MoMA Artist Series

The MoMA Artist Series explores important works by artists represented in depth in the Museum’s collection. Each volume guides readers through a dozen or so of the artist’s most memorable achievements, with lively essays illuminating each work’s significance and placing it in its historical moment in the development of modern art and within the artist’s own oeuvre.
Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol
By Carolyn Lanchner.

Through his art, ideas and style, Andy Warhol made an indelible mark on the history of modern art and on popular culture. This book features ten paintings by Warhol selected from The Museum of Modern >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9781633450448 978-1-63345-044-8
US $19.95 CAN $27.95 TRADE
Hbk, 9 x 10.5 in. / 56 pgs / 39 color.
Pub Date: 10/24/2017 Out of stock

Claude Monet: Water Lilies
Claude Monet: Water Lilies
By Ann Temkin.

In 1955 MoMA became the first US museum to acquire one of Monet’s paintings of his garden in Giverny. This volume by Ann Temkin, Chief Curator of Painting and Sculpture at MoMA, recounts the history >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9781633450431 978-1-63345-043-1
US $19.95 CAN $27.95 TRADE
Hbk, 9 x 10.5 in. / 56 pgs / 35 color.
Pub Date: 10/24/2017 Out of stock

Jackson Pollock
Jackson Pollock
By Carolyn Lanchner.

This book features 11 paintings by Pollock selected from MoMA’s substantial collection of his work. His groundbreaking drip paintings of the late 1940s and ‘50s are here, along with early and late works. A lively essay >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9781633450455 978-1-63345-045-5
US $19.95 CAN $27.95 TRADE
Hbk, 9 x 10.5 in. / 56 pgs / 35 color.
Pub Date: 10/24/2017 Out of stock

Vincent van Gogh: Starry Night
Vincent van Gogh: Starry Night
By Richard Thomson.

Van Gogh’s “The Starry Night” is one of the touchstones of the modern period. This essay by art historian Richard Thomson looks in depth at the artist’s career—from his turn to art at a relatively >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9781633450424 978-1-63345-042-4
US $19.95 CAN $27.95 TRADE
Hbk, 9 x 10.5 in. / 56 pgs / 31 color.
Pub Date: 10/24/2017 Out of stock

MoMA Artist Series Boxed Set, Volume One
MoMA Artist Series Boxed Set, Volume One
Text by Carolyn Lanchner, Ann Temkin. Featuring artwork from The Museum of Modern Art’s extraordinary collection, each volume in the MoMA Artist Series guides readers through one artist’s most memorable achievements, explaining their significance and placing them in context among the >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9780870709470 978-0-87070-947-0
US $49.95 CAN $60.00 TRADE
Boxed, 6 vols, 6 x 8 in. / 288 pgs / illustrated throughout.
Pub Date: 02/28/2014 Not available

MoMA Artist Series Boxed Set, Volume Two
MoMA Artist Series Boxed Set, Volume Two
Text by Carolyn Lanchner. Featuring artwork from The Museum of Modern Art’s extraordinary collection, each volume in the MoMA Artist Series guides readers through one artist’s most memorable achievements, explaining their significance and placing them in context among the >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9780870708237 978-0-87070-823-7
US $49.95 CAN $67.50 TRADE
Boxed, 6 vols, 6 x 8 in. / 288 pgs / illustrated throughout.
Pub Date: 02/28/2014 In stock

Diego Rivera, David Alfaro Siqueiros, Jose Clemente Orozco
Diego Rivera, David Alfaro Siqueiros, Jose Clemente Orozco
Text by James Oles. At the forefront of Mexico's social revolution in the first half of the twentieth century were three artists whose murals resonated throughout the Americas and beyond: José Clemente Orozco, Diego Rivera and David Alfaro Siqueiros. >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9780870708206 978-0-87070-820-6
US $9.95 CAN $14.95 TRADE
Pbk, 6 x 8 in. / 48 pgs / 40 color.
Pub Date: 11/30/2011 In stock

Willem de Kooning
Willem de Kooning
Text by Carolyn Lanchner. Willem de Kooning was a pioneering figure of Abstract Expressionism, one of the most influential champions of the dynamic, process-driven painting that brought New York to the center of the art world in the 1940s >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9780870707889 978-0-87070-788-9
US $9.95 CAN $14.95 TRADE
Pbk, 6 x 8 in. / 48 pgs / 35 color.
Pub Date: 09/30/2011 Not available

Paul Cézanne
Paul Cézanne
Text by Carolyn Lanchner. Paul Cézanne died in 1906, only six years into the twentieth century, but he is widely considered the founding figure of modernist painting, the artist whom Pablo Picasso called "the father of us all." This >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9780870707896 978-0-87070-789-6
US $9.95 CAN $14.95 TRADE
Pbk, 6 x 8 in. / 48 pgs / 35 color.
Pub Date: 09/30/2011 In stock

Robert Rauschenberg
Robert Rauschenberg
Text by Carolyn Lanchner. Robert Rauschenberg made a tremendous impact on Modern art in the twentieth century. As a pioneer of Pop art, he was a key figure in the postwar tradition that brought American art to the forefront >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9780870707674 978-0-87070-767-4
US $9.95 CAN $14.95 TRADE
Pbk, 6 x 8 in. / 48 pgs / 40 color.
Pub Date: 01/31/2010 In stock

Jasper Johns
Jasper Johns
Text by Carolyn Lanchner. Jasper Johns made a tremendous impact on Modern art in the twentieth century. As a pioneer of Pop art, he was a key figure in the postwar tradition that brought American art to the forefront >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9780870707681 978-0-87070-768-1
US $9.95 CAN $14.95 TRADE
Pbk, 6 x 8 in. / 48 pgs / 40 color.
Pub Date: 01/31/2010 In stock

Roy Lichtenstein
Roy Lichtenstein
Text by Carolyn Lanchner. Roy Lichtenstein made a tremendous impact on Modern art in the twentieth century. As a pioneer of Pop art, he was a key figure in the postwar tradition that brought American art to the forefront >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9780870707704 978-0-87070-770-4
US $9.95 CAN $14.95 TRADE
Pbk, 6 x 8 in. / 48 pgs / 40 color.
Pub Date: 10/31/2009 Out of stock

Jackson Pollock
Jackson Pollock
Text by Carolyn Lanchner. Jackson Pollock made a tremendous impact on Modern art in the twentieth century. As a pioneer of Abstract Expressionism, he was a key figure in the postwar tradition that brought American art to the forefront >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9780870707698 978-0-87070-769-8
US $9.95 CAN $14.95 TRADE
Pbk, 6 x 8 in. / 48 pgs / 40 color.
Pub Date: 10/31/2009 Out of stock

Joan Miró
Joan Miró
Text by Carolyn Lanchner. Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso, Joan Miró and Andy Warhol each significantly shaped the development of art in the twentieth century. These Modern masters are the subjects of four small books, the first volumes in a >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9780870707254 978-0-87070-725-4
US $9.95 CAN $14.95 TRADE
Paperback, 6 x 8 in. / 48 pgs / 30 color.
Pub Date: 06/01/2008 In stock

Pablo Picasso
Pablo Picasso
Text by Carolyn Lanchner. Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso, Joan Miró and Andy Warhol each significantly shaped the development of art in the twentieth century. These Modern masters are the subjects of four small books, the first volumes in a >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9780870707230 978-0-87070-723-0
US $9.95 CAN $14.95 TRADE
Paperback, 6 x 8 in. / 48 pgs / 36 color.
Pub Date: 06/01/2008 Out of stock

Henri Matisse
Henri Matisse
Text by Carolyn Lanchner Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso, Joan Miró and Andy Warhol each significantly shaped the development of art in the twentieth century. These Modern masters are the subjects of four small books, the first volumes in a >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9780870707247 978-0-87070-724-7
US $9.95 CAN $12.50 TRADE
Paperback, 6 x 8 in. / 48 pgs / 30 color.
Pub Date: 06/01/2008 In stock

Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol
Text by Carolyn Lanchner. Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso, Joan Miró and Andy Warhol each significantly shaped the development of art in the twentieth century. These Modern masters are the subjects of four small books, the first volumes in a >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9780870707261 978-0-87070-726-1
US $9.95 CAN $14.95 TRADE
Paperback, 6 x 8 in. / 48 pgs / 30 color.
Pub Date: 06/01/2008 Out of stock

Constantin Brancusi
Constantin Brancusi
Text by Carolyn Lanchner. The elegant and exquisitely shaped sculptures of Constantin Brancusi (1876-1957) are easily among the most iconic sculptures created in the twentieth century. "There are those idiots who define my work as abstract," he once said; >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9780870707872 978-0-87070-787-2
US $9.95 CAN $14.95 TRADE
Pbk, 6 x 8 in. / 48 pgs / 35 color.
Pub Date: 10/31/2010 Not available

Fernand Léger
Fernand Léger
Text by Carolyn Lanchner. Fernand Léger (1881-1955) is famed for his mechanical-tubular Cubism of the 1920s and for the Futurist-inspired film Ballet Mécanique, his collaboration with composer George Antheil. Léger incorporated elements from a wide range of modernist artistic >>more

The Museum of Modern Art, New York
ISBN 9780870707865 978-0-87070-786-5
US $9.95 CAN $14.95 TRADE
Pbk, 6 x 8 in. / 48 pgs / 35 color.
Pub Date: 10/31/2010 In stock