| | BOOK FORMAT Clth, 11.75 x 11.5 in. / 68 pgs / 30 tritone. PUBLISHING STATUS Pub Date 9/29/2015 Active DISTRIBUTION D.A.P. Exclusive Catalog: SPRING 2015 p. 31 PRODUCT DETAILS ISBN 9783869308142 TRADE List Price: $45.00 CAD $60.00 AVAILABILITY Out of stock | TERRITORY NA ONLY | | THE SPRING 2025 ARTBOOK | D.A.P. CATALOG  | Preview our SPRING 2025 catalog, featuring more than 500 new books on art, photography, design, architecture, film, music and visual culture.
| | | Bruce Davidson: Nature of Los Angeles 2008–2013Text by Bruce Davidson.
 Davidson reveals a lush and exotic Los Angeles beyond the urban sprawlIn 2008, Bruce Davidson, who had already photographed New York and Paris, began exploring Los Angeles with a focus on its exotic plant life. The arid climate, normally hostile to life, allows for an exceptional botanical diversity in L.A. County that reaches from the surrounding foothills and mountain wilderness to the Pacific Ocean, and Davidson quickly became a Los Angeles convert. "Traffic, wealth, poverty, violence and other urban phenomena give way to valiant plant life where ivy thrives on the underside of the 405 and Glendale Freeway interchanges, and a tree in the foothills regenerates itself after a wildfire has parched its bark," he writes. "Without its plant life and human respect for it, L.A. would be a vast desert void." Nature of Los Angeles 2008–2013 depicts the city in black and white, presenting its beauty and banality as emblematic of urban existence in general.
Bruce Davidson (born 1933) began photographing at the age of ten in Oak Park, Illinois. He studied at the Rochester Institute of Technology and Yale University before being drafted into the army. After leaving military service in 1957, he freelanced for Life and in 1958 became a member of Magnum Photos. Davidson's work is held in many major museum collections and his awards include a Guggenheim fellowship (1962), the first National Endowment for the Arts Grant in Photography (1967) and an honorary doctorate in Fine Arts from the Corcoran College of Art and Design (2011).
Featured image is reproduced from Bruce Davidson: Nature of Los Angeles 2008–2013.PRAISE AND REVIEWSW Alix Browne Best known for his depictions of New York in all its gritty glory, the photographer Bruce Davidson trolled the streets of Los Angeles in 2008 in search of signs of nature. His findings, at once beautiful and banal are collected in this new book. |
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| | FROM THE ARTBOOK BLOG CORY REYNOLDS | DATE 8/22/2015 "In 2008, I began to look at Los Angeles from the point of view of its exotic, even erotic, plant life created by an infusion of water into the arid terrain, Bruce Davidson writes in Nature of Los Angeles. "I began to realize that I had an emotional attachment to botanical species of all kinds, particularly the hundred-foot palm trees not indigenous to the habitat. I wanted to photograph the famous Hollywood sign from behind so the nine letters would read backwards and we could see the distant city, but a chain link fence impeded the view. Eventually we were given permission to go beyond the fence, with a guide and a rope we rappelled down the steep slippery slope. Los Angeles is a city of the homeless and the helpless, poverty, gangs, substance abuse, traffic congestion, and a 'you are what you drive' lifestyle. But it is more than that, for I also discovered pockets of beauty all over the city." continue to blog | |  | SteidlISBN: 9783969992319 USD $75.00 | CAD $110Pub Date: 6/24/2025 Forthcoming
|  | SteidlISBN: 9783958290174 USD $60.00 | CAD $79Pub Date: 6/24/2025 Forthcoming
|  | SteidlISBN: 9783869308142 USD $45.00 | CAD $60Pub Date: 9/29/2015 Active | Out of stock
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|  | SteidlISBN: 9783869304861 USD $60.00 | CAD $79Pub Date: 10/31/2014 Active | In stock
|  | Steidl Photography InternationalISBN: 9783865219084 USD $250.00 | CAD $335Pub Date: 6/30/2010 Active | Out of stock
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