Nearly five decades of work by the beloved American critic and concrete poet best known for her flower-shaped poems
This volume brings together a half century’s worth of work by the renowned American concrete poet Mary Ellen Solt. One of the few Americans, and rare women, in the concrete poetry movement, Solt edited the influential anthology Concrete Poetry: A World View (1968), which brought her to the forefront of that movement not only as a poet but as an acclaimed critic. While Solt was justly celebrated for her suite of visual poems Flowers in Concrete (1966), much of her work has remained little known or unpublished. From her lyrical engagement with the idiom of William Carlos Williams to her masterful forays into visual and concrete poetry, this volume, assembled and edited by her daughter Susan Solt, provides an in-depth document of a truly singular writer who was at the center of some of the most daring global poetic developments of the mid-20th century. The centerpiece is the section “Words and Spaces,” which presents Solt’s concrete poems as she envisioned them: typographically precise, visually stunning and commanding on the page. Mary Ellen Solt (1920–2007) was a writer, a scholar and an early practitioner of concrete poetry. Solt authored several poetry collections including A Trilogy of Rain (1970) and The Peoplemover 1968: A Demonstration Poem (1978). Her flower poems have been exhibited internationally, most recently at the 2022 Venice Biennale and at the Getty Center in 2017.
Brooklyn Rail
Nicole Kaack
'The Collected Poems of Mary Ellen Solt' reveals a poet keenly attuned to the material forms that language takes, from the placement of characters on a page to the paper upon which it is printed.
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Spreads from Primary Information new release The Collected Poems of Mary Ellen Solt, assembled and edited by her daughter Susan Solt with a foreword by Aram Saroyan. Collecting nearly five decades of work by the beloved critic and concrete poet, we were surprised and delighted to discover that it is printed on a variety of lovely, even textured, papers to indicate different bodies of work. Saroyan writes, “One wonders how such a definitive poet’s collected work has been so long in coming and, alas, posthumously. But then it’s only in recent years that concrete poetry, with its centuries-long international lineage, has begun to be recognized as part of our literary-artistic canon. Better late than never, here is the gift of this generous, abiding, and I find it impossible not to say, happy poet—a cause for gratitude and celebration.” continue to blog
FORMAT: Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 240 pgs / 33 color / 30 b&w. LIST PRICE: U.S. $24.00 LIST PRICE: CANADA $34 ISBN: 9798988573692 PUBLISHER: Primary Information AVAILABLE: 9/10/2024 DISTRIBUTION: D.A.P. RETAILER DISC: TRADE PUBLISHING STATUS: Active AVAILABILITY: In stock TERRITORY: NA ONLY
Published by Primary Information. Edited by Susan Solt. Foreword by Aram Saroyan.
Nearly five decades of work by the beloved American critic and concrete poet best known for her flower-shaped poems
This volume brings together a half century’s worth of work by the renowned American concrete poet Mary Ellen Solt. One of the few Americans, and rare women, in the concrete poetry movement, Solt edited the influential anthology Concrete Poetry: A World View (1968), which brought her to the forefront of that movement not only as a poet but as an acclaimed critic. While Solt was justly celebrated for her suite of visual poems Flowers in Concrete (1966), much of her work has remained little known or unpublished. From her lyrical engagement with the idiom of William Carlos Williams to her masterful forays into visual and concrete poetry, this volume, assembled and edited by her daughter Susan Solt, provides an in-depth document of a truly singular writer who was at the center of some of the most daring global poetic developments of the mid-20th century. The centerpiece is the section “Words and Spaces,” which presents Solt’s concrete poems as she envisioned them: typographically precise, visually stunning and commanding on the page.
Mary Ellen Solt (1920–2007) was a writer, a scholar and an early practitioner of concrete poetry. Solt authored several poetry collections including A Trilogy of Rain (1970) and The Peoplemover 1968: A Demonstration Poem (1978). Her flower poems have been exhibited internationally, most recently at the 2022 Venice Biennale and at the Getty Center in 2017.