| | PUBLISHER Redstone PressBOOK FORMAT Flexi, 9.75 x 12.5 in. / 144 pgs / 50 color / 54 bw. PUBLISHING STATUS Pub Date 10/29/2019 Active DISTRIBUTION D.A.P. Exclusive Catalog: SPRING 2020 p. 27 PRODUCT DETAILS ISBN 9781942884538 TRADE List Price: $35.00 CAD $39.95 GBP £30.00 AVAILABILITY In stock | TERRITORY NA LA EUR ASIA AU/NZ AFR ME | | THE SPRING 2025 ARTBOOK | D.A.P. CATALOG  | Preview our SPRING 2025 catalog, featuring more than 500 new books on art, photography, design, architecture, film, music and visual culture.
| | | REDSTONE PRESSBlack Lives 1900: W.E.B. Du Bois at the Paris ExpositionIntroduction by Jacqueline Francis, Stephen G. Hall. Foreword by David Adjaye. Contribution by Henry Louis Gates Jr.
 How W.E.B. Du Bois combined photographs and infographics to communicate the everyday realities of Black lives and the inequities of race in AmericaAt the 1900 Paris Exposition the pioneering sociologist and activist W.E.B. Du Bois presented an exhibit representing the progress of African Americans since the abolition of slavery. In striking graphic visualisations and photographs (taken by mostly anonymous photographers) he showed the changing status of a newly emancipated people across America and specifically in Georgia, the state with the largest Black population. This beautifully designed book reproduces the photographs alongside the revolutionary graphic works for the first time, and includes a marvelous essay by two celebrated art historians, Jacqueline Francis and Stephen G. Hall.
Du Bois' hand-drawn charts, maps and graphs represented the achievements and economic conditions of African Americans in radically inventive forms, long before such data visualization was commonly used in social research. Their clarity and simplicity seems to anticipate the abstract art of the Russian constructivists and other modernist painters to come. The photographs were drawn from African American communities across the United States. Both the photographers and subjects are mostly anonymous. They show people engaged in various occupations or posing formally for group and studio portraits. Elegant and dignified, they refute the degrading stereotypes of Black people then prevalent in white America. Du Bois' exhibit at the Paris Exposition continues to resonate as a powerful affirmation of the equal rights of Black Americans to lives of freedom and fulfilment. Black Lives 1900 captures this singular work.
American sociologist, historian, author, editor and activist W.E.B. Du Bois (1868–1963) was the most influential Black civil rights activist of the first half of the 20th century. He was a protagonist in the founding of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1909, and his 1903 bookThe Souls of Black Folk remains a classic and a landmark of African American literature.
PRAISE AND REVIEWSMargaret Busby "This is an extraordinary book – an arrestingly beautiful combination of photographs and graphics." Author of "White Girls" and staff writer at The New Yorker Hilton Als I find this lush and exquisitely produced book essential to my understanding of a historical event that did much to change my perception of DuBois, and his brilliant expansiveness. It's marvelous to have this "lost" material between covers now, and forever. New Yorker Hua Hsu Rothenstein seeks to emphasize the relevance of Du Bois’s work through juxtaposition: materials from the original exhibition are interspersed with excerpts from Du Bois’s own writings and more... These interstitial selections seem intended to conjure a continuum of black voices, or perhaps to argue that the insurmountable prejudices of Du Bois’s day linger in the present. It's Nice That Laura Snoad Focussing on the set of 63 infographics Du Bois presented at the 1900 Paris Exposition, [the book] shows the pioneering graphs, charts and maps Du Bois developed with a team of African American students from his sociology laboratory at Atlanta University to radically challenge racism and the arguments behind white supremacy. Guardian Sukhdev Sandhu A handsome new book that tells a lesser-known but fascinating story about the 1900 fair: the staging of the American Negro Exhibit at the grand Palace of Social Economy. LitHub Jacqueline Francis Shattered myths about Black America... Bookforum Ciaran Finlayson Thematic and poetic pairings... By recovering [W.E.B. Du Bois's] mode of presentation—illustrating impersonal forces besides portraits of individuals, their homes and their workplaces—this volume gives further evidence, if such is still needed, of Du Bois's rich dialectical method. Galerie Charles Caesar contains reproduction of the images taken by mostly anonymous photographers showing the changing status of a newly emancipated people across America. Aperture Jovonna Jones A Visual Record of Black Lives, Four Decades After Emancipation. Dazed Miss Rosen A striking selection of photographs, cutting-edge infographics, books, pamphlets, and unique objects illustrating African-America achievements in the years following emancipation. DuBois’ graphs of Black accomplishment, not intended as art, prefigure the movement towards abstract art by decades, though they went unrecognised as such until recent times. Galerie Lucy Rees With an assortment of hand-drawn charts, maps, graphs, and photographs taken by anonymous photographers, he shed light on the status of newly emancipated people across America—a powerful affirmation of the equal rights of Black Americans. Cartographic Perspectives Krystle Harrell Black Lives 1900: W. E. B. Du Bois at the Paris Exposition beautifully weaves together Du Bois’s groundbreaking graphic visualizations with photographs of Black Americans post-slavery, to tell the little-known story of The American Negro Exhibit at the 1900 World’s Fair...this book is a timely reminder of what Black Americans can achieve in the face of oppression, as well as a somber reminder that even though “the twentieth century” is over, “the problem of the color line” is not yet solved. Washington Post David A. Taylor A beautifully illustrated volume based on [...] the Paris Exposition of 1900 that presented Black Americans in their own words and images. Third Coast Review Patrick T. Reardon These charts and graphics, and photos, from more than a century ago, have deep resonance today amid the Black Lives Matter movement and the vitriol of its opponents. |
| | FROM THE ARTBOOK BLOG CORY REYNOLDS | DATE 2/1/2022 Featured spreads are from Black Lives 1900: W.E.B. Du Bois at the Paris Exposition, essential reading for Black History Month 2022. Featuring mostly anonymous turn-of-the-century photography and Du Bois' groundbreaking infographics, this book is an historic must. "Du Bois is known as one of America's greatest intellectuals—a wordsmith, a scholar, a poet, a polemicist—but this stunning book reminds us that he also had a powerful visual imagination," Kwame Anthony Appiah writes. "His work at the 1900 Paris Exposition, intently taking on stereotypes of Negro backwardness, shows a profound engagement with the image. Nobody knew better than he how images could bamboozle; nobody knew better how images could enlighten…" continue to blogFROM THE ARTBOOK BLOG CORY REYNOLDS | DATE 11/24/2019 Featured spread—juxtaposing W.E.B. Du Bois' graph showing the "Proportion of Freemen and Slaves among American Negroes" from 1790 through 1870 with a portrait captioned "Young woman, head and shoulders portrait"—is from Black Lives 1900: W.E.B. Du Bois at the Paris Exposition, a beautifully designed, oversized book of supreme intrinsic power that belongs on every art or American history bookshelf. Combining the photographs and hand-drawn infographics documenting the state and statistics of black lives in America that Du Bois presented at the Paris Exposition of 1900, it contains writing by Jacqueline Francis, Stephen G. Hall, David Adjaye and Henry Louis Gates Jr.. "I find this lush and exquisitely produced book essential to my understanding of a historical event that did much to change my perception of DuBois, and his brilliant expansiveness," Hilton Als writes. "It's marvelous to have this 'lost' material between covers now, and forever." continue to blog | FORTHCOMING AND NEW: VISUAL CULTURE |  | National Portrait GalleryISBN: 9781855145894 USD $40.00 | CAD $60Pub Date: 4/15/2025 Forthcoming
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