Walker Postscript Series

Abstract Resistance
Abstract Resistance
Text by Yasmil Raymond, Marcus Steinweg, Thomas Hirschhorn, Simon Baier. Abstract Resistance considers the metaphor of resistance as a political and compositional force defining the art of the past half-century. Starting with Michel Foucault's assertion that "where there is power, there is resistance," it explores >>more

Walker Postscript/Walker Art Center
ISBN 9780935640953
US $9.99 CAN $12.50 TRADE
Pbk, 6 x 9 in. / 96 pgs / 3 color / 24 b&w.
Pub Date: 11/30/2010 Not available

Open Field: Conversations on the Commons
Open Field: Conversations on the Commons
Edited by Sarah Schultz, Sarah Peters. Text by Steve Dietz, Stephen Duncombe, Futurefarmers, Jon Ippolito, Red 76, Rick Prelinger, Scott Stulen, Works Progress. George Bernard Shaw once wrote: “If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an >>more

Walker Postscript/Walker Art Center
ISBN 9781935963004
US $16.00 CAN $20.00 TRADE
Pbk, 6 x 9 in. / 274 pgs / 30 b&w.
Pub Date: 09/30/2012 Not available