Roman Ondák: Guide Published by Walther König, Köln. Edited by Eric Mangion, Hemma Schmutz, Andrea Viliani. Text by Luca Cerizza, Max Delany, Silvia Eibmayr, Luigi Fassi, Ryan Gander, Francesco Garutti, Patricia Grzonka, Jens Hoffmann, Adam Kleinman, Simone Menegoi, Vivian Rehberg, Elodie Royer, Chris Sharp, Andrea Viliani. This attractive artist’s book presents a “guide” to works produced by Slovakian Conceptual artist Roman Ondák (born 1966) from 2007 to 2011. Organized by the city in which it was presented, each work is represented by photographic documentation and a brief description by a curator, journalist or fellow artist.