| | BOOK FORMAT Clth, 9 x 12.5 in. / 176 pgs / 100 color. PUBLISHING STATUS Pub Date 1/19/2021 Active DISTRIBUTION D.A.P. Exclusive Catalog: SPRING 2021 p. 27 PRODUCT DETAILS ISBN 9783775748513 FLAT40 List Price: $62.00 CAD $86.50 AVAILABILITY Out of stock | TERRITORY NA LA | | THE SPRING 2025 ARTBOOK | D.A.P. CATALOG  | Preview our SPRING 2025 catalog, featuring more than 500 new books on art, photography, design, architecture, film, music and visual culture.
| | | Tom Hegen: Aerial Observations on Airports
 Airports in lockdown: still lifes from a pandemic by an acclaimed aerial photographerGerman photographer Tom Hegen (born 1991), internationally for with his aerial photographs, here documents Germany’s airports at the height of 2020’s lockdown, depicting these abandoned zones with geometric clarity.
PRAISE AND REVIEWSMy Modern Met Jessica Stewart Dangling from a helicopter, Hegen focused on six German airports and documented grounded planes parked on the runway. The symmetrical compositions are immediately eye-catching and speak to the strength of his vision [...]Through 100 photographs, we're left to ponder how travel and globalization helped spread the pandemic, while also gaining nostalgia for the days when travel was free and easy. CNN Oscar Holland [Tom Hegen: Aerial Observations on Airports] reveal[s] an unexpected beauty, with the German photographer finding moments of symmetry and geometry amid the parked planes. Warehouses, parking lots, containers and terminal buildings all play a role in the surreal images, creating a sense of scale and, often, exhibiting patterns of their own. |
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| | | |  | Hatje CantzISBN: 9783775754033 USD $95.00 | CAD $133Pub Date: 2/21/2023 Active | In stock
|  | Hatje CantzISBN: 9783775748513 USD $62.00 | CAD $86.5Pub Date: 1/19/2021 Active | Out of stock
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