Published by SKIRA. Edited by Serubiri Moses. Catalogue raisonné compiled by Bjorn Stern.
Working across a wide range of materials, Reza Aramesh (born 1970) examines simultaneously the history of Western European art and contemporary commentary on the politics and history of global conflict zones, merging a unique visual language to address the contemporary conditions of violence and its precarious relation to mediation.
Published by Damiani. Introduction by Milovan Farronato. Text by Media Farzin, Milovan Farronato, Eugenio Viola.
In 2013, Iranian artist Reza Aramesh (born 1970) installed five sculptures in five nightclubs in New York City. The sculptures, which drew on media images of violence and conflict, were exhibited in boxes and viewable through keyholes. This book documents the project's conception and progress.