The Parachute Paradox tells the life story of Berlin-based artist Steve Sabella (born 1975), who was born in Jerusalem’s Old City and raised under Israeli occupation. After living through both intifadas, being kidnapped in Gaza and learning to navigate Palestinian and Israeli culture, Sabella has found himself feeling in exile at home.
During the war on Gaza in 2014, he released the statement of empowerment “A Declaration of Independence” which stated, “From this day onward, I declare that I am a citizen of planet earth and beyond. I am from everywhere and nowhere. No geography or culture defines me.”
Blurring fact and fiction, love and loss, this gorgeously designed memoir traces one man’s arduous search for liberation from within, through a confrontation with his colonized imagination.
FORMAT: Hbk, 6.5 x 9.25 in. / 304 pgs. LIST PRICE: U.S. $45.00 LIST PRICE: CANADA $60 ISBN: 9783735603050 PUBLISHER: Kerber AVAILABLE: 2/28/2017 DISTRIBUTION: D.A.P. RETAILER DISC: TRADE PUBLISHING STATUS: Out of print AVAILABILITY: Not available TERRITORY: NA LA ME
The Parachute Paradox tells the life story of Berlin-based artist Steve Sabella (born 1975), who was born in Jerusalem’s Old City and raised under Israeli occupation. After living through both intifadas, being kidnapped in Gaza and learning to navigate Palestinian and Israeli culture, Sabella has found himself feeling in exile at home.
During the war on Gaza in 2014, he released the statement of empowerment “A Declaration of Independence” which stated, “From this day onward, I declare that I am a citizen of planet earth and beyond. I am from everywhere and nowhere. No geography or culture defines me.”
Blurring fact and fiction, love and loss, this gorgeously designed memoir traces one man’s arduous search for liberation from within, through a confrontation with his colonized imagination.