Published by Spector Books. Edited with text by Kathrin Becker, Ingrid Wagner. Text by Nadja Abt, Katja Kynast, Hanne Loreck, Magdalena Mai, Michaela Melián.
Michaela Melián (born 1956) is a German musician and artist whose latest project, Red Threads, combines historical research with a transmedial layering of image, sound and text to explore the life and legacy of the Argentine-born East German Marxist revolutionary Tamara Bunke.
Published by Walther König, Köln. Foreword by Dr. Brigitte Reinhardt, Bart van der Heide. Text by Stella Rollig, Jan Verwoert.
Artist and musician Michaela Melián makes installations that develop acoustic composition and film into larger systems of fact, anecdote and theory. In addition to recent works, this volume documents the work "Speicher," a polyvocal collage of sounds and images about travel developed for the Ulmer Museum in 2008.