| VISUAL BOOK INDEX | ACTIVE BACKLIST  100 Years of Swiss Graphic Design takes a fresh look at Swiss typography and photo-graphics, posters, corporate image design, book design, journalism and typefaces over the past hundred years. With illuminating essays by prominent experts >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037783993 978-3-03778-399-3 US $65.00 CAN $97.50 TRADE Hbk, 12 x 8 in. / 350 pgs / 943 images. Pub Date: 10/15/2014 Out of stock
|  1001 Movie Posters Edited by Tony Nourmand. Introduction by Christopher Frayling. Text by Alison Elangasinghe. The most comprehensive overview of movie posters ever published, 1001 Movie Posters is a definitive coffee-table volume from world authority on the art form, Tony Nourmand. Spanning more than a century of global imagery, the >>more Reel Art Press ISBN 9781909526938 978-1-909526-93-8 US $95.00 CAN $137.00 TRADE Hbk, 9.5 x 11.5 in. / 640 pgs / 950 color / 150 b&w. Pub Date: 09/03/2024 In stock
|  147 Backcovers Edited by Peter Fischli, Hilar Stadler. Since 1987, Galerie Bruno Bischofberger has combined the advertisements for its gallery program with images of traditional Swiss life. The adverts, compiled here by Peter Fischli and Hilar Stadler, have appeared in Artforum and Kunstbulletin. >>more Walther König, Köln ISBN 9783960983514 978-3-96098-351-4 US $59.95 CAN $79.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 10.25 x 10.25 in. / 300 pgs / 147 color. Pub Date: 11/20/2018 In stock
|  The Typographische Monatsblätter is one of the most important journals to successfully disseminate the phenomenon of “Swiss typography” to an international audience. With more than 70 years in existence, the journal witnessed significant moments in the >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037785386 978-3-03778-538-6 US $55.00 CAN $72.50 TRADE Hbk, 8.5 x 12.5 in. / 276 pgs / 472 images. Pub Date: 11/21/2017 Out of stock
|  A Cookbook of Invisible Writing, by Dutch artist, designer and teacher Amy Wu, is an introduction to analog steganography—a type of secret writing that is hidden in plain sight. This book serves as a starter >>more Onomatopee ISBN 9789491677953 978-94-91677-95-3 US $35.00 CAN $49.95 TRADE Spiral bound, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 224 pgs. Pub Date: 08/20/2019 Out of stock
|  A New Program for Graphic Design By David Reinfurt. Preface by Adam Michaels. Foreword by Ellen Lupton. A New Program for Graphic Design is the first communication-design textbook expressly of and for the 21st century. Three courses—Typography, Gestalt and Interface—provide the foundation of this book.
Through a series of in-depth historical case studies >>more Inventory Press/D.A.P. ISBN 9781941753217 978-1-941753-21-7 US $25.00 CAN $34.95 TRADE Pbk, 6 x 9 in. / 256 pgs / 40 color / 180 b&w. Pub Date: 09/17/2019 In stock
|  Aeroflot: Fly Soviet By Bruno Vandermueren. Edited by Damon Murray, Stephen Sorrell. Despite the borders of the USSR being closed to the majority of its population, Soviet citizens were among the world’s most frequent flyers. Following the 1917 Revolution, Vladimir Lenin made the development of aviation a >>more FUEL Publishing ISBN 9781916218468 978-1-9162184-6-8 US $34.95 CAN $46.95 TRADE Hbk, 5 x 8 in. / 240 pgs / 225 color. Pub Date: 11/02/2021 In stock
|  From the acclaimed authors of the Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopaedias and Soviet Space Dogs comes Alcohol, a glorious and exhaustive collection of previously unpublished Soviet anti-alcohol posters. The book includes examples from the 1960s through >>more FUEL Publishing ISBN 9780993191152 978-0-9931911-5-2 US $32.95 CAN $43.95 TRADE Hbk, 5 x 8 in. / 248 pgs / 255 color / 5 b&w. Pub Date: 04/25/2017 In stock
|  Alex Wollner: Brasil Design Visual Edited by Klaus Klemp, Julia Koch, Matthias Wagner K. Foreword by Antonio Grassi, Marta Suplicy, Matthias Wagner K. Text by Klaus Klemp, Julia Koch, Malou von Muralt, René Spitz, André Stolarski, Alexandre Wollner. Alexandre Wollner (born 1928) is one of the most important and successful graphic designers of the second half of the twentieth century. He played a prominent role in the artistic, cultural and economic foundation of >>more Wasmuth ISBN 9783803032140 978-3-8030-3214-0 US $75.00 CAN $99.00 FLAT40 Hbk, 10.5 x 10.25 in. / 324 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 05/31/2014 In stock
|  Spanning the entirety of Alphonse Mucha’s prolific career, this handsome, affordable and concise overview examines the beloved artist’s oeuvre—from posters, jewelry, interior decoration, theater and product design to painting, book illustration, sculpture and photography—across six >>more Skira ISBN 9788857232430 978-88-572-3243-0 US $50.00 CAN $71.00 TRADE Hbk, 8.5 x 11 in. / 248 pgs / 256 color. Pub Date: 02/27/2018 Out of stock
|  Amos Paul Kennedy, Jr.: Citizen Printer Edited by Amos Paul Kennedy, Jr. Foreword by Austin Kleon. Text by Myron Beasley, Kelly Walters. Detroit-based letterpress printer Amos Paul Kennedy, Jr. is celebrated for his type-driven messages of social justice and Black power, emblazoned in rhythmically layered and boldly inked posters made for the masses. Citizen Printer tells Kennedy’s >>more Letterform Archive Books ISBN 9781736863381 978-1-7368633-8-1 US $60.00 CAN $86.00 TRADE Hbk, 9 x 12 in. / 292 pgs / 500 color. Pub Date: 09/17/2024 In stock
|  An Atlas of Agendas Introduction by Freek Lomme, Brian Holmes. Panoramic in scope and conceptually both profound and accessible, this acclaimed volume is an atlas for an emancipatory new model of citizenship, from the local to the global. For the last several years, the artist-duo Bureau >>more Set Margins' publications ISBN 9789083270654 978-90-832706-5-4 US $35.00 CAN $50.50 TRADE Hbk, 9 x 11.75 in. / 270 pgs / 54 color / 54 duotone / 64 b&w. Pub Date: 09/05/2023 In stock
|  Analog Algorithm By Christoph Grünberger. Foreword by Paul McNeil. German illustrator and designer Christoph Grünberger's (born 1975) Analog Algorithm is a tool kit to create new forms using grid-based design, offering the reader techniques to develop new forms, fonts, logos and patterns. The concept >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037785935 978-3-03778-593-5 US $55.00 CAN $82.50 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 304 pgs / 55 b&w. Pub Date: 07/23/2019 In stock
|  Armando Testa Text by Gemma Testa, Tim Marlow, Elisabetta Barisoni. From his beginnings at a Turin design school to his classic advertisements ingrained in Italian collective memory, this monograph reconstructs the artistic path of a legendary protagonist of Italian graphic design, animation and advertising: Armando >>more Silvana Editoriale ISBN 9788836657704 978-88-366-5770-4 US $40.00 CAN $58.00 TRADE Hbk, 9.75 x 11.75 in. / 216 pgs / 211 color. Pub Date: 10/15/2024 In stock
|  Audio Erotica By Jonny Trunk. Edited by Damon Murray, Stephen Sorrell. Remember roller-skating while wearing your first Walkman? Or relaxing to easy listening in your pure white Philips lounge? Or playing chess on your JVC tabletop radio? All these scenarios can be found in the geeky >>more FUEL ISBN 9781739887810 978-1-7398878-1-0 US $34.95 CAN $49.95 TRADE Pbk, 7 x 8.75 in. / 240 pgs / 400 color. Pub Date: 04/16/2024 In stock
|  Avant-garde and Propaganda Foreword by Beatriz García Cossío, Oliva María Rubio. Text by Raquel Pelta Resano, Iveta Derkusova, Evgeny Dobrenko. Housed in a printed slipcase, Avant-garde and Propaganda compiles a selection of publications—photobooks and magazines, along with other related documents—demonstrating the great flowering of typography, photomontage and photobooks in the Soviet Union in the period >>more La Fábrica ISBN 9788417769178 978-84-17769-17-8 US $60.00 CAN $85.00 TRADE Slip, pbk, 8 x 12.5 in. / 416 pgs / 400 color. Pub Date: 01/21/2020 In stock
|  Beauty Is in the Street Edited by Johan Kugelberg, Philippe Vermès. In May 1968, thousands of workers and students took to the streets of Paris, provoking an unprecedented wave of strikes, walkouts and demonstrations. The confrontations between police and protesters led to a general strike of >>more Four Corners Books ISBN 9780956192837 978-0-9561928-3-7 US $45.00 CAN $63.00 TRADE Hbk, 9 x 11 in. / 272 pgs / 200 color / 100 b&w. Pub Date: 08/31/2011 Out of stock
|  Books by Ettore Sottsass Edited by Giorgio Maffei, Bruno Tonini. Introduction by Barbara Radice. Text by Andrea Branzi, Michele De Lucchi, Nathalie Du Pasquier, Elio Fiorucci, Christoph Radl, Franco Raggi, Lea Vergine. Throughout his illustrious career in product design and architecture, Ettore Sottsass (1917-2007) maintained a close relationship with printed matter, designing, authoring, illustrating and editing a great many avant-garde literary and design/architectural books and periodicals from >>more Edizioni Corraini ISBN 9788875702762 978-88-7570-276-2 US $45.00 CAN $60.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 296 pgs / 417 color. Pub Date: 07/31/2011 Out of stock
|  With their atmosphere of sociopolitical ferment, the 1980s also witnessed the appearance of a new aesthetic in Swiss graphic design, influenced by the punk aesthetic and first experiments with the Macintosh. Alternative cultural and political >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037780947 978-3-03778-094-7 US $28.00 CAN $42.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.75 in. / 96 pgs / 100 images. Pub Date: 01/31/2007 In stock
|  Brian Roettinger: Reproductions Edited by Brian Roettinger. Introduction by Aaron Rose. Los Angeles–based artist and two-time Grammy-nominated graphic designer Brian Roettinger is celebrated for the graphic design and art direction he has created for artists, architects and musicians such as No Age, Liars, Beach House and >>more THE THING Quarterly ISBN 9780984915057 978-0-9849150-5-7 US $60.00 CAN $79.00 TRADE Boxed, Flexi, 6.5 x 9 in. / 412 pgs / 32 color / 384 b&w. Pub Date: 02/24/2015 Out of stock
|  Bruno Munari: Il Disegno, Il Design Text by Arturo Carlo Quintavalle, Giulio Carlo Argan, Gloria Bianchino, Renato Nicolini. In 1979 the fanciful Italian artist and designer Bruno Munari donated part of his personal archive to the Center for the Study of Archives and Communication in Parma--a sort of encyclopedic collection of solutions for >>more Edizioni Corraini ISBN 9788875701604 978-88-7570-160-4 US $65.00 CAN $87.00 TRADE Pbk, 9.5 x 11.75 in. / 248 pgs / 514 color. Pub Date: 03/01/2009 Out of stock
|  Our current economic system could not exist without the number systems, coins, banknotes, documents, advertisements, interfaces, typefaces and information graphics that graphic designers have helped to create. Even speculative design and social design play their >>more Valiz ISBN 9789492095817 978-94-92095-81-7 US $27.50 CAN $37.50 TRADE Pbk, 4.25 x 7 in. / 528 pgs / 600 color / 100 b&w. Pub Date: 11/02/2021 In stock
|  This volume examines the longstanding and fruitful relationship between Campari and the film industry. Tracing Campari’s long history as an enthusiastic and involved patron of cinema, the book details how the company’s support has served >>more skira ISBN 9788857245546 978-88-572-4554-6 US $60.00 CAN $82.00 TRADE Hbk, 11 x 12 in. / 224 pgs / 250 color. Pub Date: 08/02/2022 In stock
|  Colors Foreword by Francesco Bonami. Interviews with Luciano Benetton, Oliviero Toscani. Colors explores the very best of more than 20 years of the influential magazine of the same name, a quarterly Italian publication "about the rest of the world." Founded in 1991 by photographer Oliviero Toscani >>more Damiani/Fabrica ISBN 9788862084246 978-88-6208-424-6 US $50.00 CAN $67.50 TRADE Hbk, 9.75 x 13.5 in. / 240 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 10/27/2015 Out of stock
|  Come Alive!: The Spirited Art of Sister Corita Text by Julie Ault, Daniel Berrigan. At 18, Corita Kent (1918-86) entered the Roman Catholic order of Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Los Angeles, where she taught art and eventually ran the art department. After more than 30 >>more Four Corners Books ISBN 9780954502522 978-0-9545025-2-2 US $29.95 CAN $39.95 TRADE Pbk, 9.75 x 11.25 in. / 128 pgs / 100 color / 5 b&w. Pub Date: 03/01/2007 Out of stock
|  Comix! Contributions by Pascal Lefèvre, Bettina Richter. Located between art and popular culture, combining succinctly abbreviated textual and visual methods, the comic offers the ideal conditions for its appropriation by the poster. Using contemporary examples the exhibition explores the roots of the >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037780992 978-3-03778-099-2 US $28.00 CAN $42.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.75 in. / 96 pgs / 100 images. Pub Date: 01/31/2008 Out of stock
|  Contemporary Iran Edited by Bettina Richter. Text by Majid Abbasi, Maryam Razi. In the last two decades, Iranian poster design has achieved widespread admiration and distinction for its innovative explorations of type and typography, which have been notably accelerated by the implementation of new digital technologies. As >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037787304 978-3-03778-730-4 US $28.00 CAN $42.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 96 pgs / 134 color / 14 b&w. Pub Date: 09/05/2023 In stock
|  This book brings together the best of Japanese graphic poster design—from the 1964 Tokyo Olympics to the creation of the Issey Miyake logo, and from the Osaka Expo to the official poster for the Pan-Pacific >>more skira ISBN 9788857245782 978-88-572-4578-2 US $70.00 CAN $95.00 TRADE Hbk, 8.25 x 11.5 in. / 500 pgs / 700 color. Pub Date: 11/30/2021 In stock
|  Crack Up—Crack Down Edited by Slavs and Tatars, Melissa Constantine. Text by Emily Apter, Melissa Constantine, David Crowley, Vid Simoniti, Metahaven, Mohammad Salemy, Raphael König & Arthur Fournier, Goran Vojnovic, et al. Published for the 33rd Ljubljana Biennial of Graphic Arts, this volume—edited by Slavs and Tatars—gathers essays by Emily Apter on the micropolitics of memes, David Crowley on punk as dissimulation, Vid Simoniti on the cult >>more Mousse Publishing ISBN 9788867493883 978-88-6749-388-3 US $30.00 CAN $42.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 9 x 11 in. / 124 pgs. Pub Date: 04/21/2020 Out of stock
|  Dafi Kühne is a Swiss designer who works with analog and digital ways to produce fresh and unique letterpress-printed posters. Using very different kinds of instruments, from a MacBook to a pantograph, for his compositions, >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037785096 978-3-03778-509-6 US $50.00 CAN $75.00 TRADE Hbk, 9.5 x 11.75 in. / 192 pgs / 182 images. Pub Date: 01/25/2017 In stock
|  In graphic design, instructions, city planning, and other creative disciplines, complex tasks related to orientation and disorientation are on the rise. Dis-/Orientation 2 is an academic investigation into phenomena, representations, and stagings of orientation and >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037781586 978-3-03778-158-6 US $22.00 CAN $33.00 TRADE Pbk, 9.5 x 6.5 in. / 384 pgs / 50 images. Pub Date: 01/31/2010 In stock
|  Diagramming Modernity Edited with text by Rodrigo Gutiérrez Viñuales, Riccardo Boglione. Text by Juan Manuel Bonet, Rodrigo Gutiérrez Viñuales, Riccardo Boglione, Marina Garone Gravier, Dafne Cruz Porchini. This massive publication offers the first comprehensive panorama of the Latin American illustrated book between the 1920s and 1940s, a period characterized by the rapid modernization of the region. The books reproduced here encapsulate this >>more RM/Ediciones La Bahía ISBN 9788417975791 978-84-17975-79-1 US $65.00 CAN $89.00 SDNR40 Hbk, 9 x 12.25 in. / 876 pgs / 1500 color. Pub Date: 10/03/2023 In stock
|  Drafting Facilities Edited with text by Markus Landert, Susanne Prinz, Hannes Brunner. Text by Hanno Depner, Daniela Domeisen, Lorena Jaume-Palasí, Henning Klodt, Warren Neidich, Astrid Staufer, Paolo Vitali. Models are among the most reliable tools for creatives. In this publication, specialists from architecture, art, philosophy, neuropsychology, climate science, economics and artificial intelligence reveal how they work with this tool and how it changes >>more Verlag für moderne Kunst ISBN 9783903439689 978-3-903439-68-9 US $30.00 CAN $43.00 TRADE Pbk, 4.5 x 7.25 in. / 240 pgs / 26 color. Pub Date: 07/02/2024 In stock
|  Earthquakes, Mudslides, Fires & Riots is the first publication to capture the enormous body of distinctive and visually ecstatic graphic design that emanated from California throughout most of the twentieth century. Edited and designed by >>more Metropolis Books ISBN 9781938922619 978-1-938922-61-9 US $55.00 CAN $72.50 TRADE Hbk, 7.5 x 10 in. / 432 pgs / 275 color. Pub Date: 11/30/2014 Out of stock
|  Emigre Fonts: Type Specimens 1986–2024 Edited by Rudy VanderLans. Foreword by Stephen Coles. Introduction by Jeffery Keedy. Emigre is a graphic design and digital type foundry based in Berkeley, California. Founded in 1985 by the husband-and-wife team Rudy VanderLans and Zuzana Licko, it was one of the first independent digital type foundries >>more Letterform Archive Books ISBN 9798989142361 979-8-9891423-6-1 US $75.00 CAN $115.00 TRADE Flexi, 5.25 x 8.25 in. / 1,264 pgs / 1500 color. Pub Date: 03/04/2025 In stock
|  Ephemera Edited with text by Christoph Thun-Hohenstein, Kathrin Pokorny-Nagel. Text by Anne-Katrin Rossberg, et al. This publication presents the wide-ranging graphic design holdings, spanning from the 18th century to the present day, of the Austrian Museum of Applied Arts / Contemporary Art (MAK), archived in the MAK Library and Works >>more Verlag für moderne Kunst ISBN 9783903131941 978-3-903131-94-1 US $75.00 CAN $99.00 FLAT40 Hbk, 8.5 x 10.5 in. / 464 pgs / 600 color. Pub Date: 05/22/2018 In stock
|  The late 1970s and early 1980s was the golden age of British Citizens Band (CB) radio. Legal to own but illegal to operate, a CB radio and an antenna could connect you to other users >>more Four Corners Books ISBN 9781909829084 978-1-909829-08-4 US $30.00 CAN $40.00 TRADE Hbk, 6.25 x 8.75 in. / 192 pgs / 380 color / 24 b&w. Pub Date: 02/27/2018 In stock
|  Factory Photo-Books Edited with text by Bart Sorgedrager. Text by Gerry Badger, Flip Bool, Mattie Boom, Frits Gierstberg, Martin Parr, Hans Schoots, Kim Timby, Thomas Wiegand. Massive industrial halls, dirty overalls, spinning gears and smoking chimneys: Factory Photo-Books: The Self-Representation of the Factory in Photographic Publications is the definitive overview of an extraordinary genre spanning from 1890 to 1987. From >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056628703 978-90-5662-870-3 US $99.00 CAN $141.00 TRADE Hbk, 9.5 x 11.5 in. / 506 pgs / 1800 color. Pub Date: 03/26/2024 In stock
|  Fleckhaus: Design, Revolt, Rainbow Edited by Michael Buhrs, Petra Hesse. Text by Hans-Michael Koetzle, Carsten Wolff. Willy Fleckhaus (1925–83) was one of the most innovative and influential graphic designers in postwar Germany. He became internationally known for his groundbreaking work on the lifestyle magazine twen, his work for Edition Suhrkamp and >>more Hartmann Books ISBN 9783960700128 978-3-96070-012-8 US $50.00 CAN $67.50 TRADE Hbk, 8.75 x 11.25 in. / 240 pgs / 660 color. Pub Date: 05/22/2018 Out of stock
|  French New Wave Edited by Tony Nourmand. Introduction by Christopher Frayling. Design by Graham Marsh. Text by Alison Elangasinghe. The French New Wave of the 1950s and 1960s is one of the most important movements in the history of film. Its fresh energy and vision changed the cinematic landscape, and its style has had >>more Reel Art Press ISBN 9780957261044 978-0-9572610-4-4 US $59.95 CAN $85.00 TRADE Hbk, 10 x 11.5 in. / 288 pgs / 250 color / 50 b&w. Pub Date: 12/03/2019 In stock
|  Gert Dumbar (1940) is one of the most influential—and colorful—graphic designers from the postwar design field, both in the Netherlands and abroad. As a young partner in Tel Design, he designed one of the most >>more Valiz ISBN 9789493246331 978-94-93246-33-1 US $40.00 CAN $58.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 480 pgs / 1000 color / 100 b&w. Pub Date: 12/31/2024 In stock
|  Godless Utopia Edited by Damon Murray, Stephen Sorrell. Text by Roland Elliott Brown. “We’ve finished the earthly tsars and we’re coming for the heavenly ones!” Thus spoke the Soviet Union’s first atheist propagandists as they declared war on “the opium of the people” across the USSR. Soviet atheism >>more FUEL Publishing ISBN 9780995745575 978-0-9957455-7-5 US $34.95 CAN $49.95 TRADE Hbk, 6.5 x 8 in. / 192 pgs / 190 color / 10 b&w. Pub Date: 10/08/2019 Out of stock
|  Through interviews with more than 20 designers, Graphic Design in the Post-Digital Age looks at the challenges and opportunities of the fast-changing world of creative coding within a growing community of designers opting to make >>more Set Margins' publications ISBN 9789083270692 978-90-832706-9-2 US $30.00 CAN $43.50 TRADE Pbk, 6.25 x 8.5 in. / 480 pgs / 53 color / 6 duotone / 106 b&w / 8 tritone. Pub Date: 09/05/2023 Out of stock
|  In this vivid and humorous monograph-meets-memoir, Los Angeles–based lettering supremo Michael Doret shares his top-secret tricks for making mere words into iconic words-as-images for clients such as Disney, Pixar, Time, Kiss, the Knicks and more. >>more Letterform Archive Books ISBN 9781736863329 978-1-7368633-2-9 US $60.00 CAN $87.00 TRADE Hbk, 10 x 10.75 in. / 328 pgs / 500 color / 200 b&w. Pub Date: 08/20/2024 In stock
|  Numerous experimental works and performances for orchestra and chamber music receive their premiere at Musica Viva. From the start, Hartmann wanted to create a forum for the musical language of his times, and thus sought a >>more Spector Books ISBN 9783959051415 978-3-95905-141-5 US $36.00 CAN $47.50 TRADE Hbk, 6.5 x 9.25 in. / 176 pgs / 120 color / 200 b&w. Pub Date: 11/21/2017 In stock
|  Handbook of Tyranny By Theo Deutinger. Text by Brendan McGetrick. Now in a new edition with updated statistics, texts and other materials, Handbook of Tyranny portrays the routine cruelties of the 21st century through a series of detailed nonfictional graphic illustrations. None of these cruelties >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037787199 978-3-03778-719-9 US $40.00 CAN $56.00 TRADE Hbk, 8.25 x 11.75 in. / 172 pgs / 1000 duotone. Pub Date: 06/06/2023 In stock
|  A book to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of the Hangar Design Group, one of the most famous Italian advertising and communications agencies. Hangar Design Group is known for their brand, logo, bottle, lighting, shop, and >>more Skira ISBN 9788857206288 978-88-572-0628-8 US $65.00 CAN $85.00 TRADE Hbk, 6.5 x 9.25 in. / 512 pgs / 400 color. Pub Date: 09/20/2011 In stock
|  Hannes Wettstein was one of the most innovative and influential designers in Switzerland. His products, furniture, and interior designs not only influence our everyday life, but also the way we understand design in the present >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037782651 978-3-03778-265-1 US $85.00 CAN $112.50 TRADE Hbk, 11.5 x 9 in. / 292 pgs / 662 images. Pub Date: 12/05/2011 Out of stock
|  The A-5 is understood as a growing archive of graphic design. In numerous illustrations, essays, and interviews, this book focuses on the outstanding personalities and important themes from the history of international graphic design. A5 >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037781791 978-3-03778-179-1 US $28.00 CAN $42.00 TRADE Pbk, 6 x 8.25 in. / 128 pgs / 187 images. Pub Date: 09/29/2009 In stock
|  Hard Werken: One for All Edited with text by Ian Horton, Bettina Furnée. Text by Russ Bestley, Max Bruinsma, Tony Credland, Frits Gierstberg, Noor Mertens. Hard Werken: One for All is the first major publication on the work of the Rotterdam and Los Angeles–based experimental design group Hard Werken. Hard Werken formed in the late 1970s with an underground magazine >>more Valiz ISBN 9789492095176 978-94-92095-17-6 US $49.95 CAN $67.50 TRADE Flexi, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 482 pgs / 1,300 color / 100 b&w. Pub Date: 05/22/2018 In stock
|  Helmut Schmid: Typography Edited with text by Kiyonori Muroga, Nicole Schmid. The Austrian typographer and graphic designer Helmut Schmid (1942–2018) was acknowledged globally as a master of his craft. Schmid put his own spin on Emil Ruder's teachings while remaining faithful to his principles of clarity, >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037787397 978-3-03778-739-7 US $60.00 CAN $87.00 TRADE Hbk, 9 x 11.5 in. / 240 pgs / 535 color. Pub Date: 12/05/2023 In stock
|  Help! Text by Sønke Gau, Katharina Schlieben. Thanks to their social effectiveness, posters have always been an ideal vehicle for addressing global and urgent ethical appeals to the populace. This publication presents international posters since 1980 that urge us to take responsibility >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037781746 978-3-03778-174-6 US $28.00 CAN $42.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.75 in. / 96 pgs / 120 images. Pub Date: 01/31/2009 Out of stock
|  Helvetica Edited by Lars Müller. Helvetica is a sans-serif typeface. It is simple and clean, and commonly seen in advertising, signage, and literature. The R has a curved leg, and the i and j have square dots. The Q has >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037780466 978-3-03778-046-6 US $22.00 CAN $33.00 TRADE Pbk, 4.75 x 6.25 in. / 256 pgs / 400 images. Pub Date: 11/15/2002 In stock
|  Marking the centenary of his birth, the Poster Collection series devotes its latest edition to the popular Swiss poster designer Herbert Leupin. Primarily conceiving posters for consumer goods, for many years Leupin created advertising for >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037785065 978-3-03778-506-5 US $28.00 CAN $42.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 80 pgs / 90 images. Pub Date: 08/25/2016 In stock
|  How Many Female Type Designers Do You Know? Edited with text by Yulia Popova. Interviews with Gayaneh Bagdasaryan, Veronika Burian, Maria Doreuli, Louise Fili, Martina Flor, Loraine Furter, Jenna Gesse, Golnar Kat Rahmani, Indra Kupferschmid, Briar Levit, Zuzana Licko, Ana Regidor, Fiona Ross, Carol Wahler. This important new book surveys the past and present of women working in typography. The first section looks at the statistics, data and an overview of the field apropos of gender, supplemented with biographies of >>more Onomatopee Projects ISBN 9789493148321 978-94-93148-32-1 US $25.00 CAN $35.00 TRADE Hbk, 4.5 x 8 in. / 320 pgs / 95 color / 78 b&w. Pub Date: 01/12/2021 Out of stock
|  How Posters Work By Ellen Lupton. Text by Caitlin Condell, Gail Davidson, Ellen Lupton. With its unique focus on visual language, Ellen Lupton's How Posters Work is more than another poster book. Rather than provide a history of the genre or a compilation of collectibles, the book is organized >>more Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum ISBN 9780910503822 978-0-910503-82-2 US $29.95 CAN $39.95 TRADE Hbk, 9.5 x 9 in. / 208 pgs / 300 color. Pub Date: 05/26/2015 Out of stock
|  Hugo Puttaert: Think in Colour Text by Hugo Puttaert, Steven Cleeren, Rick Poynor. Visionandfactory, established in 1990, has long played a prominent role in the Belgian and international graphic design scene. From its foundation, the studio has established a reputation for a rich culture of experimentation, an innovative >>more MER. Paper Kunsthalle ISBN 9789491775185 978-94-91775-18-5 US $60.00 CAN $79.00 TRADE Hbk, 6.75 x 9.25 in. / 369 pgs / 300 color / 100 b&w. Pub Date: 09/30/2014 In stock
|  Image Factories Edited with text by Helena Doudova, Stephanie Jacobs, Patrick Rössler. Text by Bernd Stiegler, Otto Neurath, Vilém Flusser. At the beginning of the 20th century, an unprecedented volume of information began circulating in the mass media, calling for the development of new visualization tactics to organize it all. The abundance of news and >>more Spector Books ISBN 9783959051798 978-3-95905-179-8 US $35.00 CAN $47.50 TRADE Pbk, 6 x 8 in. / 144 pgs / 64 color / 32 b&w. Pub Date: 06/26/2018 In stock
|  In Series Text by Fabian Wurm. Posters lend themselves perfectly to serial display. The mediation of the message and of the identity of the advertiser is supported by the effects of ecognition. However in contemporary advertising campaigns this awareness is only >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037782668 978-3-03778-266-8 US $28.00 CAN $42.00 TRADE Pbk, 9.5 x 6.5 in. / 96 pgs / 203 images. Pub Date: 10/19/2011 Out of stock
|  Italian Tin Signs Edited by Dario Cimorelli, Michele Gabbani, Marco Gusmeroli, Pier Luigi Longarini Exploring the world of chromolithographed tin boxes—usually decorated for advertising purposes—is like taking a journey to a different time and place, where even simple, everyday objects were adorned with endless variety, imagination and creativity. Italian >>more Silvana Editoriale ISBN 9788836638918 978-88-366-3891-8 US $65.00 CAN $87.00 TRADE Clth, 9.5 x 11 in. / 256 pgs / 800 color. Pub Date: 10/23/2018 In stock
|  Japan–Nippon Foreword by Bettina Richter. Posters circulated in Japan simultaneously with the country’s swift reconstruction and economic revival after the Second World War. If the first generation of poster designers was mostly guided by western modernism, searching for a universal >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037784228 978-3-03778-422-8 US $40.00 CAN $54.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 112 pgs / 137 images. Pub Date: 04/25/2014 Out of stock
|  In Jasper Morrison's collection of pictures, the icons of design history meet up with the unassuming objects of everyday life. Every picture tells a story and creates a new one in juxtaposition with its neighbor >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037782071 978-3-03778-207-1 US $22.00 CAN $33.00 TRADE Pbk, 4.5 x 6 in. / 112 pgs / 104 images. Pub Date: 09/15/2011 In stock
|  Just what is it that catches the eye, and why? What’s the significance of a broken flowerpot, a pair of identical tables side by side, a garden hose wrapped around an old car wheel? In >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037784235 978-3-03778-423-5 US $28.00 CAN $42.00 TRADE Hbk, 6.75 x 9 in. / 80 pgs / 37 images. Pub Date: 06/25/2014 In stock
|  Josef Muller-Brockmann Text by Catherine de Smet. Contributions by Lars Müller. Josef Müller-Brockmann’s graphics left a lasting mark on Swiss visual communication from the 1950s onward. His posters demonstrate how a sober, formally reduced language works best for conveying a universal, timeless message. Poster campaigns for >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037783924 978-3-03778-392-4 US $28.00 CAN $42.00 TRADE Pbk, 9.5 x 6.5 in. / 96 pgs / 114 images. Pub Date: 02/27/2014 In stock
|  This illustrated essay traces the history of one of the leading exponents of Swiss Graphic Design in the 1950s and 1960s. Josef Müller-Brockmann’s posters have become world famous for their ability to convey information with >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037784686 978-3-03778-468-6 US $39.00 CAN $52.50 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 264 pgs / 396 images. Pub Date: 11/30/2015 In stock
|  In 1980, the Swiss Federal Railways contracted one of their country’s leading graphic designers, Josef Müller-Brockmann (1914–96), to overhaul the design of their train stations’ signage, a project that resulted in a “visual information system” >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037786109 978-3-03778-610-9 US $50.00 CAN $69.95 TRADE Pbk, 8.25 x 11.75 in. / 222 pgs / 324 color / 80 b&w. Pub Date: 10/08/2019 Out of stock
|  Jurriaan Schrofer 1926-1990 By Frederike Huygen. Edited by Jaap van Triest, Karel Martens. The Dutch designer and polymath Jurriaan Schrofer (1926–1990) was one of the defining figures in European graphic design in the 1950s–70s. Working across all genres, from public relations brochures to interior design, and from magazines >>more Valiz ISBN 9789078088707 978-90-78088-70-7 US $50.00 CAN $67.50 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 424 pgs / 1100 color / 50 b&w. Pub Date: 03/31/2014 In stock
|  Jörg Hamburger – Georg Staehelin, the 29th edition of the Poster Collection series, is the first comprehensive tribute to the same-named Swiss designers. Connected by a passion for precision and detail, the two graduates of >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037785362 978-3-03778-536-2 US $28.00 CAN $42.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 96 pgs / 101 color. Pub Date: 01/23/2018 In stock
|  In devising a concept for the Abbildungen exhibition, Konstantin Grcic thought back to one of his earliest designs, an additional pedestal for a sculpture by Constantin Brancusi. This became the leitmotif of his staging of >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037785058 978-3-03778-505-8 US $46.00 CAN $62.00 TRADE Pbk, 9.5 x 11.75 in. / 432 pgs / 336 images. Pub Date: 10/24/2016 In stock
|  Sutnar’s brilliant structural systems for clarifying otherwise dense industrial data placed him in the pantheon of Modernist pioneers and made him one of the visionaries of what is today called “information design.” Visual Design in >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037784242 978-3-03778-424-2 US $85.00 CAN $125.00 TRADE Hbk, 8.5 x 12.5 in. / 188 pgs / 378 images. Pub Date: 10/27/2015 In stock
|  Lex Reitsma: 196 Posters for De Nederlandse Opera Chronicling the history of the De Nederlandse Opera house, this publication documents the graphic design of Lex Reitsma (born 1958) for operas at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam. Alongside 196 posters, Reitsma's work also includes >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462081499 978-94-6208-149-9 US $35.00 CAN $47.50 TRADE Pbk, 8.5 x 11 in. / 56 pgs / 200 color. Pub Date: 04/28/2015 Out of stock
|  The German artist and designer Lucian Bernhard (1883–1972) was one of the great pioneers of graphic design. In a career spanning nearly five decades across Berlin and New York, Bernhard laid the basis for a >>more KANT ISBN 9788074374135 978-80-7437-413-5 US $75.00 CAN $115.00 TRADE Hbk, 9.5 x 11 in. / 272 pgs / 416 color. Pub Date: 11/12/2024 In stock
|  Graphic designer Markus Weisbeck (born 1965) presents 18 visual works created between 2011 and 2022. Most of the designs are predicated on the principle of improvisational loops in which interim results are repeatedly tested and >>more Spector Books ISBN 9783959056380 978-3-95905-638-0 US $45.00 CAN $63.00 FLAT40 Hbk, 6.75 x 9 in. / 188 pgs / 230 color. Pub Date: 05/30/2023 In stock
|  Max Bill Edited by Manuel Fontán del Junco, María Toledo. Text by Karin Gimmi, Jakob Bill, Manuel Fontán del Junco, Neus Moyano, Fernando Marzá, María Amalia García, Gillermo Zuaznabar. A true Renaissance man with a clear, unified aesthetic vision, the Swiss artist, designer, architect and writer Max Bill combined the virtues of homo faber and homo ludens throughout his intensely productive career, launching the >>more Fundación Juan March ISBN 9788470756320 978-84-7075-632-0 US $34.95 CAN $45.95 TRADE Hbk, 9.5 x 10.5 in. / 352 pgs / 170 color / 40 b&w. Pub Date: 02/23/2016 In stock
|  Metahaven Edited with text by Vinca Kruk, Daniel van der Velden, Karen Archey. Text by Eugene Ostashevsky, Brian Kuan Wood. This book offers a fresh perspective on the popular and acclaimed Amsterdam-based design/art collective Metahaven. Densely illustrated, and very recognizably designed by Metahaven, it is the only survey of its work currently available. Led by >>more Koenig Books ISBN 9783960983620 978-3-96098-362-0 US $24.95 CAN $33.95 TRADE Pbk, 8.25 x 12 in. / 200 pgs / 100 color / 100 b&w. Pub Date: 02/19/2019 In stock
|  Minimal Film tells the stories of the movies we all know and love—from Alien to Rain Man, Star Wars to Psycho, E.T. to Ghost—through the often comically concise pictographic language of Shortology.
Something of an internet >>more Skira ISBN 9788857239675 978-88-572-3967-5 US $35.00 CAN $49.95 TRADE Hbk, 9 x 12.5 in. / 256 pgs / 200 color. Pub Date: 02/19/2019 In stock
|  Otto Neurath’s famous Modern Man in the Making, first published by Alfred A. Knopf in 1939, captures and describes the state of the world in the 1930s by using text and figurative illustrations. From 1925 >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037786765 978-3-03778-676-5 US $65.00 CAN $84.00 TRADE Hbk, 8.25 x 11 in. / 160 pgs / 50 color / 50 b&w. Pub Date: 04/16/2024 In stock
|  Money Edited by Prill Vieceli Cremers. This is a book about the pictures on banknotes: pictures of political subject-matter, historical milestones, distinguished personages, status symbols, and landscapes. Banknotes are mini-posters proclaiming an idealized world. Money is a mystery: monetary value seeks a visual correlative. Euro bills, >>more Edition Patrick Frey ISBN 9783905929911 978-3-905929-91-1 US $60.00 CAN $85.00 TRADE Hbk, 9.5 x 13 in. / 256 pgs / 300 color. Pub Date: 05/01/2016 In stock
|  Widely regarded as the most important Dutch designer of the last century, Piet Zwart helped rewrite the rules of modern typography. An autodidactic student of typography and printing, he incorporated elements of fine art and >>more Letterform Archive Books ISBN 9798989142316 979-8-9891423-1-6 US $60.00 CAN $87.50 TRADE Slip, pbk, 2 vols, 8.25 x 11.5 in. / 160 pgs / 200 color / 15 b&w. Pub Date: 11/12/2024 In stock
|  Neubau Forst Catalogue is the 432-page print catalogue of a digital collection of tree silhouettes and sculptures seen at different seasons. Working by hand, the Neubau designers digitally removed the trees from their original Berlin >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037784358 978-3-03778-435-8 US $40.00 CAN $60.00 TRADE Pbk, 9.5 x 11 in. / 432 pgs / 765 images. Pub Date: 11/17/2014 In stock
|  Neue Grafik, the “International Review of graphic design and related subjects,” was initiated by designer Josef Müller-Brockmann and published in eighteen issues between 1958 and 1965 by an editorial collective consisting of him, Richard Paul >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037784112 978-3-03778-411-2 US $300.00 CAN $400.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 9.75 x 11 in. / 1232 pgs / 1000 images. Pub Date: 02/18/2015 In stock
|  Notes on Book Design Edited with text by Amanda-Li Kollberg, Siri Lee Lindskrog. Afterword by Prem Krishnamurthy. This volume gathers a collection of 50 texts on book design written by designers Siri Lee Lindskrog and Amanda-Li Kollberg of Berlin-based graphic and type design studio Formal Settings. The texts are based on a >>more Onomatopee ISBN 9789493148963 978-94-93148-96-3 US $23.00 CAN $34.00 TRADE Pbk, 4.5 x 7 in. / 330 pgs / 136 color / 194 b&w. Pub Date: 06/18/2024 In stock
|  On Display Text by Catherine Flood, Hettie Judah. On Display is a large-format collection of highlights from the Hayward Gallery's archive of exhibition posters. Acting as a who's who of contemporary British design and art, this compilation includes work by some of Britain's >>more Hayward Gallery Publishing ISBN 9781853323263 978-1-85332-326-3 US $50.00 CAN $67.50 TRADE Pbk, 11.75 x 16.5 in. / 112 pgs / 50 color. Pub Date: 03/24/2015 In stock
|  Only on Saturday: The Wood Type Prints of Jack Stauffacher Edited with text by Chuck Byrne. Text by Kristina Bell, John D. Berry, Chuck Bigelow, Matthew Carter, Stephen Coles, Jennifer Dunlop Fletcher, Jim Faris, Nathan Garland, Dennis Letbetter, Staci Steinberger, Michael Taylor, Pino Trogu. Created in his off-hours on the weekend and in part inspired by the modern artists of his day, Jack Stauffacher’s exquisite prints demonstrate what wood type can do when released from its role in traditional >>more Letterform Archive Books ISBN 9780998318066 978-0-9983180-6-6 US $70.00 CAN $95.00 FLAT40 Hbk, 10 x 14 in. / 224 pgs / 425 color / 40 b&w. Pub Date: 07/18/2023 In stock
|  Otto Baumberger (1889–1961) was one of the first Swiss graphic artists to have a career that responds to the occupational title of “poster designer”. However, his desire to be recognized as an artist as well >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037781296 978-3-03778-129-6 US $28.00 CAN $42.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.75 in. / 96 pgs / 120 images. Pub Date: 01/31/2008 In stock
|  Pansy Beat was a short-lived fanzine published by Michael Economy in New York from 1989 to 1990, totaling five quarterly issues. Each issue’s 50-some black-and-white pages documented the exuberant downtown gay and drag club scene >>more KrimsKrams Island LLC ISBN 9780692953099 978-0-692-95309-9 US $35.00 CAN $47.50 TRADE Hbk, 6 x 9 in. / 416 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 04/24/2018 Out of stock
|  Whatever became of the myth of Switzerland? Is Switzerland really a beatific island, or does this “paradise on Earth” betray fault lines? What is connoted by the name “Switzerland”? As displayed in tourism posters, chocolate >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037782057 978-3-03778-205-7 US $28.00 CAN $42.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.75 in. / 96 pgs / 120 images. Pub Date: 01/31/2010 Out of stock
|  Peter Arnell: Projects 1980–2020 Edited by Studio Peter Arnell. Graphic design by Liyuan Tong. Text by Peter Arnell, Frank Gehry, Peter Lindbergh, Michel Marriott, Tristan Thom, Tom Brady, André Leon Talley. Throughout his forty-plus-year career, Peter Arnell has built an unparalleled reputation creating groundbreaking, boundary-averse work for many of the world’s most well-known brands. His unique interdisciplinary approach to brand building unites graphic design, industrial design, >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775746670 978-3-7757-4667-0 US $170.00 CAN $240.00 TRADE Slip, clth, 2 vols, 12 x 8.5 in. / 848 pgs / 2600 color. Pub Date: 02/07/2023 In stock
|  The A-5 is understood as a growing archive of graphic design. In numerous illustrations, essays, and interviews, this book focuses on the outstanding personalities and important themes from the history of international graphic design. A5 >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037781807 978-3-03778-180-7 US $28.00 CAN $42.00 TRADE Pbk, 5.75 x 8 in. / 96 pgs / 103 images. Pub Date: 09/29/2009 In stock
|  The effective interplay of photography, graphic arts, and typography marks the beginning of modern graphic design. Illuminated here are eight selected approaches that both engage with tradition and consciously distinguish themselves from it in order >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037781289 978-3-03778-128-9 US $28.00 CAN $42.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.75 in. / 96 pgs / 120 images. Pub Date: 01/31/2008 Out of stock
|  Photo-Montage in Print Edited by Jindrich Toman. Photomontage was pioneered as a technique in central Europe in the 1910s, where it flourished as an art form through the end of World War II. While German artists such as John Heartfield, Max Ernst >>more Kant ISBN 9788086970929 978-80-86970-92-9 US $75.00 CAN $99.00 TRADE Hbk, 9 x 11 in. / 376 pgs / 412 color. Pub Date: 08/31/2011 In stock
|  Poster No. 524 Edited by Rianne Petter, Rene Put. Text by Jeroen Boomgaard, Jouke Kleerebezem. Taking 523 posters found in the streets, graphic designers René Put (1962) and Rianne Petter (1975) carefully studied and deconstructed their composition, investigating and isolating certain elements and reassembling them into a brand new poster. >>more Valiz ISBN 9789078088592 978-90-78088-59-2 US $33.95 CAN $45.00 TRADE Flexi, 9 x 12.5 in. / 176 pgs / 120 color / 20 b&w. Pub Date: 01/31/2013 Out of stock
|  Posters: Eat & Drink in Italian Advertising Edited by Mario Piazza, Alessandro Bellenda. This book offers the opportunity to delight in the graphic creativity of the advertising of Italy's major food producers, including Cinzano spumante, Perugina chocolate, Saiwa biscuits and Voiello pasta, as well as campaigns launched by >>more Silvana Editoriale ISBN 9788836630561 978-88-366-3056-1 US $65.00 CAN $87.00 TRADE Hbk, 9.5 x 11 in. / 240 pgs / 250 color. Pub Date: 11/24/2015 In stock
|  Posters: Speed in Italian Advertising 1890–1955 Edited by Dario Cimorelli, Anna Villari. Posters: Speed in Italian Advertising 1890–1955 collects the graphic evidence of a fundamental truth of the early 20th century: Europe found itself moving, all of a sudden, at a new speed. Modernity was aggressive, self-assured >>more Silvana Editoriale ISBN 9788836632978 978-88-366-3297-8 US $65.00 CAN $87.00 TRADE Hbk, 9.5 x 11 in. / 240 pgs / 190 color. Pub Date: 09/27/2016 In stock
|  In Process Music, Virginia-based author Kenneth FitzGerald provides deep readings of print-media artifacts and activities, often through the lens of music. Employing a range of narrative voices, the works combine academic rigor with the accessibility >>more Onomatopee Projects ISBN 9789493148772 978-94-93148-77-2 US $20.00 CAN $28.00 TRADE Pbk, 5.25 x 8.25 in. / 324 pgs. Pub Date: 11/15/2022 In stock
|  Propagandopolis Edited by Damon Murray, Stephen Sorrell. Foreword by Robert Peckham. Text by Bradley Davies. Do you know what propaganda looks like? A mural showing Saddam Hussein on horseback. A poster featuring Chinese climbers carrying a bust of Mao to the summit of Mount Everest. A film of North Korea’s >>more FUEL ISBN 9781739887858 978-1-7398878-5-8 US $32.95 CAN $47.95 TRADE Hbk, 5 x 8 in. / 208 pgs / 176 color / 21 b&w. Pub Date: 11/19/2024 In stock
|  Questions? Edited by David Bennewith, Sereina Rothenberger. Here, designers Marietta Eugster and Manuel Krebs (Norm) from Switzerland, Wayne Daly and Veronica Ditting from the UK, Elisabeth Klement & Laura Pappa and Vinca Kruk (Metahaven) from the Netherlands, Monika Maus from Germany, Boy >>more Spector Books ISBN 9783959052818 978-3-95905-281-8 US $25.00 CAN $34.95 FLAT40 Pbk, 4.75 x 7.5 in. / 496 pgs / 32 color / 240 b&w. Pub Date: 12/17/2019 Out of stock
|  Re-Designing the East Edited by Iris Dressler, Hans D. Christ. Text by Hans D. Christ, Iris Dressler, et al. How do graphic designers respond to sudden, sweeping political change? Re-Designing the East looks at how politicized graphic design practices in Eastern Europe, South and Eastern Asia have evolved since the 1980s, with particular emphasis >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775734660 978-3-7757-3466-0 US $55.00 CAN $72.50 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9 in. / 240 pgs / 265 color. Pub Date: 02/28/2013 Out of stock
|  Resolution Edited by Laurens Otto. Text by Jonas Beerts, Doris Boerman, Caszimir Cleutjens, Tanguy De Donder, David Denil, Elias Heuninck, Kyveli Lignou-Tsamantani, Lev Manovich, Giacomo Mercuriali, William J. Mitchell, belit sag, Alvy Ray Smith. Examining the pixel from a technical, ethical, artistic and economic perspective, with essays from visual artists, engineers, art historians, computer scientists and designers, this first issue of Resolution will be of great interest to graphic-design >>more Onomatopee Projects ISBN 9789493148192 978-94-93148-19-2 US $12.00 CAN $17.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 6.75 x 10.5 in. / 96 pgs / 24 color / 28 b&w. Pub Date: 09/01/2020 In stock
|  idea is a renowned Japanese magazine on international graphic art and typography. Its 333th edition lent 226 pages to Emil Ruder, showcasing his work, influence and legacy in the world of typography and beyond. It >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037785416 978-3-03778-541-6 US $60.00 CAN $90.00 TRADE Pbk, 9 x 11.75 in. / 226 pgs / 310 color. Pub Date: 03/27/2018 In stock
|  Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopaedia Volume III Introduction by Alexander Sidorov. This volume of drawings and photographs completes the Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopaedia trilogy. Danzig Baldaev’s unparallelled ethnographic achievement, documenting more than 3,000 tattoo drawings, was made during a lifetime working as a prison guard. His >>more FUEL Publishing ISBN 9780955006197 978-0-9550061-9-7 US $32.95 CAN $43.95 TRADE Hbk, 5 x 8 in. / 400 pgs / 350 b&w. Pub Date: 11/01/2008 In stock
|  Russian Criminal Tattoos and Playing Cards Edited by Damon Murray, Stephen Sorrell. Foreword by Varlam Shalamov. Introduction by Raul Kaasik. Text by Arkady Bronnikov. This book reveals the importance of playing cards in Russian criminal culture. The handmade decks are beautiful works of art in their own right. Prohibited by the prison authorities, they are constructed from innocuous materials >>more FUEL Publishing ISBN 9780993191121 978-0-9931911-2-1 US $32.50 CAN $42.50 TRADE Hbk, 5 x 8 in. / 272 pgs / 250 color. Pub Date: 10/23/2018 Out of stock
|  Sam Is Not My Uncle Text by Alfons González. Uncle Sam with his hands cut off; the head of the Statue of Liberty impaled on a bayonet; a trash can decorated with the Stars and Stripes: these are some of the striking images with >>more RM ISBN 9788416282685 978-84-16282-68-5 US $25.00 CAN $34.50 TRADE Pbk, 6.25 x 9.25 in. / 120 pgs / 92 color. Pub Date: 09/27/2016 In stock
|  See Red Women's Workshop Foreword by Sheila Rowbotham. Text by Prudence Stevenson, Susan Mackie, Anne Robinson, Jess Baines. A feminist silkscreen poster collective founded in London in 1974 by three former art students, the See Red Women’s Workshop grew out of a shared desire to combat sexist images of women and to create >>more Four Corners Books ISBN 9781909829077 978-1-909829-07-7 US $39.95 CAN $53.95 TRADE Pbk, 8.75 x 12.25 in. / 184 pgs / 90 color / 25 b&w. Pub Date: 02/28/2017 Out of stock
|  Separate Cinema: The First 100 Years of Black Poster Art Edited by John Duke Kisch, Tony Nourmand. Foreword by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Text by John Duke Kisch, Peter Doggett. Afterword by Spike Lee. This magnificent volume is a celebration of the first 100 years of black film poster art. A visual feast, these images recount the diverse and historic journey of the black film industry from the earliest >>more Reel Art Press ISBN 9781909526068 978-1-909526-06-8 US $49.95 CAN $73.00 TRADE Hbk, 9.5 x 11.5 in. / 320 pgs / 270 color / 30 b&w. Pub Date: 10/06/2014 In stock
|  Can one visualize peace? Are there signs, symbols, and images that present a positive image of peace as opposed to receiving their meanings in opposition to war? Over several years of research, the Design2context Institute >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037782439 978-3-03778-243-9 US $38.00 CAN $55.00 TRADE Pbk, 9.5 x 6.5 in. / 600 pgs / 1762 images. Pub Date: 12/31/2012 In stock
|  This volume introduces new currents and emerging talents in Italian graphic design. Published for the second iteration of Milan’s Signs design exhibition, whose debut was in 2016, the book aims to map out Italian excellence >>more Silvana Editoriale ISBN 9788836651061 978-88-366-5106-1 US $30.00 CAN $42.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 112 pgs / 130 color. Pub Date: 11/15/2022 In stock
|  Songs for Modern Japan Text by Kendall H. Brown, Anne Nishimura Morse, Hiromu Nagahara. Japanese society underwent a whirlwind of change during the first half of the 20th century, a time period marked by rapid modernization. While Western influences catalyzed an increasingly rapacious appetite for consumer goods, new sounds >>more MFA Publications, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston ISBN 9780878468973 978-0-87846-897-3 US $40.00 CAN $58.00 TRADE Flexi, 8.25 x 11 in. / 232 pgs / 130 color. Pub Date: 07/30/2024 In stock
|  Stefan Sagmeister: The Happy Film Pitch Book Interview by Claudia Gould. Austrian-born, New York-based graphic designer, typographer and artist Stefan Sagmeister (born 1962) often tests and transgresses the boundary between art and design, through his imaginative implementation of typography. The Happy Film Pitch Book both documents >>more Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania ISBN 9780884541257 978-0-88454-125-7 US $20.00 CAN $27.95 TRADE Pbk, 2.75 x 4 in. / 244 pgs / 60 color / 40 b&w. Pub Date: 04/30/2013 In stock
|  Stop Motion Edited by Bettina Richter. Text by Ellen Lupton. The medium of the poster, by definition, combines images and text on a static, two-dimensional surface. But designers have always toyed with adding a third dimension, whether spatial or temporal, in order to capture and >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037786017 978-3-03778-601-7 US $28.00 CAN $42.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 96 pgs / 300 color. Pub Date: 08/20/2019 In stock
|  Organized into chapters that explore the many ways to express dissent (RESIST!, VOTE!, STRIKE!, TEACH! and LOVE!), Strikethrough presents more than 120 signs, posters, publications and ephemera in vivid imagery and incisive prose. From the >>more Letterform Archive Books ISBN 9781736863305 978-1-7368633-0-5 US $45.00 CAN $60.00 TRADE Hbk, 7.5 x 9.5 in. / 280 pgs / 500 color. Pub Date: 10/18/2022 In stock
|  Sven Tillack: Exploriso Text by Daniel Martin Feige, Jo Frenken, Sven Tillack. The boom in the number of small, independent publishing houses over the past 15 years has led to a revival of risography. Artists and designers from all over the world have installed a “Riso” in >>more Spector Books ISBN 9783959053044 978-3-95905-304-4 US $35.00 CAN $39.95 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 184 pgs / 32 color / 101 b&w. Pub Date: 07/13/2021 Out of stock
|  Compiling approximately 50 of Austrian anarchist writer and editor Herbert Müller-Guttenbrunn’s (1887–1945) definitions, reflections and aphorisms, this abecedarium provokes and delights in equal measure. Müller-Guttenbrunn wrote prolifically and in a variety of genres, but he >>more Verlag für moderne Kunst ISBN 9783903796560 978-3-903796-56-0 US $25.00 CAN $34.00 FLAT40 Pbk, 4.25 x 6.5 in. / 112 pgs / 50 color. Pub Date: 09/21/2021 Out of stock
|  In the age of ubiquitous design, why shouldn't sex be designed as well? The Archisutra, expanding the meaning of the term "graphic" design, runs with that notion. The Archisutra presents architectural designer Miguel Bolivar's erotic >>more Walther König, Köln ISBN 9783960984306 978-3-96098-430-6 US $14.95 CAN $19.95 TRADE Hbk, 5.25 x 8 in. / 128 pgs / 54 color. Pub Date: 02/19/2019 In stock
|  The Book Design of Josef Capek: Seeing The Book Text by Alena Pomajzlová. Josef Capek (1887-1945) was one of Czech modernism's most formative protagonists. The artist first studied weaving before finding his métier as both a painter and designer. During a short stint in Paris, he befriended the >>more Kant ISBN 9788074370144 978-80-7437-014-4 US $80.00 CAN $107.50 TRADE Hbk, 9 x 11 in. / 328 pgs / 790 color. Pub Date: 08/31/2011 In stock
|  From 1928 to 1930, Tokyo publisher Ars issued The Complete Commercial Artist: a fully illustrated journal of commercial design for both commercial retail spaces and print design. Featuring countless original designs, its 24 volumes were >>more Letterform Archive Books ISBN 9781736863343 978-1-7368633-4-3 US $60.00 CAN $87.00 TRADE Pbk, 7.5 x 10.5 in. / 432 pgs / 300 color / 50 b&w. Pub Date: 03/12/2024 In stock
|  A collection of ads selected by the Art Directors Club Italia. Advertising provides clues on the mood of the time and place it appears. Creative Austerity investigates the relationships between economic austerity and the media, >>more Skira ISBN 9788857217741 978-88-572-1774-1 US $85.00 CAN $105.00 TRADE Pbk, 8.25 x 11 in. / 328 pgs / 381 color. Pub Date: 10/08/2013 In stock
|  In 1969, shortly after moving to Detroit with wife and partner Lorraine Nybakken, Fredy Perlman and a group of kindred spirits purchased a printing press from a Chicago dealer, transported it, in parts, back to >>more Inventory Press ISBN 9781941753255 978-1-941753-25-5 US $29.95 CAN $39.95 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 240 pgs / 100 color / 20 b&w. Pub Date: 11/19/2019 Out of stock
|  The history of posters is rich in variations on the hand. In consumer posters, a hand presents desirable products. But the hand can also take the form of a symbolically charged gesture in the political >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037784778 978-3-03778-477-8 US $28.00 CAN $42.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 96 pgs / 120 images. Pub Date: 11/25/2015 Out of stock
|  The Magic of Things explores a former advertising strategy of Swiss product posters in which banal, everyday objects—butter, a sewing machine, or shoes—are presented as desirable objects enticing us to buy. Free from any further >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037782583 978-3-03778-258-3 US $40.00 CAN $54.00 TRADE Pbk, 9.5 x 6.5 in. / 96 pgs / 127 images. Pub Date: 10/25/2012 Out of stock
|  The Music Library Edited by Damon Murray, Stephen Sorrell. Foreword by Jerry Dammers. Text by Jonny Trunk. The first edition of The Music Library, published in 2005 and now out of print, brought together the designs of more than 325 record sleeves and relevant information about these rare and elusive albums. Quickly >>more FUEL Publishing ISBN 9780993191138 978-0-9931911-3-8 US $55.00 CAN $72.50 TRADE Hbk, 10 x 10 in. / 248 pgs / 635 color. Pub Date: 04/26/2016 In stock
|  Originally published in 1973, The New Woman’s Survival Catalog is a seminal survey of the second-wave feminist effort across the US. Edited by Kirsten Grimstad and Susan Rennie in just five months, The New Woman’s >>more Primary Information ISBN 9781732098671 978-1-7320986-7-1 US $30.00 CAN $45.00 TRADE Pbk, 10.5 x 14.25 in. / 210 pgs / 403 duotone. Pub Date: 10/22/2019 Out of stock
|  The Palace of Typographic Masonry Edited with text by Richard Niessen. Text by Juan Luis Blanco, Matthijs van Boxtel, Tony Côme, Hansje van Halem, et al. The Palace of Typographic Masonry, an institute dedicated to the wealth and diversity of graphic languages from Arabic to Zapotec, is the brainchild of Dutch graphic designer Richard Niessen (born 1972). An imaginary institution, the >>more Spector Books ISBN 9783959052030 978-3-95905-203-0 US $55.00 CAN $72.50 TRADE Pbk, 8.75 x 11.75 in. / 252 pgs / 200 color / 40 b&w. Pub Date: 11/27/2018 In stock
|  The Postcard Age Text by Lynda Klich, Benjamin Weiss. Preface by Leonard A. Lauder. In the decades around 1900, postcards were Twitter, email, Flickr and Facebook, all wrapped into one. A postcard craze swept the world, and billions of cards were bought, mailed and pasted into albums. Many famous >>more MFA Publications, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston ISBN 9780878467815 978-0-87846-781-5 US $45.00 CAN $60.00 TRADE Clth, 8.5 x 9.5 in. / 295 pgs / 370 color. Pub Date: 10/31/2012 Out of stock
|  It includes the first bibliography of his works. Through his legendary imprint Edition Hansjörg Mayer, he issued publications by Dieter Rot, Richard Hamilton, Tom Phillips, Ian Hamilton Finlay, Eugen Gomringer, Dorothy Iannone, John Latham, Robert >>more Walther König, Köln ISBN 9783960981138 978-3-96098-113-8 US $35.00 CAN $47.50 FLAT40 Flexi, 6.75 x 9 in. / 272 pgs / illustrated throughout / DVD. Pub Date: 09/26/2017 In stock
|  The Society of Signs: Pictograms, Signs of Life, Emojis Text by Anja Dorn, Isabel Herda, Christine Litz, Philipp Nielsen, Michaela Stoffels, Maxim Weirich, Lukas R.A. Wilde. What are the broader aims and aspirations implied by the development of icons and emojis since the modernist era? What historical issues inform them? Do they expand our possibilities of expression or do they limit >>more Walther König, Köln ISBN 9783753300450 978-3-7533-0045-0 US $59.95 CAN $81.95 FLAT40 Pbk, 9.5 x 12.5 in. / 272 pgs / 130 color / 74 b&w. Pub Date: 02/15/2022 In stock
|  The famous Italian designer Massimo Vignelli allows us a glimpse of his understanding of good design in this book, its rules and criteria. He uses numerous examples to convey applications in practice - from product >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037782255 978-3-03778-225-5 US $25.00 CAN $35.00 TRADE Pbk, 6 x 8.5 in. / 112 pgs / 142 images. Pub Date: 11/25/2015 In stock
|  The Work of 75B Text by Rens Muis, Pieter Vos. Founded by Robert Beckand, Rens Muis and Pieter Vos in 1997, the Rotterdam-based graphic design studio 75B has designed everything from Nike posters and museum logos to books, magazines, flyers, cards, exhibitions and full-scale architectural >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462080409 978-94-6208-040-9 US $60.00 CAN $79.00 TRADE Hbk, 9 x 11.75 in. / 240 pgs / 2,000 color. Pub Date: 09/30/2013 Out of stock
|  Theory of Type Design, by internationally renowned Dutch graphic designer and typographer Gerard Unger (born 1942), is the first complete and accessible theory of the breathtakingly varied field of typography. "Of all designed objects letters >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462084407 978-94-6208-440-7 US $50.00 CAN $67.50 TRADE Hbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 240 pgs / 250 color. Pub Date: 09/25/2018 In stock
|  Thonik: Why We Design Edited with text by Nikki Gonnissen, Thomas Widdershoven. Text by Gert Staal, Aaron Betsky, Adrian Shaughnessy. In this book, Thonik—the Amsterdam-based design collective led by lauded designers Nikki Gonnissen and Thomas Widdershoven—proposes and addresses 11 personal reasons why they design. Why do we color, organize and form the world around us, >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037785560 978-3-03778-556-0 US $46.00 CAN $62.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 320 pgs / 200 color. Pub Date: 11/27/2018 In stock
|  On the occasion of the centenary of the Triennale Milano, this book offers an invitation to look back over 100 years of the institution’s history through the 23 posters for its international exhibition. From Massimo >>more Marsilio Arte ISBN 9791254631591 979-12-5463-159-1 US $35.00 CAN $50.00 TRADE Hbk, 8.25 x 13.25 in. / 184 pgs / 234 color. Pub Date: 06/04/2024 Out of stock
|  Aldo Novarese (1920–95) is widely considered to be one of the most influential Italian type designers of the 20th century, best known for his work with the Nebiolo Foundry in Turin. This volume gathers a >>more Letterform Archive Books ISBN 9798989142354 979-8-9891423-5-4 US $55.00 CAN $79.00 TRADE Hbk, 9.5 x 12.5 in. / 156 pgs / 156 color. Pub Date: 03/04/2025 In stock
|  Lucian Bernhard (1883–1972) was a luminary of 20th-century graphic design and typography in Germany and the US, known especially for his advertising work and posters. This volume gathers an exquisite selection of ephemera from Bernhard’s >>more Letterform Archive Books ISBN 9798989142330 979-8-9891423-3-0 US $55.00 CAN $79.00 TRADE Hbk, 9.5 x 12.5 in. / 180 pgs / 180 color. Pub Date: 03/04/2025 In stock
|  Roger Excoffon (1910–83) was an iconic French designer, painter and philosopher, best known for his typeface designs. This volume celebrates the beloved designer’s oeuvre through a selection of his foundry specimens, which were slim but >>more Letterform Archive Books ISBN 9798989142347 979-8-9891423-4-7 US $55.00 CAN $79.00 TRADE Hbk, 9.5 x 12.5 in. / 208 pgs / 208 color. Pub Date: 03/04/2025 In stock
|  The publication brings together contemporary posters from China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan that demonstrate that a new interest in the poster has been awakened as a result of the economic opening of the mainland. The >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037780787 978-3-03778-078-7 US $28.00 CAN $42.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.75 in. / 64 pgs / 78 images. Pub Date: 01/31/2006 In stock
|  Typography By Wolfgang Weingart. Since the 1970s Wolfgang Weingart has exerted a decisive influence on the international development of typography. In the late 1960s he instilled creativity and a desire for experimentation into the ossified Swiss typographical industry and >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037784266 978-3-03778-426-6 US $70.00 CAN $105.00 TRADE Pbk, 8.75 x 10.75 in. / 520 pgs / 450 images. Pub Date: 07/25/2014 In stock
|  Visual Coexistence Edited with text by Ruedi Baur, Ulrike Felsing. Text by Sébastien Fasel, Fabienne Kilchör, Eva Lu?di Kong, Marco Maione, Roman Wilhelm. In a globalized world, Asian, Latin and Arabic characters and visual cultures appear side by side and woven together. The coexistence of different visual cultures is now part of our daily lives and a given >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037786130 978-3-03778-613-0 US $35.00 CAN $52.50 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 312 pgs / 150 color / 50 b&w. Pub Date: 08/18/2020 In stock
|  Vorspannkino Edited by Susanne Pfeffer. Text by Susanne Pfeffer, Daniel Kothenschulte, Alexander Zons. Vertigo, The Pink Panther and the James Bond films are just three examples of the many movies with outstanding opening title sequences. The art of combining words, image and sound to introduce a movie's theme >>more Walther König, Köln ISBN 9783865608765 978-3-86560-876-5 US $44.95 CAN $60.00 TRADE Hbk, 7.25 x 9.25 in. / 328 pgs / 168 color. Pub Date: 03/31/2011 In stock
|  Often credited with inventing the term “graphic design,” W.A. Dwiggins was a quintessential maker—fabricating his own tools and experimenting with design in areas as wide-ranging as stamps, currency, books, kites, marionettes, theatrical sets and lighting. >>more Letterform Archive Books ISBN 9780998318004 978-0-9983180-0-4 US $60.00 CAN $87.50 TRADE Hbk, 9 x 11 in. / 496 pgs / 1100 color / 120 b&w. Pub Date: 02/11/2025 In stock
|  Walter Nikkels: Typography Text by Wigger Bierma, Wouter Davidts, Suzanna Héman, Walter Nikkels, Lothar Baumgarten, Rudi Fuchs, et al. Walter Nikkels is a large-scale, copiously illustrated monograph on the work of this influential Dutch book designer and typographer (born 1940). Nikkels has designed and edited numerous books and catalogues, as well as bank notes, >>more Valiz ISBN 9789078088547 978-90-78088-54-7 US $60.00 CAN $79.00 TRADE Hbk, 8 x 10.75 in. / 528 pgs / 1,125 color / 30 b&w. Pub Date: 08/31/2013 Out of stock
|  Wanderland Preface by Pierre-Alexis Dumas. Text by Bruno Gaudichon. Illustrations by Emmanuel Pierre. An unusual artist's book by French museum director Bruno Gaudichon, Wanderland recaptures the high-spirited dream logic of the exhibition it accompanies; both are centered around the theme of flânerie, the art of urban wandering. Created >>more Actes Sud ISBN 9782330049133 978-2-330-04913-3 US $40.00 CAN $54.00 TRADE Hbk, 11.5 x 6.25 in. / 56 pgs / 40 color. Pub Date: 12/29/2015 In stock
|  We Are All ..... Now By Daniel Tucker. Edited by Freek Lomme. Interview with Dan S. Wang. The title of this small book is inspired by a common rhetorical gesture—"we are all […]"—intended to implicate people in a given agenda. From the 1887 cry, "We Are All Socialists" to the 2022 rally >>more Set Margins' publications ISBN 9789083270647 978-90-832706-4-7 US $20.00 CAN $29.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 128 pgs / 81 b&w. Pub Date: 09/05/2023 In stock
|  What Is Post-Branding? Edited with text by Jason Grant, Oliver Vodeb. Brands aren’t just intruding on culture, they are our culture: they are the sponsored mechanisms for constructing and manipulating meaning and human identity. But should we cede such a fundamental human need to the market? >>more Set Margins' publications ISBN 9789083270678 978-90-832706-7-8 US $25.00 CAN $36.00 TRADE Pbk, 9 x 11.75 in. / 264 pgs / 138 color / 29 duotone / 39 b&w. Pub Date: 09/05/2023 In stock
|  White By Kenya Hara. White is not a book about colors. It is rather Kenya Haras attempt to explore the essence of “White”, which he sees as being closely related to the origin of Japanese aesthetics – symbolizing simplicity >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037781838 978-3-03778-183-8 US $32.00 CAN $46.00 TRADE Hbk, 5.5 x 7.75 in. / 80 pgs / 4 images. Pub Date: 11/25/2009 In stock
|  Wrappers Delight By Jonny Trunk. Edited by Damon Murray, Stephen Sorrell. Foreword by Jarvis Cocker. Compiled by famed nostalgia enthusiast Jonny Trunk (owner of record label Trunk Records, and author of The Music Library, Own Label and Wobbly Sounds), and with a foreword by Pulp frontman Jarvis Cocker, Wrappers Delight >>more FUEL Publishing ISBN 9780995745599 978-0-9957455-9-9 US $32.95 CAN $45.95 TRADE Pbk, 7 x 8.75 in. / 240 pgs / 515 color. Pub Date: 01/21/2020 Out of stock
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| VISUAL BOOK INDEX | OUT OF PRINT  100 Movie Posters Edited by Tony Nourmand. Introduction by Sir Christopher Frayling. For the first time, world vintage movie poster authority Tony Nourmand shares his personal selection of the 100 essential movie posters of all time. For 30 years, Nourmand has been instrumental in redefining 20th-century movie >>more Reel Art Press ISBN 9780957261082 US $49.95 CAN $67.50 TRADE Hbk, 9.5 x 11.5 in. / 192 pgs / 100 color / 4 b&w. Pub Date: 07/30/2013 Not available
|  The Typographische Monatsblätter is one of the most important journals to successfully disseminate the phenomenon of “Swiss typography” to an international audience. With more than 70 years in existence, the journal witnessed significant moments in the >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037783344 US $65.00 CAN $85.00 TRADE Hbk, 7.75 x 11.5 in. / 276 pgs / 472 images. Pub Date: 11/25/2013 Not available
|  Founded in London in 1984 by Mark Holt, Simon Johnston, and Hamish Muir, 8vo was one of the most influential design studios in the 1980s and continues to be significant in the design world today. >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037780190 US $45.00 CAN $60.00 TRADE
Pub Date: 04/15/2005 Not available
|  Deutsche Lufthansa is one of the most important airlines in the world, with a long and diverse history that goes back to 1926. The visual identity of Lufthansa is just as long and diverse. The >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037782675 US $40.00 CAN $54.00 TRADE Pbk, 8.25 x 5.75 in. / 128 pgs / 400 images. Pub Date: 02/27/2012 Not available
|  ABC of De Designpolitie Text by Emily King, Louise Schouwenberg. The Dutch firm Designpolitie (Richard van der Laken and Pepijn Zurburg) is celebrated for its fresh, deceptively simple and direct approach to graphic design, which often implements bright color and sans-serif typeface in a lively >>more Valiz ISBN 9789078088219 US $45.00 CAN $60.00 TRADE Hardback, 6 x 8.5 in. / 480 pgs / 800 color / 50 b&w. Pub Date: 11/01/2008 Not available
|  Albe Steiner Text by Anna Steiner. Contributions by Lica Steiner. The career of Milanese graphic designer Albe Steiner was a continual exercise in resisting academic conceptions and refining design to its bare essentials. In 1940, Steiner founded the studio graphica foto with his soon-to-be wife, >>more Edizioni Corraini ISBN 9788875700560 US $34.00 CAN $40.00 TRADE Paperback, 8 x 5.5 in. / 158 pgs / 152 color / 56 b&w. Pub Date: 03/01/2007 Not available
|  An Atlas of Agendas is a political, social and economic atlas, informing the public about sociopolitical power structures and activating opportunities for the self and the commons.
The French research and design group Bureau d´Études has >>more Onomatopee ISBN 9789491677977 US $50.00 CAN $69.95 TRADE Hbk, 9 x 11.75 in. / 270 pgs / 54 color / 54 duotone / 64 b&w. Pub Date: 11/26/2019 Not available
|  And/Or: On Contradiction in the Work of Jan van Toorn Extended Text by Els Kuijpers. Alongside Wim Crouwel, Karel Martens and Walter Nikkels, Jan van Toorn (born 1932) was instrumental in determining the look of Dutch graphic design in the 1970s and 1980s. Van Toorn’s designs prompt among their viewers >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789462081116 US $29.95 CAN $39.95 FLAT40 Pbk, 7 x 9 in. / 88 pgs / 85 color. Pub Date: 09/30/2014 Not available
|  Anton Stankowski Edited by Ulrike Gauss. Essays by Karl Duschek, Hans Heinz Holz, Werner Meyer, Kassandra Nakas, Anne Reckert, Jàrg Strzebecher, Stephan von Wiese, Peter von Kornatzk and Usula Zeller. Anton Stankowski began his most serious work in the late 1920s, as a contemporary of the Zurich "Konkretes" who were also influenced by the Bauhaus. He was a decorative painter and printmaker, as well as >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775717434 US $80.00 CAN $95.00 TRADE Hardcover, 9.75 x 12.75 in. / 408 pgs / 681 color and 338 b&w. Pub Date: 08/15/2006 Not available
|  Armin Hofmann Essay by Steven Heller. Foreword by Felix Studinka. The Poster Collection of the Zurich Museum fur Gestaltung offers a record of the history of the poster, in Switzerland and worldwide, from its beginnings in the 19th century to its current existence. The collection >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037780046 US $28.00 CAN $42.00 TRADE
Pub Date: 08/02/2003 Not available
|  Avant-Garde Graphics: 1918-34 Edited by Caroline Wetherilt, Roger Malbert and James Dalrymple. Essays by Lutz Becker and Richard Hollis. Avant-garde artists of the 1920s and 1930s discovered a new role, that of designers for the printing industry--what is today known as graphic design. As illustrated by the numerous stunning, high quality, color reproductions in >>more Hayward Gallery Publishing ISBN 9781853322389 US $30.00 CAN $35.00 TRADE Paperback, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 96 pgs / 100 color. Pub Date: 02/15/2005 Not available
|  Baumann & Baumann: The Abc Book Edited by Baumann & Baumann. A 26-letter book, a dictionary with pictures, a foreign language book, a surprise book, a fun-and-games book... The ABC Book, designed by Baumann & Baumann, presents the 26 letters of the alphabet in pictures--as an >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775791496 US $16.95 CAN $20.00 TRADE Paperback, 8.5 x 8.5 in. / 64 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 02/02/2004 Not available
|  Black and White Essay by Lars Müller. Foreword by Felix Studinka. Color is rarely the sole focus of a poster, especially since color photography is a given component of most advertising. Thus it is often assumed that the graphic design world will always be brightly colored. >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037780145 US $28.00 CAN $42.00 TRADE
Pub Date: 12/02/2003 Not available
|  Bruno Monguzzi: A Designer's Perspective Artwork by Bruno Monguzzi. Edited by Maurice Berger, Franc Nunoo-Quarcoo. >>more Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture, UMBC ISBN 9781890761011 US $19.95 CAN $27.95 TRADE Paperback, 6 x 9 in. / 200 pgs / 80 color / 40 b&w. Pub Date: 02/02/1999 Not available
|  Catherine Zask Contributions by Catherine de Smet, Henri Gaudin One of the most innovative French graphic designers, Catherine Zask's posters have the elegance and coherence of DNA, and indeed she works with the building blocks of writing and communication--letters. Here, in Poster Collection 12, >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037780541 US $28.00 CAN $42.00 TRADE
Pub Date: 01/15/2006 Not available
|  Color Library Edited by Maximage. Text by Emily King, Shirana Shahbazi, Manon Bruet, Franz Sigg. A collectible publication for graphic designers and creative entrepreneurs, Color Library is the outcome of one of the most talked-about projects of recent years in the graphic-design field. The Color Library project is a database >>more JRP | Ringier ISBN 9783037645277 US $49.95 CAN $67.50 TRADE Hbk, 7 x 9.5 in. / 280 pgs / 150 color. Pub Date: 11/20/2018 Not available
|  Conditional Design: Workbook Text by Andrew Blauvelt, Koert van Mensvoort. Conditional Design is the name of a new design ethos formulated by graphic designers Luna Maurer, Jonathan Puckey and Roel Wouters, and artist Edo Paulus. It espouses a working method that involves drawing up arbitrary >>more Valiz ISBN 9789078088585 US $24.95 CAN $33.95 TRADE Pbk, 9.5 x 13 in. / 176 pgs / 80 color / 50 b&w. Pub Date: 07/31/2013 Not available
|  Corporate Diversity Edited by Andres Janser, Barbara Junod. The design studio of J. R. Geigy AG was the launching pad for one of the great periods of Swiss graphic design, in the 1950s and 1960s. The open-minded corporate culture of the chemical company >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037781609 US $65.00 CAN $85.00 TRADE Hbk, 7.75 x 10.5 in. / 208 pgs / 385 images. Pub Date: 03/16/2009 Not available
|  Cover Art by H5: This Is the End Introduction by Adrian Shaughnessy. Text by Yorgo Tloupas, Alexis Bernier. Since the mid-1990s, the French design team H5 has produced numerous record covers and visuals for both small and large labels, developing its ethos in tandem with the development of French electronic music, particularly bands >>more JRP | Ringier ISBN 9783037640111 US $55.00 CAN $72.50 SDNR30 Pbk, 10.75 x 10.75 in. / 244 pgs / 194 color / 107 b&w / Vinyl Record. Pub Date: 08/31/2009 Not available
|  Czech Cubism and the Book Edited by Jindrich Toman. Many avant-garde movements of the early twentieth century found an entirely unique expression in Czechoslovakia. Cubism was perhaps the supreme instance of this; as Czech art historian Miroslav Lamac famously commented, around 1912, "Prague became >>more Kant ISBN 9788086217673 US $50.00 CAN $60.00 TRADE Hbk, 9 x 11 in. / 208 pgs / 211 color. Pub Date: 08/31/2011 Not available
|  DGPH: The Ark Project After the example of Noah, who saved the animal species in his ark for posterity, this volume, an "Illustrated Animal Bible by Artists from all over the World," aspires to rescue and house the animals >>more IdN ISBN 9789881847010 US $34.00 CAN $40.00 TRADE Flexi, 7 x 8.5 in. / 240 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 06/30/2010 Not available
|  Design Research Unit: 1942-72 Text by Michelle Cotton. In the same way that the Helvetica font graphically defined the New York City subway system, the Design Research Unit visually branded the London we know today in everything from its street signs to such >>more Walther König, Köln/Koenig Books ISBN 9783863350406 US $35.00 CAN $40.00 TRADE Pbk, 7 x 9.75 in. / 120 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 04/30/2012 Not available
|  Designers Are Wankers By Lee McCormack. Interviews with Neville Brody, Karim Rashid, Piers Roberts, Paul Smith. The opening chapter of Lee McCormack's extremely engaging manifesto/how-to book on becoming an industrial designer begins, "Don't be a wanker! Embrace what it means to be a professional designer. Making the transition from design student >>more About Face Publishing ISBN 9780955096808 US $25.00 CAN $30.00 TRADE Paperback, 6.5 x 8.5 in. / 220 pgs / 24 color. Pub Date: 03/01/2007 Not available
|  Diagrammatic Writing is a poetic demonstration of the capacity of format to produce meaning. The articulation of the codex, as a space of semantically generative relations, has rarely (if ever) been subject to so highly focused and >>more Onomatopee ISBN 9789491677793 US $15.00 CAN $24.95 TRADE Pbk, 5.5 x 8.5 in. / 36 pgs. Pub Date: 03/20/2018 Not available
|  Dokkaebi: Korean Motifs Edited by Sang-Soo Ahn. Essay by Young-Joo Yim. The Dokkaebi, Korean goblins who have soft spots for pretty girls and hedonistic feasts, thrive in folktales and as gargoyle-like ornamental totems. Throughout Korean history, they have been interpreted as evil spirits, bogeymen or ghosts >>more Wasmuth ISBN 9783803006578 US $49.50 CAN $60.00 FLAT40 Clothbound, 9 x 12 in. / 292 pgs / 132 b&w. Pub Date: 08/15/2006 Not available
|  Donald Brun Essay by Jean-Charles Giroud. By thinking conceptually and self-confidently within the parameters of the marketplace, Swiss graphic designer and co-founder of AGI (Alliance Graphique Internationale) Donald Brun revealed the dubious morality of the good and beautiful poster. Brun was >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783907078532 US $28.00 CAN $42.00 TRADE
Pub Date: 02/02/2002 Not available
|  Dutch Resource: Collaborative Exercises in Graphic Design Essays by Paul Elliman and Maxine Kopsa. Eleven participants in the Dutch Werkplaats Typografie's design program recently asked an equal number of more accomplished graphic designers to join forces with them in collaborations destined for France's Chaumont Graphic Arts Festival. Dutch Resource >>more Valiz/Werkplaats Typografie ISBN 9789080818576 US $40.00 CAN $50.00 TRADE Paperback, 6.75 x 9.25 in. / 384 pgs / 200 color / 150 b&w. Pub Date: 03/01/2006 Not available
|  ECAL Graphic Design Edited by Angelo Benedetto, Lionel Bovier, Vincent Devaud, Gilles Gavillet, Alexis Georgacopoulos. Text by Angelo Benedetto, Alexis Georgacopoulos, François Rappo. ECAL Graphic Design is a source book of graphic design by leading European art school, the Ecole cantonale d’art de Lausanne, headed by Alexis Georgacopoulos. ECAL has evolved from a regional school in Switzerland to >>more JRP | Ringier ISBN 9783037644553 US $49.95 CAN $67.50 TRADE Hbk, 9 x 11.5 in. / 160 pgs / 128 color. Pub Date: 05/24/2016 Not available
|  ECAL: Typeface as Program Edited by François Rappo. Text by Peter Bilak, Jürg Lehni, Erik Spiekermann. This publication continues the ECAL design series that was inaugurated with ECAL Graphic Design and ECAL Typography. Asking whether a computer program could be assigned the routine tasks of letter design, and whether novel forms >>more JRP | Ringier ISBN 9783037640722 US $35.00 CAN $40.00 TRADE Pbk, 7 x 9.25 in. / 180 pgs / 80 color. Pub Date: 03/31/2010 Not available
|  ECAL: Typography Edited by Fran¡ois Rappo. Essay by Andr» Vladimir Heiz. Typography refers to both the design of letters and the distribution of those letters on a page--or, more recently, a screen. It is "the craft of endowing language with a durable visual form," as Robert >>more JRP | Ringier ISBN 9782940271764 US $29.00 CAN $35.00 TRADE Hardcover, 6.5 x 8.5 in. / 160 pgs / 160 color. Pub Date: 09/15/2006 Not available
|  Ecal: Graphic Design Fond of fonts? Then pick up this sourcebook for graphic design by one of the leading European art schools, the Öcole cantonale d'art de Lausanne. After seeing the posters, publishing work, and other typographic practices >>more JRP | Ringier ISBN 9782940271702 US $30.00 CAN $35.00 TRADE Hardcover, 6.5 x 8.5 in. / 172 pgs / 140 color. Pub Date: 08/15/2005 Not available
|  Electrical Banana: Masters of Psychedelic Art Foreword by Paul McCartney.Text by Norman Hathaway, Dan Nadel. From advertising and fashion to music and film, the psychedelic aesthetic defined the look of the 1960s. And yet neither the true scope of psychedelic art nor its key practitioners have ever been the subject >>more Damiani ISBN 9788862082044 US $39.95 CAN $53.95 TRADE Pbk, 9.5 x 10.25 in. / 208 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 02/29/2012 Not available
|  Extra-curricular Edited with introduction by Jacob Lindgren. Text by Adam Cruickshank, Chris Lee, Decolonising Design, Diego Bustamante, Katharina Hetzeneder, Ariadna Serrahima, Elisabeth Klement, Laura Pappa, Esther McManus, Evening Class, Francisco Laranjo, Jack Henrie Fisher, James Langdon, Joe Potts, Kristina Ketola Bore, et al. Extra-curricular is a reader of texts on and around the topic of self-organized learning, curriculum, experiments, and alternatives in graphic design education. Occurring both within and separate from existing institutions, these other forms of learning >>more Onomatopee ISBN 9789491677922 US $30.00 CAN $45.00 TRADE Pbk, 6 x 8.75 in. / 328 pgs / 110 b&w. Pub Date: 08/25/2018 Not available
|  Ezra Petronio and Suzanne Koller: Selected Works, Subjective Inventory Designing is the capacity to stop just in time, to express no less and no more than is necessary, to neither oversimplify nor make something more complex than it needs to be. It is stripping >>more JRP | Ringier ISBN 9783905829549 US $89.00 CAN $117.50 TRADE Clothbound, 6.75 x 9 in. / 244 pgs / 717 color. Pub Date: 08/01/2008 Not available
|  For the Love of Vinyl: The Album Art of Hipgnosis: Storm Thorgerson & Aubrey Powell Text by Nick Mason, Peter Blake, Paula Scher. Hipgnosis was the biggest and best graphic design firm for the biggest and best bands of the 60s and 70s. Formed by Storm Thorgerson and Aubrey Powell in London in 1968 (with the addition of >>more PictureBox ISBN 9780981562216 US $45.00 CAN $60.00 TRADE Hardback, 9.25 x 12.25 in. / 224 pgs / 450 color. Pub Date: 12/01/2008 Not available
|  Francisco Díaz de León Text by Francisco Diaz de León, Renata Blaisten. Francisco Díaz de León (1897-1975) looms large over the history of modern Mexican art: an outstanding engraver, illustrator, book designer, photographer, professor, founder of the Open-Air Painting School in Tlalpan and director of the School >>more RM/Colección Andrés Blaisten ISBN 9788493612368 US $45.00 CAN $55.00 TRADE Hbk, 8.75 x 11.25 in. / 160 pgs / 160 color. Pub Date: 02/28/2011 Not available
|  Gerd Arntz: Graphic Designer Edited by Ed Annink, Max Bruinsma. As a politically engaged graphic artist and designer, Gerd Arntz (1900–1988) portrayed the world in wood and linoleum cuts. During the 1920s, he conveyed his critiques of social unjustice and the rise of Nazism in >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789064507632 US $55.00 CAN $72.50 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 288 pgs / 500 color. Pub Date: 04/30/2013 Not available
|  Graphic Design in the Post-Digital Age Introduction with text by Demian Conrad. Text by Nicolas Nova, Rob van Leijsen, Dimitri Jeanottat, et al. Through a series of over 20 interviews with designers, this survey looks at the challenges and opportunities of the fast-changing world of creative coding and the ethos of devising one’s own design tools. >>more Onomatopee projects ISBN 9789493148680 US $30.00 CAN $41.50 FLAT40 Pbk, 6.25 x 8.5 in. / 480 pgs / 100 b&w. Pub Date: 03/01/2022 Not available
|  Graphic Design: Now In Production Edited by Andrew Blauvelt, Ellen Lupton. Text by Ian Albinson, Rob Giampietro, Jeremy Leslie, Alexander Ulloa, Armin Vit. Contributions by Steven Heller, Peter Hall. Graphic design has broadened its reach dramatically over the past decade, expanding from a specialized profession to a widely deployed skill. The rise of user-generated content, new methods of publishing and systems of distribution, and >>more Walker Art Center ISBN 9780935640984 US $40.00 CAN $54.00 TRADE Pbk, 9 x 12 in. / 240 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 11/30/2011 Not available
|  Graphis Annual: The Essential 1952-1986 Edited by Thierry D. Hausermann. From 1952 to 1986, the Swiss design powerhouse Graphis published a yearly volume under the title Graphis Annual, presenting a survey of graphic design work from the past year. Taken together, these 35 volumes highlight >>more Idpure Editions ISBN 9782839905992 US $65.00 CAN $75.00 TRADE Clth, 9.5 x 12 in. / 240 pgs / 200 color / 200 b&w. Pub Date: 03/31/2011 Not available
|  Green Patriot Posters Edited by Edward Morris, Dmitri Siegel. Text by Michael Bierut, Thomas L. Friedman, Steven Heller, Edward Morris, Dmitri Siegel, Morgan Clendaniel. This book brings together the strongest contemporary graphic design currently promoting sustainability and the fight against climate change. Collectively, essays by Michael Bierut, Steven Heller, Edward Morris and Dmitri Siegel look back in time to >>more Metropolis Books ISBN 9781935202240 US $30.00 CAN $35.00 TRADE Pbk, 9.5 x 12.5 in. / 128 pgs / 100 color / 50 tear-out posters. Pub Date: 11/30/2010 Not available
| Gunter Rambow 1960-96 Artwork by Gunter Rambow. >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783893228430 US $45.00 CAN $55.00 TRADE Hardcover, 6.5 x 8.75 in. / 240 pgs / 85 color / 109 b&w. Pub Date: 03/02/1997 Not available
|  Gunther Rambo Artwork by Gunter Rambow. Acknowledged father of contemporary European design, Gunter Rambow has influenced an entire generation of both commercial and non-commercial graphic artists. >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783893223459 US $45.00 CAN $55.00 TRADE Hardcover, 6.5 x 8.75 in. / 311 pgs / 200 color Pub Date: 05/02/1998 Not available
|  Günter Jacki: Looking for Transmission Foreword by Kurt Weidemann. "Good design is beholden to a constant longing for beauty, shuns accommodation to fashion and temporary effects, and searches for enduring, basic 'rightness.'" So says Günter Jacki, the influential German Professor of design communication. Though >>more Wasmuth ISBN 9783803032034 US $42.00 CAN $55.00 FLAT40 Hardcover, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 224 pgs / 700 color. Pub Date: 09/01/2007 Not available
|  Handbook of Tyranny portrays the routine cruelties of the 21st century through a series of detailed nonfictional graphic illustrations. None of these cruelties represent extraordinary violence—they reflect day-to-day implementation of laws and regulations around the >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037785348 US $30.00 CAN $40.00 TRADE Hbk, 8.25 x 11.75 in. / 160 pgs / 987 color. Pub Date: 02/27/2018 Not available
|  Handmade Essay by Claude Lichtenstein. Even after the emergence of clean digital design, graphic artists still like to get their hands dirty. Poster Collection 11: Handmade, the latest in the series from the poster collection of the Zurich Museum fr >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037780534 US $28.00 CAN $42.00 TRADE
Pub Date: 08/15/2005 Not available
|  Politicians are omnipresent in our society. How they present themselves depends on historical context as well as on the prevailing form of government and cultural environment. Vital components of political work are image building, political >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037781517 US $28.00 CAN $42.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.75 in. / 192 pgs / 120 images. Pub Date: 01/31/2009 Not available
|  Designed in 1957, the Helvetica font is an icon of Swiss graphic design, which was a model of sober, functional communication throughout the world in the 1950s and 60s. The balanced and neutral appearance of >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037781210 US $49.00 CAN $65.00 TRADE Hbk, 7.5 x 10.25 in. / 160 pgs / 150 images. Pub Date: 02/27/2009 Not available
|  Holland on Paper Text by Clifford S. Ackley. From the 1890s through the turn of the century, there was a flourishing of new, imaginative art and craft throughout Europe that we now know as Art Nouveau. The Netherlands experienced an inventive variant of >>more MFA Publications, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston ISBN 9780878467990 US $50.00 CAN $67.50 TRADE Hbk, 9.5 x 10.5 in. / 256 pgs / 120 color. Pub Date: 07/31/2014 Not available
|  Hors-Sol: Poster Actions In Switzerland Foreword by Bettina Richter, André Vladimir Heiz, Harald Szeemann. With contributions by A.V. Heiz, Harald Szeemann. Hors-Sol is a record of poster actions conducted by the fine artists in public spaces from 1961 to today. >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783907078549 US $28.00 CAN $42.00 TRADE
Pub Date: 03/02/2002 Not available
| |  IdN 15th Anniversary Edition Launched in 1994 by Laurence Ng, and morphing quickly from a "how-to" magazine tutoring its readership in the intricacies of new design technologym, into a "what to" magazine aiming to inspire and reflect the booming >>more IdN ISBN 9789889959197 US $59.95 CAN $70.00 TRADE Hbk, 9.5 x 7.75 in. / 452 pgs / illustrated throughout / DVD (NTSC only). Pub Date: 07/31/2010 Not available
|  IdN Extra 02: New York Introduction by Victor M. Newman. What if anime had begun in America instead of Japan? What would an anime native to America look like? Here, IdN asks 50 artists and illustrators what the landcape of New York might look like >>more IdN ISBN 9789881847034 US $25.00 CAN $30.00 TRADE Pbk, 8.5 x 10.75 in. / 132 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 02/28/2011 Not available
|  IdN Extra 03: Society 6 Introduction by Justin Cooper. In this third special edition, IdN collaborates with Society6, one of the largest online platforms for up-and-coming designers, to showcase the talent of 58 young artists raised in the internet boom of the late twentieth >>more IdN ISBN 9789881847041 US $25.00 CAN $30.00 TRADE Pbk, 8.5 x 10.75 in. / 148 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 02/28/2011 Not available
|  In Alphabetical Order Edited by Stuart Bailey. Text by Paul Elliman, Anthony Froshaug, Melle Hammer, Robin Kinross, Norman Potter. This is a schizophrenic book. Between its covers are: a book about typography and graphic design, arranged around recent work from a single source and incubator, the Werkplaats Typografie (Typography Workshop/WT) in Arnheim, the Netherlands; >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056622725 US $20.00 CAN $25.00 TRADE Paperback, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 96 pgs / 16 color. Pub Date: 03/02/2003 Not available
|  International Design Awards Survey of World Design Foreword and edited by Jamie M. Waugh. This year's International Design Awards honor the best new work in architecture, interior design, product design, graphics and fashion--as juried by over a dozen of the world's most significant design critics and editors, including Michael >>more Asterisk Press ISBN 9780981474106 US $30.00 CAN $40.00 TRADE Paperback, 7.5 x 12 in. / 107 pgs / 107 color. Pub Date: 07/01/2008 Not available
|  Jan van Toorn: Critical Practice Text by Rick Poynor. Jan van Toorn is one of the most significant and influential Dutch graphic designers to have emerged since the early 1960s. His designs persistently call attention to their status as visual contrivances, obliging the viewer >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789064505652 US $45.00 CAN $60.00 FLAT40 Hbk, 8.5 x 10.5 in. / 240 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 04/30/2013 Not available
|  Jon Burgerman: Pens Are My Friends Text by Harlan Levey, Peter Thaler, Lars Denicke. For the first time, British artist and illustrator Jon Burgerman's commercial, personal and collaborative works are collected together in this lavish and fun publication. Burgerman's brightly colored parades of monster faces and abstract glyphs have >>more IdN ISBN 9789889959142 US $55.00 CAN $65.00 TRADE Hbk, 8.5 x 9 in. / 310 pgs / illustrated throughout / DVD (PAL). Pub Date: 06/30/2010 Not available
|  This illustrated essay traces the history of one of the leading exponents of Swiss Graphic Design in the 1950s and 1960s. Josef Müller-Brockmann’s posters have become world famous for their ability to convey information with >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783906700892 US $45.00 CAN $55.00 TRADE
Pub Date: 02/02/2002 Not available
|  Karl Gerstner: Review Of Seven Chapters Of Constructive Pictures, Etc. Introduction by Eugen Gomringer. As a visual designer, Karl Gerstner led the double life of a graphic designer who worked on commission and an artist who worked according to his own directives. In the realm of the constructive, Gerstner's >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775791519 US $65.00 CAN $75.00 TRADE Hardcover, 9.5 x 12 in. / 256 pgs / 220 color / 270 b&w. Pub Date: 02/02/2004 Not available
|  Karl Gerstner: Visual Language Artwork by Karl Gerstner. Karl Gerstner is one of Switzerland's preeminent graphic designers. In 1959, he and Markus Kutter founded the agency Gerstner + Kutter, which later became Gerstner, Gredinger, and Kutter (GGK). Before long, the agency had become >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775790598 US $75.00 CAN $90.00 TRADE Hardcover, 9 x 11.75 in. / 256 pgs / 400 color / 200 b&w Pub Date: 12/02/2001 Not available
|  Lance Wyman: México Widely admired for his powerful but whimsical imagery, Lance Wyman is a leading figure of contemporary graphic design. Throughout a career that spans over 50 years, Wyman has made his name by designing for museums, >>more RM/MUAC ISBN 9786078295203 US $40.00 CAN $54.00 TRADE Flexi, 11 x 11 in. / 264 pgs / 275 color. Pub Date: 04/28/2015 Not available
|  M+M: Collateral Profit Edited by Ludger Derenthal. Essays by Susanne Ehrenfried, Susanne Gaensheimer, Helmut Krausser, Susanne Meyer-Bser, Andreas Neumeister, Renate Puvogel, Bernhart Schwenk, Wolfgang Ullrich, Martina Weinhart, Ludger Derenthal, Susanne Ehrenfried, et al. M+M, a collaboration by German artists Mark Weis and Martin De Mattia, have more in common with The Matrix than with the famous candies. Their Baudrillard-based work in photography, video and conceptual art, surveyed here >>more Verlag für moderne Kunst ISBN 9783936711493 US $50.00 CAN $60.00 TRADE Hardcover, 9 x 10.75 in. / 208 pgs / 290 color / 22 b&w. Pub Date: 08/15/2005 Not available
|  M/M (Paris): Inventory 2 M/M (Paris) is an influential partnership formed in 1992 by Paris-based designers Michael Amzalag and Mathias Augustyniak. Fusing a disciplined design ethic with Postpunk aesthetics and a unique collaborative and multidisciplinary approach, M/M (Paris) has >>more Haunch of Venison ISBN 9781905620302 US $35.00 CAN $40.00 TRADE Pbk, 5.75 x 9.5 in. / 320 pgs / 185 color / 97 b&w. Pub Date: 09/30/2009 Not available
|  Martin Szekely Text by Elisabeth Lebovici. Martin Szekely (born 1956) is one of the most acclaimed designers of his generation, creating furniture and objects for museums, private collectors and small manufacturers, and working on major industrial projects with international companies such >>more JRP | Ringier ISBN 9783037640982 US $90.00 CAN $120.00 TRADE Hbk, 12 x 12 in. / 252 pgs / 200 color. Pub Date: 09/30/2010 Not available
|  Martí Guixé: Toy Weapons Artwork by Martí Guixé. Wreak havoc on your friends with everyday household objects! A regular on the design scene, Martí Guixé presents numerous ways to make weapons out of things that normally lie unnoticed in your home, just waiting >>more Edizioni Corraini ISBN 9788875700713 US $35.00 CAN $40.00 TRADE Hardcover, 8 x 11.5 in. / 14 pgs / 14 b&w. Pub Date: 08/15/2005 Not available
|  Mati & The Music: 52 Record Covers 1955-2005 Text by Serge Bramly. The 1960s and 1970s offered many options for mind expansion: psychedelic drugs, Eastern meditation, sex--and the art of Mati Klarwein. Klarwein (1932–2002) was a major presence in the New York art scene, admired by everyone >>more RM/Librairie 213 ISBN 9788492480197 US $45.00 CAN $55.00 TRADE Hbk, 12 x 12 in. / 184 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 10/31/2012 Not available
|  Matthew Vescovo: Instructoart Lesson 1 Artwork by Matthew Vescovo. What is the most efficient way to get a pubic hair off a bar of soap? How much distance is required between two people when executing an air kiss? What body part follows the shoulder >>more Instructoart Book Associates/Jorge Pinto Books Inc. ISBN 9780974261508 US $25.00 CAN $30.00 TRADE Paperback, 11 x 9.5 in. / 80 pgs / 32 color / 48 b&w. Pub Date: 01/02/2004 Not available
|  Mexico Illustrated 1920-1950 Text by Salvador Albiñana, Juan M. Bonet, Deborah Dorotinsky, Marina Garone. The most important study ever published on modern illustrated books in Mexico, Mexico Illustrated 1920-1950 explores the illustration and poster work of great Mexican artists from the first half of the twentieth century, offering a >>more RM/Museo Valenciano de la ilustración y la modernidad ISBN 9788492480876 US $65.00 CAN $75.00 TRADE Hbk, 9.75 x 12 in. / 288 pgs / 240 color / 47 b&w. Pub Date: 02/28/2011 Not available
|  Mexico Illustrated 1920–1950 Text by Salvador Albiñana, Juan M. Bonet, Deborah Dorotinsky, Marina Garone. This volume is an expanded edition of the most important study ever published on modern illustrated books in Mexico. Mexico Illustrated 1920–1950 explores the illustration and poster work of great Mexican artists from the first >>more RM/Conaculta ISBN 9788415118961 US $75.00 CAN $99.00 TRADE Clth, 9.5 x 12.75 in. / 336 pgs / 405 color. Pub Date: 08/25/2015 Not available
|  Mexico: Stencil When the Mexican government attempted to violently quell the teacher’s union’s demonstrations in Oaxaca in June of 2006, artists were quick to protest. Graffiti covered government buildings, and both street and fine artists quickly formed >>more Editorial RM ISBN 9789689345015 US $19.95 CAN $25.00 TRADE Paperback, 8.25 x 6 in. / 196 pgs / 400 color. Pub Date: 03/01/2008 Not available
|  Straightforward photography, a restrained color scheme, simple texts set in a functional typeface: these are the formal elements that German graphic designer Michael Engelmann drew on to create an unmistakable pictorial language for posters. Engelmann >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037780398 US $28.00 CAN $42.00 TRADE
Pub Date: 11/02/2004 Not available
|  Mihály Biró: Pathos in Red Edited by Peter Noever. Text by Kathrin Pokorny-Nagel, Michael Diers, Sebastian Hackenschmidt. The designer Mihály Biró (1886-1948) was the graphic voice of Soviet communism in Hungary. He joined the Social Democratic cause early in life, and between 1910 and 1920 designed some of the most widely admired >>more Moderne Kunst Nürnberg ISBN 9783869841571 US $30.00 CAN $35.00 TRADE Flexi, 5 x 9.5 in. / 144 pgs / 70 color. Pub Date: 08/31/2011 Not available
|  Mike Mills: Graphics Films Edited by Aaron Rose. Graphics Films is the first retrospective monograph on one of the hardest-working men in contemporary creative culture. For more than 15 years, Mike Mills' works in the fields of design and film have determined the >>more Damiani ISBN 9788862080750 US $49.95 CAN $67.50 TRADE Hbk, 9.75 x 12.75 in. / 176 pgs / 100 color. Pub Date: 02/01/2009 Not available
|  Mira Cuba: The Cuban Poster Art from 1959 Edited by Luigino Bardellotti, Simona Biolcati, Ivo Boscariol. Introduction by Mario Piazza. Text by Leonardo Padura Fuentes, Pepe Menendez, Niko, Sara Vega, Reynaldo Gonzales, Olivio Martinez, Rafael Morante, Richard Frick. Many eras have passed in Cuba since Fidel Castro took office in 1959 after the Revolution, but the special character of the graphic art spawned in that chaotic, fertile moment has endured, as this volume >>more Silvana Editoriale ISBN 9788836626991 US $40.00 CAN $50.00 TRADE Pbk, 8 x 10 in. / 256 pgs / 200 color. Pub Date: 06/30/2014 Not available
|  Mute Magazine Introduction by Adrian Shaughnessy. Text by Simon Worthington, Damian Jaques, Pauline van Mourik Broekman. In the early 1990s, long before the Internet became an integral part of life, a handful of pioneering magazines took it upon themselves to imagine it into existence. Using fiction, interviews, speculative theory and experimental >>more Eight Books ISBN 9780955432224 US $35.00 CAN $40.00 TRADE Paperback, 8.75 x 8.75 in. / 144 pgs / 250 color. Pub Date: 08/01/2008 Not available
|  Notes From Russia: Hand-Made Street Notices Edited by Damon Murray, Stephen Sorrell. Text by Alexei Plutser-Samo. The world of Russian public notices is fascinating, bizarre and saturated in tragic-comedy: "An old woman. Left home and has not returned. Small, hunchbacked. Wears: a blue dress, red wool cardigan, a white handkerchief with >>more FUEL Publishing ISBN 9780955006173 US $32.95 CAN $40.00 TRADE Hardcover, 5 x 8 in. / 192 pgs / 64 color / 125 b&w. Pub Date: 10/01/2007 Not available
|  Ootje Oxenaar: Designer and Commissioner Els Kuijpers The role played by R.D.E. (‘Ootje’) Oxenaar in the development of Dutch graphic design is a fascinating one. In 1970 he joined the Department of Art and Design at what was then the Dutch Postal >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789064507205 US $45.00 CAN $60.00 TRADE Pbk, 8.25 x 10.5 in. / 128 pgs / 200 color. Pub Date: 04/30/2013 Not available
|  Paul Rand: Modernist Designer Edited by Franc Nunoo-Quarcoo. Texts by Derek Birdsall, Ivan Chermayeff, Shigeo Fukuda, Milton Glaser, Diane Gromeala, Jessica Helfand, Steven Heller, Armin Hoffmann, Takenobu Igharashi, John Meada, Richard Sapper, Wolfgang Weingart and Massimo Vignelli. We know Paul Rand through the stunning advertising, editorial, publishing, institutional, identity, corporate and intellectual legacy he left behind. A major figure at the epicenter of twentieth-century design, his impact on modern communication practice and >>more Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture, UMBC ISBN 9781890761035 US $45.00 CAN $60.00 TRADE Paperback, 6 x 9 in. / 334 pgs / 200 color. Pub Date: 11/02/2003 Not available
|  Peter Saville: Estate 1-127 Edited by Heike Munder. Text by Sean Snyder, Wolfgang Tilmans, Sarah Morris, Michael Bracewell. The now legendary cover designs for the Joy Division album Unknown Pleasures (1979) and the New Order single "Blue Monday" (1983) brought the Manchester graphic designer Peter Saville immediate international renown, with their somber yet >>more JRP | Ringier ISBN 9783905701661 US $50.00 CAN $67.50 TRADE Paperback, 8 x 10.5 in. / 272 pgs./ 240 color Pub Date: 10/01/2007 Not available
|  Poemotion By Takahiro Kurashima. Poemotion is an interactive book-object. The abstract graphical patterns in this small volume are set in motion as soon as you move the attached special foil across them: moiré effects allow complex forms to develop, >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037782774 US $25.00 CAN $32.50 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9 in. / 64 pgs. Pub Date: 03/28/2012 Not available
|  Poemotion 1 By Takahiro Kurashima. Poemotion is an interactive book-object. The abstract graphical patterns in this small volume are set in motion as soon as you move the attached special foil across them: moiré effects allow complex forms to develop, >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037784075 US $25.00 CAN $34.50 TRADE Hbk, 6.75 x 9 in. / 64 pgs / 30 images. Pub Date: 11/25/2013 Not available
|  Postcards of the Wiener Werkstätte Text by Detlef Hilmer, Elisabeth Schmuttermeier, Christian Witt-Doerring, Leonard A. Lauder. Founded in 1903 by architect Josef Hoffmann and designer Koloman Moser, the Wiener Werkstätte, or Vienna Workshops, gathered architects, artists and designers committed to making design excellence available to all. As a form, the postcard >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775727518 US $75.00 CAN $90.00 TRADE Hbk, 9.25 x 11.25 in. / 336 pgs / 1,115 color. Pub Date: 01/31/2011 Not available
|  Poster Town Edited by Erich Brechbühl, Klaus Fromherz, Martin Geel, Michael Kryenbühl, Simon Rüegg, Raphael Schoen, Ivan Weiss, Megi Zumstein. Text by Bettina Richter, Pirmin Bossart, Martina Kammermann, Marc Schwegler. Lucerne—Switzerland’s poster town—has a vibrant graphic design scene which has become widely known in recent years for its sophisticated posters. Some of these are designed for big cultural events, but others are more local, designed >>more Spector Books ISBN 9783959051781 US $45.00 CAN $60.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 8.75 in. / 784 pgs / 800 color. Pub Date: 02/27/2018 Not available
|  Posters: Advertising and Italian Fashion, 1890-1950 Text by Dario Cimorelli, Anna Villari. This fascinating, abundantly illustrated book delves into the evolution of Italian advertising and fashion posters, showing how social developments and economic expansion were reflected in commercial art. Advertising served as an ideal vehicle for fashion, >>more Silvana Editoriale ISBN 9788836623433 US $65.00 CAN $75.00 TRADE Clth, 9.5 x 11 in. / 238 pgs / 280 color. Pub Date: 10/31/2013 Not available
|  Posters: Irony, Imagination and Eroticism in Advertising 1895-1960 Text by Dario Cimorelli. In the closing decade of the nineteenth century, the modern age invaded the city streets of Italy in the form of advertising posters. Bouquets of monkeys, elephants, masks, automobiles and elegantly--and sometimes scantily--clad ladies suddenly >>more Silvana Editoriale ISBN 9788836622528 US $75.00 CAN $90.00 TRADE Clth, 10 x 12 in. / 288 pgs / 250 color. Pub Date: 10/31/2012 Not available
|  Posters: The Sea Voyage Edited by Paolo Piccione. A continuation of Silvana Editoriale’s Posters series, this volume presents the most significant examples of advertising graphics produced by Italian shipping companies between 1885 and 1965. The graphics range from those produced for the first >>more Silvana Editoriale ISBN 9788836627981 US $65.00 CAN $75.00 TRADE Clth, 9.5 x 11 in. / 240 pgs / 280 color. Pub Date: 10/31/2014 Not available
|  Propaganda! Russian and Norwegian Posters 1920-1939 Edited and with introduction by Daniela Büchten. Foreword by Vigdis Moe Skarstein, Anton Likhomanov. Text by Yelena Barkhatova, Daniela Büchten, Denis Solovev, Vibece Salthe. Propaganda! Russian and Norwegian Posters 1920–1939 brings together a broad selection of outstanding Russian poster art, from the Constructivists’ formal experiments to the Socialist Realism of the 1930s. It also includes some of the most >>more Forlaget Press ISBN 9788275476447 US $55.00 CAN $72.50 TRADE Pbk, 8.25 x 11.5 in. / 224 pgs / 110 color / 40 b&w. Pub Date: 02/28/2014 Not available
|  Ralph Schraivogel Essay by Robert Massin. Foreword by Felix Studinka. This eighth book in a series from the Poster Collection of the Zurich Museum fur Gestaltung focuses on the work of Ralph Schraivogel. Schraivogel was born in 1960 in Lucerne, Switzerland. He studied at the >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037780169 US $28.00 CAN $42.00 TRADE
Pub Date: 12/02/2003 Not available
|  Reasons To Be Cheerful: The Life and Work of Barney Bubbles Foreword by Malcolm Garrett. Introduction by Billy Bragg. Text by Paul Gorman, Peter Saville. Described by The New York Times as "a hero to young designers," the British designer Barney Bubbles is one of the most mysterious but influential figures in the field of graphic design. Bubbles, who died >>more Adelita ISBN 9780955201738 US $49.95 CAN $60.00 TRADE Hbk, 9 x 11 in. / 224 pgs / 535 color / 65 b&w. Pub Date: 08/31/2009 Not available
| Republik.Com Artwork by Ingo Gunther. >>more Cantz ISBN 9783893229482 US $39.95 CAN $50.00 TRADE Paperback, 8.25 x 10.5 in. / 170 pgs / 45 color / 20 b&w Pub Date: 05/02/1999 Not available
|  Richard Paul Lohse Edited by Richard Paul Lohse. Essays by Christoph Bignens, Vera Hausdorff, Hans Heinz Holz, Michael Lenz, Bela Stetzer, Jorg Sturzebecher. Richard Paul Lohse was a design pioneer in various fields for over fifty years. This catalogue raisonn», a project of the Richard Paul Lohse Foundation, is the first publication to show the complete works of >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775709910 US $85.00 CAN $100.00 TRADE Hardcover, 9.5 x 11.75 in. / 312 pgs / 288 color / 197 b&w. Pub Date: 10/02/2002 Not available
|  Rock Paper Show: Flatstock Volume One Edited by Geoff Peveto. Introduction by Clay Hayes. The first decade of the twenty-first century marked a highpoint at the intersection of graphic design and music. Against the backdrop of the digital music revolution, the rock poster has suddenly reemerged as an art >>more Soundscreen Design ISBN 9780984302802 US $59.99 CAN $70.00 TRADE Hbk, 9.5 x 12.5 in. / 312 pgs / 566 color. Pub Date: 03/31/2011 Not available
|  Russian Legends: Folk Tales and Fairy Tales Text by David Jackson, Patty Wageman, Ellen Rutten, Marija Valjaeva, Sijbolt Noorda. “The Magic Carpet” by Russian-born Victor Vasnetsov depicts a man placidly hovering on an oriental rug, flanked by three owls, above an eerie, moonlit landscape. Painted in 1880, it evidences the influence that Russian fairytales >>more nai010 publishers ISBN 9789056626082 US $49.95 CAN $67.50 TRADE Paperback, 9 x 11.75 in. / 240 pgs. / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 03/01/2008 Not available
|  In an entertaining and straightforward way, Edo Smitshuijzen’s Signage Design Manual leads the reader step by step through the individual phases of signal design. More than nine hundred illustrations guide him or her through this >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037780961 US $59.90 CAN $78.00 TRADE Hbk, 6.5 x 10.25 in. / 456 pgs / 800 images. Pub Date: 07/11/2007 Not available
|  Slavs and Tatars Presents Molla Nasreddin Edited by Slavs and Tatars. Published between 1906 and 1930, and with a readership that stretched from Morocco to Iran, Molla Nasreddin is perhaps the most important Muslim magazine of the twentieth century. Throughout its beautifully printed pages, issues of >>more JRP | Ringier ISBN 9783037642122 US $37.50 CAN $45.00 TRADE Pbk, 9.5 x 11 in. / 208 pgs / 218 color. Pub Date: 07/31/2011 Not available
|  Sound Zero Foreword by Fabio De Luca. Introduction by Uwe Husslein. Text by Aaron Rose, Valerio Dehò. As the Velvet Underground put it, "I'll be your mirror, reflect what you are, in case you don't know." Sound Zero opens on the Velvet Underground's work with Warhol, and follows the close, even mimetic, >>more Damiani ISBN 9788889431658 US $48.00 CAN $60.00 TRADE Hardcover, 6.5 x 9 in. / 200 pgs / 150 color. Pub Date: 03/01/2007 Not available
|  Style and the Family Tunes Edited by Cathy Boom. Founded in the 1990s (and now online as stylemag.net), the Berlin magazine Style and the Family Tunes blended fashion, art and subculture, publishing photographers such as Jürgen Teller, Andreas Mühe, Daniel Josefsohn, Ralph Mecke and >>more Hatje Cantz ISBN 9783775740081 US $45.00 CAN $60.00 FLAT40 Hbk, 9.5 x 12.5 in. / 240 pgs / 80 color. Pub Date: 12/29/2015 Not available
|  Takaaki Matsumoto: Design Over the course of a 30-year career, graphic designer Takaaki Matsumoto has created award-winning publications for clients that include artists, museums, educational institutions and retailers. In and Out of Design showcases projects-ranging from simple logotypes >>more Acadia Summer Arts Program ISBN 9780979764233 US $30.00 CAN $35.00 TRADE Clth, 7 x 9.25 in. / 184 pgs / 100 color. Pub Date: 06/30/2010 Not available
|  English illustrator and author Aubrey Beardsley (1872–98) was a leading figure of the Aesthetic Movement and the most controversial artist of the 1890s. His delicate yet bold drawings in black ink of grotesque, sensual and >>more Art / Books ISBN 9781908970374 US $19.99 CAN $27.95 TRADE Clth, 4.25 x 6.5 in. / 168 pgs / 64 b&w. Pub Date: 04/24/2018 Not available
|  The Bauhaus at the Newsstand Text by Patrick Rössler. Between 1929 and 1943, an outstanding new lifestyle magazine called Die Neue Linie (“The New Line”) was published by Beyer Press in Leipzig. No other publication in this period was so consistent in bringing avant-garde >>more Kerber ISBN 9783866782822 US $46.50 CAN $62.50 TRADE Pbk, 9.75 x 13.5 in. / 160 pgs / 163 color / 90 b&w. Pub Date: 01/31/2010 Not available
|  The European Poster 1888-1938 Introduction by José Lebrero Stals. Text by Carlos Pérez, Dara Kiese, Luigi Cavadini, Anne-Marie Sauvage, Aymeric Perroy, Katalin Bakos. The modern poster dates back to around 1870, when color lithography had been sufficiently perfected to permit mass production. Artists such as Toulouse-Lautrec and Jules Chéret were quick to perceive and embrace the possibilities of >>more Fundación Museo Picasso Málaga ISBN 9788493842789 US $55.00 CAN $65.00 SDNR50 Boxed, 8.25 x 11.5 in. / 336 pgs / 200 color / 30 b&w. Pub Date: 10/31/2012 Not available
|  The Ganzfeld No. 2 Edited by Daniel Nadel and Peter Buchanan Smith. Artists include: Edward Fella, Steven Guarnaccia, Red Grooms, Steven Heller, Maira Kalman, Gary Panter, Richard McGuire, Chris Ware. Comics aren't just for kids, and illustrations don't merely transpose text into image. Picture stories can do more than just tell a simple, illiterate narrative, and design, well, design infiltrates the visual aspects of nearly >>more The Kaput Press ISBN 9780971367005 US $24.95 CAN $27.50 TRADE Paperback, 10 x 8.5 in. / 176 pgs / 80 color / 96 b&w Pub Date: 01/02/2002 Not available
|  The Ganzfeld No. 3 Artwork by Michael Benson, Peter Blegvad, Blex Bolex, Paul Cox, Adam Dant, Ren»e French, Geoff McFetridge, Jim Nutt, Brian Ralph, Ron Regé, Jonathon Rosen, Karl Wirsum, Fred Tomaselli. Edited by Peter Buchanan-Smith, Rick Moody, Daniel Nadel, Andrea Codrington. Text by Alfred Hitchcock, Julie Lasky, Winfried Nubaummller, Lawrence Weschler. Tucked inside issue number 3 of The Ganzfeld, for your reading and looking pleasure, are humorous picture stories on color theory, milk, where we go when we die, and the lost genre of blank books. >>more Monday Morning ISBN 9780971367012 US $24.95 CAN $27.50 TRADE Paperback, 8 x 9.75 in. / 208 pgs / 128 color / illustrated throughout Pub Date: 04/02/2003 Not available
|  The L.A. Earthquake Sourcebook Edited by Judith Lewis, David L. Ulin. Introduction by Mariana Amatullo. Foreword by Richard Koshalek. Preface by Antonio R. Villaraigosa. Design by Stefan Sagmeister. This is the coolest earthquake-preparedness book ever published. Predicated on the assumption that the Big One is all but imminent, The L.A. Earthquake Sourcebook combines practical advice with compelling graphics--an essay advising the reader what >>more Designmatters at ArtCenter College of Design ISBN 9780961870508 US $35.00 CAN $40.00 TRADE Hbk, 6 x 8.5 in. / 344 pgs / 91 color. Pub Date: 02/01/2009 Not available
|  The Music Library Designed and edited by Murray & Sorrell and Jonny Trunk. Foreword by Jerry Dammers. Library music--also known as source music and, occasionally, mood music--was first made for people who needed cheap, somewhat generic music as backgrounds for animations, low-budget advertisements, and television programs. Unavailable commercially to the public, this >>more FUEL Publishing ISBN 9780955006111 US $57.00 CAN $70.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9 in. / 132 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 11/15/2005 Not available
|  The Roundel Edited by Tamsin Dillon. Introduction by Jonathan Glancey. Text by Claire Dobbin, Sally Shaw. The London Underground logo (the “roundel”) is instantly recognizable, even by those who have never visited the city. Simple and effective, ubiquitous and reassuring, it not only expresses the all-embracing nature of the capital’s subway >>more Art / Books ISBN 9781908970015 US $20.00 CAN $27.95 TRADE Pbk, 5.75 x 8.75 in. / 160 pgs / 126 color / 3 b&w. Pub Date: 02/28/2013 Not available
|  The Way Beyond Art: Wide White Space Edited and with interview by Jon Sueda. Foreword by Claire Fitzsimmons. Text by Rachel Berger, Claire Fitzsimmons, Eric Heiman, Emily McVarish, Jon Sueda. The Way Beyond Art: Wide White Space investigates graphic design’s evolving relationship with exhibition making and the work of both artists and curators. The exhibition context has long been a fertile area for graphic designers >>more Wattis ISBN 9780984960910 US $17.00 CAN $20.00 TRADE Pbk, 6 x 9 in. / 104 pgs / 38 color / 102 b&w. Pub Date: 07/31/2013 Not available
|  Think Again: A Brief History Of Outrage Artwork by David John Attyah, S.A. Bachman. WELCOME TO AMERICA -- WASH OUR DISHES, CLEAN OUR CLOTHES, NOW GO HOME. / INCOME GAP - AN AMERICAN CLASSIC / YOUR BODY IS ALSO A PLAYGROUND / WHAT IF A STRAIGHT MAN GOT BASHED >>more Politicizing Pictures Press ISBN 9780974303093 US $25.00 CAN $30.00 TRADE Paperback, 10.5 x 9.5 in. / 48 pgs / 52 color. Pub Date: 01/02/2004 Not available
|  Eighteen internationally reputed designers were interviewed by the editors Inge Gobert and Johan Van Looveren. All are active in the broad field of information design: interactive, editorial, and environmental design, data visualization, wayfinding, typography, cartography. >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037784365 US $35.00 CAN $45.00 TRADE Pbk, 8.5 x 11.5 in. / 192 pgs. Pub Date: 02/25/2015 Not available
|  Type Compass Edited by Michael Brenner, Emilio Macchia. Foreword by Gerry Leonidas. Today’s graphic output makes use of a colossal number of fonts, compared to 20 years ago. So where is the evolution of type design headed? Type Compass answers these questions, showcasing designers from around the >>more SHS Publishing ISBN 9788890759499 US $32.00 CAN $40.00 TRADE Hbk, 4.5 x 6.5 in. / 280 pgs / 188 duotone. Pub Date: 08/31/2013 Not available
|  Typography and Architecture: Amsterdam in Letters Photography by Maarten Helle. Text by Willem Ellenbroek. Featuring a representative and graphically striking sample of the incredible range of letters, names, words and proverbs to be found on Amsterdam buildings, Typography and Architecture: Amsterdam in Letters is a compilation of more than >>more Valiz ISBN 9789078088257 US $37.50 CAN $50.00 TRADE Hbk, 9 x 6.75 in. / 192 pgs / illustrated throughout. Pub Date: 02/06/2009 Not available
|  Bridging between design, geopolitics, architecture, and branding, Metahaven's Uncorporate Identity defies easy categorization as a monograph. The book is organized as a sequence of five chapters, dealing with data havens and statehood, post-communist architecture, visual >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037781692 US $75.00 CAN $95.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 608 pgs. Pub Date: 01/01/2010 Not available
|  Ever since the AIDS epidemic struck, the health authority's task of educating the public has gained dramatically in significance. In many countries, the poster as medium of information was unknown before the advent of AIDS; >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783907078907 US $28.00 CAN $42.00 TRADE
Pub Date: 05/02/2003 Not available
|  Following the success of Sleeves of Desire, a second publication is now being devoted to the cover art of the label ECM, Edition of Contemporary Music, focusing above all on sleeve design from 1996 to >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037781579 US $85.00 CAN $105.00 TRADE Pbk, 7.25 x 10.75 in. / 448 pgs / 1260 images. Pub Date: 01/03/2010 Not available
|  Wouldn't It Be Nice Text by Christian Brändle, Katya Garcia-Anton, Jean-Pierre Greff, Emily King. Writing about the New York-based design/publishing collective Dexter Sinister, Anthony Huberman once contextualized their practice as part of a "...contemporary condition of multiplicity, for a present moment that finds itself overcrowded with so many identities, >>more JRP | Ringier ISBN 9783905829242 US $42.00 CAN $55.00 FLAT40 Paperback, 9.25 x 11.75 in. / 300 pgs / 120 color. Pub Date: 08/01/2008 Not available
|  This publication highlights the era between 1948 and 1970 as a turning pont for Swiss graphic artists, especially those stationed in Milan, as well as other great moments in design history. Equipped with an education >>more Lars Müller Publishers ISBN 9783037780794 US $28.00 CAN $42.00 TRADE Pbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 96 pgs / 117 images. Pub Date: 10/20/2006 Not available
|  jochen stankowski Artwork by Jochen Stankowski. In this catalogue raisonné, all signs point to Jochen Stankowski as one of the most versatile contemporary practitioners of the graphic arts. He proves as accomplished as his famous uncle Anton Stankowski, with whom he >>more Walther König, Köln ISBN 9783883758718 US $75.00 CAN $90.00 SDNR30 Hardcover, 9.5 x 12 in. / 248 pgs / 1500 color. Pub Date: 06/15/2005 Not available
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