| | BOOK FORMAT Clth, 9.5 x 13 in. / 280 pgs / 45 color / 120 bw. PUBLISHING STATUS Pub Date 9/26/2017 Active DISTRIBUTION D.A.P. Exclusive Catalog: FALL 2017 p. 52 PRODUCT DETAILS ISBN 9783958293298 TRADE List Price: $65.00 CAD $87.00 AVAILABILITY Out of stock | TERRITORY NA ONLY | | THE SPRING 2025 ARTBOOK | D.A.P. CATALOG  | Preview our SPRING 2025 catalog, featuring more than 500 new books on art, photography, design, architecture, film, music and visual culture.
| A long-awaited overview of the cult photographer of the European gay underground of the 1950s and 1960s- Karlheinz Weinberger (1921-2006) was a Swiss photographer who took pictures for a gay underground club, Der Kreis. He also photographed a small band of teenagers -- working class boys and girls dissatisfied by the conservative climate of the day. They adopted a powerful gang identity expressed in their self styled and homemade clothing -- embellished jeans, motorcycle jackets, enlarged belt buckles -- emulating American icons Marlon Brando, James Dean, and Elvis Presley.
- Weinberger's other books are out-of-print and highly COLLECTIBLE: KarlHeinz Weinberger: Photos, 1954-1995 (Scalo 2000) sells for $400+ and Rebel Youth: Karlheinz Weinberger (Rizzoli 2011) sells for $150+
- SEXY self-confident portraits of YOUTH in 1950s & 1960s, DEFIANT REBELS, Lots of HOMOEROTIC imagery rockers, bikers, construction workers and athletes.
- The book works for PHOTO, FASHION, GAY & Nostalgia markets.
- The book accompanies a retrospective museum show touring Europe.
- PRESS & PROMO: Photo, Fashion, Music and Gay press all love Weinberger. Expect coverage in broad range venues like AnOTher, The Fader, Huffington Post, and ARTFORUM which have all covered him in the past. Fans of his work include John Waters and Steven Meisel. CULT and FETISH are two words used over and over to describe his audience.
| | | Karlheinz Weinberger: Swiss RebelsEdited by Esther Woerdehoff, Patrik Schedler. Text by François Cheval, Daniela Janser, Patrik Schedler.
 Karlheinz Weinberger’s day job may have been relatively uneventful—working in a Siemen’s warehouse—but the photos he took in his spare time are anything but conformist.Weinberger’s passion, and the focus of this book, is the rebel youth of 1950s and ’60s Switzerland, who channeled American rock-’n’-roll culture and made it their own with their rolled-up jeans and denim jackets, bouffant hairdos, striped T-shirts and customized belts boasting images of Elvis and James Dean. Weinberger’s lusty, free-spirited and self-confident portraits posit the defiant attitude of youth as a response to the conservative postwar era. Swiss Rebels also includes homoerotic images of rockers, bikers, construction workers and athletes, many of whom occupy positions outside of social norms. This publication is the first to present an overview of Weinberger’s provocative oeuvre. Born in 1921, Karlheinz Weinberger was a Swiss photographer whose work predominantly explored outsider cultures. Between 1943 and 1967 Weinberger published photos of male workers, sportsmen and bikers in the gay magazine Der Kreis under the pseudonym of Jim, taken from Hanns Eisler’s song “The Ballad of Jim.” In the late ‘50s and early ‘60s he concentrated on Swiss rock-’n’-roll youth, whom he photographed with both tenderness and a hint of irony. Weinberger placed little emphasis on exhibiting his work; his first comprehensive show took place only in 2000, six years before his death.
Featured image is reproduced from 'Karlheinz Weinberger: Swiss Rebels.'PRAISE AND REVIEWSCrave Miss Rosen The joy of a Weinberger photograph is in the fact that everyone is doing the most. Subtle is for someone else: here more is more. Big hair, big belt buckles, motorcycle clubs—everyone going their hardest to evoke American realness. The New Yorker Dan Piepenbring Now Jean-Claude Lebensztejn, a French critic, has written “Pissing Figures, 1280–2014,” a genealogy of the pisseurs and pisseuses who haunt our canvases, fountains, and frescoes. The book, in a rangy, fluent translation from Jeff Nagy, is a record of what Lebensztejn calls our “diuretic fantasies”—of the lore and lust surrounding urine, sacred and profane. Mashable Alex Q. Arbuckle The outcasts and rogues of postwar society… These young men and women idolized the brooding sexuality of American rebels like Elvis Presley and James Dean.. Mashable Alex Arbuckle The outcasts and rogues of postwar society…These young men and women idolized the brooding sexuality of American rebels like Elvis Presley and James Dean... L'Oeil de la Photographie Jonas Cuenin ...gives homage to a Helvetian generation in search of their identity... A work that is rightly sexy, shocking and totally iconic: it is more than just a series of Elvis fans in an absolute rock & roll crisis behind these images there is a contemplation of the difference. Vogue Rebecca Bengal ...a Treasure Trove for Rebellious Denim Heads. |
|  | STATUS: Out of stock Temporarily out of stock pending additional inventory. | |
| | FROM THE ARTBOOK BLOG CORY REYNOLDS | DATE 10/18/2017 We’ve never been able to keep a book on Swiss cult photographer Karlheinz Weinberger in stock for more than a few weeks (or even days), so avid are his admirers. So we're delighted to report that we’ve just received a new shipment of Swiss Rebels, Steidl’s superb overview spaning from the early 1950s through the year of his death, 2006. Essayist Daniela Janser writes, “Weinberger’s lusty portraits of men are… visually expressive, free-spirited, and self-confident replies to a fundamental social question of the post-war era: How (and where), in a society still largely homophobic but in any case heteronormative, can a gay photographer photograph men who attracted him?” continue to blog | |  | The Song CaveISBN: 9781734035117 USD $29.95 | CAD $41.95 UK £ 22Pub Date: 8/11/2020 Active | In stock
|  | SteidlISBN: 9783958293298 USD $65.00 | CAD $87Pub Date: 9/26/2017 Active | Out of stock
| |