Walter Pfeiffer: Night and Day Published by Hatje Cantz. Edited by Markus Bosshard, Christoph Doswald, Jürg Trösch, Dorothea Strauss. This oversized, supersexy monograph features the most recent work of the cult photographer Walter Pfeiffer, also known as an artist, poster designer, playwright and filmmaker. Pfeiffer has been shuttling back and forth for years between the visual worlds of art and lifestyle. Whether he is picturing a pile of shiny silver film canisters or a young man doing a handstand in his underwear, Pfeiffer's photographs always convey a distinct, often homoerotic, sensuality. When working with models, he spends long hours developing a melancholic, seductive atmosphere that has been called somnambulant, even as he avoids any trace of the voyeuristic or crude. He is also able to locate everyday moments that express a youthful joi de vivre, giving ordinary objects and subjects a new chance at glamour, dignity or beauty.