Fiction & Poetry Editions



Francis Picabia: Litterature
Francis Picabia: Litterature
Edited by Stephanie LaCava. Translated by Lauren Elkin.

Limited to 500 copies, Litterature pairs excerpts from Francis Picabia’s (1879–1953) novel Caravanserail with nine drawings and seventeen studies he created for the cover of André Breton’s Litterature journal between 1922 and 1924. This beautifully >>more

Small Press
ISBN 9781942884248 978-1-942884-24-8
US $60.00 CAN $79.00 TRADE
Clth, 9 x 11.75 in. / 64 pgs / 1 color / 25 b&w.
Pub Date: 01/23/2018 Out of stock

Ovid: The Metamorphoses
Ovid: The Metamorphoses

In 1931, with the help of Jacqueline Apollinaire and at the suggestion of Pierre Matisse, a young Swiss publisher named Albert Skira contacted Pablo Picasso and convinced him to illustrate a French translation of Ovid’s >>more

Skira Paris
ISBN 9788857239491 978-88-572-3949-1
US $300.00 CAN $400.00 SDNR30
Slip, hbk, 2 vols, 9.5 x 12.25 in. / 412 pgs / 30 b&w.
Pub Date: 02/19/2019 In stock

The Raven / Le Corbeau / The Raven
The Raven / Le Corbeau / The Raven
By Edgar Allan Poe, Stéphane Mallarmé. Translation by Holly Cundiff. Illustrations by Édouard Manet.

Stéphane Mallarmé (1842–98) claimed to have learned English in order to read Poe, an American poet greatly admired by the French Symbolists. This volume reproduces at full size the first-edition bilingual publication of Le Corbeau >>more

ISBN 9780999652282 978-0-9996522-8-2
US $60.00 CAN $85.00 SDNR40
Slip, Pbk, 14 x 21.5 in. / 20 pgs / 6 b&w.
Pub Date: 05/21/2019 Out of stock



A Convergence Of Birds: Original Fiction And Poetry Inspired By Joseph Cornell
A Convergence Of Birds: Original Fiction And Poetry Inspired By Joseph Cornell
Edited by Jonathan Safran Foer. Writings by: Jonathan Safran Foer, Diane Ackerman, Martine Bellen, John Burghardt, Mary Caponegro, Robert Coover, Lydia Davis, Siri Hustvedt, Ann Lauterbach, Barry Lopez, Rick Moody, Bradford Morrow, Howard Norman, Joyce Carol Oates, Robert Pinsky, Erik Anderson Reece, Rosemarie Waldrop, Paul West, Diane Williams, John Yau This special limited edition of A Convergence of Birds follows the successful publication of the trade edition of this wonderful anthology of new fiction and poetry inspired by the art of Joseph Cornell. This book >>more

D.A.P./Distributed Art Publishers
ISBN 9781891024306
US $425.00 CAN $510.00 SDNR30
Slipcased, 6 x 8.5 in. / 160 pgs / 26 color.
Pub Date: 07/02/2002 Not available

Jake Chapman: Memoirs of My Writer’s Block
Jake Chapman: Memoirs of My Writer’s Block
Following tthe success of his first novel The Marriage of Reason and Squalor, Jake Chapman now focuses his malice on the calloused underbelly of literature itself. Fragile amateur novelist Christabel Ludd has a bad case >>more

FUEL Publishing
ISBN 9780956356215
US $595.00 CAN $720.00 SDNR20
Boxed, 8.75 x 10 in. / 256 pgs / Signed edition of 100 copies w/ etching.
Pub Date: 01/31/2013 Not available

Jake Chapman: The Marriage of Reason & Squalor
Jake Chapman: The Marriage of Reason & Squalor
In his first work of fiction, artist Jake Chapman slashes the romantic novel down to bare bone and constructs his own disfigured version from the slaughtered remains. Chlamydia Love is gifted her very own tropical >>more

FUEL Publishing
ISBN 9780955862045
US $100.00 CAN $120.00 SDNR30
Slipcased, 5 x 8 in. / 308 pgs / 24 color. Signed & numbered edition of 250.
Pub Date: 10/31/2009 Not available

Jake Chapman: The Marriage of Reason & Squalor
Jake Chapman: The Marriage of Reason & Squalor
In his first work of fiction, artist Jake Chapman slashes the romantic novel down to bare bone and constructs his own disfigured version from the slaughtered remains. Chlamydia Love is gifted her very own tropical >>more

FUEL Publishing
ISBN 9780955862052
US $595.00 CAN $720.00 SDNR20
Boxed, 8.75 x 10 in. / 308 pgs / 24 color.
Pub Date: 10/31/2009 Not available

This Is Not It: Stories By Lynne Tillman - Limited Edition
This Is Not It: Stories By Lynne Tillman - Limited Edition
By Lynne Tillman. This Is Not It, Lynne Tillman's collection of 20 years' worth of important and compelling short stories and novellas, the protagonists seduce you into their lives and thoughts. Engaging, funny, elegant and ironic, Tillman takes >>more

D.A.P./Distributed Art Publishers
ISBN 9781891024573
US $150.00 CAN $180.00 SDNR20
Hardcover, 6 x 8.5 in. / 256 pgs / 24 color.
Pub Date: 10/02/2002 Not available