kohler have installed a research facility that >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037781227 US $44.90 CAN $57.50 TRADE Hbk, 7.5 x 11.75 in. / 112 pgs / 157 images. Pub Date: 10/21/2008 Not available
|  Documentary Now: Contemporary Strategies in Photography, Film and the Visual Arts Edited by Frits Gierstberg. Edited by Martijn Verhoeven, Maartje van den Heuvel, Hans Scholten. Essays by Jean-François Chevrier, Ine Gevers and Tom Holert. From nineteenth-century double-exposures that allegedly captured ghosts to painted, airbrushed and digitally altered images and reality TV, the credibility and objectivity of documentary photography and film are always in question. The development of 'in-between' genres >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056624552 US $35.00 CAN $40.00 TRADE Hardcover, 5.5 x 5.5 in. / 192 pgs / 28 color / 18 b&w. Pub Date: 03/01/2006 Not available
|  Dogma + Realism Working Group Edited by Christian Hiller, Jesko Fezer, Nikolaus Hirsch, Wilfried Kuehn, Hila Peleg. Text by Pier Vittorio Aureli, Florian Schmidt, Jessica Sehrt, Martin Stiehl, Martino Tattara, Jeronimo Voss. How can the housing question be appropriately reformulated in an age in which the work / life distinction is becoming increasingly blurred? The Realism Working Group and the architecture firm Dogma — in consultation with >>more Spector Books/Haus der Kulturen der Welt ISBN 9783959050531 US $26.00 CAN $36.00 TRADE Pbk, 9 x 6.75 in. / 100 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 03/01/2016 Not available
|  Done. Book Edited by Wolfgang Scheppe. In his previous project Migropolis, Wolfgang Scheppe proposed Venice, Italy, as a prototype of the increasingly globalized city. Here, the German philosopher reexamines the city from another perspective. Done. Book is an "inquiry into the >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775727730 US $45.00 CAN $55.00 TRADE Hbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 368 pgs / 14 color / 385 duotone. Pub Date: 01/31/2011 Not available
|  Dream City Edited by Max Stemshorn. Essays by Sabine Bresuhn, Sebastian Redecke, Ulrich Schnieder, Manfred Schmalriede and Klaus Topfer. Photographs by Claudio Hils. What would Venice be without St. Mark's Square? Town planners of the past knew well the benefits and importance of open areas within the city walls. However, comparable squares or public spaces are relatively rare >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775710619 US $45.00 CAN $55.00 TRADE Hardcover, 8 x 10 in. / 144 pgs / 60 color / 25 b&w Pub Date: 08/02/2001 Not available
|  Dutch Dikes Text by Eric-Jan Pleijster, Cees van der Veeken. The Netherlands has many thousands of dikes. A pivotal element in the Dutch landscape and one of the oldest features of the country's extensive water management program, the dikes of the Netherlands have significant cultural, >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462081512 US $80.00 CAN $107.50 TRADE Hbk, 9.5 x 12 in. / 336 pgs / 382 color. Pub Date: 03/24/2015 Not available
|  Dutchtown Essays by Bernard Colenbrander, Michelle Provoost. >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056621407 US $29.95 CAN $35.00 TRADE Paperback, 6.75 x 9 in. / 124 pgs / 181 color / 48 b&w Pub Date: 02/02/2000 Not available
|  Eastern Harbour District Amsterdam Edited by Ed Melet. Texts by Marlies Buurman, Bernard Hulsman, Hans Ibelings, Allard Jolles, Ton Schaap. Amsterdam's Eastern Harbor District consists of a number of artificial peninsulas constructed around 1900. When the once-flourishing port lost its function, the decision was made to turn the district into a prominent residential area. The >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056625535 US $80.00 CAN $107.50 TRADE Paperback, 9.75 x 12 in. / 240 pgs. Pub Date: 07/01/2007 Not available
|  Ecological Living Edited by Dominique Gauzin-Müller. Text by Marie-Hélène Contal, Jean-Pierre Ménard, Rafael Magrou. The pioneers of ecological architecture today are necessarily researchers as much as architects, in any conventional sense of the term. Sustainability is the key criterion in this field, and ecologically sound solutions for the designs >>more Actes Sud ISBN 9782742783229 US $65.00 CAN $87.00 TRADE Hbk, 8.25 x 9 in. / 412 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 10/31/2010 Not available
|  Ecological Urbanism Edited by Mohsen Mostafavi, Gareth Doherty. While climate change, sustainable architecture and green technologies have become increasingly topical issues, concerns regarding the sustainability of the city are rarely addressed. The premise of Ecological Urbanism is that an ecological approach is urgently >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037784679 US $50.00 CAN $67.50 TRADE Hbk Pub Date: 06/29/2016 Not available
|  While climate change, sustainable architecture, and green technologies have become increasingly topical, issues surrounding the sustainability of the city are much less developed. The premise of the book is that an ecological approach is urgently >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037781890 US $59.90 CAN $78.00 TRADE Hbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 656 pgs. Pub Date: 04/01/2010 Not available
|  Edible Estates: Attack on the Front Lawn, 2nd Revised Edition Preface by Fritz Haeg. Text by Will Allen, Diana Balmori, Rosalind Creasy, Fritz Haeg, Michael Pollan, Eric W. Sanderson, Lesley Stern, et al. Since the first edition of Edible Estates: Attack on the Front Lawn was published in 2008, interest in edible gardening has exploded across the United States and abroad. Even First Lady Michelle Obama is doing >>more Metropolis Books ISBN 9781935202127 US $24.95 CAN $27.50 TRADE Pbk, 8.5 x 8.5 in. / 176 pgs / 86 color / 85 b&w. Pub Date: 03/31/2010 Not available
|  Everyday Urbanism Edited by Rahul Mehrotra. Essays by Margaret Crawford and Michael Speaks. Foreword by George Baird. Introduction by Doug Kelbaugh. Everyday Urbanism is one of three books in the “Michigan Debates on Urbanism” series that also features New Urbanism and Post Urbanism. Each book represents a distinct, inevitable, but still-emerging paradigm in contemporary urbanism >>more University of Michigan, Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning ISBN 9781891197345 US $17.95 CAN $20.00 TRADE Paperback, 6.5 x 9 in. / 80 pgs / 46 color. Pub Date: 02/15/2005
|  Fear & Space Essays by Benjamin Barber, Mark Pimlott, Moritz Küng and, Jacob Voorthuis. Introduction by Bert De Muynck. Be afraid... be very afraid! A natural disaster could strike at any time, right now someone is being kidnapped, and your morning cereal isn't as healthy as you think. Western society is being terrorized by >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056624224 US $35.00 CAN $40.00 TRADE Paperback, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 160 pgs / 50 color / 50 b&w. Pub Date: 03/15/2005 Not available
|  Feelings Always Local Edited by Joke Brouwer and Arjen Mulder. Essays by Arjun Appadurai, Mike Davis, Alexander Galloway, Tijs Goldschmidt, Christopher Kelty, Karim Nader, Loretta Napoleoni, Gijs Van Oenen and Christa Sommerer. Interactive art organizes itself as an open system: it preserves its coherence by exchanging matter, energy, and information with the environment. In that manner, interactive art is art whose state of rest must be disturbed >>more nai010 publishers/V2_Organization ISBN 9789056624231 US $35.00 CAN $40.00 TRADE Paperback, 6.25 x 9 in. / 208 pgs / 150 color. Pub Date: 03/15/2005 Not available
|  Frame and Generic Space Text by Bernard Leupen. The average lifespan of a house is somewhere around 100 years. During that time it will see many mutations in household composition and related spatial rituals. Designers are therefore faced with the task of giving >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789064505980 US $29.95 CAN $39.95 FLAT40 Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 256 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 04/30/2013 Not available
|  Frederick J. Kiesler: Endless Space Edited by Dieter Bogner and Peter Noeve. Essays by Greg Lynn, Lisa Phillips and Lebbeus Woods. Frederick J. Kiesler was an architect, sculptor, painter, designer, and art historian. He was tireless in his pursuit of a radical new concept of interior spaces: his dream was a polydimensional living space, an organic >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775710473 US $45.00 CAN $55.00 TRADE Paperback, 8.25 x 10.5 in. / 128 pgs / 45 color / 15 b&w. Pub Date: 09/02/2001 Not available
|  From Camp to City examines the theme of the refugee camp in the context of urbanism and architecture. Using the examples of the refugee camps in the Algerian desert in which Sahrawis originally from the >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037782910 US $65.00 CAN $87.00 TRADE Hbk, 9 x 6.75 in. / 512 pgs / 1172 images. Pub Date: 11/25/2012 Not available
|  Fun! Leisure And The Landscape Essay by Tracy Metz. Photographs by Janine Schrijver and Otto Snoek. Leisure time is increasingly a decisive factor in the changing landscape of the Netherlands, and in the trajectory of Dutch society, as both urban and rural zones are reconceived to accommodate a culture at play. >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056622459 US $29.95 CAN $35.00 TRADE Paperback, 6.75 x 9.75 in. / 240 pgs / 100 color. Pub Date: 11/02/2002 Not available
|  Go South Edited by Matthias Schuster. Essays by Andreas Feldtkeller, Oliver Herwig and Brigitte Russ-Scherer. The thirteenth-century town of Tübingen, Germany, is best known for its university, which spawned both Hegel and Kepler. And now, something very progressive is going on in the southern sector of the city. A field >>more Wasmuth ISBN 9783803006479 US $39.95 CAN $50.00 FLAT40 Paperback, 6.75 x 8.25 in. / 180 pgs / 100 color. Pub Date: 09/15/2005 Not available
|  Grand Domestic Revolution Handbook Edited by Binna Choi, Maiko Tanaka. Text by Agency, Sepake Angiama, Ask!, Ruth Buchanan, Binna Choi, Doris Denekamp, Silvia Federici, Katherine Gibson, Arend Groosman, Shannon Jackson, Dolores Hayden, Christina Kiaer, Margaret Kohn, Gabriele Kunsch, Emily Pethick, Doina Petrescu, Precarias a la deriva, Simon Sheikh, Stavros Stavrides, Maiko Tanaka, Marina Vishmidt, Sarah van Walsum, et al. Grand Domestic Revolution Handbook compiles investigations and living research into the concept of the home and the "domestic" by more than 25 artists, designers, theorists and activists. Through case studies, project documentation, ephemera, analyses and >>more Valiz/Casco ISBN 9789078088929 US $39.95 CAN $53.95 TRADE Pbk, 12.5 x 9.5 in. / 336 pgs / 400 color / 100 b&w. Pub Date: 12/31/2014 Not available
|  Grand Urban Rules By Alex Lehnerer. For better or worse, the laws that govern the everyday operation of cities are crucial in determining their character (or our perception of such): think of the variations in laws, from city to city, in >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462080546 US $60.00 CAN $79.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 7 x 9.5 in. / 272 pgs / 250 color. Pub Date: 04/30/2014 Not available
|  Gritty Brits: New London Architecture Text by Raymund Ryan, Iain Sinclair. Gritty Brits presents the work of six emerging architectural practices--all based in London, and all building within the complex setting of the British capital. Featuring the work of Adjaye/Associates, Caruso St John Architects, FAT [Fashion >>more Carnegie Museum Of Art ISBN 9780880390477 US $24.95 CAN $27.50 TRADE Paperback, 11 x 9 in. / 112 pgs / 149 color. Pub Date: 06/01/2007 Not available
|  New Living (Das Neue Wohnen) was the title of an exeptional architectural propaganda film created in 1930 by German avant-garde artist and filmmaker Hans Richter. It showcased exemplary modernist buildings and furniture--some of which were >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783907078228 US $45.00 CAN $55.00 TRADE
Pub Date: 02/02/2002 Not available
|  Happy Edited by Cor Wagenaar. Essays by Aaron Betsky, Ronald Brouwer, Helma Hellinga, Michelle Provoost, Paolo Scrivano and Ed Taverne. Foreword by Kristin Feireiss. Happy: Cities and Public Happiness in Post-War Europe is the result of a fascinating search for expressions and representations of happiness in the European city during the second half of the twentieth century. Images of >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056624088 US $45.00 CAN $55.00 TRADE Flexibound, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 320 pgs / 200 color / 100 b&w. Pub Date: 03/15/2005 Not available
|  Highrise Edited by Andres Janser. Texts by Karin Gimmi, Andres Janser, Andres Lepik, Clifford A. Pearson, Eric Schuldenfrei, Martino Stierli, Marisa Yiu. Did you know that around half of the world’s extant highrise structures were erected only within the past ten years? Highrise: Idea and Reality offers a comprehensive examination of the highrise phenomenon and its surprisingly >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775729932 US $60.00 CAN $79.00 TRADE Pbk, 7.75 x 10.25 in. / 168 pgs / 200 color. Pub Date: 01/31/2012 Not available
|  Housing For The Millions Edited by Koos Bosma. Essays by Dorine van hoogstraten, Martijn Vos. The Dutch Foundation for Architectural Research (SAR) was established in 1965 as a research institute and remained active until the beginning of the 1990s. Its innumerable research reports, policy recommendations and practical experiments have profoundly >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056621780 US $44.95 CAN $55.00 TRADE Hardcover, 9.5 x 6.75 in. / 350 pgs / 340 b&w. Pub Date: 04/02/2001 Not available
|  How can the places you visit other than your workplace or your home—such as libraries, cultural centers, parks, cafés—make a valuable contribution to a vital society? How to Make a Relevant Public Space answers this >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462083516 US $60.00 CAN $79.00 TRADE Hbk, 9.5 x 12.25 in. / 240 pgs / 250 color. Pub Date: 08/22/2017 Not available
|  Ideals In Concrete Edited by Mieke Dings. Essays by Jàrn Dwel, Wolfgang Kil, Gyàrgy Konrad, Bohadan Tscherkes and Anna Tilroe. Can there still be talk of a shared culture in the 'Family of Europe,' or are the East and West estranged? This question is the main theme of this beautifully designed book that provides, through >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056624033 US $45.00 CAN $55.00 TRADE Paperback, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 184 pgs / 75 color / 50 b&w. Pub Date: 03/15/2005 Not available
|  Imagine a Metropolis: Rotterdams Creative Class 1970-2000 Text by Patricia van Ulzen. The cultural climate of Rotterdam changed radically between 1970 and 2000. Opinions differ as to what the most important changes were and when they occurred. If the Rotterdam of 1970 was still a city with >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789064506215 US $45.00 CAN $60.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 240 pgs / 40 color / 12 b&w. Pub Date: 04/30/2013 Not available
|  In Search Of The New Public Domain Essays by Maarten Hajer, Arnold Reijndorp. The last ten years have witnessed a rediscovery of the concept of public space in the arenas of urban policy-making and design, and an intensification of the debate about the importance of public space for >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056622015 US $29.95 CAN $35.00 TRADE Paperback, 5.5 x 8.75 in. / 128 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 03/02/2002 Not available
|  In Transit Edited by Paul Meurs, Marc Verheijen. Contributions by Dolf Broekhuizen. Text by Florian Boer, Jannes Linders, Henk Oosterling, Arnold Reijndorp, Pieter Schrijnen. In today's city, mobility is not just a logistical or technocratic task but one of the key conditioning factors of urban development. With city users moving ever faster from place to place, the cityscape becomes >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056623012 US $44.95 CAN $60.00 FLAT40 Paperback, 9.5 x 6.75 in. / 192 pgs / 200 color. Pub Date: 07/02/2003 Not available
|  In the Absence of Raimund Abraham Edited by Peter Noever, Wolf D. Prix. Text by Vito Acconci, Peter Cook. As a critic, stalwart nonconformist and champion of utopian architecture, Austrian architect Raimund Abraham (1933-2010) made one of the most significant contributions to contemporary architecture in 2002, with the construction of the Austrian Cultural Forum >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775729994 US $40.00 CAN $50.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.25 in. / 128 pgs / 164 color / DVD. Pub Date: 08/31/2011 Not available
|  Information Exchange Edited by Raymond Gastil, Zoå Ryan. Contributions by Joan Ockman. Text by Diana Balmori, Jon Calame, Alexander Garvin, Angus Gavin, Arnold Hamilton, Hugh Hardy, Laurie Hawkinson, Nadim Karam, John King, Jack Money, Ferhad Mulabegovic, Justin O'Connor, Sherida Paulsen, Yoshiko Sato, Till Schneider, Lawrence Vale, James After the attacks on the World Trade Center, the question of how cities renew, rebuild, and remember has become ever more pertinent. By placing the event within a global, cultural, and historical context, and examining >>more Van Alen Institute ISBN 9780972553520 US $19.95 CAN $25.00 TRADE Paperback, 6.25 x 9.5 in. / 96 pgs / 115 color 7 b&w. Pub Date: 02/02/2003 Not available
|  Infratecture By Marc Verheijen. A city’s infrastructure—its tangle of streets, tunnels, routes and lines—can be much more than a mere functional necessity or an ad hoc constellation. Designed and constructed carefully and purposefully, "infratecture" can add significant sociological, cultural, >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462082403 US $45.00 CAN $60.00 TRADE Pbk, 8.25 x 10.5 in. / 224 pgs / 200 color. Pub Date: 01/26/2016 Not available
|  Kiesler: Selected Writitngs By Frederick Kiesler. Edited by Gunda Luyken. Contributions by Siegfried Gohr. One of the most creative artists of our century, Frederick Kiesler worked from the 1920s onwards as an architect, stage designer and environmental artist. His best-known works are still the Endless House project, the design >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775706285 US $25.00 CAN $30.00 TRADE Paperback, 6.5 x 9.25 in. / 144 pgs / 20 b&w. Pub Date: 02/02/1997 Not available
|  Can architecture enable the sharing of space and knowledge? As part of Wohnungsfrage, the Kooperatives Labor Studierender (Kolabs) and the Tokyo architecture office Atelier Bow-Wow are developing a housing model called urban forest for people >>more Spector Books/Haus der Kulturen der Welt ISBN 9783959050524 US $20.00 CAN $26.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9 in. / 100 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 03/01/2016 Not available
|  One night, in 2012, the tenants’ initiative Kotti & Co built a gecekondu (an informal dwelling built overnight) at Kottbusser Tor in Berlin-Kreuzberg. In conjunction with wide-ranging protest actions, the initiative formed itself into the >>more Spector Books/Haus der Kulturen der Welt ISBN 9783959050500 US $29.95 CAN $37.50 TRADE Pbk, 6 x 8.5 in. / 240 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 03/01/2016 Not available
|  In the manifesto The City in the City – Berlin: A Green Archipelago, Oswald Mathias Ungers and a number of his colleagues from Cornell University presented the first concepts and intellectual models for the shrinking >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037783290 US $50.00 CAN $67.50 TRADE Pbk, 11.75 x 8.25 in. / 176 pgs / 226 images. Pub Date: 08/15/2013 Not available
|  Green roofs, artificial mountains and geological forms; buildings you walk on or over; networks of ramps and warped surfaces; buildings that carve into the ground or landscapes lifted high into the air: all these are >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037782231 US $65.00 CAN $85.00 TRADE Hbk, 7 x 9.75 in. / 480 pgs / 430 images. Pub Date: 05/25/2011 Not available
|  Lessons for Students in Architecture Text by Herman Hertzberger. Herman Hertzberger’s Lessons for Students in Architecture was first published in 1991, as an elaborated version of lectures he had given since 1973 at Delft University of Technology. It presents a broad spectrum of subjects >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789064505621 US $45.00 CAN $55.00 TRADE Pbk, 8.25 x 10.5 in. / 272 pgs / 763 b&w. Pub Date: 04/30/2013 Not available
|  Living In The Lowlands Essays by Hans Ibelings, Aaron Betsky, Vladimir Stissi, Martien de Vletter, Jean Paul Baeten, Jaap Jan Berg, Herman van Bergeijk, Joosje van Geest, Marieke Kuipers, Ellen Smit, Marinke Steenhuis, Marcel Teunissen, and Mariet Willinge. Living in the Lowlands offers a kaleidoscopic overview of one of the most important themes in Dutch architectural history: living and the home environment. Fifteen domestic scenes illustrate important points in the history of housing >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056623869 US $45.00 CAN $55.00 TRADE Paperback, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 240 pgs / 100 color / 100 b&w. Pub Date: 07/02/2004 Not available
|  Mapping Hk Edited by Anna Koor. Essay by Laurent Gutierrez and Valerie Portefaix. Foreword by Ackbar Abbas. Because of its singular history and geographic location, Hong Kong represents a unique synthesis of global city and local territory. The extreme character of its temporal and spatial conditions makes Hong Kong a moving platform >>more Map Book Publishers ISBN 9789628604012 US $28.00 CAN $32.50 TRADE Paperback, 10.25 x 8 in. / 172 pgs / 150 color / 2 b&w. Pub Date: 08/02/2001 Not available
|  Michael Maltzan: No More Play Edited by Jessica Varner. Text by Iwan Baan, Catherine Opie, Sarah Whiting, Charles Waldheim, Matthew Coolidge, et al. In No More Play: Conversations on Urban Speculation in Los Angeles and Beyond, American architect Michael Maltzan traces the transformations that have taken place in the city of Los Angeles since the early 1990s. Through >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775728461 US $50.00 CAN $60.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 240 pgs / 68 color / 17 b&w. Pub Date: 07/31/2011 Not available
|  Migropolis Edited by Wolfgang Scheppe. In winter 2006, under the stewardship of philosopher Wolfgang Scheppe, a collective of students from the IUAV University in Venice fanned out to subject their city to a forensic structural mapping. Out of this fieldwork, >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775724852 US $195.00 CAN $240.00 TRADE Slip, Hbk, 2 vols, 7 x 10 in. / 1344 pgs / 2078 color. Pub Date: 03/31/2010 Not available
|  Mixed Farming Edited by Liesbeth Melis. Essays by Frits Gierstberg, Gerrie Andela, Yttje Feddes, Maartje van den Heuvel, and Jan Douwe van der Ploeg. About 10,000 agricultural businesses in the Netherlands are closed every year. Where once there were grazing cows, now there are golfers playing the back nine or rows of campervans and tents--or even farm museums. Some >>more nai010 publishers/SKOR ISBN 9789056623807 US $45.00 CAN $55.00 FLAT40 Paperback, 8.5 x 10 in. / 216 pgs / 150 color / 50 b&w. Pub Date: 08/02/2004 Not available
|  Mobility Edited by Francine Houben and Luisa Calabrese. Essays by Odile Decq, Paul Meurs, Joerg Rekittke and Dennis Lago. The theme of the first Rotterdam International Architecture Biennial was mobility--as it relates to the city and the landscape, and the design culture that comes with it. Held between May and July 2003, the biennial >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056622572 US $44.95 CAN $55.00 TRADE Paperback, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 448 pgs / 280 color / 10 b&w. Pub Date: 07/02/2003 Not available
|  NL28 Olympic Fire Edited by Ole Bouman, Winny Maas. Text by Winny Maas, Ole Bouman et al. The Olympic Games, which will be held in Holland in 2028, constitute a mega-event on an almost unimaginable scale. Sport, the economy, city marketing, urban development and even regional and national development are fundamentally affected. >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056626280 US $50.00 CAN $67.50 FLAT40 Pbk, 6.25 x 9 in. / 336 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 11/01/2008 Not available
|  Nature Design By Angeli Sachs, Barry Bergdoll, Dario Gamboni, Philip Ursprung. Nature has always been a source of inspiration for the design of the human environment, but in recent years this relationship has grown even more intense. “Nature as model” has influenced the most diverse possible >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037780985 US $50.00 CAN $67.50 TRADE Pbk, 9.5 x 6.5 in. / 320 pgs / 318 images. Pub Date: 09/01/2007 Not available
|  Networked Cultures Edited by Peter Moertenboeck, Helge Mooshammer. Based at Goldsmiths, University of London, Networked Cultures is a collaborative venture between artists, architects and urbanists that investigates the cultural transformations underway in Europe by examining the potential and effect of networked spatial practices. >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056620592 US $45.00 CAN $60.00 TRADE Paperback, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 320 pgs / illustrated throughout / DVD (PAL). Pub Date: 08/01/2008 Not available
|  New Connections: New Architecture, New Urban Environments And The London Jubilee Line Extension. Contributions by Maryanne Stevens. In December 1999, London acquired a new component to its urban Underground system: the Jubilee Line was extended eastwards from Westminster to Stratford East, creating 11 new stations. This ambitious project incorporated innovative engineering techniques >>more Royal Academy Publications ISBN 9781903973042 US $24.59 CAN $29.95 TRADE Cloth / 64 pgs / Illustrated throughout Pub Date: 02/01/2001 Not available
|  New Connections: New Architecture, New Urban Environments and the London Jubilee Line Extension Contributions by Maryanne Stevens. In December 1999, the city of London completed the first extension of its underground transportation system in more than 30 years. With its innovative engineering and striking design, the state-of-the-art Jubilee Line Extension has won >>more Royal Academy Publications ISBN 9780810966413 US $17.95 CAN $25.50 TRADE Cloth, 5.5 x 7.5 / 64 pgs / Illustrated throughout Pub Date: 02/01/2002 Not available
|  Not The Trailer Edited by Michelle Provoost, Mechthild Stuhlmacher. Text by Wilma Kempinga, Rien Korteknie, Annuska Pronkhorst, Felix Rottenberg. Many schools have to contend with the tension between an inflexible building and constantly changing requirements for use. With this in mind, WiMBY! (Welcome into My Backyard!, a Rotterdam-based organization for revitalizing post-war housing areas) >>more Valiz/WiMBY! ISBN 9789080818514 US $27.00 CAN $37.00 TRADE Hardcover, 6.5 x 6.25 in. / 176 pgs / 120 color / 40 b&w. Pub Date: 08/02/2004 Not available
|  On Architecture By Cees Dam. Text by Karin Evers, Rudi Fuchs. Dutch architect Cees Dam (born 1932) offers his most fundamental texts about the position of architecture and the architectural designer, in which he investigates the sociocultural role of the architectural profession and the fundamentals of >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462084124 US $45.00 CAN $60.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 6 x 9 in. / 164 pgs / 275 color. Pub Date: 02/27/2018 Not available
|  Open 13: The Rise of the Informal Media Edited by Jorinde Seijdel, Liesbeth Melis. With the rise of less formal, more personal media outlets like YouTube and blogs, the mass media is no longer our only public forum. This issue of the Dutch architectural journal Open investigates these new >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056626044 US $30.00 CAN $40.00 FLAT40 Paperback, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 160 pgs / 90 color. Pub Date: 03/01/2008 Not available
|  Open 14: Art as a Public Issue Edited by Liesbeth Melis, Jorinde Seijdel. As the world is increasingly aware, the visual arts are no longer confined by the semi-public space of the museum or the privacy of the studio. In recent decades we have seen a marked pressure >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056624354 US $30.00 CAN $35.00 FLAT40 Paperback, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 160 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 08/01/2008 Not available
|  Ortlos: Architecture Of The Networks Designer and author David Carson pronounced the “End of Print” in response to the virtual world's ever-increasing influence on design. And if Ortlos: Architecture of the Networks is any indication, it seems that the group >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775716529 US $55.00 CAN $65.00 SDNR30 Hardcover, 8 x 9.5 in. / 204 pgs / 300 color. Pub Date: 11/15/2005 Not available
|  Otto Neurath Text by Nader Vossoughian. Austrian sociologist Otto Neurath was a seminal Modernist figure. Much attention has been given to his achievements in the fields of graphic design and philosophy (Neurath was a member of the Vienna Circle, founder of >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056623500 US $45.00 CAN $55.00 TRADE Hardback, 7.75 x 10.75 in. / 176 pgs / 89 color / 15 b&w. Pub Date: 07/01/2008 Not available
|  Parasite Paradise Essays by Jennifer Allen, Hans Ibelings, Olof Koekebakker, Liesbeth Melis, Ivan Nio and Gijs Van Oenen. Parasites are flexible and temporary structures, designed by artists or architects, that feed off of existing infrastructure. Parasite Paradise documents 23 projects that respond on their own terms to new and unforeseen demands. Many of >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056623302 US $34.95 CAN $40.00 TRADE Paperback, 6.5 x 9.25 in. / 190 pgs / 130 color / 45 b&w. Pub Date: 02/02/2004 Not available
|  Planet Of Visions / The 21St Century Essays by Helene Robert, Francois Schuiten. Introduction by Martin Roth. Photographs by Bitler & Bredt. A tremendous hit at Expo 2000 in Hanover, the two exhibits documented here offer the world both a backward glance at itself and a look forward. "Planet of Visions" brings the utopias of world history >>more Wasmuth ISBN 9783803006110 US $35.00 CAN $40.00 FLAT40 Clothbound, 8.25 x 10.25 in. / 180 pgs / 180 color. Pub Date: 02/02/2002 Not available
|  Planning Amsterdam Edited by Allard Jolles, Erik Klusman and Ben Teunissen. Since 1928, nine master plans have been created for the city of Amsterdam. The most recent, “Opting for Urbanity,” was completed in 2003 by the city's Physical Planning Department. In this span of 75 years, >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056623333 US $34.95 CAN $40.00 TRADE Paperback, 9.5 x 11.25 in. / 208 pgs / 20 color / 100 b&w. Pub Date: 02/02/2004 Not available
|  Post Urbanism Edited by Roy Strickland. Essays by Peter Eisenman, Barbara Littenberg Steven Peterson. Foreword by George Baird. Introduction by Doug Kelbaugh. This volume is one of three books in The Michigan Debates on Urbanism, a series that also features Everyday Urbanism and New Urbanism. Each book represents a distinct, inevitable, but still-emerging paradigm in contemporary urbanism, >>more University of Michigan, Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning ISBN 9781891197369 US $17.95 CAN $20.00 TRADE Paperback, 6.5 x 9 in. / 80 pgs / 40 color / 20 b&w. Pub Date: 02/15/2005
|  Power: Producing the Contemporary City Edited by Berlage Institute. Text by Saskia Sassen, Lieven de Cauter, Michiel Dehaene, John Urry, Lieven De Cauter. Never before have so many people lived in an urban environment: More than half the world's current population does, and that number is expected to rise to two-thirds by 2050. The contemporary city is the >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056625795 US $50.00 CAN $60.00 FLAT40 Paperback, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 288 pgs / 470 color. Pub Date: 08/01/2007 Not available
|  Premises Essays by Benjamin H.D. Buchloh, Sylvère Lotringer, Denis Hollier, D.N. Rodowick, Dudley Andrew, Philippe Abaïzar, Joseph Abram and Sophie Tasma-Anargyros. New Lower Price Premises: Invested Spaces in Visual Arts, Architecture & Design from France, 1958-1998 brings together more than 100 visual artists and architects working in France over the past 40 years. This catalogue explores >>more Guggenheim Museum Publications ISBN 9780892072866 US $45.00 CAN $55.00 TRADE Hardcover, 9.25 x 12 in. / 543 pgs / 600 color / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 07/02/2003 Not available
|  Re-Designing Nature Edited by Florian Matzner, Susanne Witzgall, Iris Meder. Zones in which nature can offset the tyranny of the built environment are an essential part of any satisfying urban experience, aesthetically and ecologically. (Re)Designing Nature presents innovative design concepts for enhancing the presence and >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775727990 US $45.00 CAN $55.00 TRADE Pbk, 8.25 x 9.75 in. / 205 pgs / 204 color. Pub Date: 04/30/2011 Not available
| Reference: Oma >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789072469953 US $41.95 CAN $50.00 TRADE Hardcover Pub Date: 03/02/1997 Not available
|  Sensing Spaces: Architecture Reimagined Text by Philip Ursprung. This title focuses on the sensual aspects of architecture - the subtle and intangible ways it impacts on human experience - through the work of six leading architects from around the world. Philip Ursprung is professor >>more Royal Academy Publications ISBN 9781907533716 US $45.00 CAN $60.00 TRADE Cloth, 10 x 12 / 192 pgs / Illustrated throughout Pub Date: 05/06/2014 Not available
|  Shrinking Cities: Volume 1 Edited by Philipp Oswalt. Essays by Regina Bittner, Robert Fishman, Dave Haslam, Wolfgang Kil, Walter Prigge, Klaus Ronneberger, Thomas J. Sugrue and Barbara Steiner. From Great Britain, Belgium, Finland and Italy to Russia, Kazakhstan and China, cities are shrinking--while urban-planning debates focus on the growth of the megalopolis, many of the world's existing population centers are watching their citizens >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775716826 US $55.00 CAN $65.00 TRADE Paperback, 6.75 x 9 in. / 736 pgs / 389 color / 114 b&w. Pub Date: 02/01/2006 Not available
|  Shrinking Cities: Volume 2 Edited by Philipp Oswalt. Essays by Will Alsop, Ruedi Baur, Jàrg Dettmar, Wolfgang Engler, Robert Fishman, Susanne Hauser, Wolfgang Kil, Rem Koolhaas, William Neill and Wouter van Stiphout. Shrinking cities have pushed urban design and classical city planning to their limits. The new challenges they pose require new approaches, joining the "hard" tools of construction with the "soft" tools of political, social, cultural >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775717113 US $55.00 CAN $65.00 TRADE Paperback, 6.75 x 9 in. / 736 pgs / 400 color. Pub Date: 06/01/2006 Not available
|  Sky High: Vertical Architecture Text by Chris Abel. This book accompanies Norman Foster's selection of exciting current and future skyscraper projects, scheduled to appear within the 2003 Summer Exhibition at London's Royal Academy of Arts. It includes graphic wizardry showing how London will >>more Royal Academy Publications ISBN 9781903973332 US $21.95 CAN $30.50 TRADE Cloth, 7.25 x 10.75 in. / 72 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 08/01/2003 Not available
|  Smart about Cities Edited by Maarten Hajer, Ton Dassen. Text by Maarten Hajer. Current discussions on urban planning regularly invoke the concept of the smart city—a city based on innovative urban planning, which itself is based on "smart" technologies that are supposed to make cities safer, cleaner and >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462081482 US $40.00 CAN $50.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 184 pgs / 50 color. Pub Date: 04/28/2015 Not available
|  Snooze Introduction by Lars Lerup. SNOOZE n. 1. The nicest moment of the day, between dreaming and waking, in a slumbering state of being. 2. Just one more push on the snooze button. 3. An exuberant exploration that couples the >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056623135 US $29.95 CAN $35.00 TRADE Paperback, 6.75 x 8 in. / 128 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 08/02/2003 Not available
|  Sorry, Out of Gas Edited by Giovanna Borasi, Mirko Zardini. Texts by Adam Bobbette, Daria Der Kaloustian, Pierre-Édouard Latouche, Caroline Maniaque. The year 1973 marks one of the most important turning points in the history of the twentieth century. Prior to that year, the world had become accustomed to a plentiful supply of inexpensive fossil fuels--especially >>more Edizioni Corraini/Canadian Centre for Architecture ISBN 9788875701437 US $49.95 CAN $60.00 TRADE Paperback, 6.75 x 9.75 in. / 236 pages / 150 color / 78 b&w. Pub Date: 01/01/2008 Not available
|  Stille Straße 10 + Assemble In Stille Straße 10 in the Pankow district of Berlin, a group of elderly people saved their meeting house from closure. The members of the group occupied the building for 112 days and took the >>more Spector Books/Haus der Kulturen der Welt ISBN 9783959050517 US $23.00 CAN $29.95 TRADE Pbk, 11.75 x 8.25 in. / 100 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 02/01/2016 Not available
|  Supermodernism Essay by Hans Ibelings. Almost four years since its initial appearance, Hans Ibelings' essay on the new tendency towards abstract, neutral architecture has lost none of its relevance. His identification and examination of the last word in modern architecture >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056622671 US $20.00 CAN $25.00 TRADE Paperback, 4.75 x 7.75 in. / 160 pgs. Pub Date: 04/02/2003 Not available
| Supermodernism >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056620745 US $20.00 CAN $25.00 TRADE Paperback, 4.5 x 7.5 in. / 144 pgs / 30 color / 30 b&w Pub Date: 07/02/1998 Not available
|  Sympathetic Seeing: Esther McCoy and the Heart of American Modernist Architecture and Design Edited and text by Kimberli Meyer, Susan Morgan. Interview by Makoto Watanabe. Reyner Banham once said of the great architecture historian Esther McCoy (1904–1989) that “no-one can write about architecture in California without acknowledging her as the mother of us all.” Esther McCoy first moved to Los >>more Moderne Kunst Nürnberg ISBN 9783869842653 US $40.00 CAN $54.00 TRADE Pbk, 8 x 10 in. / 144 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 02/29/2012 Not available
|  Teaching at the Bauhaus Edited by Rainer Wick. Text by Gabriele Grawe. Within the space of only 14 years, the Bauhaus permanently altered the course of modern design and Walter Gropius' pedagogical approach revolutionised art schools. Interest in the Bauhaus and Gropius's methods is as lively today >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775708012 US $29.95 CAN $35.00 TRADE Hardcover, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 400 pgs / 250 b&w. Pub Date: 01/02/2001 Not available
|  Territories: Islands, Camps And Other States Of Utopia Edited by Anselm Franke. Essays by Ariella Azoulay, Matthew Buckingham, David Campbell, Zvi Efrat, Rudolf Maresch, Sean Snyder and Rafi Segal. An exhibition and book about space, politics, and power, Territories provides Israeli architects, critics, filmmakers and artists with an open platform. Aiming to formulate a multi-layered critique by means of territorial research, Territories attempts to >>more Walther König, Köln ISBN 9783883757346 US $48.00 CAN $60.00 SDNR30 Paperback, 9.5 x 12 in. / 300 pgs / 173 color / 123 b&w. Pub Date: 08/02/2003 Not available
|  Thanks for the View, Mr. Mies Edited and with text by Danielle Aubert, Lana Cavar, Natasha Chandani | Placement. Lafayette Park, an affordable middle-class residential area in downtown Detroit, is home to the largest collection of buildings designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe in the world. Today, it is one of Detroit’s most >>more Metropolis Books ISBN 9781935202929 US $29.95 CAN $39.95 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 288 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 10/31/2012 Not available
|  Architectural bookmaking has been exposed to disciplinary debates, just as building construction has been exposed to the charms of book culture. Dissecting a wealth of books through five conceptual tools, André Tavares analyzes the material >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037784730 US $49.00 CAN $65.00 TRADE Hbk, 6.25 x 9.25 in. / 384 pgs / 346 images. Pub Date: 04/01/2016 Not available
|  The Architectonic Colour: Polychromy in the Purist Architecture of Le Corbusier Contributions by Jan de Heer. From 1918 onward, Le Corbusier, who was not only an architect but also a painter, was engaged in conceiving and generating the idea of Purism, a pursuit he undertook in conjunction with the painter Amédée >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789064506710 US $55.00 CAN $72.50 TRADE Hbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 248 pgs / 500 color. Pub Date: 04/30/2013 Not available
|  The Architectural Detail Edited by Ed Melet. The Architectural Detail gives an overview of architectural detailing from a galaxy of prominent contemporary Dutch architectural firms. Exploring the relationship between detail and wider context, what is underlined here is not the purely functional >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056621858 US $38.95 CAN $45.00 TRADE Paperback, 11 x 8.75 in. / 192 pgs / 225 color / 180 b&w. Pub Date: 02/02/2003 Not available
|  The Art Of The Accident >>more nai010 publishers/V2_Organization ISBN 9789056620905 US $31.00 CAN $35.00 TRADE Paperback, 6.5 x 9 in. / 288 pgs / illustrated throughout Pub Date: 03/02/1999 Not available
| The Battle For Modernism >>more Marsilio Editori ISBN 9788831713481 US $45.00 CAN $51.00 TRADE Pbk, 8.25 x 10 in. / 304 pgs. Pub Date: 03/19/2013 Not available
|  The Berlage Survey of the Culture, Education, and Practice of Architecture and Urbanism Edited by Salomon Frausto. Text by Rob Docter, Alejandro Zarea-Polo, Wiel Arets, et al. Celebrating the twentieth anniversary of the Berlage Institute--the Netherlands' international training ground for architecture--this publication investigates how architectural models, insights and principles create a global architectural culture. With contributions by both prominent and up-and-coming architects, >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056627652 US $45.00 CAN $55.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 240 pgs / 320 color. Pub Date: 12/31/2011 Not available
|  The Capsular Civilization Text by Lieven de Cauter. Particularly since September 11, the War on Terrorism and the war in Iraq, it has been almost impossible to dissociate architecture from its social context. Add to this the massive influence of capitalism on architecture, >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056624071 US $32.50 CAN $42.50 TRADE Hardcover, 5.5 x 8.5 in. / 208 pgs. Pub Date: 03/15/2005 Not available
|  The Chinese Dream Contributions by Neville Mars, Adrian Hornsby. China is in the midst of breakneck transformation. The last 30 years of astonishing economic growth and political and cultural reform have been driven by the world’s biggest ever urban boom. Soon, China will take >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789064506529 US $29.95 CAN $39.95 TRADE Hbk, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 784 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 04/30/2013 Not available
|  The City as Interface By Martijn de Waal. In this thought-provoking book, Martijn de Waal, Assistant Professor at the University of Amsterdam, discusses the ways in which digital and mobile media are changing urban life and our everyday experience of our physical surroundings. >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462080508 US $32.50 CAN $42.50 TRADE Pbk, 5.75 x 9 in. / 224 pgs / 12 b&w. Pub Date: 08/31/2014 Not available
|  In the manifesto The City in the City – Berlin: A Green Archipelago, Oswald Mathias Ungers and a number of his colleagues from Cornell University presented the first concepts and intellectual models for the shrinking >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037783269 US $50.00 CAN $67.50 TRADE Pbk, 11.75 x 8.25 in. / 176 pgs / 226 images. Pub Date: 08/15/2013 Not available
|  The Critical Seventies Essay by Martien de Vletter. There is no period in the history of the Netherlands which excites such emotion, resistance, or aversion as the decade of the 1970s. Following in the wake of the democratization wave of 1968, some regard >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056623838 US $40.00 CAN $54.00 FLAT40 Paperback, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 176 pgs / 75 color / 100 b&w. Pub Date: 09/02/2004 Not available
|  The Domestic and the Foreign in Architecture Text by Nezar Alsayyad, David Chipperfield, Frederic Jameson, Rem Koolhaas, Denise Scott-Brown, Robert Venturi. For centuries, across nations, dialogue between the domestic and the foreign has affected and transformed architecture. Today these dialogues have become highly intensified. The Domestic and the Foreign in Architecture examines how these exchanges manifest >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789064505669 US $55.00 CAN $72.50 FLAT40 Pbk, 6.75 x 9.25 in. / 376 pgs / 110 color / 110 b&w. Pub Date: 04/30/2013 Not available
|  The Essence of Things Edited by Mathias Schwartz-Clauss, Alexander von Vegesack. Text by Dirk Baecker, Martin Hartung, Wiebke Lang, Mathias Schwartz-Clauss. The Essence of Things investigates the motifs and motivations of reduction in design, particularly industrial design. Thoroughly researched and beautifully illustrated, it considers the importance of technological and economic conditions, as well as the dialogue >>more Vitra Design Museum ISBN 9783931936501 US $55.00 CAN $72.50 TRADE Pbk, 9.75 x 12.5 in. / 136 pgs / 180 color. Pub Date: 07/31/2013 Not available
|  In 1963 at the University of Cambridge, Peter Eisenman — world famous for his Holocaust Memorial in Berlin (2005) and respected and feared by his colleagues for his intellectual acuity and quick-wittedness — wrote a >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037780718 US $69.90 CAN $92.50 TRADE Hbk, 12 x 12.25 in. / 384 pgs / 600 images. Pub Date: 07/20/2006 Not available
|  The Future of Architecture Edited by Herman Hertzberger. Text by Herman Hertzberger, Anna Heringer, Jean-Philippe Vassal, Nanne de Ru, Jan Jongert, Marijn Schenk, Hedwig Heinsman, Rudy Stroink. Internationally acclaimed Dutch architect Herman Hertzberger (born 1932), an early proponent and practitioner of the so-called school of "structuralism" (sustainable buildings that can evolve to meet their users’ changing needs), invited colleagues and students to >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462080829 US $25.00 CAN $34.50 FLAT40 Pbk, 5.5 x 9 in. / 96 pgs / 120 color. Pub Date: 04/30/2014 Not available
|  How do we create affordable housing today? Who are today’s new clients? What new answers can be found to the age-old housing questions? Housing constitutes the rooms, neighborhoods and streets of our daily lives, but >>more Spector Books/Haus der Kulturen der Welt ISBN 9783959050562 US $198.00 CAN $255.00 TRADE Pbk, 9 x 13 in. / 1000 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 02/01/2016 Not available
|  The Playground Project Edited with introduction by Gabriela Burkhalter. Text by Xavier de la Salle, Vincent Romagny, Sreejata Roy. Until sometime in the 1980s, playgrounds were places for social experiments, risky projects and spectacular sculptures. Architects, urban planners, artists, parents and children were invited to leave their comfort zones and to venture something new >>more JRP | Ringier ISBN 9783037644546 US $49.95 CAN $67.50 TRADE Pbk, 8 x 10.5 in. / 256 pgs / 200 color. Pub Date: 04/26/2016 Not available
|  The Power of Pro Bono Edited by John Cary and Public Architecture. Foreword by Majora Carter. Preface by John Peterson. A first-of-its-kind book, equally representing the voices of architects and their clients, The Power of Pro Bono presents 40 pro bono design projects across the country. The clients include grassroots community organizations like the Homeless >>more Metropolis Books ISBN 9781935202189 US $40.00 CAN $50.00 TRADE Hbk, 8 x 10 in. / 288 pgs / 250 color. Pub Date: 11/30/2010 Not available
|  The Sympathy of Things By Lars Spuybroek. In The Sympathy of Things, Lars Spuybroek argues that we must “undo” the twentieth century--the age in which the eighteenth-century ideal of the Sublime (the aspiration towards overwhelming awe) became a technological reality. Spuybroek returns >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056628277 US $45.00 CAN $55.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 400 pgs / 100 b&w. Pub Date: 02/29/2012 Not available
|  The Vertical Village Edited and with text by Winny Mass. Interviews with Alfredo Brillemburg, Hubert Klumpner, Lieven De Cauter, Peter Trummer Addressing East Asia’s rapid urban transformation, The Vertical Village looks at radical alternatives to the familiar standardized block architecture that has eradicated low-rise, “lighter” varieties of architecture, such as the Hutong in Beijing, Tokyo’s wooden >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056628444 US $35.00 CAN $40.00 TRADE Pbk, 6 x 8.5 in. / 528 pgs / 300 color. Pub Date: 02/29/2012 Not available
|  The Why Factory and The Future City Text by Winy Maas, Kristin Feireiss, Ole Bouman, Wouter Vanstiphout, Michiel Riedijk, Jacob van Rijs, Nathalie de Vries. Founded by Winy Maas, The Why Factory concentrates on the production of models and visualizations for future cities. It runs independent research projects, PhD programs, architecture and urbanism studios, postgraduate studios at the Berlage Institute >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056627812 US $25.00 CAN $30.00 TRADE Pbk, 6 x 8.25 in. / 168 pgs / 100 b&w. Pub Date: 08/31/2011 Not available
|  Through a Clouded Glass: Mendelsohn, Wijdeveld and the Jewish Connection Text by Gilbert Herbert, Liliane Richter. This scholarly study of the relationship between the visionary German-Jewish and Dutch-Catholic Modernist architects Erich Mendelsohn and Hendrik Wijdeveld, respectively, is a moving and gripping narrative that will appeal to academics and laymen alike. >>more Wasmuth ISBN 9783803006967 US $60.00 CAN $79.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 7.75 x 10.25 in. / 200 pgs / 3 color / 87 b&w. Pub Date: 03/01/2009 Not available
|  Town Planning in the Netherlands Since 1800 Text by Cor Wagenaar. This overview of town planning in the Netherlands begins in the late eighteenth century, recording the way the Dutch rebuilt the cities they inherited from the seventeenth century. The book is oriented around seven geopolitical >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789064506826 US $75.00 CAN $99.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 640 pgs / 500 color. Pub Date: 04/30/2013 Not available
|  Transurbanism Essays by Joke Brouwer, Arjen Mulder. Recent technological advances have radically altered the parameters of the urban field: trade takes place on a universal scale, work is immaterial and telematic, and new modes of communication influence the development of social relations. >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056622367 US $30.00 CAN $35.00 TRADE Paperback, 6.25 x 9 in. / 192 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 11/02/2002 Not available
|  Twist & Build: Creating Non-Orthogonal Architecture Contributions by K. Vollers. Architects often prefer to approach their designs as sculptors: Frank Gehry, for instance, sculpts his models in clay. Twist & Build is architect Karel Vollers’ analysis of non-orthogonal architecture. Vollers starts his intriguing quest by >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789064504105 US $35.00 CAN $40.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 288 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 04/30/2013 Not available
|  Unmodern Architecture Essay by Hans Ibelings. In the Netherlands, bastion of modernism, neomodernism, and supermodernism, contemporary traditionalism has been causing a stir since the 1990s. No fly-by-night trend is this. Throughout the country, years' worth of architectural and urban projects have >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056623524 US $25.00 CAN $30.00 TRADE Paperback, 5 x 8 in. / 144 pgs. Pub Date: 03/02/2004 Not available
|  Urban Future Manifestos Edited by Peter Noever, Kimberli Meyer. Text by Saskia Sassen, Zvi Hecker, Ai Weiwei. Urban Future Manifestos invites contributors from around the world to respond to the current and impending challenges facing the urban environment. Calling on planners, artists, architects, designers, activists and myriad other cultural practitioners, this publication >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775727310 US $40.00 CAN $50.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 168 pgs / 105 color. Pub Date: 01/31/2011 Not available
|  Utopia / Dystopia Edited with text by Pedro Gadanho, João Laia, Susana Ventura. Text by Franco Berardi, Rosi Braidotti, et al. This reader contains previously unpublished essays on the ongoing transition from the 500-year-old notion of utopia, toward the pervasive ubiquity of its opposite: dystopia. The authors gathered here were asked to discuss this tension. >>more Mousse Publishing ISBN 9788867492800 US $25.00 CAN $34.50 FLAT40 Pbk, 6.5 x 10.25 in. / 260 pgs. Pub Date: 08/22/2017 Not available
|  Vinex Atlas Contributions by Jelte Boeijenga, Jeroen Mensink. It was in the early 1990s that the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment published the supplement to the fourth report on spatial planning. This policy document achieved fame and notoriety under >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789064505942 US $69.95 CAN $92.50 FLAT40 Hbk, 9.5 x 13.5 in. / 304 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 04/30/2013 Not available
|  Visionary Cities Edited and with text by Winy Maas and The Why Factory. Recognizing that our civic responsibilities towards our environments have drastically increased, Visionary Cities ambitiously sets the agenda for the city of the future. Amid crippling bureaucracies and economic crises, present-day thinking on city design remains >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056627256 US $25.00 CAN $34.50 FLAT40 Pbk, 5.75 x 8.25 in. / 240 pgs / 100 color. Pub Date: 03/31/2010 Not available
|  Volksgarten Edited by Peter Pakesch. Text by Christian Kravagna, Helmut Konrad, Suzana Milevska. Featuring work by Thomas Hirschorn and Los Carpinteros among others, Volksgarten (People’s Garden) explores identification systems and strategies of belonging within communities. This volume focuses on districts in Graz, Austria, as models for the possibilities >>more Walther König, Köln ISBN 9783865603104 US $49.95 CAN $60.00 FLAT40 Paperback, 8.75 x 11 in. / 200 pgs / 30 color / 30 b&w. Pub Date: 03/01/2008 Not available
|  WiMBY! Hoogvliet Edited by Michelle Provoost. Text by Felix Rottenberg. The suburban Dutch neighborhood of Hoogyliet, just outside Rotterdam, was designed after World War II along Modernist lines. Over the ensuing years, the district became more and more rundown and economically depressed. Then the WiMBY! >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056625955 US $55.00 CAN $72.50 TRADE Paperback, 6.75 x 8.5 in. / 528 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 03/01/2008 Not available
|  With/Without Edited and with text by Shumon Basar, Antonia Carver, Markus Miessen. As Dubai builds unprecedented realms of new luxury, other parts of the Middle East grapple with physical and symbolic histories. Relics come up against reinvention and revolution. And micromutations in Middle Eastern politics and economics >>more Bidoun Books ISBN 9789948034537 US $25.00 CAN $30.00 TRADE Hardback, 6 x 8.5 in. / 266 pgs. Pub Date: 03/01/2008 Not available
|  You Can't Change China, China Changes You Contributions by John van de Water. John van de Water set off to a rapidly modernizing China in 2004, a young, enthusiastic and ambitious architect. His intention was to put into practice in China the internationally recognized ideas of NEXT architects, >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789064507625 US $39.95 CAN $53.95 TRADE Pbk, 5.5 x 8.5 in. / 272 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 04/30/2013 Not available
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