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Surrealism and the Dream
Edited by José Jiménez. Text by Dawn Ades, José Jiménez, Georges Sebbag.
Can’t the dream be used in solving the fundamental problems of life? asked André Breton, in the First Surrealist Manifesto. For the Surrealists, dreams were the ultimate site of possibility, the realm in which the artist and writer might be liberated from his or her rationality, moral judgment and taste. This beautifully designed volume offers, for the first time, a thorough account of the centrality of dreams to the Surrealist project. It includes paintings, drawings, collages, sculptures and photographs by Jean Arp, Brassaï, Victor Brauner, André Breton, Claude Cahun, Leonora Carrington, Salvador Dalí, Paul Delvaux, Max Ernst, René Magritte, André Masson, Dora Maar, Paul Nougé, Karel Teige and Yves Tanguy, among others. A special section on "Those Who Paved the Way (of Dreams)" includes works by J.J. Grandville, Odilon Redon and Henri Rousseau. Critical texts by Dawn Ades and Geroges Sebbag examine the history and philosophy of dreams within the Surrealist movement.
"Renée Jacobi" (1930), by Jacques-André Boiffard, is reproduced from Surrealism and the Dream.
"Kiki de Montparnasse and a Friend behind Giacometti’s Plaster Sculpture of 1932" by Man Ray is reproduced from the new release Surrealism and the Dream, published by Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza. In his catalog essay, José Jiménez writes, "Surrealism transmits an intense affirmation of freedom, the hope for a human life of plenitude, the utopia of a mind in command of all its possibilities. In that sense the Surrealist invocation of the dream must be understood, first and foremost, as the manifestation of a revolt against the 'realistic' acceptance of an 'ill-made' world, against an attitude of resigned acceptance of pain and suffering. The Surrealist invocation of the dream transmits a utopia of total liberation of the mind, the dream of a freedom without limits." continue to blog
FORMAT: Hbk, 9.5 x 11.5 in. / 368 pgs / illustrated throughout. LIST PRICE: U.S. $85.00 LIST PRICE: CANADA $112.5 GBP £75.00 ISBN: 9788415113461 PUBLISHER: Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza AVAILABLE: 4/30/2014 DISTRIBUTION: D.A.P. RETAILER DISC: TRADE PUBLISHING STATUS: Out of stock indefinitely AVAILABILITY: Not available TERRITORY: NA LA UK ASIA AU/NZ AFR ME
Published by Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza. Edited by José Jiménez. Text by Dawn Ades, José Jiménez, Georges Sebbag.
Can’t the dream be used in solving the fundamental problems of life? asked André Breton, in the First Surrealist Manifesto. For the Surrealists, dreams were the ultimate site of possibility, the realm in which the artist and writer might be liberated from his or her rationality, moral judgment and taste. This beautifully designed volume offers, for the first time, a thorough account of the centrality of dreams to the Surrealist project. It includes paintings, drawings, collages, sculptures and photographs by Jean Arp, Brassaï, Victor Brauner, André Breton, Claude Cahun, Leonora Carrington, Salvador Dalí, Paul Delvaux, Max Ernst, René Magritte, André Masson, Dora Maar, Paul Nougé, Karel Teige and Yves Tanguy, among others. A special section on "Those Who Paved the Way (of Dreams)" includes works by J.J. Grandville, Odilon Redon and Henri Rousseau. Critical texts by Dawn Ades and Geroges Sebbag examine the history and philosophy of dreams within the Surrealist movement.