Candida Höfer: Haus Ludwig Published by Moderne Kunst Nürnberg. Edited by Barbara Engelbach. Preface by Kaspar König, Isabel Pfeiffer-Poensgen. Text by Eduard Beaucamp, Barbara Engelbach. In Haus Ludwig, Candida Höfer (born 1944), internationally renowned for her photographs of museums and libraries, documents the private collection and interiors of the house of Irene and Peter Ludwig in Aachen, Germany. The collection itself contains a wealth of works by European modernist greats such as August Macke, Fernand Léger, Henri Matisse, Lyonel Feininger and Alexej von Jawlensky, as well as by postwar American Pop-era artists such as Roy Lichtenstein, Jasper Johns and Jackson Pollock. On the occasion of the transfer of nine works from Aachen to the Museum Ludwig, Höfer was invited to portray the unique intertwining of art and architecture at the house, as well as its many special architectural features-old doors, glass panels, grates and ceramic tiles.