99 Photographs Published by Lars Müller Publishers. Edited with text by Peter Pfrunder, Teresa Gruber. Text by Madleina Deplazes, Lea Fuhrer, Teresa Gruber, Catharina Hanreich, Sascha Renner, Helene Rüegger, Georg Sütterlin. Highlights from the collection of the Fotostiftung Schweiz in Winterthur Since 1971, the Fotostiftung Schweiz has been collecting archives of photographers and masterpieces of photographic history. Its 50th anniversary now gives rise to a curated look at this collection. Here, well-known icons stand next to unknown artists, pioneers of color photography next to Netcam photographers.
Photographers include: Guido Baselgia, Manuel Bauer, Hans Baumgartner, Werner Bischof, Kurt Blum, Marcel Bolomey, Walter Bosshard, Barnabás Bosshart, Marianne Breslauer, Emil Brunner, Balthasar Burkhard, René Burri, Françoise and Daniel Cartier, Kurt Caviezel, Pio Corradi, Jean-Luc Cramatte, Yvan Dalain, Barbara Davatz, Jules Decrauzat, Roberto Donetta, Gertrud Dübi-Müller, Hermann Eidenbenz, Ruth Erdt, Nicolas Faure, Gertrude Fehr, Wilhelm Felber, Hans Finsler, Robert Frank, Theo Frey, Jean Gaberell, Werner Gadliger, Karl Geiser, Georg Gerster, Philipp Giegel, Martin Glaus, Rob Gnant, Henriette Grindat, Yvonne Griss, René Groebli, Armin Haab, Ernst A. Heiniger, Hugo Paul Herdeg, Roger Humbert, Martin Hürlimann, Martin Imboden, Jean-Pascal Imsand, Monique Jacot and Hugo Jaeggi.