| | BOOK FORMAT Clth, 9.75 x 14.5 in. / 132 pgs / 110 color. PUBLISHING STATUS Pub Date 12/29/2015 Active DISTRIBUTION D.A.P. Exclusive Catalog: FALL 2015 p. 107 PRODUCT DETAILS ISBN 9783869309743 TRADE List Price: $75.00 CAD $99.00 AVAILABILITY In stock | TERRITORY NA ONLY | | THE SPRING 2025 ARTBOOK | D.A.P. CATALOG  | Preview our SPRING 2025 catalog, featuring more than 500 new books on art, photography, design, architecture, film, music and visual culture.
| | | Maude Schuyler Clay: Mississippi HistoryForeword by Richard Ford.
Maude Schuyler Clay started her color portrait series Mississippi History in 1975 when she acquired her first Rolleiflex Twin Lens Reflex camera. At the time, she was living and working in New York and paying frequent visits to her native Mississippi Delta, whose landscape and people continued to inspire her. Over the next 25 years, the project, which began as The Mississippians, evolved in part as an homage to Julia Margaret Cameron, a definitive pioneer of the art of photography. Cameron lived in Victorian England and began her photographic experiments in 1863. Clay's expressive, allegorical portraits of her friends, family and other Mississippians, as well as her artful approach to capturing the essence of light, are the driving forces behind her recollection of moments of family life in Mississippi in the 1980s and 90s.
Featured image, "Bill with Gun," is reproduced from Maude Schuyler Clay: Mississippi History.PRAISE AND REVIEWSThe New Yorker Richard Ford The photographs in “Mississippi History” feel extraordinarily intimate... Informality, familiarity, and candor are transformed by this authority and persistence and deftness into an aesthetic quotient. And these qualities spell out, as well, the work’s moral position: that to see humans more closely, more discerningly, is life-affirming and good. Photo District News Holly Stuart Hughes Though the images were made over the span of 25 years, each one appears timeless... The “history” told in Mississippi History is a personal one, looking back on the people and way of life that drew Clay back home time and again. American Suburb X Schuyler Clay looks at her subjects with a loving gaze. And she is at her absolute best when she catches the warm sunlight piercing through the window lighting her subjects. In such instances the faces of her loved ones are dappled in a beautiful golden glow and thrown into sharp relief against a background of deep but warm shadows. Photo-Eye Blog George Slade I am drawn to this work. Then, compelled to apologize and retreat, as though I’ve mistakenly entered a room where people are making love, fighting, or fading from life. It’s a thorny battle I fight, and that barb remains in place. Fraction Magazine Leo Hsu Clay has a keen awareness of natural light and color and uses these to transform ordinary moments into evocative stagings. |
| | FROM THE ARTBOOK BLOG CORY REYNOLDS | DATE 7/4/2016 "Anna and Schuyler with fireworks" is reproduced from Mississippi History, Maude Schuyler Clay's quietly powerful portrait collection. "Clay's photographs are especially human—in their subject matter, and in the photographer's insistence that we be moved by art to look closely, and that photographs are good when they are as complex as we are," Richard Ford writes. "…In the familiar and recognizable, in our received notions of history, in our firmly held beliefs about what place means, and in our willingness to consider even the familiar as artifice, there is, as Maude Clay's work makes clear and beautiful and immensely pleasurable, more than we know but not more than we would like to know. These magical photographs bring news of that complicatedness in us all. If in some sublime way they leave the viewer slightly perturbed—as they do me—it is a small price we are lucky to pay." continue to blog | FORTHCOMING AND RECENT PHOTOGRAPHY BOOKS |  | The Museum of Modern Art, New YorkISBN: 9781633451643 USD $60.00 | CAD $87.5Pub Date: 9/24/2024 Active | In stock
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