DATE 9/27/2024

Source Booksellers presents Amos Paul Kennedy, Jr. launching 'Citizen Printer'

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Rizzoli Bookstore presents Svetlana Alpers and Mariët Westermann launching 'Is Art History?'

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From Grandmasters to method actors, 'Chess Players' presents the pure pleasure of the most serious game

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¡Celebra con nosotros! Hispanic & Latin American Heritage Month Staff Picks, 2024

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Queens Museum presents Lyle Ashton Harris and Nana Adusei-Poku on 'Our first and last love'

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Printed Matter presents 'Rian Dundon: Passenger' Launch + Conversation

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All the kinds of love in a powerful new monograph from Lyle Ashton Harris

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Rizzoli Bookstore presents Tony Nourmand and Angelina Lippert launching '1001 Movie Posters' in NYC

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New from DelMonico Books! 'This Morning, This Evening, So Soon: James Baldwin and the Voices of Queer Resistance'

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Artbook at MoMA PS1 Bookstore presents Gemma Rolls-Bentley, Kari Rittenbach and Daniel Schaeffer on 'Queer Art'

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Artbook at Hauser & Wirth Los Angeles Bookstore presents Michael Doret launching 'Growing Up in Alphabet City'

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Join Artbook | D.A.P. at the 2024 ICP Photobook Fest

DATE 9/6/2024

A shudder of American self-recognition in 'Omen'


"Teen Age" (1944),

Hot book alert! ‘1001 Movie Posters’ is NEW from Reel Art Press

Movie lovers, graphic designers and poster collectors, rejoice! Reel Art Press’s long-awaited, 640-page colossus 1001 Movie Posters: Designs of the Times has arrived at last. Edited by world film-poster authority Tony Nourmand and featuring 950 color reproductions and 150 black-and-white, this lovingly assembled (if back-breaking) compendium features posters from more than 20 countries and work by more than 140 art directors and illustrators—and includes several posters that have never been published before. Featured here is the 1944 poster for Teen Age, a “zero-budget exploitation flick that recycled footage from Gambling With Souls (1936) and Slaves in Bondage (1937),” according to Nourmand and text contributor Alison Elangasinghe. “The film is unwatchable by modern standards, yet its beautiful poster art is still able to arrest 80 years after it was hastily printed. The film took its title from the hot new phrase of 1944, ‘teen age’—coined to label the distinct spending power of the hormone-fueled 14- to 18-year-old age group. In the April 1945 issue of American Speech, it was listed in the ‘new words’ section, while in 1947 Encyclopaedia Britannica identified ‘teen ager’ as a new word coined in 1944.”

1001 Movie Posters

1001 Movie Posters

Reel Art Press
Hbk, 9.5 x 11.5 in. / 640 pgs / 950 color / 150 b&w.

$95.00  free shipping

Heads up on 4/20!

DATE 4/20/2024

Heads up on 4/20!

Vintage Valentine

DATE 2/14/2024

Vintage Valentine