Dung Beetle Reading Scheme

UK-based Dung Beetle is an "educational publishing house founded in 1936 in Dunging, a small village in Hampshire renowned for the high quality of its manure. Originally set up by a family of Presbyterian manure workers, the founders set out to deliver to children’s publishing the same fine standards of workmanship and attention to detail as they once did to dung..."
We Go to the Gallery
We Go to the Gallery
Have you taken children to a gallery recently? Did you struggle to explain the work to them in plain, simple English? With this new Dung Beetle book by artist Miriam Elia--a tribute to and a >>more

Dung Beetle Ltd
ISBN 9780992834913 978-0-9928349-1-3
US $14.95 CAN $19.95 TRADE
Hbk, 4.75 x 7 in. / 46 pages / 20 color.
Pub Date: 11/24/2015 In stock

We Go Out
We Go Out
By Miriam Elia, Ezra Elia. In We Go Out, Mummy takes Susan and John out for an exciting day trip in London as part of their new reeducation program. Looking, thinking and reevaluating the world around them is a crucial >>more

Dung Beetle Ltd
ISBN 9780992834982 978-0-9928349-8-2
US $14.95 CAN $19.95 TRADE
Hbk, 4.75 x 7 in. / 48 pgs / 20 color.
Pub Date: 02/28/2017 Out of stock

We Learn at Home
We Learn at Home
By Miriam Elia. In We Learn at Home, Miriam Elia’s follow-up to last year’s hit We Go to the Gallery, Mummy takes John and Susan out of their local school to be reeducated at home—though not before tagging >>more

Dung Beetle Ltd
ISBN 9780992834999 978-0-9928349-9-9
US $14.95 CAN $19.95 TRADE
Hbk, 4.75 x 7 in. / 48 pgs / 20 color.
Pub Date: 02/28/2017 Out of stock

We Do Christmas
We Do Christmas
By Ezra Elia, Miriam Elia.

The latest in the Dung Beetle Learning series, Mummy, John and Susan are taken on a thrilling Christmas adventure. "Come with me," says Father Christmas, "and I will show you the magic of kindness." "And >>more

Dung Beetle Ltd
ISBN 9780992834975 978-0-9928349-7-5
US $14.95 CAN $19.95 TRADE
Hbk, 4.75 x 6.75 in. / 48 pgs / 20 color.
Pub Date: 10/23/2018 In stock