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Raymundo Sesma: Campo Expandido
Text by Fortunato D'Amico, Daniel Garza Usabiaga, Ambra Polidori, Aldo Colonetti, Raymundo Sesma, Graciela Kasep Ibáñez.
Gathered in this volume is work from the past five years by Mexican artist Raymundo Sesma, focusing on the artist's graphically bold multidisciplinary interventions. These works are site-specific responses to particular architectural elements.
FORMAT: Hbk, 9.25 x 11.5 in. / 288 pgs / 582 color / 13 b&w. LIST PRICE: U.S. $77.95 LIST PRICE: CANADA $95 ISBN: 9788881587346 PUBLISHER: Charta AVAILABLE: 10/31/2009 DISTRIBUTION: D.A.P. RETAILER DISC: TRADE PUBLISHING STATUS: No longer our product AVAILABILITY: Not available
Published by Charta. Text by Fortunato D'Amico, Daniel Garza Usabiaga, Ambra Polidori, Aldo Colonetti, Raymundo Sesma, Graciela Kasep Ibáñez.
Gathered in this volume is work from the past five years by Mexican artist Raymundo Sesma, focusing on the artist's graphically bold multidisciplinary interventions. These works are site-specific responses to particular architectural elements.