| | PUBLISHER Locus + Publishing Ltd.BOOK FORMAT Hardcover, 9.5 x 11.5 in. / 256 pgs / illustrated throughout. PUBLISHING STATUS Pub Date 11/15/2005 No longer our product DISTRIBUTION D.A.P. Exclusive Catalog: FALL 2005 p. 121 PRODUCT DETAILS ISBN 9781899377183 TRADE List Price: $85.00 CAD $100.00 AVAILABILITY Not available | | THE SPRING 2025 ARTBOOK | D.A.P. CATALOG  | Preview our SPRING 2025 catalog, featuring more than 500 new books on art, photography, design, architecture, film, music and visual culture.
| | | LOCUS + PUBLISHING LTD.Chris BurdenEssays by Fred Hoffman, Paul Schimmel, Kristine Stiles and Robert Storr.
This comprehensive overview, the first to appear in almost a decade, examines an artistic career, that now must be viewed as one of the most fascinating in the history of contemporary art. From his highly controversial and seminal performance works of the early 1970s, to his complex, imaginative installations and monumental sculptures, the art of Chris Burden uniquely informs as well as incorporates the major artistic undercurrents of the last three decades. Not only has the artist made a major contribution to the history of body-related performance art, but the artist's fascination with systems of power, societal organization, architectural structure and technological systems, have resulted in an extraordinary body of sculptural objects and environmental installations over the last 35 years. In compiling this publication the artist has worked closely with curator and long time associate Fred Hoffman, taking this opportunity to re-examine his work afresh and revealing images that are unpublished or rarely seen.
PRAISE AND REVIEWSW Magazine Kevin McGarry Chirs Burden forever earned his place in art history and pop consciousness when he was shot in the arm in 1971, under his own direction, in the seminal performance piece "Shoot". Still, that's probably the last thing the artist wants to talk about, given that over the past four decades he has put out an evolving body of work in a wide range of media. |
| | | FROM THE ARTBOOK BLOG CORY REYNOLDS | DATE 5/11/2015 The pioneering Los Angeles artist and former head of UCLA's influential graduate art program died Sunday, May 10, of cancer. Featured image documents Burden's 1971 performance, "Prelude to 220, or 110." He described this piece in a 1974 notebook: "I was strapped to the floor with copper bands bolted into the concrete. Two buckets of water with live 110 lines submerged in them were placed near me. The piece was performed from 8-10 p.m. for three nights." In other pieces Burden also courted danger; the most famous was "Shoot" (1971), in which he had an assistant shoot him at close range, in the left arm, with a .22 hunting rifle. The cover of Locus + Publishing's exceptional 2005 monograph depicts Burden's 1974 piece, "Trans-Fixed", for which the artist lay face up on a Volkswagen Beetle and had his hands hammered to the car, as if crucified. He remained on the car for two minutes while the engined revved. The monograph Chris Burden will be available at our Frieze New York bookstore Wednesday evening, May 13, through Sunday evening. continue to blog | |  | SteidlISBN: 9783969990001 USD $250.00 | CAD $345Pub Date: 6/24/2025 Forthcoming
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