| | PUBLISHER Palace EditionsBOOK FORMAT Hardback, 9.75 x 12 in. / 191 pgs / 193 color. PUBLISHING STATUS Pub Date 2/1/2008 Out of print DISTRIBUTION D.A.P. Exclusive Catalog: SPRING 2008 p. 182 PRODUCT DETAILS ISBN 9783938051429 TRADE List Price: $55.00 CAD $65.00 AVAILABILITY Not available | TERRITORY *not available | | THE SPRING 2025 ARTBOOK | D.A.P. CATALOG  | Preview our SPRING 2025 catalog, featuring more than 500 new books on art, photography, design, architecture, film, music and visual culture.
| | | PALACE EDITIONSGrisha Bruskin: AlefbetTapestry Project
This volume documents Grisha Bruskin’s monumental, multi-part “Alefbet” tapestry project, recently completed in collaboration with a host of Russian artisanal weavers. Populated by 160 mythological characters indexed in a detailed glossary, the tapestries are united by themes from Biblical, mythological, Kabbalistic and folklore traditions, as interpreted by this important Russian Jewish artist.
| | | | OF RELATED INTEREST |  State Russian MuseumISBN: 9783935298001 USD $50.00 | CAD $60Pub Date: 2/2/2002 No longer our product | Not available
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