The Saskia Olde Wolbers Files: And While I Have Been Lying Here Perfectly Still
And while I Have Been Lying Here Perfectly Still
Edited by Michael Maranda. Text by Philip Monk.
Olde Wolbers' videos are as much about the fabrication of fictions as they are fantastical stories. Similarly, this volume is a fiction about the fabrication of fictions: artworks are treated at an interpretative remove through genres of fiction and examined as psychological case studies.
FORMAT: Pbk, 4.5 x 7 in. / 136 pgs / 111 color / 2 b&w. LIST PRICE: U.S. $20.00 LIST PRICE: CANADA $27.95 GBP £17.50 ISBN: 9780921972532 PUBLISHER: Art Gallery of York University AVAILABLE: 8/31/2009 DISTRIBUTION: D.A.P. RETAILER DISC: TRADE PUBLISHING STATUS: Out of print AVAILABILITY: Not available TERRITORY: WORLD
The Saskia Olde Wolbers Files: And While I Have Been Lying Here Perfectly Still And while I Have Been Lying Here Perfectly Still
Published by Art Gallery of York University. Edited by Michael Maranda. Text by Philip Monk.
Olde Wolbers' videos are as much about the fabrication of fictions as they are fantastical stories. Similarly, this volume is a fiction about the fabrication of fictions: artworks are treated at an interpretative remove through genres of fiction and examined as psychological case studies.