Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopaedia and Books by Danzig Baldaev

Danzig Baldaev was born in 1925 in Ulan-Ude, Buryatiya, Russia. In 1948, after serving in the army in World War II, he was ordered by the N.K.V.D. to work as a warden in the infamous Leningrad prison, Kresty, where he started drawing the tattoos of criminals. His collection of drawings, which he made in different reformatory settlements for criminals all over the former U.S.S.R. over a period of more than 50 years, have been published by Fuel in three volumes, in the bestselling Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopaedia series.
Russian Criminal Playing Cards
Russian Criminal Playing Cards
Compiled by Damon Murray, Stephen Sorrell.

This deck of cards has been put together using four different sets (one for each suit) made by Russian criminals in prisons during the 1980s. Prohibited by the prison authorities, they were constructed from innocuous >>more

FUEL Publishing
ISBN 9780995745544 978-0-9957455-4-4
US $20.00 CAN $29.95 SDNR50
Boxed, 54 cards, 2.5 x 3.5 in. / 54 pgs / 54 color.
Pub Date: 09/25/2018 Out of stock

Russian Criminal Tattoos and Playing Cards
Russian Criminal Tattoos and Playing Cards
Edited by Damon Murray, Stephen Sorrell. Foreword by Varlam Shalamov. Introduction by Raul Kaasik. Text by Arkady Bronnikov.

This book reveals the importance of playing cards in Russian criminal culture. The handmade decks are beautiful works of art in their own right. Prohibited by the prison authorities, they are constructed from innocuous materials >>more

FUEL Publishing
ISBN 9780993191121 978-0-9931911-2-1
US $32.50 CAN $42.50 TRADE
Hbk, 5 x 8 in. / 272 pgs / 250 color.
Pub Date: 10/23/2018 Out of stock

Russian Criminal Tattoo Police Files
Russian Criminal Tattoo Police Files
Edited by Damon Murray, Stephen Sorrell. Text by Arkady Bronnikov. Russian Criminal Tattoo Police Files Volume I features more than 180 photographs of Russian criminal tattoos and official police papers from the collection of Arkady Bronnikov, regarded as Russia’s foremost authority on criminal tattoo iconography. >>more

FUEL Publishing
ISBN 9780956896292 978-0-9568962-9-2
US $32.50 CAN $42.50 TRADE
Hbk, 5 x 8 in. / 256 pgs / 186 color.
Pub Date: 03/22/2016 In stock

Edited by Damon Murray, Stephen Sorrell. Soviets features unpublished drawings from the archive of Danzig Baldaev. Made in secret, they satirize the Communist Party system and expose the absurdities of Soviet life. Baldaev touches on a wide range of subjects, from >>more

FUEL Publishing
ISBN 9780956896278 978-0-9568962-7-8
US $32.95 CAN $43.95 TRADE
Hbk, 6.5 x 8 in. / 240 pgs / 181 b&w.
Pub Date: 04/30/2014 In stock

Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopaedia Postcards
Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopaedia Postcards
Drawings by Danzig Baldaev. Photographs by Sergei Vasiliev. This beautifully produced boxed set of 53 postcards contains stunning images from the bestselling Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopaedia series of books. These hugely popular and influential books document the Russian criminal tattoo, revealing its hidden >>more

FUEL Publishing
ISBN 9780956896261 978-0-9568962-6-1
US $29.95 CAN $39.95 SDNR50
Slip, 4.5 x 6.5 in. / 53 color postcards.
Pub Date: 10/31/2013 In stock

Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopaedia Volume I
Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopaedia Volume I
Edited by Damon Murray, Stephen Sorrell. Foreword by Alexei Plutser-Sarno. Text by Danzig Baldaev. Photographs by Sergei Vasiliev. Occasionally a book is published that reveals a subculture you never dreamt existed. More rarely, that book goes on to become a phenomenon of its own. The 2004 publication of the Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopaedia >>more

FUEL Publishing
ISBN 9780955862076 978-0-9558620-7-6
US $32.95 CAN $43.95 TRADE
Hbk, 5 x 8 in. / 400 pgs / 350 b&w.
Pub Date: 10/31/2009 In stock

Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopedia Volume II
Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopedia Volume II
Introduction by Anne Applebaum. Foreword by Alexel Pluster-Sarno. Photographs by Sergey Vasiliev. Drawings by Danzig Baldaev. Danzig Baldaev's father was an academic, an ethnologist who found himself imprisoned under Soviet rule as an enemy of the people. In fact much of Baldaev's family moved through the Soviet prison system, while he >>more

FUEL Publishing
ISBN 9780955006128 978-0-9550061-2-8
US $32.95 CAN $43.95 TRADE
Hardcover, 4.75 x 8 in. / 400 pgs / 350 b&w.
Pub Date: 09/30/2011 In stock

Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopaedia Volume III
Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopaedia Volume III
Introduction by Alexander Sidorov. This volume of drawings and photographs completes the Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopaedia trilogy. Danzig Baldaev’s unparallelled ethnographic achievement, documenting more than 3,000 tattoo drawings, was made during a lifetime working as a prison guard. His >>more

FUEL Publishing
ISBN 9780955006197 978-0-9550061-9-7
US $32.95 CAN $43.95 TRADE
Hbk, 5 x 8 in. / 400 pgs / 350 b&w.
Pub Date: 11/01/2008 In stock

Danzig Baldaev: Drawings from the Gulag
Danzig Baldaev: Drawings from the Gulag
Edited by Damon Murray, Stephen Sorrell. Drawings from the Gulag consists of 130 drawings by Danzig Baldaev (author of the acclaimed Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopaedia series), describing the history, horror and peculiarities of the Gulag system from its inception in 1918. >>more

FUEL Publishing
ISBN 9780956356246 978-0-9563562-4-6
US $32.95 CAN $43.95 TRADE
Hbk, 6.5 x 8 in. / 240 pgs / 30 b&w.
Pub Date: 10/31/2010 Out of stock

Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopaedia Limited Edition Boxed Set
Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopaedia Limited Edition Boxed Set
Edited by Damon Murray, Stephen Sorrell. This stunning, limited edition three-volume boxed set is housed in a handmade, clothbound archival Solander box--and only this first edition will include a gilcée print signed and numbered by photographer Sergei Vasiliev. The enclosed volumes, >>more

FUEL Publishing
ISBN 9780955862038
US $1995.00 CAN $2400.00 SDNR20
Boxed, 5.75 x 9 in. / 1200 pgs / 1000 b&w. Signed & numbered edition of 25 copie
Pub Date: 12/31/2012 Not available