Golda and Meyer Marks Cobra Collection NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale Published by Skira. Text by Katja Weitering, Willemijn Stokvis, Karen Kurczynski, Renée Steenbergen, Linda Nathan Marks, Brenda Zwart. The NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale collection of Cobra art includes more than 1,600 works and is the largest American museum collection of Cobra works, thanks in large part to Golda and Meyer Marks donating their collection from 1978 until their deaths in 1998 and 1991, respectively. Comprised of the artists Asger Jorn, Pierre Alechinsky, Karel Appel, Constant and Corneille, Cobra was born as an art collective in 1948, named for its artists’ home cities (Copenhagen, Brussels, Amsterdam). Cobra art is raw, vital, spontaneous, political and filled with dynamic abstract and semi-abstract forms. Recent study of the movement has led to a greater understanding of how acts of artistic resistance may influence current events. This monograph includes text by renowned experts in the field, 150 illustrations and detailed entries on 29 artists.