Todd Hido

Museum Exhibition Catalogues, Monographs, Artist's Projects, Curatorial Writings and Essays


Todd Hido on Landscapes, Interiors, and The Nude
Todd Hido on Landscapes, Interiors, and The Nude

Pbk, 7.5 x 10 in. / 128 pgs / illustrated throughout. | 10/31/2014 | Not Available

Todd Hido on Landscapes, Interiors, and The NudeTodd Hido on Landscapes, Interiors, and The Nude

The Photography Workshop Series

Published by Aperture.
Introduction by Gregory Halpern. Text by Todd Hido.

In The Photography Workshop Series, Aperture Foundation works with the world's top photographers to distill their creative approaches, teachings and insights on photography, offering the workshop experience in a book. Its goal is to inspire photographers of all levels who wish to improve their work, as well as readers interested in deepening their understanding of the art of photography. Each book features the creative process and core thinking of a photographer told in their own words and through pictures of their choosing, and is introduced by a well-known student of the featured photographer. In this book, Todd Hido explores the genres of landscape, interior and nude photography, with emphasis on creating images from a personal perspective and with a sense of intimacy. Through words and photographs, he also offers insight into his own practice and discusses a wide range of creative issues, including mining one's own memory and experience as inspiration; using light, texture and detail for greater impact; exploring the narrative potential activated when sequencing images; and creating powerful stories with emotional weight and beauty.
Todd Hido (born 1968) is a San Francisco Bay Area-based artist. He is well known for his photography of urban and suburban housing across the United States, and for his use of detail and luminous color. His previous books include House Hunting (2001), Outskirts (2002), Roaming (2004) and Between the Two (2007). He is a recipient of a Eureka Fellowship and a Wallace Alexander Gerbode Foundation Visual Arts Award, and is represented by Stephen Wirtz Gallery in San Francisco. He is an adjunct professor at California College of the Arts.
Gregory Halpern received a BA in history and literature from Harvard University and an MFA from California College of the Arts. His third book of photographs, entitled A, is a photographic ramble through the streets of the American Rust Belt. His other books include Omaha Sketchbook and Harvard Works Because We Do. He currently teaches at the Rochester Institute of Technology and is the coeditor of The Photographer's Playbook (Aperture 2013).


Paperback, 7.5 x 10 in. / 128 pgs / illustrated throughout.

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ISBN 9781597112970 TRADE
List Price: $29.95 CAD $35.00

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