| | BOOK FORMAT Clth, 11 x 11 in. / 84 pgs / illustrated throughout. PUBLISHING STATUS Pub Date 3/24/2015 Active DISTRIBUTION D.A.P. Exclusive Catalog: SPRING 2015 p. 124 PRODUCT DETAILS ISBN 9788862083874 TRADE List Price: $50.00 CAD $67.50 AVAILABILITY Out of stock | TERRITORY NA LA | | THE SPRING 2025 ARTBOOK | D.A.P. CATALOG  | Preview our SPRING 2025 catalog, featuring more than 500 new books on art, photography, design, architecture, film, music and visual culture.
| | | Xavier Guardans: Traveling LightsText by Amelia Rina.
Traveling Lights is the second in a series of five projected volumes of Xavier Guardans's (born 1954) long-term photographic projects. In this publication, 40 photographs are selected from more than 200 in Guardans' ongoing photographic series investigating light. The series began in Egypt in 2004 and was developed in 14 countries, including Kenya, Belize, China, Senegal, Vietnam, Spain and the US, among others. The images are arranged so that a visual narrative is weaved through seemingly disparate environments: stone mineral deposits found in the glaciers of Patagonia are juxtaposed with dried bush photographed in Mexico, creating complex textures and connections. The effects of light unite photographs taken of various subjects around the world into a coherent series. "Photography is painting with light," Guardans notes. "Everything else comes after that."
Featured image is reproduced from Xavier Guardans: Traveling Lights.PRAISE AND REVIEWSAnother Magazine Hanne Pennick Obsessed with nature and light, Guardans has traveled the world to seek out the most mesmerising and exceptional natural phenomena. The different lighting in his photographs creates a surreal but revelatory atmosphere, while sometimes subtly emphasizing the human touch in nature. In this way, Guardans’ own artistic style charmingly mingles with the exposure of and our connection to natural beauty. |
|  | STATUS: Out of stock Temporarily out of stock pending additional inventory. | |
| | | |  | DamianiISBN: 9788862084840 USD $50.00 | CAD $67.5Pub Date: 9/27/2016 Active | Out of stock
|  | DamianiISBN: 9788862083874 USD $50.00 | CAD $67.5Pub Date: 3/24/2015 Active | Out of stock
|  | DamianiISBN: 9788862083232 USD $60.00 | CAD $79Pub Date: 3/31/2014 Active | Out of stock
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