Europe City Lessons from the European Prize for Urban Public Space Published by Lars Müller Publishers. By Diane Grey. Europe City: Lessons from the European Prize for Urban Public Space presents a multifaceted and diverseplatform of ideas about European public space and its social, cultural and economic significance. Based onseven themes—or lessons to be learned—, this discussion is approached from different disciplines, resulting ina wide-ranging reflection on public space as the intrinsic element that binds the European urban experiencetogether. These themes are Memory, Mobility, Mixture, Margins, Waterfronts, Marketplaces and Democracy,illustrated by a selection of about fifty projects of diverse scales and programs. The book also features ahistoric overview of European public space as well as impressions from international professionals. With aforeword by Kenneth Frampton and an epilogue by Zygmunt Bauman.The European Prize for Urban Public Space is an initiative of the Centre de Cultura Contemporània deBarcelona (CCCB) and is co-organized with AzW Vienna; AF, London; DAM Frankfurt; Cité de l’architectureet du patrimoine, Paris; MAO Ljubljana, and MFA Helsinki.