Go South The Tübingen Model Published by Wasmuth. Edited by Matthias Schuster. Essays by Andreas Feldtkeller, Oliver Herwig and Brigitte Russ-Scherer. The thirteenth-century town of Tübingen, Germany, is best known for its university, which spawned both Hegel and Kepler. And now, something very progressive is going on in the southern sector of the city. A field where an army barracks once stood has been transformed into a new district which has won international praise and awards for the way it has forged a livable and lovely mixed-use environment out of thin (and clean) air. Go South, in essays and in the color photographs of Gudrun Theresia de Maddalena, tells the story of what should become a model for urban and suburban development. The palette of buildings and spaces ranges from single-family homes to a townhouse for almost 30 families, from a business promotion center to a passive-solar mixed-use building, complete with apartments, office units, shops, a kindergarten and a greenhouse lobby. The Tübingen South district received the European Municipal Construction Award in 2002 and the Deutsche Immobilien Fonds AG award for Europe's Best Districts in 2004.