Published by Kerber. Text by Beate Reifenscheid, Isabelle von Rundstedt.
In this two-volume book, photographs and paintings by German artist Stephan Kaluza (born 1964) question the historical context of natural spaces that have been transformed into fatefully charged locations, such as meadows that became battlefields for Waterloo and Verdun or the fields of Auschwitz.
Published by DuMont. Text by David Galloway, Heinz-Norbert Jocks.
Photographer Stephan Kaluza walked the 50-kilometer route of the former Berlin wall—between Berlin-Schildow in the north and Berlin-Schönefeld in the south—taking photographs of the wall's absence, or “ghost” at one-meter intervals. Kaluza then assembled these 30,000 pictures into a single seamless image, reproduced in this fascinating monograph.