In the Roma project, David Jiménez (born 1970) arranges his photographs of various rock formations—statues, ruins and monuments—to investigate the transformative power of time and its ability to generate new meanings.
Published by RM/Comunidad de Madrid, Museo Universidad de Navarra. Text by Allejandro Castellote, David Campany, Mario Montalbetti.
Universos includes Jiménez's (born 1970) photograms, hand-manipulated photographs and his highly abstracted black-and-white images of birds, human figures, swirls of smoke and marble surfaces.
Versus, a two-volume edition, is the culmination of ten years of detailed work by Spanish photographer David Jiménez (born 1970). His minimalist, black-and-white images of everyday objects, buildings and bodies explore the complex relationship between light and darkness.