Cabinet Magazine New and Back Issues

Curiosity and Method: Ten Years of Cabinet Magazine
Curiosity and Method: Ten Years of Cabinet Magazine
Edited by Sina Najafi. Since its launch in late 2000, Cabinet magazine has become a touchstone for a certain approach to understanding culture, one that shuns orthodox distinctions--high/low, serious/humorous, professional/amateur--in favor of a commitment to the idea that all >>more

Cabinet Books
ISBN 9781932698565 978-1-932698-56-5
US $49.95 CAN $67.50 TRADE
Clth, 8.75 x 11 in. / 528 pgs / 339 color / 113 b&w.
Pub Date: 12/31/2012 Not available

Cabinet 68: The End
Cabinet 68: The End
Edited by Sina Najafi.

The question of endings haunts human beings across all their endeavors, which is why the idea of finitude has been a topic of philosophy since its very inception. How to finish a work, how to >>more

ISBN 9781932698831 978-1-932698-83-1
US $12.00 CAN $16.50 TRADE
Pbk, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 96 pgs / 60 color / 30 b&w.
Pub Date: 06/24/2025 Awaiting stock

Cabinet 67
Cabinet 67
Edited by Sina Najafi.

Dreams are some of the most private experiences humans know, and yet humans have long felt a need to share them. Across history, protocols have been developed to make this possible, and though Western culture >>more

ISBN 9781932698824 978-1-932698-82-4
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Pbk, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 96 pgs / 60 color / 30 b&w.
Pub Date: 12/15/2020 In stock

Cabinet 66
Cabinet 66
Edited by Sina Najafi.

Skin is both surface and container. It marks the absolute limits of organisms, but also functions as an interface—acting as a plane of contact with what surrounds it while protecting what lies beneath it. Skin >>more

ISBN 9781932698749 978-1-932698-74-9
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Pbk, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 96 pgs / 60 color / 30 b&w.
Pub Date: 06/16/2020 In stock

Cabinet 65: Knowledge
Cabinet 65: Knowledge
Edited by Sina Najafi.

The sophist Hippias claimed to be able to lecture on any subject, but with modernity, this ancient desire took new forms. The Renaissance invented the encyclopedia. The modern state began to dream of knowing what >>more

ISBN 9781932698732 978-1-932698-73-2
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Pbk, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 96 pgs / 70 color / 30 b&w.
Pub Date: 12/18/2018 Not available

Cabinet 64: The Nose
Cabinet 64: The Nose
Edited by Sina Najafi.

Cabinet issue 64, with a special section on “The Nose,” includes Christopher Turner on Smell-O-Vision, Aromarama and other failed technologies for making cinema into an olfactory event; Jennifer Greenberg on how European colonialists characterized the >>more

ISBN 9781932698725 978-1-932698-72-5
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Pbk, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 96 pgs / 70 color / 30 b&w.
Pub Date: 02/27/2018 Not available

Cabinet 63: The Desert
Cabinet 63: The Desert
Edited by Sina Najafi. A zone of deprivation and emptiness but also a space for adventure and even divine revelation, the desert has historically resisted human domination, even as it has continued to tantalize the cultural imagination. Cabinet issue >>more

ISBN 9781932698718 978-1-932698-71-8
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Pbk, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 70 color / 30 b&w.
Pub Date: 09/26/2017 Not available

Cabinet 62: Milk
Cabinet 62: Milk
Edited by Sina Najafi. One of only a handful of substances produced in nature expressly as food, milk is fundamental for infant mammalian nutrition, but is also foundational in human myth and religion. Cabinet issue 62, with a special >>more

ISBN 9781932698701 978-1-932698-70-1
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Pbk, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 70 color / 30 b&w.
Pub Date: 06/27/2017 Not available

Cabinet 61: Calendars
Cabinet 61: Calendars
Edited by Sina Najafi. This description of Cabinet issue 61 was written on 1 September 2015. Which also happens to be 17 Dhu al-Qada 1436. And 17 Elul 5775. And 19 Wu 4713. The passage of time may be >>more

ISBN 9781932698695 978-1-932698-69-5
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Pbk, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 70 color / 30 b&w.
Pub Date: 02/28/2017 Not available

Cabinet 60: Containers
Cabinet 60: Containers
Edited by Sina Najafi. Just as the very first constructed containers emerged at a time when new techniques of food gathering and storage began to give rise to novel technologies of collection, transportation and conservation, so too have the >>more

ISBN 9781932698688 978-1-932698-68-8
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Pbk, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 70 color / 30 b&w.
Pub Date: 10/25/2016 Not available

Cabinet 59: The North
Cabinet 59: The North
Edited by Sina Najafi. The idea of the North in modernity--its associations with sparseness and scarcity, to hardships and remoteness--has fed countless narratives of journeying to places and fates unknown. In classical antiquity, however, the north was a place >>more

ISBN 9781932698671 978-1-932698-67-1
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Clth, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 70 color / 30 b&w.
Pub Date: 06/28/2016 Not available

Cabinet 58: Theft
Cabinet 58: Theft
Edited by Sina Najafi. Across history, the morality of taking what belongs to another has been of concern to both theologians and lawmakers. Yet theft necessarily raises the question of what constitutes ownership, opening onto a longstanding philosophical debate >>more

ISBN 9781932698664 978-1-932698-66-4
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Pbk, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 70 color / 30 b&w.
Pub Date: 02/23/2016 Not available

Cabinet 57: Catastrophe
Cabinet 57: Catastrophe
Edited by Sina Najafi. Text by Harold Boyd, Charlie Hale, et al. The theorist Fredric Jameson once wrote that it has become easier for us to imagine the world ending than to imagine a society not built around capitalism. As scenarios forecasting the collapse of social and >>more

ISBN 9781932698657 978-1-932698-65-7
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Pbk, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 70 color / 30 b&w.
Pub Date: 12/29/2015 Not available

Cabinet 56: Sports
Cabinet 56: Sports
Edited by Sina Najafi. Text by Augusto Corriere, Leland de la Durantaye, Hal Foster, Adam Jasper, Carol Mavor, Carlin Wing, et al. Athletic contests are nearly as old as human society itself. They have grown and flourished across the millennia and around the world, and today form the basis of a global industry worth in excess of >>more

ISBN 9781932698640 978-1-932698-64-0
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Pbk, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 70 color / 30 b&w.
Pub Date: 06/23/2015 Not available

Cabinet 55: Love
Cabinet 55: Love
Edited by Sina Najafi. Love was classically thought to come in four distinct varieties--agape (spiritual love), eros (physical passion), philia (friendship) and storge (familial affection). It might be argued that with modernity, one of these--eros--has come to dominate our >>more

ISBN 9781932698633 978-1-932698-63-3
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Pbk, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 70 color / 30 b&w.
Pub Date: 03/24/2015 Not available

Cabinet 54: The Accident
Cabinet 54: The Accident
Edited by Sina Najafi. Though most often thought of in prosaic terms--a spilled drink, a fender bender, a slip on an icy street--the accident is a concept with a long and complex philosophical pedigree. From Aristotle to Paul Virilio, >>more

ISBN 9781932698626 978-1-932698-62-6
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Pbk, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 70 color / 30 b&w.
Pub Date: 12/31/2014 Not available

Cabinet 53: Stones
Cabinet 53: Stones
Edited by Sina Najafi. The Stone Age is not over! Whether nestled in a dark corner of the gall bladder or hurtling toward us at fearsome speeds from the Kuyper Belt, whether yielding to the sculptor’s delicate chisel or >>more

ISBN 9781932698619 978-1-932698-61-9
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Pbk, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 70 color / 30 b&w.
Pub Date: 09/30/2014 Not available

Cabinet 52: Celebration
Cabinet 52: Celebration
Edited by Sina Najafi. Celebration--acting variously as a binding force for a community or as a self-congratulatory act, carried out in settings as intimate as a family dinner and as grand as tickertape parades--would seem to be so fundamental >>more

ISBN 9781932698602 978-1-932698-60-2
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Pbk, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 70 color / 30 b&w.
Pub Date: 06/30/2014 Not available

Cabinet 51: Wheels
Cabinet 51: Wheels
Edited by Sina Najafi. The common injunction “Don’t reinvent the wheel,” suggesting as it does the futility of attempting to change something that is already flawless, points not just to the perfection of the wheel as mechanical component but >>more

ISBN 9781932698596 978-1-932698-59-6
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Pbk, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 70 color / 30 b&w.
Pub Date: 02/28/2014 Not available

Cabinet 50: Money
Cabinet 50: Money
Edited by Sina Najafi. “The lack of money is the root of all evil,” quipped Mark Twain in his recasting of the biblical observation about the moral dangers of greed. And the enormous, and ever-widening, economic disparities today--both between >>more

ISBN 9781932698497 978-1-932698-49-7
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Pbk, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 70 color / 30 b&w.
Pub Date: 10/31/2013 Not available

Cabinet 49: Death
Cabinet 49: Death
Edited by Sina Najafi. The cultural, social and scientific management of death--how to postpone it, how to prepare for it, what to do with remains, how to remember the deceased--forms the rarely acknowledged framework for the formation of society. >>more

ISBN 9781932698480 978-1-932698-48-0
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Pbk, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 70 color / 30 b&w.
Pub Date: 07/31/2013 In stock

Cabinet 48: Trees
Cabinet 48: Trees
Edited by Sina Najafi. Among the largest and longest-lived of all terrestrial organisms, trees are not just an integral part of the planet’s ecology, but are also a key resource in the development of civilization and a ubiquitous cultural >>more

ISBN 9781932698473 978-1-932698-47-3
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Pbk, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 70 color / 30 b&w.
Pub Date: 04/30/2013 Not available

Cabinet 47: Logistics
Cabinet 47: Logistics
Edited by Sina Najafi. Every time you put a letter in the mail, every time you stop at a traffic light, a complex--and usually invisible--network of logistics is at work. Cabinet issue 47, with a special section on Logistics, >>more

ISBN 9781932698466 978-1-932698-46-6
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Pbk, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 70 color / 30 b&w.
Pub Date: 01/31/2013 Not available

Cabinet 46: Punishment
Cabinet 46: Punishment
Edited by Sina Najafi. From the rule of “an eye for an eye” in the Code of Hammurabi and the Old Testament to the rise of the reforming “penitentiary” in the nineteenth century, from Kant’s notion of the right >>more

ISBN 9781932698459 978-1-932698-45-9
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Pbk, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 70 color / 30 b&w.
Pub Date: 08/31/2012 Not available

Cabinet 45: Games
Cabinet 45: Games
Edited by Sina Najafi. In the nineteenth century, Marx rejected the notion of homo sapiens, offering instead homo faber to indicate how consciousness follows from the primary activity of making. Against this, a certain ludic tradition has imagined a >>more

ISBN 9781932698442 978-1-932698-44-2
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Pbk, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 60 color / 40 b&w.
Pub Date: 06/30/2012 In stock

Cabinet 44: 24 Hours
Cabinet 44: 24 Hours
Edited by Sina Najafi. Rome was not built in a day, but can an issue of a quarterly magazine be produced in 24 hours? This is the question that this issue of Cabinet attempts to answer. Inspired by the >>more

ISBN 9781932698435 978-1-932698-43-5
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Pbk, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 60 color / 40 b&w.
Pub Date: 02/29/2012 Not available

Cabinet 43: Forensics
Cabinet 43: Forensics
Edited by Sina Najafi. Derived from the Latin “forensis,” the word forensics refers to the “forum” and designates the practice of making an argument by using objects before a professional, political or legal gathering. Cabinet issue 43, with a >>more

ISBN 9781932698428 978-1-932698-42-8
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Pbk, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 60 color / 40 b&w.
Pub Date: 12/30/2011 Not available

Cabinet 42: Forgetting
Cabinet 42: Forgetting
Edited by Sina Najafi. Across fields as disparate as historiography, psychiatry and anthropology, remembering was long considered primary and forgetting simply a malfunction of recall. But after figures such as Nietzsche and Freud, the act of forgetting has undergone >>more

ISBN 9781932698411 978-1-932698-41-1
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Pbk, 8.75 x 9.75 in. / 114 pgs / 60 color / 40 b&w.
Pub Date: 09/30/2011 Not available

Cabinet 41: Infrastructure
Cabinet 41: Infrastructure
Edited by Sina Najafi. Invisible but indispensable, infrastructure is the unsung hero of modernity. A term originally coined in the early twentieth century to refer to the combination of logistics and material necessary for any military operation, the word >>more

ISBN 9781932698404 978-1-932698-40-4
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Flexi, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 60 color / 60 b&w.
Pub Date: 07/31/2011 Not available

Cabinet 40: Hair
Cabinet 40: Hair
Edited by Sina Najafi. As Roland Barthes observed of Abbé Pierre's "zero" haircut, even the most neutral of hairstyles offers a forest of signs. The capacity of hair to attract and radiate meaning permeates not just the history of >>more

ISBN 9781932698381 978-1-932698-38-1
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Flexi, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 60 color / 60 b&w.
Pub Date: 02/28/2011 Not available

Cabinet 39: Learning
Cabinet 39: Learning
Edited by Sina Najafi. What is learning? An excruciating struggle with techniques and facts? A sensation of joyful encounter with the hitherto unknown? The very notion of the pedagogical conjures a whole range of emotions, and its implications are >>more

ISBN 9781932698374 978-1-932698-37-4
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Pbk, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 60 color / 40 b&w.
Pub Date: 11/30/2010 Not available

Cabinet 38: Islands
Cabinet 38: Islands
Edited by Sina Najafi. The seclusion of islands has long made them ideal screens for our fantasies and terrors, choice locations for military and scientific assays, and perfect settings for escapes, incarcerations and battles for survival. In consideration of >>more

ISBN 9781932698367 978-1-932698-36-7
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Pbk, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 60 color / 40 b&w.
Pub Date: 09/30/2010 Not available

Cabinet 37: Bubbles
Cabinet 37: Bubbles
Edited by Sina Najafi. A child's plaything and an object of study for scientists; a space of protection but also of isolation: the “bubble” has a cultural significance far more substantial than its fleeting form suggests. Bubbles percolate through >>more

ISBN 9781932698350 978-1-932698-35-0
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Pbk, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 60 color / 40 b&w.
Pub Date: 05/31/2010 Not available

Cabinet 36: Friendship
Cabinet 36: Friendship
Edited by Sina Najafi. The nature of friendship has been a subject of inquiry from the beginnings of the western philosophical tradition. Socrates considers the question of philia in one of Plato's earliest dialogues, declaring that his “passion for >>more

ISBN 9781932698343 978-1-932698-34-3
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Pbk, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 60 color / 40 b&w.
Pub Date: 04/30/2010 Not available

Cabinet 35: Dust
Cabinet 35: Dust
Edited by Sina Najafi. Text by Valerie Smith, Steven Connor, Jeff Dolven, Margaret Wertheim. Dust is everywhere, a perennial presence in the corners of culture. Dust can be deathly (domestic dust is mostly desiccated human skin), deadly (poisonous dust is the product of industry and war) or beautiful (the >>more

ISBN 9781932698336 978-1-932698-33-6
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Pbk, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 80 color / 20 b&w.
Pub Date: 12/31/2009 Out of stock

Cabinet 34: Testing
Cabinet 34: Testing
Edited by Sina Najafi. Text by Mark Dery, Brian Dillon, Emily Thompson. Cabinet 34 puts our culture of constant examination, and self-examination itself, to the test, scrutinizing the historical conventions that have produced our contemporary obsession with quantifying and judging everything from aptitude and health to personality >>more

ISBN 9781932698329 978-1-932698-32-9
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Pbk, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 80 color / 20 b&w.
Pub Date: 09/30/2009 Not available

Cabinet 33: Deception
Cabinet 33: Deception
Edited by Sina Najafi. Text by Emily Thompson, Hannah Shell, Christine Wertheim. Man is purported to be the only animal that can lie by telling the truth. Whether we are dealing with the confidence games of cheats and forgers, with pranksters whose stunts reveal unacknowledged contradictions in >>more

ISBN 9781932698312 978-1-932698-31-2
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Pbk, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 80 color / 20 b&w.
Pub Date: 06/30/2009 Not available

Cabinet 32: Fire
Cabinet 32: Fire
Edited by Sina Najafi. Text by Joshua Foer, D. Graham Burnett, Thomas van Leeuwen, Margaret Wertheim, Amanda Miller. One of the four classical elements, capable of both remarkable destructive and generative effect, the heat and light product of chemical reactions that we know as fire is one of the baseline phenomena of human >>more

ISBN 9781932698305 978-1-932698-30-5
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Pbk, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 80 color / 20 b&w.
Pub Date: 02/01/2009 Not available

Cabinet 31: Shame
Cabinet 31: Shame
Edited by Sina Najafi. Shame, one of the fundamental emotions in the development of civilization, has recently begun to reclaim the critical attention it deserves. Increasingly attributed since the Enlightenment to more primitive societies, shame nevertheless remains a powerful >>more

ISBN 9781932698299 978-1-932698-29-9
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Paperback, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 80 color / 20 b&w.
Pub Date: 12/01/2008 Not available

Cabinet 30: The Underground
Cabinet 30: The Underground
Edited by Sina Najafi. Site of hidden infrastructure, source of material and energy, home to clandestine activity, buried landscape of darkness and silence: the physical and emotional space of the underground is at once prosaic and uncanny, rich with >>more

ISBN 9781932698282 978-1-932698-28-2
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Paperback, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 80 color / 20 b&w.
Pub Date: 09/01/2008 Not available

Cabinet 29: Sloth
Cabinet 29: Sloth
Edited by Sina Najafi. One of the seven deadly sins, sloth has long been reviled in the Christian world. But as capitalism appropriated the Christian tradition of work and recast it as the ethical imperative of its own secular >>more

ISBN 9781932698275 978-1-932698-27-5
US $12.00 CAN $17.50 TRADE
Paperback, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 80 color / 20 b&w.
Pub Date: 07/01/2008 Not available

Cabinet 28: Bones
Cabinet 28: Bones
Edited by Sina Najafi. From the precincts of the vanitas to the black banner of the Jolly Roger to children’s Day of the Dead sweets, the human skeleton is suffused with surprisingly diverse and nuanced cultural significances. Subject of >>more

ISBN 9781932698244
US $12.00 CAN $15.00 TRADE
Paperback, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 80 color / 20 b&w.
Pub Date: 04/01/2008 Not available

Cabinet 27: Mountains
Cabinet 27: Mountains
Edited by Sina Najafi. Looming large in both geological fact and sociocultural significance, mountains promise grandeur, picturesque natural beauty, good health and the chance to literally rise above the everyday--yet they also menace our imaginations with their harsh conditions, >>more

ISBN 9781932698237 978-1-932698-23-7
US $10.00 CAN $14.95 TRADE
Paperback, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs. / illustrated throughout
Pub Date: 10/01/2007 Out of stock

Cabinet 26: Magic
Cabinet 26: Magic
Edited by Jonathan Allen. "Secular magic," in the words of historian Simon During, is a category designed to differentiate the activity of the modern stage magician from the classical alchemist or occultist. Yet an appraisal of these non-supernatural forms >>more

ISBN 9781932698220
US $10.00 CAN $12.50 TRADE
Paperback, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / illustrated throughout
Pub Date: 08/01/2007 Not available

Cabinet 25: Insects
Cabinet 25: Insects
Edited by Sina Najafi. Text by J.B.S. Haldane, George Pendle, Margaret Wertheim, Victoria Tkaczyk, Steven Connor, Frances Richard, Sandy Zipp, Louis Kaplan, Joshua Glenn. The sheer numbers are staggering: scientists estimate that at any one time there are ten quintillion (10,000,000,000,000,000,000) individual insects alive on the earth, the group's more than 900,000 different known types accounting for some 80 >>more

ISBN 9781932698213 978-1-932698-21-3
US $10.00 CAN $14.95 TRADE
Paperback, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs/ illustrated throughout
Pub Date: 06/01/2007 Not available

Cabinet 24: Shadows
Cabinet 24: Shadows
Edited by Sina Najafi. Text by Victor Stoichita, Kris Lee, Julia Bryan-Wilson, Trevor Paglen, George Pendle, Jocko Weyland, Tony Wood, Amelie Hastie, Daniel Handler. The inherently contingent physics of shadows--never things in themselves but instead always "cast" signs of other things; tangible yet insubstantial--has long been a rich source of inspiration for thinkers and artists. From the Biblical valley >>more

ISBN 9781932698206
US $10.00 CAN $12.50 TRADE
Paperback, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs/ illustrated throughout
Pub Date: 02/01/2007 Not available

Cabinet 23: Fruits and Vegetables
Cabinet 23: Fruits and Vegetables
Edited by Sina Najafi. Essays by Steven Featherstone, Frances Richard, Daniel Handler, Jonathan Beller, Lytle Shaw and Peter Sloterdijk. Conversation with Harold McGee. From the Biblical fruit that brought about the moral downfall of mankind to "terminator" seed strains engineered to ensure that farmers have to buy new seed stocks every year, from banana republics to the annual >>more

ISBN 9781932698190 978-1-932698-19-0
US $10.00 CAN $14.95 TRADE
Paperback, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 80 color and 20 b&w.
Pub Date: 11/15/2006 Not available

Cabinet 22: Insecurity
Cabinet 22: Insecurity
Edited by Sina Najafi. Essays by Brain Dillon, Gaby Wood, Eyal Weizman, Jeffrey Kastner, Celeste Olalquiaga and Jenny Tobias. Conversations with Olivier Razac. The idea that our time is obsessed with the modes and methods of security is by now a commonplace, yet behind this familiar syndrome lies a less-examined array of social and psychological phenomena--not just related >>more

ISBN 9781932698183 978-1-932698-18-3
US $10.00 CAN $14.95 TRADE
Paperback, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / 80 color and 20 b&w.
Pub Date: 08/15/2006 Not available

Cabinet 21: Electricity
Cabinet 21: Electricity
Edited by Sina Najafi. Electricity manifests itself in every facet of our lives--from the tiny shock received by touching a doorknob to the explosive power of a lightning strike, from the modest Hoover dustbuster to the industrial grandeur of >>more

ISBN 9781932698176 978-1-932698-17-6
US $10.00 CAN $14.95 TRADE
Paperback, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs.
Pub Date: 04/01/2006 Not available

Cabinet 20: Ruins
Cabinet 20: Ruins
Edited by Brian Dillon and Sina Najafi. Cabinet No. 20 focuses on decay and desuetude; the history, aesthetics, and politics of the fragment, the remnant, and the rubble of once-proud edifices. At what historical remove from its prime does a ruin come >>more

ISBN 9781932698169
US $10.00 CAN $12.50 TRADE
Paperback, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs.
Pub Date: 12/01/2005 Not available

Cabinet 19: Chance
Cabinet 19: Chance
Essays by Jeff Kastner, Sasha Archibald, Dale Pendell, Tom Burr, Lyn Hejinian, Paul Laity, Margaret Wertheim and Tom Vanderbilt. From actuarial tables to quantum physics to the Homeland Security threat level indicator, uncertainty remains a ubiquitous element of modern life, despite centuries of concerted effort by science and technology to mitigate its effects. Influencing >>more

ISBN 9781932698152
US $10.00 CAN $12.50 TRADE
Paperback, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / illustrated throughout.
Pub Date: 01/15/2006 Not available

Cabinet 18: Fictional States
Cabinet 18: Fictional States
Essays by William Bryk, George Pendle, David Levi Strauss and Michael Taussig. From the perfectly organized island nation of Sir Thomas More's Utopia to the idealized mountain stronghold of Eldorado visited by the naive hero of Voltaire's Candide, the idea of the fictional state--utopian or dystopian, satirical >>more

ISBN 9781932698145
US $10.00 CAN $12.50 TRADE
Paperback, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / illustrated throughout.
Pub Date: 10/15/2005 Not available

Cabinet 17: Laughter
Cabinet 17: Laughter
Edited by Sina Najafi. Essays by Jesse Lerner, Paul Lukas, Steve Rowell, Daniel Heller-Roazen,, Sven-Olov Wallenstein, Margaret Wertheim and Slavoj Zizek. An uninhibited guffaw or a nervous giggle, a derisive snicker or the malign “bwahahaa” of the comic strip villain--each form suggests that laughter has many sources of inspiration. This issue of Cabinet addresses the cultural >>more

ISBN 9781932698138
US $10.00 CAN $12.50 TRADE
Paperback, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / illustrated throughout.
Pub Date: 04/15/2005 Not available

Cabinet 16: The Sea
Cabinet 16: The Sea
Edited by Sina Najafi. Essays by Margaret Cohen, Mark Dery, Spencer Finch, Jeffrey Kastner, Keller Easterling, Christopher Turner and Gregory Whiteread. The countless relationships, real and metaphorical, between humans and the sea reflect our dependency on, and anxiety over, its unfathomable power and vastness. The ocean is the primary medium for global trade, but the lair >>more

ISBN 9781932698121 978-1-932698-12-1
US $10.00 CAN $14.95 TRADE
Paperback, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs / illustrated throughout.
Pub Date: 01/15/2005 Not available

Cabinet 15: The Average Issue
Cabinet 15: The Average Issue
Edited by Sina Najafi and Paul Fleming. Essays by Eva Geulen, Paul Fleming and Matthew Klam. Interviews with Jürgen Link and Theodore Porter. Coined by the Belgian statistician Adolphe Quetelet in 1835, the term “average man” evokes both contentment and anxiety. In some sense an inverted history of the genius, the story of the average has had a >>more

ISBN 9781932698114 978-1-932698-11-4
US $10.00 CAN $14.95 TRADE
Paperback, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 128 pgs / illustrated throughout.
Pub Date: 11/02/2004 Not available

Cabinet 14: The Doubles Issue
Cabinet 14: The Doubles Issue
Edited by Sina Najafi, Viktor Mazin and Olesya Turkinu. Essays by Luc Sante, Shelley Jackson, John Strausbaugh, Joseph Grigely, Alex Nagel, Allen Weiss, et al. On the theme of “the Doppelganger,” Cabinet collaborates with Kabinet, a Russian journal of art and cultural theory based in Saint Petersburg. The collaborative themed section includes a comparison of American astronauts and Soviet cosmonauts; >>more

ISBN 9781932698107 978-1-932698-10-7
US $10.00 CAN $14.95 TRADE
Paperback, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 128 pgs.
Pub Date: 07/02/2004 Not available

Cabinet 13: Histories Of The Future
Cabinet 13: Histories Of The Future
Edited by Sina Najafi. Essays by Ben Marcus, Joseph Masco, Dan Rosenberg and David Levi Strauss. We have been living through boom times for the future. Even during the relative calm before the escalating storms of 2001, our cultures and industries collaborated in a remarkable proliferation of words and images about >>more

ISBN 9781932698091
US $10.00 CAN $12.50 TRADE
Paperback, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 128 pgs.
Pub Date: 06/02/2004 Not available

Cabinet 12: The Enemy
Cabinet 12: The Enemy
Edited by Sina Najafi. Essays and Fiction by Anne Carson, Jonathan Ames, Weiner Norbert, John Peffer, Lynne Tillmann and Wolfgang Schivelbusch The Enemy may be another country, another person, a virus, or a social phenomenon. On the theme of The Enemy: an interview with Harvard science historian Peter Galison on cybernetics pioneer Norbert Weiner and his >>more

ISBN 9781932698084 978-1-932698-08-4
US $10.00 CAN $14.95 TRADE
Paperback, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 128 pgs.
Pub Date: 02/02/2004 Not available

Cabinet 11: Flight
Cabinet 11: Flight
Artwork by Jonathan Herder, Christina Kubisch, Gordon Monahan, Ester Partegas, Marina Rosenfeld, Nedko Solakov, Roger Andersson, Luca Buvoli, David Byrne. Text by Sara Harris, Slavoj Zizek, Ronald Jones, Albert Mobilio. >>more

ISBN 9781932698077
US $10.00 CAN $12.50 TRADE
Paperback, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 128 pgs
Pub Date: 01/02/2004 Not available

Cabinet 10: Property
Cabinet 10: Property
Artwork by Sandow Birk, Matthew Northridge, John Pilson, Clara Williams, Leon Golub, Paul Noble, Danica Phelps, Sophie Ristelhueber. Edited by Gregory Williams. Text by Mark Dery, Romy Golan, Marcia Tanner, Carey Young. >>more

ISBN 9781932698060
US $10.00 CAN $12.50 TRADE
Paperback, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 128 pgs
Pub Date: 01/02/2004 Not available

Cabinet 09: Childhood
Cabinet 09: Childhood
Artwork by John Hudak, Julia Loktev, Helen Mirra, Annika von Hausswolff, Eyal Weizman, Marcel Dzama, Wendy Ewald, Byron Kim. Contributions by Alla Rosenfeld, Rodney Phillips. Text by Regine Basha, Thomas Beller, Pamela Jackson, Shelley Jackson, Gregory Whitehead. >>more

ISBN 9781932698053
US $10.00 CAN $12.50 TRADE
Paperback, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 128 pgs
Pub Date: 01/02/2004 Not available

Cabinet 08: Pharmacopia
Cabinet 08: Pharmacopia
Artwork by Reed Anderson, Vadim Fishkin, Richard Massey, Chloe Piene, Ruth Root. Photographs by Nicholas Kahn, Richard Selesnick. Contributions by Shahzia Sikander. Text by Sasha Archibald, Andrew Hultkrans, Barry Sanders, Jocko Weyland, Peter Lamborn Wilson, Albert Mobilio, David Levi Strauss. >>more

ISBN 9781932698046
US $10.00 CAN $12.50 TRADE
Paperback, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 128 pgs
Pub Date: 01/02/2004 Not available

Cabinet 06: Horticulture
Cabinet 06: Horticulture
Artwork by Paul Ramirez Jonas, Laura Stein, Olav Westphalen, Lisa Young, Rachel Harrison, Alan Sonfist. Photographs by Justine Kurkland. Text by Paul Collins, Nils Norman, Mierle Ukeles, Jesse Lerner, Frances Richard. >>more

ISBN 9781932698022 978-1-932698-02-2
US $10.00 CAN $14.95 TRADE
Paperback, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 128 pgs.
Pub Date: 01/02/2004 Not available

Cabinet 03: Weather
Cabinet 03: Weather
Artwork by Joe Amrhein, Maria Blondeel, Spencer Finch, Allan Lamb, Gordon Monahan, Jenny Perlin, Chris Watson, Olafur Eliasson, Douglas Gordon, Vik Muniz, Matthew Ritchie. Photographs by Joel Sternfeld. Edited by Jeffrey Kastner. >>more

ISBN 9781932698015
US $10.00 CAN $12.50 TRADE
Paperback, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 112 pgs.
Pub Date: 01/02/2004 Not available

Cabinet 01: Invented Languages
Cabinet 01: Invented Languages
By Christian Bàk. Artwork by Xu Bing, Charles McCaffery, David Scher. Photographs by Justine Kurland. Text by Jonathan Ames, David Batchelor, Laura Kurgan, Allen Weiss, Gregory Whitehead, Charles Bernstein. Cabinet is a quarterly magazine of art and culture that confounds expectations of what is typically meant by the words "art," "culture," and even sometimes "magazine." Like the 17th-century cabinet of curiosities to which its >>more

ISBN 9781932698008
US $10.00 CAN $12.50 TRADE
Paperback, 7.75 x 9.75 in. / 96 pgs.
Pub Date: 01/02/2004 Not available