25 Works, 25 Voices 25 Benchmark Works Built in Latin America in the Last 25 Years That Have Resisted the Onslaught of Time with Dignity Published by Arquine. Edited with text by Miquel Adrià, Andrea Griborio. Text by Tatiana Bilbao, Alejandro Echeverri, Alejandro Guerrero G., Andrea Soto Morfín, et al. Outstanding examples of Latin American architecture from the last 25 years Arquine, a Mexico City–based digital and print platform, has kept abreast of global architecture for the last quarter century. This volume gathers 25 extraordinary works constructed in Latin America over the last 25 years, highlighting points in the development of the discipline that have withstood the test of time. The 25 architects featured—including Alejandro Echeverri, Alejandro Guerrero G., Andrea Soto Morfín, Camilo Restrepo Ochoa, Carlos Jiménez, Cristóbal Molina Baeza, Elisa Silva, Ernesto Betancourt, Francisco Díaz, Francisco Pardo, Giancarlo Mazzanti, Guillermo Hevia García and Hernán Díaz Alonso—have been invited to choose and write about a project. The projects selected hail from numerous countries and represent an array of architectural styles and philosophies.
This compendium expands the discourse surrounding 20th- and 21st-century architecture, analyzing the political and social implications of practicing architecture in Latin America.