City of Artists: Baltimore Published by BmoreArt. Edited by Cara Ober, Ed Berlin. Foreword by Asma Naeem, Julia Marciari-Alexander. Introduction by Cara Ober. Text by Laura Lippman, Madison Smartt Bell, D. Watkins, Scott Shane. Epilogue by Ed Berlin. Creative direction by Raquel Castedo. A paean to Baltimore’s creative spirit, penned by its resident authors and visual artists Baltimore has fostered literary and artistic excellence for over a century. City of Artists chronicles this cultural legacy, collectively exploring why “Charm City” remains a verdant site for significant creative production. In essays by award-winning writers and in artwork by nationally recognized visual artists, City of Artists offers a kaleidoscopic view of a city that has been largely misunderstood, but passionately loved by those who choose to live there. This book offers a definitive take on Baltimore’s art scene that is both witty and inspiring.
Artists and contributors include: Derrick Adams, Rafael Alvarez, Madison Smartt Bell, Doreen Bolger, Sheri Booker, Schroeder Cherry, Se Jong Cho, Alyssa Dennis, Oletha DeVane, Celeste Doaks, E. Doyle-Gillespie, Michael Anthony Farley, Kondwani Fidel, Erin Fostel, Jerrell Gibbs, J.M. Giordano, Lane Harlan, Phaan Howng, Lori Johnson, Jeffrey Kent, Chelsea Lemon Fetzer, Laura Lippman, Stanley Mazaroff, Jackie Milad, Edgar Reyes, Joyce J. Scott, Scott Shane, Ron Tanner, Jordan Tierney, René Trevińo, John Waters, D. Watkins.