Edited with text by Meike Behm. Text by Georgia Gardner Gray, Steven Warwick.
The paintings of Georgia Gardner Gray celebrate the gender values of bohemia
New York–born, Berlin-based artist Georgia Gardner Gray (born 1988) populates her paintings with punks, groupies or street musicians, overturning hierarchies between the sexes. This publication collects her paintings and performance scripts.
STATUS: Out of stock
Temporarily out of stock pending additional inventory.
FORMAT: Pbk, 8.75 x 11.5 in. / 176 pgs / 97 color. LIST PRICE: U.S. $30.00 LIST PRICE: CANADA $45 ISBN: 9788867493821 PUBLISHER: Mousse Publishing AVAILABLE: 10/22/2019 DISTRIBUTION: D.A.P. RETAILER DISC: FLAT40 PUBLISHING STATUS: Active AVAILABILITY: Out of stock TERRITORY: NA LA AFR ME
Published by Mousse Publishing. Edited with text by Meike Behm. Text by Georgia Gardner Gray, Steven Warwick.
The paintings of Georgia Gardner Gray celebrate the gender values of bohemia
New York–born, Berlin-based artist Georgia Gardner Gray (born 1988) populates her paintings with punks, groupies or street musicians, overturning hierarchies between the sexes. This publication collects her paintings and performance scripts.