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Federico Diaz: Outside Itself
Text by Eleanor Heartney, Alanna Heiss.
Czech artist Frederico Diaz (born 1971) uses contemporary computer technology to devise extraordinary works of kinetic art that respond to their audience. This volume documents an interactive installation composed of thousands of black spheres assembled by two robots. Optical sensors monitor the viewers--their movements and even the color of their clothing--to create a data stream that directs the robots.
FORMAT: Pbk, 5.75 x 8.5 in. / 116 pgs / illustrated throughout. LIST PRICE: U.S. $27.50 LIST PRICE: CANADA $32.5 ISBN: 9788881588220 PUBLISHER: Charta AVAILABLE: 4/30/2012 DISTRIBUTION: D.A.P. RETAILER DISC: TRADE PUBLISHING STATUS: No longer our product AVAILABILITY: Not available
Published by Charta. Text by Eleanor Heartney, Alanna Heiss.
Czech artist Frederico Diaz (born 1971) uses contemporary computer technology to devise extraordinary works of kinetic art that respond to their audience. This volume documents an interactive installation composed of thousands of black spheres assembled by two robots. Optical sensors monitor the viewers--their movements and even the color of their clothing--to create a data stream that directs the robots.