Edited by Germano Celant. Introduction by Miuccia Prada. Preface by Miuccia Prada, Patrizio Bertelli. Text by Gwen L. Allen, Pierre Bal Blanc, Claire Bishop, Benjamin H.D. Buchloh, Charles Esche, Boris Groys, Jens Hoffmann, Chus Martínez, Glenn Phillips, Christian Rattemeyer, Dieter Roelstraete, Anne Rorimer, Terry Smith, Mary Anne Staniszewski, Francesco Stocchi, Jan Verwoert. Interviews with Thomas Demand, Rem Koolhaas.
Clth, 8.75 x 11.5 in. / 700 pgs / illustrated throughout. | 9/30/2013 | Not available $120.00
Essays by Georges Bataille, Dan Cameron, Salvador Dalí, Milan Kundera, Domique Laporte, Gerardo Mosquera, Dieter Roelstraete, Peter Sloterdijk and Peter Bexte.
Hardcover, 9.25 x 12 in. / 152 pgs / 143 color. | 2/2/2002 | Not available $35.00
Published by Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago. Foreword by Madeleine Grynsztejn. Text by Dieter Roelstraete, Mark Godfrey, Janine Mileaf, Simon Starling.
British conceptual artist Simon Starling (born 1967) interrogates the histories of art and science, as well as other subjects such as economic and environmental issues, through a wide variety of media including film, installation and photography. Published for his first survey exhibition at a major American museum, Simon Starling: Metamorphology highlights a fundamental principle of Starling’s practice: an almost alchemistic conception of the transformative potential of art, or of transformation as art. The Turner Prize–winning artist’s working method constitutes recycling, both literally and figuratively: repurposing existing materials for new, artistic aims; retelling existing stories to produce new historical insights; linking, looping and remaking. This catalogue accompanies an exhibition organized by the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago in tandem with the Arts Club of Chicago, and features essays by MCA Chicago senior curator Dieter Roelstraete, Arts Club of Chicago executive director Janine Mileaf in collaboration with Simon Starling, and Tate Modern curator Mark Godfrey.
PUBLISHER Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago
BOOK FORMAT Hardcover, 8 x 10 in. / 96 pgs / 70 color.
PUBLISHING STATUS Pub Date 7/31/2014 Out of stock indefinitely
DISTRIBUTION D.A.P. Exclusive Catalog: SPRING 2014 p. 114
PRODUCT DETAILS ISBN 9781938922350TRADE List Price: $35.00 CAD $47.50 GBP £30.00
Published by Ludion. Edited by Nav Haq. Text by Okwui Enwezor, Nav Haq. Interview by Dieter Roelstraete.
Kerry James Marshall (born 1955) is widely admired for his painterly and sculptural explorations of Afro-American identity and history, and his attendant critiques of art history and the art economy. Among his well-known works are Rhythm Mastr, a comic book that transposes African mythology to a contemporary city; the Garden Project, which draws on the idyllic-sounding names given to housing projects; the Lost Boys series, which portrays young, disenfranchised black men; and his gigantic stamps of Black Power slogans. "I've always wanted to be a history painter on the grand scale of Giotto and Géricault," he once said, and he has created many mural-sized canvases interweaving heroic and everyday aspects of recent Afro-American history. This monograph offers the largest retrospective of his works in all media, from painting and sculpture to collage, photography and installation. Limited stock available.
Published by JRP|Ringier. Edited by Fanni Fetzer. Text by Mauricio Dias, Fanni Fetzer, Chantal Pontbriand, Walter Riedweg, Dieter Roelstraete.
Brazilian artist Mauricio Dias (born 1964) and Swiss artist Walter Riedweg (born 1955) have worked in collaboration since 1993, exploring issues such as human subjectivity and otherness through video, performance and installation. This monograph presents a complete overview of the duo’s diverse oeuvre.
Published by Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago. Foreword by Madeleine Grynsztejn. Text by Dieter Roelstraete, Adam Szymczyk, Grant Watson, Goshka Macuga.
Goshka Macuga: Exhibit, A accompanies the first museum survey exhibition of the work of Polish-born, London-based artist Goshka Macuga (born 1967). Macuga’s practice is located at the intersection of two strands that have done much to define the landscape of contemporary art in the last decade: on the one hand, an increasing interest in research--specifically of the archival, historical kind--and on the other, a growing concern with strategies of display and the blurring of boundaries between artistic and curatorial practice. Many of Macuga’s large-scale, research-intensive projects have been collaborative in character, and the resultant installations regularly incorporate the work of other artists, both living and dead. The exhibition at the MCA is the first to map her trajectory since the early 2000s, featuring a selection of works and emphasizing the medium of collage, both two- or three-dimensional. The third in MCA Chicago’s MCA Monographs series, Goshka Macuga: Exhibit, A is the most comprehensive documentation of the artist’s work to date and features newly commissioned essays by Dieter Roelstraete, MCA Manilow Senior Curator; Adam Szymczyk, Director of Kunsthalle Basel; and Grant Watson, Senior Curator and Research Associate at Iniva, London.
PUBLISHER Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago
BOOK FORMAT Hardcover, 8 x 10 in. / 112 pgs / 32 color / 24 bw / 7 gatefolds.
PUBLISHING STATUS Pub Date 3/31/2013 Out of stock indefinitely
DISTRIBUTION D.A.P. Exclusive Catalog: SPRING 2013 p. 109
PRODUCT DETAILS ISBN 9781938922107TRADE List Price: $30.00 CAD $40.00 GBP £27.00
Published by Fondazione Prada. Edited by Germano Celant. Introduction by Miuccia Prada. Preface by Miuccia Prada, Patrizio Bertelli. Text by Gwen L. Allen, Pierre Bal Blanc, Claire Bishop, Benjamin H.D. Buchloh, Charles Esche, Boris Groys, Jens Hoffmann, Chus Martínez, Glenn Phillips, Christian Rattemeyer, Dieter Roelstraete, Anne Rorimer, Terry Smith, Mary Anne Staniszewski, Francesco Stocchi, Jan Verwoert. Interviews with Thomas Demand, Rem Koolhaas.
In a daring act of historical reconstruction, the curator Germano Celant, in dialogue with Thomas Demand and Rem Koolhaas, has recreated Harald Szeemann’s epochal Live in Your Head: When Attitudes Become Form, held at the Bern Kunsthalle in 1969, and installed by Celant at the magnificent Ca’ Corner della Regina in Venice in June–November 2013. Szeemann’s show was a dialogue with the Bern Kunsthalle, and Celant has reprised its spirit by placing the works in dialogue with the Ca’ Corner della Regina--a very different building, in its Venetian grandeur, to the Kunsthalle. This publication is divided into three parts: the first reproduces photo documentation of the original exhibit, the second compiles essays and interviews on Celant’s project and the third includes the installation views of the show in Venice. The book is completed by a "Register" of works included in both shows.
Published by Mousse Publishing. Edited by Jens Hoffmann. Foreword by Milovan Farronato. Text by Peter Eleey, Elena Filipovic, Juan A. Gaitán, Sofía Hernández Chong Cuy, Maria Lind, Chus Martínez, Jessica Morgan, Adriano Pedrosa, João Ribas, Dieter Roelstraete.
It has become almost obligatory to introduce a book on curating by noting the plethora of recent publications on the subject. How, in just a few short years, did we reach this point of saturation? What questions, exactly, do all these books address? Many attempt to offer an overview of the curatorial field as it exists today, or attempt to map its historical trajectory. Others propose a series of case studies under a common curatorial theme. All are hoping to contribute to this relatively new discipline and its accompanying canon. Edited by Jens Hoffmann, Ten Fundamental Questions of Curating offers a real critique of existing publications and modes of thinking by explicitly asking the questions that others have missed, ignored or deemed already answered: What is a curator? What is the public? What is art? What about collecting? What is an exhibition? Why mediate art? What to do with the contemporary? What about responsibility? What is the process? How about pleasure? Here, Peter Eleey, Elena Filipovic, Juan A. Gaitán, Sofía Hernández Chong Cuy, Maria Lind, Chus Martínez, Jessica Morgan, Adriano Pedrosa, João Ribas and Dieter Roelstraete each propose and then address one question. Ten Fundamental Questions of Curating takes a back-to-basics approach--a return to a kind of zero-degree state--at a time when a recalibration of what a curator is and does seems both necessary and urgent.
BOOK FORMAT Paperback, 6 x 9.5 in. / 144 pgs.
PUBLISHING STATUS Pub Date 10/31/2013 Out of stock indefinitely
DISTRIBUTION D.A.P. Exclusive Catalog: SPRING 2014 p. 146
PRODUCT DETAILS ISBN 9788867490530TRADE List Price: $27.50 CAD $37.50
Published by Ludion. Edited by Anders Kreuger. Introduction by Dieter Roelstraete. Text by Giuliana Bruno, Tim Griffin, Vivian Sky Rehberg, Steven Jacobs. Interview by Elisabeth Lebovici.
This retrospective monograph documents the career of director Chantal Akerman (born 1950), who made her breakthrough in 1975 with Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles, a film about the everyday activities of a housewife. Her work since then has continued to investigate ideas of biography, gender, identity and memory.
Published by Verlag für moderne Kunst. Text by Maria Lind, Friedemann Malsch, Dieter Roelstraete, Bettina Baumgärtel.
Swedish installation artist Matts Leiderstam (born 1956) takes art history itself as his material, specifically portrait and landscape painting of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Using simple optical instruments (color filters, magnifying glasses, slide projections and computer animations, Leiderstam exposes buried narratives in these works, presenting his discoveries as archives and archival installations.
In this stunning monograph, the internationally acclaimed Belgian painter Luc Tuymans opens up and reveals, in the form of Polaroids, film stills and other source documents, what has up until now been a largely hidden part of his artistic practice--thereby making it possible to chart both the subjects that fascinate him and his rather idiosyncratic working processes. On the one hand, Tuymans' methods are influenced by photographic techniques. The artist would, however, immediately deny this, claiming that the more than 1,000 Polaroids he has used as the basis for his paintings are not photographs--for the emulsion and the chemical formation of the image behave very differently in each. On the other hand, Tuymans' paintings are imbued with cinematic techniques such as the close-up, slow motion, montage and animation. He draws inspiration from cinematic techniques to load the painted image with topicality and pertinence. This volume, whose reproductions were extensively edited by the artist himself, unravels the anatomy of Tuymans' treatment of images. It is an essential addition to any contemporary art library. Tuymans is represented in New York by David Zwirner gallery.
Published by Ludion. Essays by Dieter Roelstraete and Honore d'O.
This story d'O is a long one. The Belgian conceptual, video and installation artist has packed some 1000 images, along with text, into these 800 pages. The tale is enigmatic, the meanings of the varying shapes ambiguous, but like previous works of his (the sculpture Mammy made of cooking and cleansing utensils; a video of the Himalayas that showed him appearing to top a peak with toothpaste), the work is playful, humorous, lively and interactive. Often, the images here seem to be in motion of their own accord, but if you want to watch them really move, pick up some popcorn and pop in the accompanying DVD.
BOOK FORMAT Hardcover, 6.5 x 9 in. / 800 pgs / 1000 color.
PUBLISHING STATUS Pub Date 8/15/2005 No longer our product
DISTRIBUTION D.A.P. Exclusive Catalog: FALL 2005 p. 145
PRODUCT DETAILS ISBN 9789055445479TRADE List Price: $60.00 CAD $70.00
Published by Charta. Essays by Jan Hoet and Dieter Roelstraete.
Greek-born artist Jannis Kounellis is often identified with the Italian Arte Povera movement, though he had already made a name for himself in the Roman art scene of the early 1960s before allying himself to that movement in 1967. Using materials then considered unusual (such as wool, coal, live animals and plants), and blessed with a keen sixth sense for combining them, Kounellis worked to eliminate ideological boundaries between life and art, ethics and aesthetics, creation and production, the social and the individual. In the 1970s and 1980s, Kounellis continued to build this vocabulary of materials, introducing smoke, shelving units, coffee and coal. Kounellis's exemplary artistic odyssey and his more than four decades of fervent and impassioned activity are here surveyed on the occasion of his first large-scale exhibition in Belgium.
BOOK FORMAT Paperback, 9 x 11.5 in. / 240 pgs / 7 bw / 146 duotone.
PUBLISHING STATUS Pub Date 8/2/2002 No longer our product
DISTRIBUTION D.A.P. Exclusive Catalog: FALL 2002
PRODUCT DETAILS ISBN 9788881583867TRADE List Price: $39.95 CAD $50.00
Published by Rectapublishers. Essays by Georges Bataille, Dan Cameron, Salvador Dalí, Milan Kundera, Domique Laporte, Gerardo Mosquera, Dieter Roelstraete, Peter Sloterdijk and Peter Bexte.
Borrowing its name from the ancient sewer in Rome, Belgian conceptualist Wim Delvoye's new and improved "Cloaca" is a room-sized shit-making machine whose bowels process two meals a day, serving up a mouthful of complex themes: scatalogy and disgust, high and low culture, man as machine and vice-versa, and the inversion of art semiotics. Many of these same concerns are processed in Delvoye's other work, like the life-sized carved walnut replica of a cement truck, the wood cabinet stocked with 32 circular saw blades painted with scenes in Delft China blue, and a herd of pigs tatooed by Antwerp's finest needle-men. Feces and other anal subjects are parsed in accompanying essays by such luminaries as Milan Kundera, Gerardo Mosquera, Dan Cameron, Georges Bataille and Salvador Dali.
PUBLISHER Rectapublishers
BOOK FORMAT Hardcover, 9.25 x 12 in. / 152 pgs / 143 color.
PUBLISHING STATUS Pub Date 2/2/2002 Out of print
DISTRIBUTION D.A.P. Exclusive Catalog: SPRING 2002
PRODUCT DETAILS ISBN 9789090153872TRADE List Price: $35.00 CAD $40.00