26010 Greenfield Avenue
(between 10 Mile & 11 Mile Roads)
Oak Park, MI 48237
Phone: 248-968-1190
Email: info@thebookbeat.com
Daily: 12-10PM
| | | Book BeatThe Book Beat has been serving the metro-Detroit area since August of 1982, offering one of the best selections in the area for literature, arts and children’s books. The store is an important resource for parents, educators, artists and writers.
The Book Beat has sponsored hundreds of adult and children’s authors from across the country and overseas, offering an opportunity for the public to meet and experience writers and their books first hand. A small backroom gallery at Book Beat has exhibited many internationally known artists and photographers.
Over the years the Book Beat has published small catalogs in art, photography, along with poetry books, music, buttons and posters. For over 15 years, the Book Beat has sponsored a local reading group specialized in world lit, classics and books in translation. Meetings are usually on the last Wednesday of the month. Book Beat opened in the Detroit Metro area before any of the large chain stores arrived and before Amazon began. In 2012, at Book Expo in New York, the Book Beat was recognized by the National Women’s Book Association and awarded the Pannell Prize, for being one of the best general bookstores in the country specializing in children’s books.
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