Published by Charta/Irish Museum of Modern Art. Foreword by Enrique Juncosa. Text by Seán Kissane, Dusan I. Bjelic, Medb Ruane, Tony White.
For this project, Irish artist Alan Phelan (born 1968) took italicized words from Slovenian philosopher Slavoj ?i?ek's Fragile Absolutes: Why is the Christian Legacy Worth Fighting For? and used them associatively towards 15 ideas for works realized in a variety of materials and processes, from handcarved marble to video and papier-mâché sculpture.
PUBLISHER Charta/Irish Museum of Modern Art
BOOK FORMAT Hardcover, 9.25 x 11 in. / 268 pgs / 207 color.
PUBLISHING STATUS Pub Date 3/31/2010 No longer our product
DISTRIBUTION D.A.P. Exclusive Catalog: SPRING 2010 p. 133
PRODUCT DETAILS ISBN 9788881587636TRADE List Price: $75.00 CAD $90.00