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Women House
Edited by Camille Morineau, Lucia Pesapane. Foreword by Susan Fisher Sterling, Sylvain Rousseau. Introduction by Judi Chicago. Text by Flavia Frigeri, Gill Perry, Lucia Pesapane, Gabriele Schor, et al.
Inspired by Judy Chicago and Miriam Schapiro's landmark 1972 installation and performance space Womanhouse, and featuring work by 36 international artists, Women House challenges conventions about gender and the domestic space. Womanhouse was the first female-centered art installation to appear in the Western world. In Women House, women artists working from the 1960s to today examine the persistence of stereotypes about the house as a feminine space through photography, sculpture, installation and video works. In Walking House (1989), Laurie Simmons creates a playful yet disconcerting image of the female body being consumed by expectations. Laure Tixier's series Plaid House (Maquette) (2005–11) explores domestic architecture from worldwide cultures in felt sculptures that resemble miniature residential homes, tents, towers or high-rise buildings.
STATUS: Out of stock
Temporarily out of stock pending additional inventory.
FORMAT: Hbk, 9.25 x 12 in. / 208 pgs / 89 color / 49 duotone. LIST PRICE: U.S. $40.00 LIST PRICE: CANADA $54 ISBN: 9782917217931 PUBLISHER: Manuella Editions AVAILABLE: 8/28/2018 DISTRIBUTION: D.A.P. RETAILER DISC: TRADE PUBLISHING STATUS: Active AVAILABILITY: Out of stock TERRITORY: NA ONLY
Published by Manuella Editions. Edited by Camille Morineau, Lucia Pesapane. Foreword by Susan Fisher Sterling, Sylvain Rousseau. Introduction by Judi Chicago. Text by Flavia Frigeri, Gill Perry, Lucia Pesapane, Gabriele Schor, et al.
Inspired by Judy Chicago and Miriam Schapiro's landmark 1972 installation and performance space Womanhouse, and featuring work by 36 international artists, Women House challenges conventions about gender and the domestic space. Womanhouse was the first female-centered art installation to appear in the Western world. In Women House, women artists working from the 1960s to today examine the persistence of stereotypes about the house as a feminine space through photography, sculpture, installation and video works. In Walking House (1989), Laurie Simmons creates a playful yet disconcerting image of the female body being consumed by expectations. Laure Tixier's series Plaid House (Maquette) (2005–11) explores domestic architecture from worldwide cultures in felt sculptures that resemble miniature residential homes, tents, towers or high-rise buildings.