| | BOOK FORMAT Clth, 9 x 11 in. / 72 pgs / illustrated throughout. PUBLISHING STATUS Pub Date 10/31/2011 Out of print DISTRIBUTION D.A.P. Exclusive Catalog: FALL 2011 p. 96 PRODUCT DETAILS ISBN 9788415303176 TRADE List Price: $55.00 CAD $65.00 AVAILABILITY Not available | TERRITORY WORLD Excl LA Spain | | THE SPRING 2025 ARTBOOK | D.A.P. CATALOG  | Preview our SPRING 2025 catalog, featuring more than 500 new books on art, photography, design, architecture, film, music and visual culture.
| | | Graciela Iturbide: No Hay Nadie, There is No-OneText by Óscar Pujol.
Graciela Iturbide (born 1942) is Latin America's most internationally admired photographer, as her receipt of the 2008 Hasselblad Foundation award confirmed. Although she is best known for her serial portrayals of her native Mexico, one of Iturbide's most popular individual photographs is “Perros Perdidos” (or “Lost Dogs” ), an image of several dogs in silhouette on a rocky outcrop taken in India in 1998. Graciela Iturbide: No Hay Nadie/There Is No-Onereveals the Mexican photographer's extended explorations in (mostly) cities in the north of India--Varanasi, Delhi and Calcutta, as well as Bombay--over the past 13 years. Iturbide's black-and-white images are strikingly at ease with their subject matter, able to locate arrangements of objects, architectural outline and urban signage without ever lapsing into visual tourism.
| | | | |  | RMISBN: 9788419233691 USD $70.00 | CAD $102 UK £ 60Pub Date: 4/9/2024 Active | In stock
|  | Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporainISBN: 9782869251618 USD $55.00 | CAD $75Pub Date: 5/3/2022 Active | In stock
|  | RMISBN: 9788416282814 USD $39.00 | CAD $52.5 UK £ 36Pub Date: 3/28/2017 Active | Out of stock
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