Kike Arnal

Museum Exhibition Catalogues, Monographs, Artist's Projects, Curatorial Writings and Essays

"His way is more than artistic choice, though his photos are taken with an exceptional artist's eye. His photos, standing alone or connecting to one another without words, make you wonder, and ponder. One can allow them to enter into one's thoughts and values. Perhaps they may incite you toward a new level of engagement. For the human condition portrayed in this volume is, to be sure, Washington, D.C.-based, but it is also part of the grand tradition of photographers worldwide who have recorded the inhumanity of the few toward the many through this form of indelible visual communication."
Ralph Nader, excerpted from his introduction to In the Shadow of Power.


Kike Arnal: In the Shadow of Power

Hbk, 10.75 x 8.5 in. / 144 pgs / 92 duotone / 93 bw. | 2/28/2010 | Not available

Kike Arnal: In the Shadow of PowerKike Arnal: In the Shadow of Power

Published by Charta.
Foreword by Fred Ritchin. Introduction by Ralph Nader.

In the Shadow of Power is a shocking visual exposé of the harsh social and economic realities in the capital city of the richest nation on earth. Washington, D.C., is much more than its tourist destinations, and Venezuelan-born photographer Kike Arnal's book describes a search for that other city: a city that, incredibly, has the nation's highest infant mortality, teenage pregnancy and AIDS infection rates, and where 16 percent of local children live in extreme poverty. "With a population of roughly 570,000 people, the District of Columbia is, by world standards, a small city," Arnal writes. "Its manageable size would seem to indicate that Washington could fulfill expectations naturally associated with a city of its global stature, to take care of its people. The disparity that I saw compelled me to spend the next few years documenting Washington, D.C., in order to draw attention to the realities of the city." Arnal first visited Washington in 2002 while on an assignment, and was stunned by the poverty he encountered ("I was… reminded of the marginal barrios back in my home country,"he recalls); here he brings to light the lives behind these grim statistics.


Hardcover, 10.75 x 8.5 in. / 144 pgs / 92 duotone / 93 bw.

Pub Date
No longer our product

D.A.P. Exclusive
Catalog: SPRING 2010 p. 95   

ISBN 9788881587605 TRADE
List Price: $50.00 CAD $60.00

Not available