Leonard Rosoman Published by Royal Academy of Arts. Text by Tanya Harrod. Drawing on the artist’s substantial and fascinating archive, renowned design historian Tanya Harrod puts into context the many strands of the work of British artist Leonard Rosoman (1913–2012). The range of Rosoman’s output is extraordinary, encompassing his time in the Auxiliary Fire Service in London during the early years of the Second World War and as an Official War Artist in the Far East in 1945, his work for the theater and as an illustrator, painter and teacher, and his large-scale murals for the Archbishop of Canterbury's restored chapel at Lambeth Palace and at Burlington House, home of the Royal Academy, an institution of which he was an integral part for over half a century. In her engaging assessment of Rosoman’s remarkable achievements throughout his long career, Harrod gives the reader a thorough grasp of this underrated artist and his world.