Harun Farocki: Against What Against Whom Published by Walther König, Köln. Edited by Antje Ehmann, Kodwo Eshun. Foreword by Alex Sainsbury. Text by Harun Farocki, Michael Baute, Jammes Benning, Nicole Brenez, Sabeth Buchmann, Alice Creischer, Diederich Diederichsen, George Didi-Hubermann, et al. The first monograph on the prolific German filmmaker, video artist and author Harun Farocki (born 1944), Against What? Against Whom? compiles a complete filmography, beginning with Farocki's early Marxist educational films, “Direct Cinema” works and his film-essays, and more recent installations that draw on a variety of found footage. Against What also contains a checklist of installations alongside over 20 essays from a variety of admirers and a new essay by Farocki himself, which combines reflections on his own films with a short history of film-making in West Germany over the past 40 years.