Carolee Schneemann: Split Decision Published by CEPA Gallery. Text by Thomas McEvilley, Jim Drobnick, Caroline Koebel. This volume collects works from two recent Schneemann exhibitions. Buffalo's CEPA Gallery focused on the themes of War, Erotics and Felines, while featuring Schneemann's best-known works, including "Interior Scroll," "Vulva's Morphia," and her films, Fuse and Meat Joy. And Toronto's Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art addressed Schneemann's history of working in Canada, also presenting three recent, large-scale, multi-channel video installations, "Devour," "SNAFU" and "Video Rocks," as well as large scale prints. Exploring Schneemann's career from different historical and political perspectives to expand critical awareness of her oeuvre, this volume documents a wide range of works and includes essays by leading art scholar Thomas McEvilley, Canadian art critic Jim Drobnick and Buffalo-based media artist Caroline Koebel.