| Philip BrookmanMuseum Exhibition Catalogues, Monographs, Artist's Projects, Curatorial Writings and Essays
| | MONOGRAPHS & CATALOGS  Philip Brookman: RedlandsSTEIDLClth, 6 x 9 in. / 208 pgs / illustrated throughout. | 5/26/2015 | In stock $45.00
 Gordon Parks: The New TideSTEIDL/GORDON PARKS FOUNDATION/NATIONAL GALLERY OF ARTThe emergence of a social conscience in rarely seen images from Parks' formative years Clth, 9.75 x 11.5 in. / 304 pgs / 42 color / 126 bw. | 11/20/2018 | Out of stock $65.00
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| | | Early Work 1940–1950Published by Steidl/Gordon Parks Foundation/National Gallery of Art. Edited by Peter W. Kunhardt, Jr., Philip Brookman. Foreword by Peter W. Kunhardt, Jr., Earl A. Powell III. Introduction by Sarah Lewis. Text by Maurice Berger, Philip Brookman, Richard J. Powell, Deborah Willis.Focusing on new research and access to forgotten pictures, The New Tide, Early Work 1940–1950 documents the importance of these years in shaping Gordon Parks' passionate vision. The book brings together photographs and publications made during the first and most formative decade of his 65-year career. During the 1940s Parks' photographic ambitions grew to express a profound understanding of his cultural and political experiences. From the first photographs he published in Saint Paul, Minnesota, and his relationship to the Chicago Black Renaissance, to his mentorship with Roy Stryker and his breakthrough work for America's influential picture magazines—including Ebony and Life—this book traces Parks' rapid evolution from an accomplished, self-taught practitioner to a groundbreaking artistic and journalistic voice. Gordon Parks was born into poverty and segregation in Fort Scott, Kansas, in 1912. An itinerant laborer, he worked as a brothel pianist and railcar porter, among other jobs, before buying a camera at a pawnshop, training himself and becoming a photographer. During his storied tenures photographing for the Farm Security Administration (1941–45) and Life magazine (1948–72), Parks evolved into a modern-day Renaissance man, finding success as a film director, writer and composer. The first African American director to helm a major motion picture, he helped launch the blaxploitation genre with his film Shaft (1971). He wrote numerous memoirs, novels and books of poetry, and received many awards, including the National Medal of Arts, and more than 50 honorary degrees. Parks died in 2006. BOOK FORMAT Clth, 9.75 x 11.5 in. / 304 pgs / 42 color / 126 bw. PUBLISHING STATUS Pub Date 11/20/2018 Active DISTRIBUTION D.A.P. Exclusive Catalog: FALL 2018 p. 16 PRODUCT DETAILS ISBN 9783958294943 TRADE List Price: $65.00 CAD $92.00 AVAILABILITY Out of stock STATUS: Out of stock Temporarily out of stock pending additional inventory. |
Published by Steidl. Text by Philip Brookman.Redlands weaves together an intimate sequence of photographs and a short story by Philip Brookman, set in California, Mexico and New York City during the unsettled decades of the 1960s and 1970s. Brookman uses fiction and images from his own photographic diaries to create a first-person account of Kip, an artist who wanders back and forth between farmworkers and poets—between California and New York—seeking to question the meaning of his mother's death. When Kip learns that he can't trust the eyewitness accounts of his sister, he picks up a camera to find meaning in his own experience. By juxtaposing the oppositional strategies of fiction and documentary practice to find an invented narrative, Redlands questions the veracity of logical observation and embraces the poetry of the real world.
BOOK FORMAT Clth, 6 x 9 in. / 208 pgs / illustrated throughout. PUBLISHING STATUS Pub Date 5/26/2015 Active DISTRIBUTION D.A.P. Exclusive Catalog: FALL 2014 p. 205 PRODUCT DETAILS ISBN 9783869306865 TRADE List Price: $45.00 CAD $60.00 AVAILABILITY In stock Free Shipping UPS GROUND IN THE CONTINENTAL U.S. FOR CONSUMER ONLINE ORDERS |
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