Oase Architecture Magazine New and Back Issues

Oase 116: The Architect as Public Intellectual
Oase 116: The Architect as Public Intellectual
Edited by Tom Avermaete, Véronique Patteeuw, Elsbeth Ronner, Hans Teerds.

This issue of OASE explores the role of architects as public intellectuals and the ways in which they contribute to society beyond design. Architects are well placed to contribute to public debates on challenges related >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462088160 978-94-6208-816-0
US $40.00 CAN $58.00 FLAT40
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 128 pgs / 50 b&w.
Pub Date: 03/26/2024 In stock

Oase 113: Authorship
Oase 113: Authorship
Text by Tom Avermaete, Christoph Grafe, Irina Davidovici, Véronique Patteeuw.

This issue of the architectural journal OASE interrogates the notion of ownership and authorship within contemporary architecture culture and explores the shifting focus from singular authorship to more open forms of cooperation and cocreation.


nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462087330 978-94-6208-733-0
US $40.00 CAN $56.00 FLAT40
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 128 pgs / 50 b&w.
Pub Date: 05/23/2023 In stock

Oase 109
Oase 109
Edited by Tom Avermaete, Christoph Grafe, Véronique Patteeuw, Hans Teerds.

Over the past two decades, contemporary European architecture has moved past points of view tied exclusively to modern, antimodern and postmodern positions. OASE 109 traces how, against the background of this broadening frame of reference, >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462086197 978-94-6208-619-7
US $40.00 CAN $54.50 FLAT40
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 128 pgs / 50 b&w.
Pub Date: 03/01/2022 In stock

Oase 108
Oase 108
Edited by David Peleman, Jantje Engels, Christophe Van Gerrewey.

This issue of OASE examines how criticism, reception and the circulation of images on social media can push the field of architecture to break from conventions of the canon.


nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462086173 978-94-6208-617-3
US $40.00 CAN $54.50 FLAT40
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 128 pgs / 50 b&w.
Pub Date: 08/31/2021 In stock

OASE 99: The Architecture (Museum) Effect
OASE 99: The Architecture (Museum) Effect
Text by Sergio M. Figueiredo, Hüsnü Yegenoglu, Mirko Zardini, Pedro Gadanho, Ömer Kanipak, et al.

Highlighting institutional examples from around the world, the newest issue of OASE considers the role of the architecture museum in architecture culture. How does museum programming set the tone for architectural practice now and in >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462083738 978-94-6208-373-8
US $35.00 CAN $47.50 FLAT40
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 128 pgs / 50 color.
Pub Date: 02/27/2018 In stock

OASE 98: Narrating Landscape
OASE 98: Narrating Landscape
Edited by Klaske Havik, Bruno Notteboom, Saskia de Wit. Text by Frederic Pousin, Günter Vogt, et al.

Presenting a new angle on the work of landscape architects and urban planners of the ‘60s, ‘70s and today, the issue offers narration as a means through which to reposition design.


nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462083547 978-94-6208-354-7
US $35.00 CAN $47.50 FLAT40
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 128 pgs / 50 color.
Pub Date: 10/24/2017 In stock

OASE 97: Action and Reaction
OASE 97: Action and Reaction
Edited by Christophe Van Gerrewey, Véronique Patteeuw, Tom Avermaete. Text by Pier Vittorio Aureli, et al. Creating architecture has always been defined by participants reacting to each other’s views. In this spirit, OASE 97: Action and Reaction presents a series of confrontations between architects and critics, incorporating drawings, texts and buildings. >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462083103 978-94-6208-310-3
US $35.00 CAN $47.50 FLAT40
Pbk, 6.75 x 10 in. / 128 pgs / 50 b&w.
Pub Date: 02/28/2017 In stock

OASE 96: Social Poetics
OASE 96: Social Poetics
Edited by Els Vervloesem, Marleen Goethals, Hüsnü Yegenoglu, Michiel Dehaene. Text by Tobias Armborst, Ruth Baumeister, et al. OASE 96 examines the revival of architectural practices that focus on reuse and appropriation of buildings, environments and materials. What is the possible positive or negative social impact of these interventions? >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462082809 978-94-6208-280-9
US $35.00 CAN $47.50 TRADE
Pbk, 7 x 9.5 in. / 128 pgs / 50 color.
Pub Date: 08/23/2016 Out of stock

OASE 95: Crossing Boundaries
OASE 95: Crossing Boundaries
Edited by Tom Avermaete, Viviana d'Auria, Klaske Havik, Lidewij Lenders. OASE 95 examines the cross-cultural conditions in which architects, urban designers and landscape architects work, focusing in particular on architects working in conditions of displacement—in relation to cultures, far away or nearby, that are not >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462082380 978-94-6208-238-0
US $35.00 CAN $47.50 TRADE
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 128 pgs / 75 color.
Pub Date: 04/26/2016 Out of stock

OASE 94: O.M.A. The First Decade
OASE 94: O.M.A. The First Decade
Text by Pier Vittorio Aureli, George Baird, Christoph Lueder, Joost Meuwissen, Angelica Schnell, et al. This thematic issue of OASE sheds new light on the architectural production of Rem Koolhaas' OMA during its first decade (1978-1989)--a mythical period in the history of the world-famous office of Rem Koolhaas. The proposals, >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462082045 978-94-6208-204-5
US $35.00 CAN $47.50 TRADE
Pbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 144 pgs / 75 duotone.
Pub Date: 08/25/2015 In stock

OASE 93: Public Landscape
OASE 93: Public Landscape
Edited by Michiel Dehaene, Bruno Notteboom, Hans Teerds. Text by Joachim Declerck, Michiel Dehaene, et al. OASE 93 reflects on current issues relating to landscape and urban planning. This issue investigates historical and contemporary attempts at defining landscape as a public project, addressing the various roles of government, designer, media and >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462081529 978-94-6208-152-9
US $35.00 CAN $47.50 TRADE
Pbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 134 pgs / illustrated throughout.
Pub Date: 03/24/2015 Out of stock

OASE 92: Codes and Continuities
OASE 92: Codes and Continuities
Edited by Tom Avermaete, David de Bruijn, Job Floris. Text by Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani, Ellis Woodman, Florian Fischer, Reem Almannai, Dirk Somers, Hans van der Heijden, et al. This volume of Oase, a thematic journal on architecture, urbanism and landscape design, focuses on a generation of modern architects-- Fernand Pouillon, Kay Fisker, Fernando Tavora, Giovanni Muzio and others--who have remained in the shadow >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462080973 978-94-6208-097-3
US $35.00 CAN $47.50 FLAT40
Pbk, 7 x 9.5 in. / 192 pgs / 50 b&w.
Pub Date: 09/30/2014 Out of stock

OASE 91: Building Atmosphere
OASE 91: Building Atmosphere
Edited by Klaske Havik, Gus Tielens, Hans Teerds, Peter Zumthor, Juhani Pallasmaa. Architects Peter Zumthor and Juhani Pallasmaa have both identified atmosphere as a core theme of architecture. This publication discusses the creation and manipulation of atmosphere in their work and that of their contemporaries. >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462081079 978-94-6208-107-9
US $35.00 CAN $47.50 FLAT40
Pbk, 7 x 9 in. / 128 pgs / 13 b&w.
Pub Date: 04/30/2014 In stock

OASE 90: What Is Good Architecture?
OASE 90: What Is Good Architecture?
Edited by Véronique Patteeuw, Hans Teerds, Christophe Van Gerrewey. Text by Pier Vittorio Aureli, Isabelle Doucet, Paul Goldberger, Herman Hertzberger, Steven Holl, Anne Holtrop, Kersten Geers, David van Seeveren, Lucien Kroll, Andrew Leach, Philippe Morel, Rural Studio, Michael Sorkin, Bart Verschaffel. Over the past century, models for architecture evaluation such modernism and postmodernism have been modified by supermodernism and retromodernism, and more recently by sustainability. OASE 90 investigates the expectation behind existing value models in architecture. >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462080645
US $35.00 CAN $47.50 FLAT40
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 128 pgs / 50 b&w.
Pub Date: 09/30/2013 Not available

OASE 89: The Mid-Size City as a European Urban Condition and Strategy
OASE 89: The Mid-Size City as a European Urban Condition and Strategy
Edited by Michiel Dehaene, Klaske Havik, Bruno Notteboom. Text by Paola Viganó, Bruno Notteboom, Michiel Dehaene, Klaske Havik, Lieven Ameel, Filip Vandenbroeck, Bart de Zwart, Mattias Qvistrom, Martino Tattara. OASE 89 explores the production and interpretation of midsize cities--a typically European phenomenon that is contrasted here with the Asian megacity. The midsize city is envisaged as a more durable model for contemporary concerns--one that >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462080157
US $35.00 CAN $47.50 FLAT40
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 128 pgs / illustrated throughout.
Pub Date: 04/30/2013 Not available

OASE 88: The Exhibition as a Site of Production
OASE 88: The Exhibition as a Site of Production
Edited by Véronique Patteeuw, Christophe Van Gerrewey, Tom Vandeputte. Text by Emilio Ambasz, Tina di Carlo, Joseph Grima, Marianne Müller, Rotor, Eszter Steierhoffer, Lea-Catherine Szacka, Christophe Van Gerrewey, Stefaan Vervoort. OASE 88 examines the role of the architecture exhibition as a site of production. Bridging theory and practice, and relating historical examples to contemporary concerns, it considers the exhibition as a medium for experimentation. >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462080140
US $35.00 CAN $47.50 FLAT40
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 128 pgs / illustrated throughout.
Pub Date: 03/31/2013 Not available

OASE 87: Alan Colquhoun
OASE 87: Alan Colquhoun
OASE 87 is dedicated to the thinking and career of renowned British architectural theorist Alan Colquhoun (born 1921), author of such canonical books as The Oxford History of Modern Architecture. Variously an architectural scholar, critic >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789056628550
US $35.00 CAN $47.50 FLAT40
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 128 pgs.
Pub Date: 11/30/2012 Not available

OASE 86: Baroque
OASE 86: Baroque
Edited by David de Bruijn, Maarten Delbeke, Job Floris, Christoph Grafe, Ruben Molendijk, Tom Vandeputte. Text by Andrew Leach, Dirk De Meyer, Christian Kieckens, Luigi Moretti, Hans Scharoun, Martijn van Beek, Irina Davidovici. OASE 86 assesses the contemporary relevance of Baroque architecture for our times, examining how the geometric compositions of that epoch might be coupled with contemporary architectural practice. Attention is paid to key Baroque buildings by >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789056628413
US $35.00 CAN $47.50 FLAT40
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 128 pgs / illustrated throughout.
Pub Date: 03/31/2012 Not available

OASE 85: Productive Uncertainty
OASE 85: Productive Uncertainty
Edited by Klaske Havik, Véronique Patteeuw. Text by Michiel Dehaene and Els Vervloessem, John Habraken, Thierry Lagrange, Yeoryia Manolopoulou, Dimitri Messu, Erik and Ronald Rietveld, Iris Schutten, Hannes Schwertfeger, Tom Vandeputte. OASE 85 examines how the cultural changes of our era affect architecture and urban planning, in essays by Michiel Dehaene and Els Vervloessem, John Habraken, Thierry Lagrange, Yeoryia Manolopoulou, Dimitri Messu, Erik and Ronald Rietveld, >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789056628406 978-90-5662-840-6
US $35.00 CAN $47.50 FLAT40
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 128 pgs / illustrated throughout.
Pub Date: 02/29/2012 Out of stock

OASE 84: Models
OASE 84: Models
Text by Jacob Bil, Krijn de Koning, Mike Kelley, Christophe Van Gerrewy, Christian Hubert, Milica Topalovic, et. al. In OASE 84 the architectural model takes center stage. Though historically a critical component of the discipline, the architectural model is rarely considered an artwork in its own right, and its very existence is being >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789056628079 978-90-5662-807-9
US $35.00 CAN $47.50 FLAT40
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 144 pgs / 40 color / 40 b&w.
Pub Date: 09/30/2011 Out of stock

OASE 83: Commissioning Architecture
OASE 83: Commissioning Architecture
Text by Klaus Hübotter, Wim van den Bergh, Rudy Stroink, Mark Pimlott, Noud de Vreeze, Anna Vos, Niall Hobhouse, et al. Often, buildings are realized by not only their architects but by those who commission them, but the role of the latter tends to be omitted from the official account of how any given building is >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789056627768 978-90-5662-776-8
US $35.00 CAN $47.50 FLAT40
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 139 pgs / 50 b&w.
Pub Date: 03/31/2011 In stock

OASE 82: L'Afrique, c'est chic
OASE 82: L'Afrique, c'est chic
Text by Luce Beeckmans, Madalena Cunha Matos, Tom Avermaete, Jonah Lagae, Haim Yacobi. Since the mid-1990s, when Rem Koolhaas placed Lagos on the agenda as a research topic, architects have paid increasing attention to modern African architecture. Oase 82 presents a critical historiography of African architecture from 1950 >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789056627751
US $35.00 CAN $47.50 FLAT40
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 144 pgs / 50 b&w.
Pub Date: 01/31/2011 Not available

OASE 81: Constructing Criticism
OASE 81: Constructing Criticism
Edited by Klaske Havik, Véronique Patteeuw, Hans Teerds, Christoph Grafe, Tom Avermaete. This issue of OASE examines the diminishing culture of architecture criticism, and the role that architecture magazines play within the current debate. A record of events organized around the journal's twenty-fifth anniversary, this issue brings >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789056627522 978-90-5662-752-2
US $35.00 CAN $47.50 FLAT40
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 144 pgs / 25 b&w.
Pub Date: 10/31/2010 Out of stock

OASE 80: On Territories
OASE 80: On Territories
Text by Filip Geerts, Karl Belen, Bart de Zwart, Nancy Meijsmans, Sandra Parvu. As rural landscapes in the West and elsewhere are increasingly encroached upon by urban expansion, this issue of Oase explores the potential significance of architectonic design for the overhauling of this process. From local to >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789056627249
US $35.00 CAN $47.50 FLAT40
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 144 pgs / 50 b&w.
Pub Date: 05/31/2010 Not available

OASE 79: The Architecture of James Stirling 1964-1992
OASE 79: The Architecture of James Stirling 1964-1992
Text by Guy Châtel, Kersten Geers, Amanda Lawrence, Patrick Lynch, Vittorio Pizzigoni. Oase No. 79 is devoted to British architect James Stirling, who played a prominent role in architectural discourses from the 1960s onwards. Emblematic of “New Brutalism” and emergent postmodernism, Stirling's architecture has garnered renewed interest. >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789056627232
US $35.00 CAN $47.50 FLAT40
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 160 pgs / 50 b&w.
Pub Date: 03/31/2010 Not available

OASE 78: Immersed
OASE 78: Immersed
Edited by Pnina Avidar, Raviv Ganchrow, Julia Kursell. This issue of the Dutch architecture journal OASE presents a reflection on the spatial aspects of sound alongside an examination of the transformative and temporal aspects of space. Immersed presents new theoretical insights as well >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789056626891
US $35.00 CAN $40.00 TRADE
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 144 pgs / 25 b&w.
Pub Date: 10/31/2009 Not available

OASE 77: Into the Open. Accomodating the Public
OASE 77: Into the Open. Accomodating the Public
Edited by Tom Avermaete, Klaske Havik, Hans Teerds. Text by René Boomkens, Abram de Swaan, Panu Lehtovuori, Ana Luz. OASE 77 asks whether programmed public space can truly be called public. "Is there a cultural value in preserving public space for the long-term future in the face of the short-term need for more spaces >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789056626617
US $35.00 CAN $47.50 FLAT40
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 128 pgs / illustrated throughout.
Pub Date: 10/31/2009 Not available

OASE 76: Context-Specificity
OASE 76: Context-Specificity
Edited by Mechtild Stuhlmacher, Mark Pimlott, Dirk van der Heuvel. This issue OASE looks at the theme of Context. It includes case studies by and about architects such as Miller Maranta (Switzerland), Biq, Monadnock and Korteknie Stuhlmacher (the Netherlands), De Smet Vermeulen and Huiswerk (Belgium), >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789056626600 978-90-5662-660-0
US $35.00 CAN $47.50 FLAT40
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 148 pgs / illustrated throughout.
Pub Date: 01/01/2009 In stock

OASE 75: 25 Years of Critical Reflection on Architecture
OASE 75: 25 Years of Critical Reflection on Architecture
Edited by Véronique Patteeuw, Joachim Declerck, Filip Geers. Text by Kenneth Frampton, Marc Schoonderbeek. This year the respected Dutch architecture journal OASE celebrates its twenty-fifth anniversary. Over the years, OASE has evolved into an international resource in which a reflective and critical approach to architecture, urban development and landscape >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789056626747 978-90-5662-674-7
US $40.00 CAN $54.00 FLAT40
Paperback, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 319 pgs / 50 color.
Pub Date: 09/01/2008 In stock

OASE 74: Architecture and Invention
OASE 74: Architecture and Invention
Edited by Tom Avermaete, Christophe Grafe, Anne Holtrop. What do architects and artists have in common? The act of invention. This issue of the architectural journal Oase looks at the history of new formal paradigms and styles in architecture from 1945 to the >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789056626198
US $34.95 CAN $45.95 FLAT40
Paperback, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 144 pgs.
Pub Date: 03/01/2008 Not available

OASE 73: Gentrification
OASE 73: Gentrification
Edited by Pnina Avidar, Klaske Havik, David Mulder. Is gentrification necessary for urban renewal? To what extent is it a natural course of events, and to what extent is it being induced? The process of transforming a low-income neighborhood into a middle-class enclave, >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789056625849
US $30.00 CAN $40.00 FLAT40
Paperback, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 144 pgs / 40 b/w.
Pub Date: 10/31/2009 Not available

OASE 72: Back to School
OASE 72: Back to School
Edited by Johan Lagae, Mechteld Stuhlmacher, Bas van der Pol. Is it a prison? An office block? A media center? School architecture is one of the field's greatest challenges, but, for political and financial reasons, rarely gets the attention it deserves. OASE 72 observes the >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789056625832
US $30.00 CAN $40.00 FLAT40
Paperback, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 144 pgs / 40 b/w.
Pub Date: 07/01/2007 Not available

OASE 71: Urban Formation and Collective Spaces
OASE 71: Urban Formation and Collective Spaces
Edited by Tom Avermaete, Fransje Hooimeijer, Lara Schrijver. The Spanish architect Manuel de Solà-Morales once suggested in the pages of OASE that the civic and morphological richness of cities rests in collective spaces that are neither strictly public nor strictly private--public spaces used >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789056625221
US $25.00 CAN $34.50 FLAT40
Paperback, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 144 pgs / 40 b&w.
Pub Date: 03/01/2007 Not available

OASE 70: Architecture and Literature
OASE 70: Architecture and Literature
Essays by Madeleine Maaskant, Klaske Havik and Christoph Grafe. Over its more than 20 years in print, OASE has evolved into a reflective, critical journal, an excellent venue for the theme of this, its seventieth issue, Architecture and Literature. A favorable economic and political >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789056624873
US $25.00 CAN $34.50 FLAT40
Paperback, 6.75 x 9.25 in. / 144 pgs / 25 b&w.
Pub Date: 10/31/2009 Not available

OASE 69: Positions
OASE 69: Positions
Edited by Tom Avermaete, Johan Lagae, Andrew Leach and Marc Schoonderbeek. Essays by Zeynep ´elik, Wim Cuyvers, Monique Eleb, Arni Haraldson, Wessel de Jonge, Jan Kolen, R»jean Legault, John Macarthur, Dirk Sijmons, Naomi Stead and Jean-Philippe Vassal. OASE, an independent, international journal of architecture, urban design, and landscape design devotes each issue to a contemporary theme, treated with unusual depth and scope. This sixty-ninth, titled Positions: Shared Territories in Historiography and Practice, >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789056624866
US $25.00 CAN $34.50 FLAT40
Paperback, 6.75 x 9.25 in. / 144 pgs / 18 b&w.
Pub Date: 08/15/2006 Not available

OASE 68: Home-Land
OASE 68: Home-Land
Edited by Pnina Avidar and Max Cohen de Lara. Essays by Els Verbakel, Raul Bunschoten, Bert De Muynck, Anil Ramdas, Haroon Saad and Sophia Vyzoviti. This sixty-eighth edition of OASE, an independent, international journal of architecture, urban design and landscape design, considers the impact of migration on cities from an architectural perspective. It looks at the effect of migration on >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789056624668
US $25.00 CAN $34.50 FLAT40
Paperback, 6.75 x 9.25 in. / 144 pgs / 80 b&w.
Pub Date: 03/01/2006 Not available

OASE 67: After The Party
OASE 67: After The Party
Essays by Christoph Grafe, Madeleine Maaskant and Mechtild Stuhlmacher. This latest edition of Oase, one of the leading professional journals on architectural theory, asks a critical question: has the party ended? In the early 1990s, favorable economic and political conditions in the Netherlands created >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789056624293 978-90-5662-429-3
US $25.00 CAN $34.50 FLAT40
Paperback, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 144 pgs / 40 b&w.
Pub Date: 12/15/2005 Out of stock

OASE 66: The Spaces Of Science Fiction And Cyberpunk
OASE 66: The Spaces Of Science Fiction And Cyberpunk
Edited by Lara Schrijver. Fritz Lang's 1927 film Metropolis marked the dawn of a cinematic tradition in which the relationship between architecture and science fiction is central. Since then, architectural elements have played an important role in the representation >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789056624286
US $25.00 CAN $34.50 FLAT40
Paperback, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 144 pgs / illustrated throughout.
Pub Date: 07/15/2005 Not available

OASE 65: Ornament: Figurative Traditions in Architecture
OASE 65: Ornament: Figurative Traditions in Architecture
Edited by Christoph Grafe, Mark Pimlot and Mechthild Stuhlmacher. Essays by Adam Caruso, Irina Davidovici, Tony Fretton, Mikel Van Gelderen and Patrick Healy. This issue of OASe examines how figurative architectural traditions can contribute to understanding historic dimensions that affect the everyday lives of contemporary Europeans, especially in the Netherlands, a place that has contributed to all forms >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789056624095
US $25.00 CAN $30.00 TRADE
Paperback, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 128 pgs / 40 b&w.
Pub Date: 03/15/2005 Not available

OASE 64: Landscape And Mass Tourism
OASE 64: Landscape And Mass Tourism
Essays by Bruno VayssiÀres, Tom Avermaete, Salomon E. Frausto, Bosman Jos, et al. The relationship between architecture and tourism has been the subject of ample research from the urban point of view, resulting in various theories about the “tourist gaze.” Themes like identity and city branding are familiar >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789056623906
US $25.00 CAN $34.50 FLAT40
Paperback, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 128 pgs.
Pub Date: 11/02/2004 Not available

OASE 63: Plat Land/Countryside
OASE 63: Plat Land/Countryside
Edited byWillemijn Lofvers, Marcel Musch, Lara Schrijuer and John Auermaere. The development of the countryside has generally been conceived of from an urban perspective: the country as producer of food for the urban population, as development area, or as recreational area. Even the development and >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789056623586
US $22.00 CAN $30.50 FLAT40
Paperback, 6.75 x 9.75 in. / 128 pgs / illustrated throughout.
Pub Date: 05/02/2004 Not available

OASE 62: Autonomous Architecture And The Project Of The City
OASE 62: Autonomous Architecture And The Project Of The City
Edited by Pnina Avidar. Essays by Christoph Grafe, Filip Geerts and Marc Schoonderbeek. The OASE Architectural Journal is one of the leading professional journals on architectural theory. Issue No. 62 asks whether the idea of the “European city” is still tenable at the beginning of the twenty-first century. >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789056623579 978-90-5662-357-9
US $22.00 CAN $30.50 FLAT40
Paperback, 6.75 x 9.75 in. / 128 pgs / illustrated throughout.
Pub Date: 02/02/2004 In stock

OASE 117: Project Village
OASE 117: Project Village
Edited by Stefan Devoldere, Maarten Liefooghe, Sereh Mandias.

This latest issue of OASE contributes to the ongoing conversation around the architecture and urban design of villages, spurred by a growing demand for climate solutions within the field. The village is examined not as >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462088399 978-94-6208-839-9
US $40.00 CAN $58.00 FLAT40
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 128 pgs / 50 b&w.
Pub Date: 09/10/2024 In stock

OASE 115: Interferences Moving across European Architecture Cultures
OASE 115: Interferences Moving across European Architecture Cultures
Edited by Justin Agyin, Kornelia Dimitrova, Christoph Grafe, Bernard Colenbrander.

European architecture is characterized by an ongoing exchange of cultures, ideas and influences. This issue of OASE discusses the poetics of architectural design that emerge from this complex web, as ideas developed in one region >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462087835 978-94-6208-783-5
US $40.00 CAN $58.00 FLAT40
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 128 pgs / 50 b&w.
Pub Date: 04/09/2024 In stock

OASE 114: Optimism or Bust?
OASE 114: Optimism or Bust?
Edited by Stefan Devoldere, David Peleman, Jantje Engels.

Despite climate catastrophes, increasing inequality and geopolitical instability, the field of architecture and urban design remains stubbornly optimistic about the future. This issue of OASE focuses on the optimism of a discipline which views itself >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462087804 978-94-6208-780-4
US $40.00 CAN $58.00 FLAT40
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 128 pgs / 50 b&w.
Pub Date: 10/03/2023 In stock

OASE 112: Ecological Aesthetics
OASE 112: Ecological Aesthetics
Edited by Bart Decroos, Kornelia Dimitrova, Sereh Mandias.

This issue of OASE interrogates how ecological concerns materialize in architecture and design. Through a series of concrete projects, the contributions in this issue explore the field of tension between architectural aesthetics and issues of >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462086838 978-94-6208-683-8
US $40.00 CAN $56.00 FLAT40
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 128 pgs / 50 b&w.
Pub Date: 01/17/2023 In stock

OASE 111: Staging the Museum
OASE 111: Staging the Museum
Edited by Asli Çiçek, Jantje Engels, Maarten Liefooghe.

This issue of OASE examines how museums not only facilitate but also manipulate encounters between visitors, objects and stories through the staging of their own tours and activities, as well as the intentional design of >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462086975 978-94-6208-697-5
US $40.00 CAN $56.00 FLAT40
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 128 pgs / 50 b&w.
Pub Date: 09/27/2022 Out of stock

OASE 110
OASE 110
Text by David Peleman, Paola Viganò, Martina Barcelloni Corte, Elsbeth Ronner.

Inspired by Bernardo Secchi’s 1986 text “Progetto di Suolo,” this issue of Oase offers critical analyses of how soil, as an intermediary entity between surface and subsurface, can further the practices of urbanism and urban >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462086555 978-94-6208-655-5
US $40.00 CAN $54.00 FLAT40
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 128 pgs / 50 b&w.
Pub Date: 06/21/2022 In stock

OASE 107
OASE 107
Edited by Bart Decroos, Kornelia Dimitrova, Bruno Notteboom, Frits Palmboom. Text by Nithin Bathla, Sumedha Garg, Paul Broekhuizen, Chiara Cavalieri, et al.

This issue of OASE examines the development of drawing in landscape design and urbanism, focusing on the lessons that process and time can impart. It asks: which traditions offer starting points and what innovations are >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462085787 978-94-6208-578-7
US $40.00 CAN $56.00 FLAT40
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 128 pgs / 50 b&w.
Pub Date: 06/15/2021 In stock

OASE 106: Table Settings
OASE 106: Table Settings
Edited with text by Hans Teerds, Christoph Grafe, Catherine Koekoek. Text by Pier Vittorio Aureli, Geoge Baird, BC Architects, BEL Architecten, et al.

Hannah Arendt once stated that spatial thinking is political thinking. The latest issue of OASE gathers contributions from architects—George Baird, Patrick Bouchain, Pier Vittorio Aureli, Mary Duggan—who examine their work from Arendt’s perspective.


nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462085619 978-94-6208-561-9
US $35.00 CAN $49.00 FLAT40
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.50 in. / 128 pgs / 50 color.
Pub Date: 02/09/2021 In stock

OASE 105: Practices of Drawing
OASE 105: Practices of Drawing
Edited by Bart Decroos, Véronique Patteeuw, Asli Çiçek, Jantje Engels, et al.

This issue of OASE examines both the role of drawing in architectural thinking and the evolution of drawing practices and technology, gathering case studies from antiquity to today—including George Aitchison, John Ruskin, Heinrich Tessenow, El >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462085541 978-94-6208-554-1
US $35.00 CAN $49.00 FLAT40
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 128 pgs / 50 color.
Pub Date: 09/15/2020 In stock

OASE 104
OASE 104
Text by D. Peleman, B. Notteboom, M. Dehaene.

This issue of OASE explores the notion of metabolism—converting one form of matter into another—in urban design and architecture. Focusing on “metabolic” locations—public restrooms, communal kitchens, urban slaughterhouses—OASE 104 analyzes how architecture and urban design >>more

nai010 Publishers
ISBN 9789462085176 978-94-6208-517-6
US $34.95 CAN $48.95 FLAT40
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 128 pgs / 50 b&w.
Pub Date: 02/18/2020 In stock

OASE 103: Critical Regionalism Revisited
OASE 103: Critical Regionalism Revisited
Edited by Tom Avermaete, Véronique Patteeuw, Hans Teerds, Léa-Catherine Szacka.

Gathering critical rereadings and explorations by practicing architects and theorists, this issue of OASE examines the career of English architect, historian, critic and educator Kenneth Frampton (born 1930), who received the Golden Lion for Lifetime >>more

Nai010 Publishers
ISBN 9789462084865
US $35.00 CAN $39.95 FLAT40
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 128 pgs / 50 b&w.
Pub Date: 08/20/2019 Not available

OASE 102: Schools & Teachers
OASE 102: Schools & Teachers
Edited by Christophe Van Gerrewey, David Peleman, Bart Decroos.

Examining European schools and educators from the 1960s to the present day, the newest issue of OASE traces the radical democratization of architectural training, concluding with three interviews about today’s architectural schools and the challenges >>more

Nai010 Publishers
ISBN 9789462084858 978-94-6208-485-8
US $35.00 CAN $39.95 FLAT40
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 128 pgs / 50 b&w.
Pub Date: 08/20/2019 In stock

OASE 101: Microcosm
OASE 101: Microcosm
Edited with text by Asli Cicek, Christoph Grafe, Sereh Mandias. Text by Eva Storgaard, Eireen Schreurs, Rajesh Heijnickx, Frédie Floré, Marius Grootveld, William Mann.

This issue of OASE proactively confronts a disturbing trend: the encroaching standardization of interiors as civilization moves inwards. Rather than simply identifying the issue, the editors single out projects for interiors that derive their significance >>more

Nai010 Publishers
ISBN 9789462084698 978-94-6208-469-8
US $35.00 CAN $49.95 FLAT40
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 128 pgs / 50 color.
Pub Date: 03/19/2019 Out of stock

OASE 100: The Architecture of the Journal
OASE 100: The Architecture of the Journal
Edited by Bart Decroos, Véronique Patteeuw, Marius Schwarz. Text by Ayham Ghraowi, Mathew Kneebone, Lieven Lahaye, Louis Lüthi, et al.

The 100th issue of OASE explores the mutually enriching relationship between architecture journals and their graphic design, including a historical overview as well as the specific history of OASE and the practice of its designer >>more

nai010 publishers
ISBN 9789462084315 978-94-6208-431-5
US $55.00 CAN $72.50 FLAT40
Pbk, 6.75 x 9.5 in. / 256 pgs / 80 color.
Pub Date: 08/28/2018 Out of stock