| | PUBLISHER ApertureBOOK FORMAT Paperback, 7 x 10 in. / 240 pgs / 125 color. PUBLISHING STATUS Pub Date 5/1/2008 No longer our product DISTRIBUTION Contact Publisher Catalog: PRODUCT DETAILS ISBN 9781597110594 TRADE List Price: $45.00 CAD $55.00 AVAILABILITY Not Available | | THE SPRING 2025 ARTBOOK | D.A.P. CATALOG  | Preview our SPRING 2025 catalog, featuring more than 500 new books on art, photography, design, architecture, film, music and visual culture.
| | | APERTURETakashi Homma: TokyoText by Ferdinand Brueggemann.
Since the advent of photography, certain cities have become inextricably intertwined with their depiction by great photographers: Eugène Atget in turn-of-the-century Paris; Berenice Abbott in 1930s New York; Ed Ruscha in late-60s Los Angeles. While Daido Moriyama documented the disaffection and dissipation of postwar Tokyo, Takashi Homma picks up the baton with a contemporary portrait of the modern-day metropolis that is both cinematic and complex. For over a decade, Homma has turned the neutral gaze of his lens toward Tokyo’s suburban environs and urban center. As in all of his work, Homma’s vision of Tokyo navigates a finely nuanced line between sterility and sentimentality, detachment and lusciousness, presenting a sleek, contemporary vision of a postmodern megalopolis populated by a new generation of video-game aficionados and fashionistas. While Homma has published extensively inside his native Japan, this is his first volume published for an international audience. Takashi Homma: Tokyo compiles selections from each of the artist’s six previously published titles on the city, including Tokyo Suburbia, his seminal work now considered a contemporary classic.
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